Ahmaud Arbery shooting video was leaked by one of the suspects: report

I guess you ^^^^^ don't understand sarcasm.

"Never argue with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
I guess you ^^^^^ don't understand sarcasm.

"Never argue with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level, then beat you with experience."

I just informed you that your sarcastic remark was correct.

The first of your replies that made any sense. Don't worry, there is no danger in anyone dropping to your level. We recognize a hero when we see one.
One of the shooters was an ex-cop and believed that leaking this video would be good for race relations.

Ahmaud Arbery shooting video was leaked by one of the suspects: report

Viral video of the shooting of unarmed Georgia jogger Ahmaud Arbery was first leaked to the press at the request of the dad now accused of his murder — because he thought it would make him and his son look better.

The ironic shocker — that it was ex-cop Gregory McMichael who leaked the very video that would expose the Arbery shooting to the world, leading to father-son murder charges — was reported Friday by WSB-TV in Atlanta.

The video shows McMichael standing in the back of a pickup truck as his son, Greg, confronts and opens fire on the jogger with a shotgun.

The McMichaels are white, and Arbery was black, and yet the dad, an ex-cop, leaked the video to a radio station two months after the shooting because he thought it would ease rising racial tensions in the South Georgia community of Satilla Shores, WSB-TV reported.
Like I have been saying. That this is one of those false flag operation. I wonder is all of them are actors that has staged a fake killing, like Jussie Smolett had done.

Surprising it was McMichael that leaked the video. But, I don't think it really matters. The case was picking up steam with or without the video. I think most people already had their opinion. I thought those two men were guilty of manslaughter and after the video I'm certain of it. Likewise, those who thought it was self defense watch the video and see self defense. The video just accelerated public rage, but these two men would have been arrested in time anyway.

Based on what I know IMO it's manslaughter, either voluntary or involuntary. But I'm not trying to win an argument. We'll see where this goes as more facts come out.

Why not? The supporters of the suspects on this message board are self-admitted racist assholes.
show me one person thats admitted to being a racist,,,

Your attitudes and actions paint you as a racist or a racist dumbass, one or the other.
but you said "self-admitted racist"
now youre saying its based on actions,,,
Your attitude brands you a racist. Their actions branded the McMichaels as racists.
but you said "self-admitted"

since you cant be honest and tell the truth nothing you say should be believed,,
You questioning the facts constantly is a self-admission that you are a racist. Have a nice day!
if thats how you determine what is and isnt a racist that can only mean youre a racist,,,cause I never said anything about the race of either parties,,,

as for the facts, we only know what we're told and that isnt all the facts,,,but I can go off what I see,,,

and again you said "self-admitted racist" so who on this topic has admitted to being a racist,,
I doubt you will answer that which makes you a liar,,,

Are you a racist or not?
funny thing abourt that is I know everybody is a racist to one extent or another,,,

like in your case you lie about clear evidence to make a white person guilty of lynching a black man which makes you the worst kind of racist,,,

but thanks also for admitting you lied about self-admitting racists,,,

I have not lied about a single thing and you cannot prove I ever did. You cannot make a post without lying about the evidence.
then show me where someone admitted to being a racist,,,
Use of the "N-word" variation has been common throughout these threads
SO you lied and no one admitted to being a racist,,,

thanks for being honest,,,

You know you are one of the most racist bastards on this thread. Will you admit it?
its OK you were finally honest that you lied,,I commend you for it,,,
Let's have some honesty from you. You are a racist bastard. Right? You keep failing to deny it, so it must be true!
Let's have some honesty from you. You are a racist bastard. Right? You keep failing to deny it, so it must be true!

I am not a racist. It is hard to be racist with as diverse a racial background as I have. I would hate every race.

You still refuse to answer. That speaks volumes.
I am not a racist. It is hard to be racist with as diverse a racial background as I have. I would hate every race.

You still refuse to answer. That speaks volumes.
I always knew you were a racist! Chalk one up for my side!

Now.,fuckoff in silence you dumb fucking POS!

The screech of a (worse than) racist as he realizes he has been wrong all along.

This is beauty to the ears, this is what I came here for. Like a symphony.

Now ship McMichael's their awards for bravery.

Well this happens because most liberals don't read or understand the law and they throw around terms like murder and citizens arrest but are so stupid they never actually read the requirements the law has to use those terms.

Trayvon Martin wasn't out to buy skittles

Michael Brown wasn't an innocent shopper

And Arbery wasn't out for a jog
Surprising it was McMichael that leaked the video. But, I don't think it really matters. The case was picking up steam with or without the video. I think most people already had their opinion. I thought those two men were guilty of manslaughter and after the video I'm certain of it. Likewise, those who thought it was self defense watch the video and see self defense. The video just accelerated public rage, but these two men would have been arrested in time anyway.

Based on what I know IMO it's manslaughter, either voluntary or involuntary. But I'm not trying to win an argument. We'll see where this goes as more facts come out.

Why not? The supporters of the suspects on this message board are self-admitted racist assholes.
show me one person thats admitted to being a racist,,,

Your attitudes and actions paint you as a racist or a racist dumbass, one or the other.
but you said "self-admitted racist"
now youre saying its based on actions,,,
Your attitude brands you a racist. Their actions branded the McMichaels as racists.
but you said "self-admitted"

since you cant be honest and tell the truth nothing you say should be believed,,
You questioning the facts constantly is a self-admission that you are a racist. Have a nice day!
if thats how you determine what is and isnt a racist that can only mean youre a racist,,,cause I never said anything about the race of either parties,,,

as for the facts, we only know what we're told and that isnt all the facts,,,but I can go off what I see,,,

and again you said "self-admitted racist" so who on this topic has admitted to being a racist,,
I doubt you will answer that which makes you a liar,,,

Are you a racist or not?
funny thing abourt that is I know everybody is a racist to one extent or another,,,

like in your case you lie about clear evidence to make a white person guilty of lynching a black man which makes you the worst kind of racist,,,

but thanks also for admitting you lied about self-admitting racists,,,

I have not lied about a single thing and you cannot prove I ever did. You cannot make a post without lying about the evidence.
then show me where someone admitted to being a racist,,,
Use of the "N-word" variation has been common throughout these threads
SO you lied and no one admitted to being a racist,,,

thanks for being honest,,,

You know you are one of the most racist bastards on this thread. Will you admit it?
its OK you were finally honest that you lied,,I commend you for it,,,
Let's have some honesty from you. You are a racist bastard. Right? You keep failing to deny it, so it must be true!
Let's have some honesty from you. You are a racist bastard. Right? You keep failing to deny it, so it must be true!

I am not a racist. It is hard to be racist with as diverse a racial background as I have. I would hate every race.

You still refuse to answer. That speaks volumes.
I am not a racist. It is hard to be racist with as diverse a racial background as I have. I would hate every race.

You still refuse to answer. That speaks volumes.
I always knew you were a racist! Chalk one up for my side!

Now.,fuckoff in silence you dumb fucking POS!

The screech of a (worse than) racist as he realizes he has been wrong all along.

This is beauty to the ears, this is what I came here for. Like a symphony.

Now ship McMichael's their awards for bravery.

Well this happens because most liberals don't read or understand the law and they throw around terms like murder and citizens arrest but are so stupid they never actually read the requirements the law has to use those terms.

Trayvon Martin wasn't out to buy skittles

Michael Brown wasn't an innocent shopper

And Arbery wasn't out for a jog
The first two, there was proof. Where is your ulterior motive for Arbery?

Is it all because they are all black? That is OK. You can admit being a racist.
the links been posted in every thread,,,

I'm not here to educate you,,,
Yes you are. I wouldn't even know which thread to search.
If you posted proof that the McMichaels tried to 'just talk to Arbery" then post it again.

You prove they werent
Can't prove a negative, you moron.
You cant debate without hurling insults?

Thats the sign of a lib with a weak intellect and low confidence

btw, in America its the accusers job to prove guilt
We recognize a hero when we see one.

Thank you for calling me a Hero. Well Done.

Now, those trailer trash redneck father and son are going to pay for their actions,
actions have consequences, so-called heroes or not.
Arbrey was no innocent man.
McMichaels made a poor choice, they shall pay too.
btw, in America its the accusers job to prove guilt

The video shows Abrey running/jogging.
And you want me to prove that he wasn't running/jogging.
I think the video proves that he was running/jogging, clearly NOT walking, riding a bike, riding in a car, skateboarding. Show the video, ask the Defense team what they see, the ONLY answer is jogging/running.

Now, you show proof that he was doing something other than running/jogging.
Come on, burden of proof is on you.
btw, in America its the accusers job to prove guilt

The video shows Abrey running/jogging.
And you want me to prove that he wasn't running/jogging.
I think the video proves that he was running/jogging, clearly NOT walking, riding a bike, riding in a car, skateboarding. Show the video, ask the Defense team what they see, the ONLY answer is jogging/running.

Now, you show proof that he was doing something other than running/jogging.
Come on, burden of proof is on you.
I said nothing about arbrey running or jogging

you know very well its your job to prove they meant to kill him
you know very well its your job to prove they meant to kill him

I never said they meant to kill him.
I said Arbery made a bad choice, and it cost him his life.
I said the McMichaels made a choice too, and choices and actions have consequences.
Did they go there and chase him down with the intent to KILL him, I don't think so.
Did they make the CHOICE to track down, chase, and confront Arbery? In FACT they did.
I don't see how you don't see this simple FACT. They did in FACT, track, chase, and confront Arbery.
With those facts, they made some poor choices, one being the Death of another individual.
That choice has a Consequence.
What was to be gained by waiting for the cops and taking a chance on disappearing in a Georgia swamp?
Uh, his life?

In case you have forgotten, Arbrey is dead

So taking direct action was not a smart move on his part
It was just as much a smart move as dealing with a bunch of inbred racists holding him at gunpoint!
You are the racist by judging the McMichaels by their skin color

Yet you said nothing to the guy who said Arbery's mother "should go back to Africa".

People here concluded that Arbery was guilty based on his skin color. Only a complete idiot wouldn't see that.

Here's the bottom line: If this goes to trial they will be found guilty. Gregory McMichael will be sentenced to 20 years to life with the possibility of parole. Travis McMichael, being the driver of the vehicle and the person who decided to stop and exit the truck to confront Arbery with a shotgun will be found guilty and given the death penalty or, if the judge is feeling generous, life without parole.

Personally, I suspect that their attorney(s) will find that the evidence against them is just too insurmountable and advises them to take a deal; admitting to what they did for a reduced sentence.

There's no way in Hell, given everything we've seen, that these two asshats are found not guilty...
Secondly, since when is the punishment for a break and enter death?
Arbery was not punished for breaking and entering

He was punished for trying to take a loaded shotgun away from the other man

what arbry should have done is offer no resistance and let the cops deal with the McMichaels

Or maybe the ex-cop should have let the current, real cops, deal with Arbery.

I think this guy used poor judgement from the beginning. Whatever his plan was, was ill formed. If they sit the rest of their lives in jail will they be happy that they dealt with a guy who was threatening their lives? Or might they think "maybe we should have asked a few questions, got his face on video while staying in our vehicle and THEN if the guy attacks us, it's all on video and we can justify that he was the aggressor"?

As I say, I won't watch the video, so I'm going to assume both scenarios: they got out of their car AND that he went for the gun. Even under those circumstances, how are we to know how HE felt? If he was truly jogging, did he fear for his life from some strange guys boxing him in? If so, it might explain why he went for the gun. Was he a criminal, was he intending to shoot them all and flee? Both situations don't have happy endings and they both end in him going for the gun that THEY brought.

You can take either situation and we will end with the same conclusion, "the ex-cop didn't deal with this properly"
Or maybe the ex-cop should have let the current, real cops, deal with Arbery.
Thats what I have been saying all along

see post #61 and #73

but at the same time Arbrey used poor judgement also

He was practicing a form of street law himself

It's heartening to see you finally admit that McMichael fucked up...

I said that on the first day this story hit the internet

And he needs to pay for that fuck up, as it resulted in a man losing his life. McMichael will be fortunate to have his spared...
you know very well its your job to prove they meant to kill him

I never said they meant to kill him.
I said Arbery made a bad choice, and it cost him his life.
I said the McMichaels made a choice too, and choices and actions have consequences.
Did they go there and chase him down with the intent to KILL him, I don't think so.
Did they make the CHOICE to track down, chase, and confront Arbery? In FACT they did.
I don't see how you don't see this simple FACT. They did in FACT, track, chase, and confront Arbery.
With those facts, they made some poor choices, one being the Death of another individual.
That choice has a Consequence.
We seem to be saying the same thing

I called it the intersection of three stupid people instead of only two as liberals prefer to see it
There's no way in Hell, given everything we've seen, that these two asshats are found not guilty...
I heard and saw many outraged liberals say the same thing about Zimmerman, the Baltimore cops, the shooting of michael brown and other incidents based on distortions or outright lies told by the anti white lib media

and you seldom ever got it right according to the actual juries themselves

OTOH, I am making no predictions either way
The whole premise that Arbery's running gave probable cause or raised suspicion about anything is silly. About a year ago someone broke into a house on my street. Security camera footage showed that it was a white guy, although it was difficult to make out the face.

I see white people running in my neighborhood all the time. Using what passes as "logic" for certain folks here, I should probably get in my car, chase these people down, and shoot them...
No, you should follow them until the cops show up. If the burglar attacks you before they show up, hopefully you are armed.
Liar, there was no burglar.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

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