Agree? "If Putin is allowed to succeed in Ukraine, that threatens all of us." - UK's Ambassador to the U.S.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
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The whole interview is interesting, but that statement is at 17 45.

"If Putin is allowed to succeed in Ukraine, that threatens all of us, including the U.S., and it certainly emboldens China. And I dont think anyone in the U.S. wants to see that."

Let's analyze that. First of all, Joe Biden must not have been in the U.S. when she made that last statment, because Joe Biden just spent an entire presidential term embolding China as a side hustle to his job of POTUS.

Maybe someone can explain to me how Russia succeeding in the Ukraine threatens the U.S. more than Russia succeeding in the Crimea, which Democrats had no problem with Obama allowing?

Maybe they an explain to me why, if Trump is a Putin Puppet, Putin invaded Crimea under Obama, no country under Trump and then Ukraine under Biden.

I get that the Brits have a lot of nostalgia about the First World War and the Second World War. Suddenly, they were relevant again. They'd love to defend Fascists against Russia, instead of Russia against fascists, just for a change of pace.

But, really. Do they think anyone will be around to be nostalgic about World War III if they bring it about through the exact fucking same type web of interlocking defense pacts as got us into WWI and WWII?

But, I'm glad there is all this talk about Trump completely cutting off Ukrainian aid. Might be what is needed to get that little dictator to the negotiating table to save his country from complete anexation into Russia.

At 19:00, Ambassador Pierce resists the "journalist's" attempt to pull her into Trump derangement by saying that a pro-Russia figure "talks to Donald Trump." She tells the host that Trump is his own man, which are probably the truest words that could be strung together in English.
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The whole interview is interesting, but that statement is at 17 45.

"If Putin is allowed to succeed in Ukraine, that threatens all of us, including the U.S., and it certainly emboldens China. And I dont think anyone in the U.S. wants to see that."

Let's analyze that. First of all, Joe Biden must not have been in the U.S. when she made that last statment, because Joe Biden just spent an entire presidential term embolding China as a side hustle to his job of POTUS.

Maybe someone can explain to me how Russia succeeding in the Ukraine threatens the U.S. more than Russia succeeding in the Crimea, which Democrats had no problem with Obama allowing?

Maybe they an explain to me why, if Trump is a Putin Puppet, Putin invaded Crimea under Obama, no country under Trump and then Ukraine under Biden.

I get that the Brits have a lot of nostalgia about the First World War and the Second World War. Suddenly, they were relevant again. They'd love to defend Fascists against Russia, instead of Russia against fascists, just for a change of pace.

But, really. Do they think anyone will be around to be nostalgic about World War III if they bring it about through the exact fucking same type web of interlocking defense pacts as got us into WWI and WWII?

But, I'm glad there is all this talk about Trump completely cutting off Ukrainian aid. Might be what is needed to get that little dictator to the negotiating table to save his country from complete anexation into Russia.

"If Putin is allowed to succeed in Ukraine, that threatens all of us."



"If Putin is allowed to succeed in Ukraine, that threatens all of us."


Worst reply I've seen in a long time. Can't even give you a "nice try" for that one.

Why didn't Russia succeeding in the Crimea "threaten all of us?"
Why didn't Russia succeeding in the Crimea "threaten all of us?"
DO YOU think that 🇷🇺 appeasement will work this time ?


The feud between Lesser and Greater Russia is of no concern to US interests.
Good thing France didn't hold the same opinion in the Revolutionary War when Lesser Great Britain was feuding with Greater Great Britain.
Europe has a bad habbit of starting World Wars. This is no different.

Negotiate a dang peace settlement.
The feud between Lesser and Greater Russia is of no concern to US interests.
pure 🇷🇺 RT propaganda

the reality : Muscovy was formed on lands with finno-ugric peoples like Merya, Mordvins, Muroma etc. And from slavic culture this country had only Mongol version of old-bulgarian language ( religion related texts ). Much more in common Muscovites have with Ugric , Karelian, Tatar , etc. cultures AND Muscovy should remove from East Slavic culture group.


The whole interview is interesting, but that statement is at 17 45.

"If Putin is allowed to succeed in Ukraine, that threatens all of us, including the U.S., and it certainly emboldens China. And I dont think anyone in the U.S. wants to see that."

Let's analyze that. First of all, Joe Biden must not have been in the U.S. when she made that last statment, because Joe Biden just spent an entire presidential term embolding China as a side hustle to his job of POTUS.

Maybe someone can explain to me how Russia succeeding in the Ukraine threatens the U.S. more than Russia succeeding in the Crimea, which Democrats had no problem with Obama allowing?

Maybe they an explain to me why, if Trump is a Putin Puppet, Putin invaded Crimea under Obama, no country under Trump and then Ukraine under Biden.

I get that the Brits have a lot of nostalgia about the First World War and the Second World War. Suddenly, they were relevant again. They'd love to defend Fascists against Russia, instead of Russia against fascists, just for a change of pace.

But, really. Do they think anyone will be around to be nostalgic about World War III if they bring it about through the exact fucking same type web of interlocking defense pacts as got us into WWI and WWII?

But, I'm glad there is all this talk about Trump completely cutting off Ukrainian aid. Might be what is needed to get that little dictator to the negotiating table to save his country from complete anexation into Russia.

At 19:00, Ambassador Pierce resists the "journalist's" attempt to pull her into Trump derangement by saying that a pro-Russia figure "talks to Donald Trump." She tells the host that Trump is his own man, which are probably the truest words that could be strung together in English.

Yes, he is correct. Which is why Europe should have been doing much more right from the initial time of invasion.
Europe has a bad habbit of starting World Wars. This is no different.

Negotiate a dang peace settlement.
The USSR´s empire is gone, the Romanov´s 🇷🇺empire is gone. NEVER 2 WITHOUT 3, the Saddam 🇷🇺Putsein ´s empire will follow!
Yes, he is correct. Which is why Europe should have been doing much more right from the initial time of invasion.

putin´s 🇷🇺empire is not here to stay . Chinese academic Deng Xize : "No more Mongol-Muscovy style empire: Thoughts on the war in Ukraine, ...such empires will no longer be tolerated."
... modern technology and the international ethical environment led to the inevitable death of the Mongol-
Muscovite style empire
, while similar empires will
no longer come back.

right on the spot !

The whole interview is interesting, but that statement is at 17 45.

"If Putin is allowed to succeed in Ukraine, that threatens all of us, including the U.S., and it certainly emboldens China. And I dont think anyone in the U.S. wants to see that."

Let's analyze that. First of all, Joe Biden must not have been in the U.S. when she made that last statment, because Joe Biden just spent an entire presidential term embolding China as a side hustle to his job of POTUS.

Maybe someone can explain to me how Russia succeeding in the Ukraine threatens the U.S. more than Russia succeeding in the Crimea, which Democrats had no problem with Obama allowing?

Maybe they an explain to me why, if Trump is a Putin Puppet, Putin invaded Crimea under Obama, no country under Trump and then Ukraine under Biden.

I get that the Brits have a lot of nostalgia about the First World War and the Second World War. Suddenly, they were relevant again. They'd love to defend Fascists against Russia, instead of Russia against fascists, just for a change of pace.

But, really. Do they think anyone will be around to be nostalgic about World War III if they bring it about through the exact fucking same type web of interlocking defense pacts as got us into WWI and WWII?

But, I'm glad there is all this talk about Trump completely cutting off Ukrainian aid. Might be what is needed to get that little dictator to the negotiating table to save his country from complete anexation into Russia.

At 19:00, Ambassador Pierce resists the "journalist's" attempt to pull her into Trump derangement by saying that a pro-Russia figure "talks to Donald Trump." She tells the host that Trump is his own man, which are probably the truest words that could be strung together in English.

I'd opine that both pres. Putin & pres. Trump can work together to stop this senseless war. Russia has a lot to offer in NATURAL RESOURCES as does our USA. Mutual respect for one another can lead to prosperity for both the Russian folks & American folks, like look what this ridiculous Russian/Ukrainian war has co$t the American constituency alone. Russia is not only feeling the co$t but has lost a LOT of military personnel. I have no idea how many Ukrainian military personnel have been lost but I'd hazard a guess that it's in the thousands. Then there remains the civilian casualties which could even include mommas & their little Baboos(not acceptable). The cost to rebuild destroyed Ukrainian cities/towns will tax Ukraine to the max. Stop the war & save our efforts for building a higher standard of living for all!
The only cretins to care about Ukraine are the totally corrupt US senators washing stolen US tax dollars through it, and the fascist democrat base of sexual deviants, neither of whom have yet to encounter a war they don't wish to see Americans pay for or die in! Ukraine is dead meat, Joe Biden and the fascist democrat war machine walked those poor fucking Ukrainians right down the middle of the primrose path, and about 500,000 - 600,000 dead Ukrainians later, all that has been accomplished is the obscene enrichment of those corrupt US senators and their cronies in the military industrial complex!
The whole interview is interesting, but that statement is at 17 45.

"If Putin is allowed to succeed in Ukraine, that threatens all of us, including the U.S., and it certainly emboldens China. And I dont think anyone in the U.S. wants to see that."

Let's analyze that. First of all, Joe Biden must not have been in the U.S. when she made that last statment, because Joe Biden just spent an entire presidential term embolding China as a side hustle to his job of POTUS.

Maybe someone can explain to me how Russia succeeding in the Ukraine threatens the U.S. more than Russia succeeding in the Crimea, which Democrats had no problem with Obama allowing?

Maybe they an explain to me why, if Trump is a Putin Puppet, Putin invaded Crimea under Obama, no country under Trump and then Ukraine under Biden.

I get that the Brits have a lot of nostalgia about the First World War and the Second World War. Suddenly, they were relevant again. They'd love to defend Fascists against Russia, instead of Russia against fascists, just for a change of pace.

But, really. Do they think anyone will be around to be nostalgic about World War III if they bring it about through the exact fucking same type web of interlocking defense pacts as got us into WWI and WWII?

But, I'm glad there is all this talk about Trump completely cutting off Ukrainian aid. Might be what is needed to get that little dictator to the negotiating table to save his country from complete anexation into Russia.

At 19:00, Ambassador Pierce resists the "journalist's" attempt to pull her into Trump derangement by saying that a pro-Russia figure "talks to Donald Trump." She tells the host that Trump is his own man, which are probably the truest words that could be strung together in English.

Germany better stop wasting money on more expensive, less reliable energy and
start spending more on defense.
Agree. What is going on there is a part of the Global war both clandestine and conventional using surrogates. Democracy vs. Fascism which has been going on since WW2.
If European poodles and some in America are really afraid of 'if Putin succeds then we will be next', then they should go and fight with the Ukrainians on the battlefield. If they think sending outdated hardware from the Cold War era stockpiles will be enough, then they are seriously deluded. Bulshitting doesn't help, either.
I disagree. If Russia achieve her goals in Ukraine there are two possible outcomes:
1) Mutually acceptable, reliable peace in Europe is established (after creating the system of equal rights and undivided safety). It will be safer for everyone.
2) The tensions in Europe are increasing. It means, that EU is pushed to spend more money on its defense and those money will go in the USA, which will increase wealth and safety of American citizens.

Exept the situation with some kind of "American Charity" when the USA willingly decrease its own safety by some stupid moves (like direct involvement in the European conflict) it will be win-win situation for the USA.
If European poodles and some in America are really afraid of 'if Putin succeds then we will be next', then they should go and fight with the Ukrainians on the battlefield. If they think sending outdated hardware from the Cold War era stockpiles will be enough, then they are seriously deluded. Bulshitting doesn't help, either.
"Fighting with Ukrainians on the battlefield against Russia" means pretty fast and painful death for them. Russia is ready to raise stakes to limited or even all-out nuclear exchange. Europe and America are not. It means that Russia will win. The only question is how long will it take and what acceptable price Russia is ready to pay (nobody cares about what price will pay Ukrainians).
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