Against DeSantis’ smarts & energy, the Democrats would be running President Senile Dementia & VP whose sole credentials are that she's a black woman

He has a persecution complex , says so , himself , " They're all out to get me ! " how often have you heard that and ignored that plea for help. He also has a superiority complex , " I know better than the generals , I know better than the specialists and doctors, I know better than the scientists and as we all know he knows better than the meteorologists as he pointed out with his Sharpie marking pen on a weather map. Can't empathize with others, once saw him speak at a funeral. The first couple sentences were about the deceased then the remaining diatribe was all about himself. The guy has so many problems it's impossible to list them all and separate them and that's why he's such a mess. Ignore it until he goes completely and utterly insane ; I really don't care , this is all on you guys. You enabled this monster and you will destroy him too.
Oh heavens NO, they're not all out to get him. They just accused him of Russian collusion (fake), a long list of fabricated "crime" (fake),
being an outsourcer (fake), cheating people with Trump University (fake), setting him up in Access Hollywood and then misquoting him (fake), trying to assassinate him (twice - real). That's all!

And Trump cant have a superiority complex because his IS superior to almost everyone in America. He had a top rated TV show, was POTUS for 4 years, is a multibillionaire, owns mansions and golf courses, and flys around in a 757 private jet. Superior.
And Trump cant have a superiority complex because his IS superior to almost everyone in America.
He's such a a good liar and con artist he has you believing he is persecuted and smarter than everyone else. He won't take an IQ test for that reason. Ever wonder why he talks like a 4th. or 5th. grade bully. Lower than normal IQ.
He's such a a good liar and con artist he has you believing he is persecuted and smarter than everyone else. He won't take an IQ test for that reason. Ever wonder why he talks like a 4th. or 5th. grade bully. Lower than normal IQ.
Sounds like someone is being duped by con artists all right. YOU, by the leftist media.
Ho hum. yawn**** :rolleyes:
You’re a slow learner, aren’t you? I’m not here to answer your questions. I want to know why you support a criminal rapist?

No you don't, because you know he's NOT a criminal rapist.
Why do you support those who falsely accuse him of that?
Not my info.
I referred to the information you didnt post, but right now I'm involved with more important things .
RIGHT THIS MINUTE, here in Tampa, we are being walloped by Hurricane Helene, now a category 4 hurricane, and the eye is only 99 miles from us.
That was just one case AND 34 convictions. That doesn’t include when he was judged to have engaged in business fraud or when it was adjudicated that he committed sexual assault. He thinks it was OK, because he did with his finger!


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