Ahmaud Arbery shooting video was leaked by one of the suspects: report

Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was
Not only is it a hammer but the driver who is capturing the video actually pans over to the hammer in the road because it was so obvious he threw it, that’s why the video is from Aubrey to the hammer watch it.


Dumbfuck, it's in the road before Arbery got there.


Ohh we’re you there?

No, retard, it's in the video.

The truth does not matter to the Left; what is important is for them to be able to railroad innocent white people into prison, and try and intimidate the rest from defending themselves against black and brown violence and criminal acts. They have no other agenda re this incident. It's important for the Democratic Party and its media to show their pet animals they have the power to protect them when they commit crimes, and demonstrate they will cover for all the hood rats when elected as well, same as Obama and Holder did, and not just protect the Black Panthers or the black racists who start riots for them.

Comments like this are stupid and largely unworthy of comment, aside from letting you know that there is no shortage of conservative gun-owning Trump voters who believe these guys belong in prison...
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was

He committed a burglary even if he didn't take anything. He very much intended to.

They had reasonable suspicion and therefore every right to chase him down.
You have no evidence he intended to. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has ruled lethal force is not justifiable in cases involving stopping someone for stealing property; so even had Arbery stolen something, Travis McMichael still could not use a gun to force Arbery to stop.

And even had Travus not pointed the gun at Arbery, it was still illegal to brandish a firearm intended to get Arbery to stop. I found this, where Georgia was seeking to make such brandishing legal -- meaning it's not legal to do what Travis did...

The shooting was justifiable because Aubrey tried to take the man’s gun he rushed him he attacked him he came across the car at full speed
Nope. Travis McMichael committed a felony in the way he used his gun. Arbery was defending himself from that felony. Georgia law says Travis McMicharl is not allowed to use lethal force to defend himself since he himself committed a felony in trying to illegally detain Arbery.
The truth does not matter to the Left; what is important is for them to be able to railroad innocent white people into prison, and try and intimidate the rest from defending themselves against black and brown violence and criminal acts. They have no other agenda re this incident. It's important for the Democratic Party and its media to show their pet animals they have the power to protect them when they commit crimes, and demonstrate they will cover for all the hood rats when elected as well, same as Obama and Holder did, and not just protect the Black Panthers or the black racists who start riots for them.

Comments like this are stupid and largely unworthy of comment, aside from letting you know that there is no shortage of conservative gun-owning Trump voters who believe these guys belong in prison...

It wasn't worthy of your stupid comment indeed.

The conservatives who believed the media are bunch of fake pussies. Of course, now that more facts have come out they are coming to their senses. Leftists on the other hand can never be reasoned with, they always push for their race bullshit. They are anti-white, anti-American losers of the highest order.
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was
Not only is it a hammer but the driver who is capturing the video actually pans over to the hammer in the road because it was so obvious he threw it, that’s why the video is from Aubrey to the hammer watch it.


Dumbfuck, it's in the road before Arbery got there.


Ohh we’re you there?

No, retard, it's in the video.


yes the hammer a tool is in the video lol and you see the camera man follow the toss. And pans to it on the ground
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.

The Constitution says otherwise...
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was

He committed a burglary even if he didn't take anything. He very much intended to.

They had reasonable suspicion and therefore every right to chase him down.
You have no evidence he intended to. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has ruled lethal force is not justifiable in cases involving stopping someone for stealing property; so even had Arbery stolen something, Travis McMichael still could not use a gun to force Arbery to stop.

And even had Travus not pointed the gun at Arbery, it was still illegal to brandish a firearm intended to get Arbery to stop. I found this, where Georgia was seeking to make such brandishing legal -- meaning it's not legal to do what Travis did...

The shooting was justifiable because Aubrey tried to take the man’s gun he rushed him he attacked him he came across the car at full speed
Nope. Travis McMichael committed a felony in the way he used his gun. Arbery was defending himself from that felony. Georgia law says Travis McMicharl is not allowed to use lethal force to defend himself since he himself committed a felony in trying to illegally detain Arbery.
Where did you see somebody illegally trying to be detained I see a man on the back of a truck on his phone with the cops telling him to stop, lol I see another man in front of the truck saying stop that was attacked almost had his gun stolen, And he defended himself with the hero that he is good men with guns will always win
The truth does not matter to the Left; what is important is for them to be able to railroad innocent white people into prison, and try and intimidate the rest from defending themselves against black and brown violence and criminal acts. They have no other agenda re this incident. It's important for the Democratic Party and its media to show their pet animals they have the power to protect them when they commit crimes, and demonstrate they will cover for all the hood rats when elected as well, same as Obama and Holder did, and not just protect the Black Panthers or the black racists who start riots for them.

Comments like this are stupid and largely unworthy of comment, aside from letting you know that there is no shortage of conservative gun-owning Trump voters who believe these guys belong in prison...

It wasn't worthy of your stupid comment indeed.

The conservatives who believed the media are bunch of fake pussies. Of course, now that more facts have come out they are coming to their senses. Leftists on the other hand can never be reasoned with, they always push for their race bullshit.

The first place I saw that video was on foxnews.com. Then I saw it on CNN, Then I saw it on Breitbart. I probably saw it on no less than half a dozen different websites. You know how many have had commentators or "experts" saying that Travis McMichaels was justified in killing Arbery?

None of them. Not a single one.

The only people saying he was justified are the wanna' be Klan types, like you, here on USMB. You'[re the type of guy who'll be out in front of the courthouse, protesting with a "WHITE LIVES MATTER" sign, demanding their release...
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was

He committed a burglary even if he didn't take anything. He very much intended to.

They had reasonable suspicion and therefore every right to chase him down.
You have no evidence he intended to. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has ruled lethal force is not justifiable in cases involving stopping someone for stealing property; so even had Arbery stolen something, Travis McMichael still could not use a gun to force Arbery to stop.

And even had Travus not pointed the gun at Arbery, it was still illegal to brandish a firearm intended to get Arbery to stop. I found this, where Georgia was seeking to make such brandishing legal -- meaning it's not legal to do what Travis did...

The shooting was justifiable because Aubrey tried to take the man’s gun he rushed him he attacked him he came across the car at full speed
Nope. Travis McMichael committed a felony in the way he used his gun. Arbery was defending himself from that felony. Georgia law says Travis McMicharl is not allowed to use lethal force to defend himself since he himself committed a felony in trying to illegally detain Arbery.
Where did you see somebody illegally trying to be detained I see a man on the back of a truck on his phone with the cops telling him to stop, lol I see another man in front of the truck saying stop that was attacked almost had his gun stolen, And he defended himself with the hero that he is good men with guns will always win

It is legal to detain burglary suspects.
Where did you see somebody illegally trying to be detained I see a man on the back of a truck on his phone with the cops telling him to stop, lol I see another man in front of the truck saying stop that was attacked almost had his gun stolen, And he defended himself with the hero that he is good men with guns will always win

How do you know who he was talking to? Have you been privy to his phone records?

And, just so you know, bad guys with guns win too, sometimes...
The truth does not matter to the Left; what is important is for them to be able to railroad innocent white people into prison, and try and intimidate the rest from defending themselves against black and brown violence and criminal acts. They have no other agenda re this incident. It's important for the Democratic Party and its media to show their pet animals they have the power to protect them when they commit crimes, and demonstrate they will cover for all the hood rats when elected as well, same as Obama and Holder did, and not just protect the Black Panthers or the black racists who start riots for them.

Comments like this are stupid and largely unworthy of comment, aside from letting you know that there is no shortage of conservative gun-owning Trump voters who believe these guys belong in prison...

It wasn't worthy of your stupid comment indeed.

The conservatives who believed the media are bunch of fake pussies. Of course, now that more facts have come out they are coming to their senses. Leftists on the other hand can never be reasoned with, they always push for their race bullshit.

The first place I saw that video was on foxnews.com. Then I saw it on CNN, Then I saw it on Breitbart. I probably saw it on no less than half a dozen different websites. You know how many have had commentators or "experts" saying that Travis McMichaels was justified in killing Arbery?

None of them. Not a single one.

The only people saying he was justified are the wanna' be Klan types, like you, here on USMB. You'[re the type of guy who'll be out in front of the courthouse, protesting with a "WHITE LIVES MATTER" sign, demanding their release...

Yes, I know... you read a lot of fake news outlets.

From what I am seeing, everyone is saying they were justified and Arbery killed himself by charging at a shotgun. I follow those who have eyes and prefer to use them instead of emoting.
Travis McMichaels was justified in killing Arbery?

None of them. Not a single one.
Because they would lose there job, they are being lynched, look at what you’re doing to Candace Owens. She’s getting attacked. Communist racist own the social media, national media. They are lynching the president.. are you not aware of this?
Where did you see somebody illegally trying to be detained I see a man on the back of a truck on his phone with the cops telling him to stop, lol I see another man in front of the truck saying stop that was attacked almost had his gun stolen, And he defended himself with the hero that he is good men with guns will always win

How do you know who he was talking to? Have you been privy to his phone records?

And, just so you know, bad guys with guns win too, sometimes...
Because the phone call with the cops has been released and you can hear him screaming Travis like you can’t hear him scream Travis in the video.
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was

He committed a burglary even if he didn't take anything. He very much intended to.

They had reasonable suspicion and therefore every right to chase him down.
You have no evidence he intended to. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has ruled lethal force is not justifiable in cases involving stopping someone for stealing property; so even had Arbery stolen something, Travis McMichael still could not use a gun to force Arbery to stop.

And even had Travus not pointed the gun at Arbery, it was still illegal to brandish a firearm intended to get Arbery to stop. I found this, where Georgia was seeking to make such brandishing legal -- meaning it's not legal to do what Travis did...

The shooting was justifiable because Aubrey tried to take the man’s gun he rushed him he attacked him he came across the car at full speed
Nope. Travis McMichael committed a felony in the way he used his gun. Arbery was defending himself from that felony. Georgia law says Travis McMicharl is not allowed to use lethal force to defend himself since he himself committed a felony in trying to illegally detain Arbery.
Where did you see somebody illegally trying to be detained I see a man on the back of a truck on his phone with the cops telling him to stop, lol I see another man in front of the truck saying stop that was attacked almost had his gun stolen, And he defended himself with the hero that he is good men with guns will always win

It is legal to detain burglary suspects.

And there's a way to go about doing that.

I mentioned this earlier: There are five levels of force. The concept of escalation of force illustrates that McMichael fucked up royally. He went from the seond level, which is verbal commands, to the fifth level, which is deadly force. He skipped right over the third and fourth levels.

In the absence of Arbery having a weapon when McMichael exited the truck (which he didn't), the third and fourth levels aren't optional...
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was

He committed a burglary even if he didn't take anything. He very much intended to.

They had reasonable suspicion and therefore every right to chase him down.
You have no evidence he intended to. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has ruled lethal force is not justifiable in cases involving stopping someone for stealing property; so even had Arbery stolen something, Travis McMichael still could not use a gun to force Arbery to stop.

And even had Travus not pointed the gun at Arbery, it was still illegal to brandish a firearm intended to get Arbery to stop. I found this, where Georgia was seeking to make such brandishing legal -- meaning it's not legal to do what Travis did...

The shooting was justifiable because Aubrey tried to take the man’s gun he rushed him he attacked him he came across the car at full speed
Nope. Travis McMichael committed a felony in the way he used his gun. Arbery was defending himself from that felony. Georgia law says Travis McMicharl is not allowed to use lethal force to defend himself since he himself committed a felony in trying to illegally detain Arbery.
Where did you see somebody illegally trying to be detained I see a man on the back of a truck on his phone with the cops telling him to stop, lol I see another man in front of the truck saying stop that was attacked almost had his gun stolen, And he defended himself with the hero that he is good men with guns will always win

It is legal to detain burglary suspects.

And there's a way to go about doing that.

I mentioned this earlier: There are five levels of force. The concept of escalation of force illustrates that McMichael fucked up royally. He went from the seond level, which is verbal commands, to the fifth level, which is deadly force. He skipped right over the third and fourth levels.

In the absence of Arbery having a weapon when McMichael exited the truck (which he didn't), the third and fourth levels aren't optional...

You mean Arbery? He went straight for the gun - that is level 5.

Of course he had a right to shoot him at that point. Having legitimate belief that your life is in danger is enough.

All you got is confusions and complications in a desperate attempt to cover over what we all saw with our own eyes. Heroes shooting a criminal who tried to grab their gun.
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was

He committed a burglary even if he didn't take anything. He very much intended to.

They had reasonable suspicion and therefore every right to chase him down.
You have no evidence he intended to. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has ruled lethal force is not justifiable in cases involving stopping someone for stealing property; so even had Arbery stolen something, Travis McMichael still could not use a gun to force Arbery to stop.

And even had Travus not pointed the gun at Arbery, it was still illegal to brandish a firearm intended to get Arbery to stop. I found this, where Georgia was seeking to make such brandishing legal -- meaning it's not legal to do what Travis did...

The shooting was justifiable because Aubrey tried to take the man’s gun he rushed him he attacked him he came across the car at full speed
Nope. Travis McMichael committed a felony in the way he used his gun. Arbery was defending himself from that felony. Georgia law says Travis McMicharl is not allowed to use lethal force to defend himself since he himself committed a felony in trying to illegally detain Arbery.
Where did you see somebody illegally trying to be detained I see a man on the back of a truck on his phone with the cops telling him to stop, lol I see another man in front of the truck saying stop that was attacked almost had his gun stolen, And he defended himself with the hero that he is good men with guns will always win

It is legal to detain burglary suspects.

And there's a way to go about doing that.

I mentioned this earlier: There are five levels of force. The concept of escalation of force illustrates that McMichael fucked up royally. He went from the seond level, which is verbal commands, to the fifth level, which is deadly force. He skipped right over the third and fourth levels.

In the absence of Arbery having a weapon when McMichael exited the truck (which he didn't), the third and fourth levels aren't optional...
It doesn’t matter, you can’t charge a guy with a gun try to take it and not expect to get shot, at no time did Travis attack him, saying stop is not an attack.. your so laser focused on this being a crime you can’t see the obvious self defense
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was

He committed a burglary even if he didn't take anything. He very much intended to.

They had reasonable suspicion and therefore every right to chase him down.
You have no evidence he intended to. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has ruled lethal force is not justifiable in cases involving stopping someone for stealing property; so even had Arbery stolen something, Travis McMichael still could not use a gun to force Arbery to stop.

And even had Travus not pointed the gun at Arbery, it was still illegal to brandish a firearm intended to get Arbery to stop. I found this, where Georgia was seeking to make such brandishing legal -- meaning it's not legal to do what Travis did...

The shooting was justifiable because Aubrey tried to take the man’s gun he rushed him he attacked him he came across the car at full speed
Arbery was legally allowed to defend himself against a threat posed by Travis McMichael.

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.​
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was
Not only is it a hammer but the driver who is capturing the video actually pans over to the hammer in the road because it was so obvious he threw it, that’s why the video is from Aubrey to the hammer watch it.


Dumbfuck, it's in the road before Arbery got there.


Ohh we’re you there?

No, retard, it's in the video.


yes the hammer a tool is in the video lol and you see the camera man follow the toss. And pans to it on the ground

It's not a hammer but even if it was, how did it get there before Arbery?
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was

He committed a burglary even if he didn't take anything. He very much intended to.

They had reasonable suspicion and therefore every right to chase him down.
You have no evidence he intended to. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has ruled lethal force is not justifiable in cases involving stopping someone for stealing property; so even had Arbery stolen something, Travis McMichael still could not use a gun to force Arbery to stop.

And even had Travus not pointed the gun at Arbery, it was still illegal to brandish a firearm intended to get Arbery to stop. I found this, where Georgia was seeking to make such brandishing legal -- meaning it's not legal to do what Travis did...

The shooting was justifiable because Aubrey tried to take the man’s gun he rushed him he attacked him he came across the car at full speed
Arbery was legally allowed to defend himself against a threat posed by Travis McMichael.

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:​
(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.​
Following a serial criminal and asking him to stop is not a or 2.. there was no attempt to apprehension there was no attempt to assault there was no attempt to violently injured AA.. can you prove there was?
Have the construction workers been interviewed yet?
Google is your friend.
Thanks, no they haven’t. I’m sure they might have a different story then the property owner. It’s was the workers tools. Can’t wait for all the evidence to be released hehe

So your defense of these murderers rests upon an imaginary hammer and non-existent evidence.

They are sooo fucked.

You are going to be so fucked when Americans realize that having delusional people who see race everywhere is simply not worth it to have around.

The case has been now repeated ad infinum. Robber tried assaulting a person who was there to detain him, and that's that. Again, someone who defends criminals is not worth having around.
There was no robber. Repeatedly claiming there was a robber will never make it so. Want proof you're lying about him being a robber...? You can't say what he robbed. You can't show him on video robbing anything.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.

He almost certainly took the fishing equipment.

He was a classic street criminal, who you are defending. That's because you are a moron.
"He almost certainly took the fishing equipment."

... of which, you have no proof. All you're doing is making shit up and then casting dispersions based upon your own made up nonsense.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
I think after all the neighbors are interviewed and construction workers, in the full five minute video was released, you will look like a racist fool
Your dementia is getting worse. I said nothing about race. And there’s nothing any neighbor can say that can alter the video which shows three neighbors in 2 vehicles sandwiched Arbery onto a deadly conflict with an armed vigilante.
Lol great story hahah. I see two hero’s following a suspect, first hand knowledge, asking him to stop while on the phone with the cops, and the shooting was justified because he grabbed his gun when he didn’t have to, he attacked when he didn’t have to, there was no attempt to subdue him the police officer remained in the back of the truck if they were going to stop him you would think both men would be out of the truck to tackle him.. they didn’t all they said was stop the police are coming stop the police are coming stop the police are coming

Of what did they have "first hand knowledge?" All they saw was Arbery running. And what cop was in the truck? There were no cops in the truck.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
Owner of Home that Arbery Entered Says the Neighborhood Was on “High Alert” Burglary of Neighbor and Reports of Trespassing

they saw him running from the crime scene

There was no crime scene, ya moron. Nothing was taken. :eusa_doh:

With every post, you prove over and over how mentally retarded you are.
Serial breaking artist, aren’t you listing to the neighbors?
Not a felony.
Neighbors had tools stolen and he was seen with his hands down his pants like he had a gun, he’s a felon
None of those neighbors ever saw him steal anything and putting your hand in your pocket is not a felony.
Again have all the interviews been released yet? NO, but what we can gather from what we know and still pictures, a black man that looks like AA kept coming back to a dwelling, and I haven’t heard a word from any one that owned the equipment ( the construction workers) neighborhoods had tools stolen; and the neighborhood was in high alert, and formed a community policing, they had enough! Time
To follow the felon
There was no felony committed.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
What lie? Is it against the law to follow a serial breaking artist? Yes or no
What lie?? You falsely claimed Arbery committed s felony in that unfinished house. There's zero so far he committed a felony.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie.
No I said he’s a felon, he is, he brought a gun to school to shoot it up. But thankfully he was averted..

But like I said English his neighbor Perez had tools stolen from his truck he told English if you get an alert please let me know! Their property was connected. Their neighborhood was looking out for each other all they wanted to do was follow the guy that Travis confronted previously that would not stop breaking into peoples cars and houses. And the hero’s were attacked
Imbecile, you claim he stole from the unfinished house. Had he done so, he would have committed a felony. Only there's no proof that he did.

Don't run away from your bullshit-- embrace it.
I said they followed a serial break in artist, and they were attacked . End of story he turned out to be a felon, and the hammer I think will be proven to be one of the Construction workers That left it there.. I don’t understand why you’re defending this guy

Leftists always defend criminals because like attracts like.

It wouldn't be surprising if he stole whatever he could get.
They act like this hammer was just in the midddle of the street following someone suspected of stealing tools lol View attachment 337212View attachment 337213

Tell me again how you're not accusing Arbery of committing a felony in that unfinished house.


Oh, and how did Arbery drop a hammer there when:

a) there was no hammer there
b) he's not seen throwing anything
c) that stick on the ground is there before Arbery was

He committed a burglary even if he didn't take anything. He very much intended to.

They had reasonable suspicion and therefore every right to chase him down.
You have no evidence he intended to. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has ruled lethal force is not justifiable in cases involving stopping someone for stealing property; so even had Arbery stolen something, Travis McMichael still could not use a gun to force Arbery to stop.

And even had Travus not pointed the gun at Arbery, it was still illegal to brandish a firearm intended to get Arbery to stop. I found this, where Georgia was seeking to make such brandishing legal -- meaning it's not legal to do what Travis did...

The shooting was justifiable because Aubrey tried to take the man’s gun he rushed him he attacked him he came across the car at full speed
Arbery was legally allowed to defend himself against a threat posed by Travis McMichael.

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:​
(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.​

Arbery was not allowed to defend himself because no one was attacking him.

Further, Arbery lost his right to self-defense when he became a burglary suspect.

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