After Years Of Stagnant Wages The Poor Are Starting To Fight Back

Whatever you want to call it, you are doing it and poor people arent.

they are complaining about their wages. they are going to be replaced and it will by the fault of people like you that made them your useful idiots

congrats; how do you sleep at night?

Election year diversions:

War on Women
Income Equality
War on Corporations
Immigration Reform
Minimum Wage Hike
BLM Land
Global Warming/Global Cooling/ Global Climate Change/More Hurricanes/Less Hurricanes/Flooding /Droughts/More Tornadoes

Anything to keep the eyes off the ball

You left out hash tags.
Pointing out how the strike is not going to achieve its objectives hardly qualifies as complaining.

Just sayin'.

Whatever you want to call it, you are doing it and poor people arent.

Then why are they threatening to strike?


Again.. fuck 'em.


Exactly So now Boe sees what I'm talking about. There's no concern for the poor so stop pretending poor people not being able to get a McDouble for a few hours is "hurting" poor people :lol:
Govt is consuming the prosperity in this country. Address that, and the terrible policies in this and previous administrations. Our energy policy for starters is harmful to us all. WE NEED JOBS.
After years of watching the middle class disappear due to the enormous tax breaks for the wealthy and destroying the Unions we are starting to see a serious unrest.

I mean seriously, who really minds paying an extra $.25 for a Big Mac and $.10 for an order of fries? Just think of the boost it would be to the economy if lower wage workers had more money to spend and created more demand which is how you REALLY grow an economy. Because we all have seen how Trickle Down has worked. :eusa_whistle:

U.S. fast-food workers plan to walk off jobs to protest low pay

I care. Since you don't get to dictate whether anyone does but you, STFU about even that amount not being a big deal.

Let me keep more of my money I've earned and the economy with grow. If anyone should spend it, it should be the one that made it not some POS that wants it handed to him.
The problem that a large minimum wage raise creates is that other wages would necessarily have to go up as well. If I've worked at a restaurant for two years and moved up from dishwasher at $7 an hour to prep cook at $9 an hour I'm not going to be happy if the disher gets a raise to $15 and I get the same $15 because I have more skills than the new guy washing dishes and therefore I deserve more $ than they do. So if you pay THEM $15 an hour...I'm going to demand $18 an hour! The line cook that made $11 an hour? He's going to demand $22. The sous chef that made $18 an hour? He's going to demand $36!

So explain to me how it is that we're NOT going to see an explosion in labor costs (that obviously will be passed along to consumers) and instant price inflation?
Why stop at $15 an hour? Why not $150 or $200 per hour? Think of all the money these unskilled workers would have then!!

Invest in wheelbarrows, Zander...'cause that's what it will take to haul around all the money it's going to take to pay for things!

After years of watching the middle class disappear due to the enormous tax breaks for the wealthy and destroying the Unions we are starting to see a serious unrest.

I mean seriously, who really minds paying an extra $.25 for a Big Mac and $.10 for an order of fries? Just think of the boost it would be to the economy if lower wage workers had more money to spend and created more demand which is how you REALLY grow an economy. Because we all have seen how Trickle Down has worked. :eusa_whistle:

U.S. fast-food workers plan to walk off jobs to protest low pay

Who the hell do you think you are determining what someone other than yourself minds doing with their money.
After years of watching the middle class disappear due to the enormous tax breaks for the wealthy and destroying the Unions we are starting to see a serious unrest.

I mean seriously, who really minds paying an extra $.25 for a Big Mac and $.10 for an order of fries? Just think of the boost it would be to the economy if lower wage workers had more money to spend and created more demand which is how you REALLY grow an economy. Because we all have seen how Trickle Down has worked. :eusa_whistle:

U.S. fast-food workers plan to walk off jobs to protest low pay

Hmmmm, they should becareful what they wish for.

McDonald's restaurants in Europe will soon be swapping the chain's legendary "service with a smile" with "service with a beep." European McDonald's restaurants are preparing to replace cashiers with touch screen computers at terminals where customers will be able to order up their hamburgers and fries and pay with credit cards.
About 7,000 of the fast food franchise's locations in the United Kingdom will be fitted with the touch screen technology, which aims to make the McDonald's experience more convenient and accommodating.
At McDonald's: Cashiers out, computers in - Technology & science - Innovation | NBC News

That'll give the left some ammunition to get their panties all in a wad.

Bet they get the order correct more often.
Where do they get off labeling people, poor?

I swear libs can't just leave people alone. If SOMEONE think's they're poor they can get a second job, negotiate for more pay, etc. It's not up to others to get you out of BEING POOR for crying out loud

Just MYOB stop USING people for your rotten agendas
Where do they get off labeling people, poor?

I swear libs can't just leave people alone. If SOMEONE think's they're poor they can get a second job, negotiate for more pay, etc. It's not up to others to get you out of BEING POOR for crying out loud

Just MYOB stop USING people for your rotten agendas
How do you negotiate for higher pay when illegals drive wages down and it is the corporate/fascist govt that allows them into the US in the first place?
Why all the hostility towards working people? The 1% can do whatever they want to get more income but when the working class wants a raise they are just out of line and need a spanking.
After years of watching the middle class disappear due to the enormous tax breaks for the wealthy and destroying the Unions we are starting to see a serious unrest.

I mean seriously, who really minds paying an extra $.25 for a Big Mac and $.10 for an order of fries? Just think of the boost it would be to the economy if lower wage workers had more money to spend and created more demand which is how you REALLY grow an economy. Because we all have seen how Trickle Down has worked. :eusa_whistle:

U.S. fast-food workers plan to walk off jobs to protest low pay

Su vida es muy chingada.
The stuff is overpriced as is, and these people are already artificially overpaid for the quality of their performance.
After years of watching the middle class disappear due to the enormous tax breaks for the wealthy and destroying the Unions we are starting to see a serious unrest.

I mean seriously, who really minds paying an extra $.25 for a Big Mac and $.10 for an order of fries? Just think of the boost it would be to the economy if lower wage workers had more money to spend and created more demand which is how you REALLY grow an economy. Because we all have seen how Trickle Down has worked. :eusa_whistle:

U.S. fast-food workers plan to walk off jobs to protest low pay

Su vida es muy chingada.
The stuff is overpriced as is.
I can make shi-tay food at home at a fraction of the price it is sold at...
After years of watching the middle class disappear due to the enormous tax breaks for the wealthy and destroying the Unions we are starting to see a serious unrest.

I mean seriously, who really minds paying an extra $.25 for a Big Mac and $.10 for an order of fries? Just think of the boost it would be to the economy if lower wage workers had more money to spend and created more demand which is how you REALLY grow an economy. Because we all have seen how Trickle Down has worked. :eusa_whistle:

U.S. fast-food workers plan to walk off jobs to protest low pay

I care. Since you don't get to dictate whether anyone does but you, STFU about even that amount not being a big deal.

Let me keep more of my money I've earned and the economy with grow. If anyone should spend it, it should be the one that made it not some POS that wants it handed to him.

What's the matter dude? You so fucking poor that spending an extra dollar on your fast food would hurt?
Poor baby. Get a skill and get a good paying job.

And let you KEEP more of your hard earned dollars eh? Dude you already established in another thread that at your income level you get back every dollar in income tax you paid in.

Like you spending you piddly ass income is gonna grow the economy. LMAO.

WTF is "with grow"?
Remember Papa Johns warned everyone that his pizza will have to go up a whooping 10-14 cents? lmao

If it goes up a penny because some low skilled worker is being handed something he/she doesn't deserve, that's too much.

No one cares if you think they deserve it or not. The sooner republicans realize there is no remote control for others the better arguments they'll make
After years of watching the middle class disappear due to the enormous tax breaks for the wealthy and destroying the Unions we are starting to see a serious unrest.

I mean seriously, who really minds paying an extra $.25 for a Big Mac and $.10 for an order of fries? Just think of the boost it would be to the economy if lower wage workers had more money to spend and created more demand which is how you REALLY grow an economy. Because we all have seen how Trickle Down has worked. :eusa_whistle:

U.S. fast-food workers plan to walk off jobs to protest low pay
Which tax braket enjoyed the largest relief from the Bush cuts??which one ??hint it wasn't the "rich"
Remember Papa Johns warned everyone that his pizza will have to go up a whooping 10-14 cents? lmao

If it goes up a penny because some low skilled worker is being handed something he/she doesn't deserve, that's too much.

No one cares if you think they deserve it or not. The sooner republicans realize there is no remote control for others the better arguments they'll make

When you bleeding hearts realize that someone with shitty skills deserves nothing more than a shitty wage, the better off this country will be. Since I do the paying, I'm the only one that matters whether I think they deserve it. If those piss ants would do half as much to better themselves as they do whining about someone giving them something, they would have to whine. They'd be better off.

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