Ahmaud Arbery shooting video was leaked by one of the suspects: report

The main stream media, they do this. They use whites as their whipping boy. They NEED a agenda
and whites are their convenient enemy like don Quixote tilting at windmills I've seen instances of blacks committing hate crimes, media ignores that or plays that down and instead says that they where mentally ill or victims of societal pressures...
God forbid we should criticise armed vigilantes who murder innocent people.
when did that happen??? God forbid we question a black man with a criminal record acting suspiciously snooping around tens miles from his home. He might have been casing the joint. Calmly walking up to a place, then running away at top speed. Sound like a typical jogger? Oh, when confronted. runs up to and attacks an concerned local? Punches them out and attempts to take away their firearms...Joggers do that all the time.
why did you edit my comment???

please delete it,,,
I have to remark how the main stream media has turned this into another textbook case of race baiting and pandering. Arbery wan't a saint and had a criminal record. Although I've hear rumors, I cant find out SPECIFICALLY what he did (apparently even his brother had a rap sheet). Can't find it on the 'net'. funny how that works. Anyway, He's acting speciously in a area miles from his home that has a burglary problem, Arbery walks into a house, then runs out...is that "jogging"? So no big deal. I am given all all the details and minutiae about the the legal and bureaucratic transgressions of two white men. BUT NOTHING ON ARBERY. All good and fine, this is like the chicken or the egg paradox...well until Artery deliberately chose to attack, run around and physically assault then he begame the aggressor. Why is this never mentioned?
He deserved to die. No two ways about it. Blacks should not be able to "jog" through alleged high crime areas without consequences.
theres been no proof he was out jogging,,,
There is no proof that he wasn't either.

Why have you decided to troll another thread? This one will be closed shortly!
I have to remark how the main stream media has turned this into another textbook case of race baiting and pandering. Arbery wan't a saint and had a criminal record. Although I've hear rumors, I cant find out SPECIFICALLY what he did (apparently even his brother had a rap sheet). Can't find it on the 'net'. funny how that works. Anyway, He's acting speciously in a area miles from his home that has a burglary problem, Arbery walks into a house, then runs out...is that "jogging"? So no big deal. I am given all all the details and minutiae about the the legal and bureaucratic transgressions of two white men. BUT NOTHING ON ARBERY. All good and fine, this is like the chicken or the egg paradox...well until Artery deliberately chose to attack, run around and physically assault then he begame the aggressor. Why is this never mentioned?
He deserved to die. No two ways about it. Blacks should not be able to "jog" through alleged high crime areas without consequences.
theres been no proof he was out jogging,,,
There is no proof that he wasn't either.

Why have you decided to troll another thread? This one will be closed shortly!
There is no proof that he wasn't either.

Why have you decided to troll another thread? This one will be closed shortly!
Jesus Christ, back in the 70s I've seen blacks murdering little old white ladies, beating them to death and th isn't a hate crime? Are hate crimes a real catagory? Subjective and target oly one rave, like say jim crow laws?
I have to remark how the main stream media has turned this into another textbook case of race baiting and pandering. Arbery wan't a saint and had a criminal record. Although I've hear rumors, I cant find out SPECIFICALLY what he did (apparently even his brother had a rap sheet). Can't find it on the 'net'. funny how that works. Anyway, He's acting speciously in a area miles from his home that has a burglary problem, Arbery walks into a house, then runs out...is that "jogging"? So no big deal. I am given all all the details and minutiae about the the legal and bureaucratic transgressions of two white men. BUT NOTHING ON ARBERY. All good and fine, this is like the chicken or the egg paradox...well until Artery deliberately chose to attack, run around and physically assault then he begame the aggressor. Why is this never mentioned?
He deserved to die. No two ways about it. Blacks should not be able to "jog" through alleged high crime areas without consequences.
theres been no proof he was out jogging,,,

Aside from the jogging motions he made as he was jogging.

I'm pretty sure this is how it went when the two white guys with guns showed up.

Arbery wan't a saint and had a criminal record.

Oh shit! That's okay. Let's shoot him then!
The point that you neocon Deplorable whackadoodles miss EVERY time, and you so so with the Trayvon Martin case, is why go after him in the first place? Was he armed? Was he an immediate threat to anybody? Had he threatened anybody? Instead of being a gung-ho, tough guy with a peashooter, why didn't the Mcmichaels follow him and call the police? And let's say he got away from them - they lost contact with him - then what? They'd call the police, who would file a report, find the footage of him on a construction site doing basically nothing, and maybe track him down and charge him with tresspass. Woo hoo!!!! Instead, being a gun nut country, a man has lost his life because two crackers wanted to be 'big men on campus'. Pathetic.

You want to live in a place where there is vigilante justice? Go live in Yemen. Somalia, or some central of south American shithole. The US claims - and is supposed to be - one of the most civilised countries on the planet. And I have no issue with the fact you aren't (there are a good dozen to 20 countries that are a lot more civilised), but stop preaching to the rest of the world how great you are. If you're that great, why is there so much shit going on over there all the time?
Again no attempt to detain.

And therein lies the problem!

They fucked up (royally) when they made no attempt to detain him.

You need to get that through your pointed little head...

False. They did attempt to detain him. There was no right for Arbery to grab that shotgun - where it went wrong.

They absolutely did not attempt to detain him.

What do you think they did to make such an attempt?

They first attempted to stop him.

Then the plan was to may be arrest him. Unfortunately he was every bit as guilty as they suspected, hence trying to murder them.
Self defense laws show Arbery was legally allowed to defend himself against someone threatening him with a gun.
If a gun is a threat you might want to move now lol
A gun is a threat when someone pulls it out to make someone do something against their will.
Well don’t break the law and guys with guns won’t follow you until the cops come,, they can protect them selves .. why not
What a pity you can't actually demonstrate a law was broken without lying.

If truth and reality were on your, you wouldn't have to lie.
I’m not stopping you from believing that you think it’s OK to continue to go on to a property that doesn’t belong to you these heroes took it upon themselves to make sure the cops get the information from the gentleman that was running from our house he didn’t belong in it was suspicious so they brought their guns they want to protect themselves with tools in the boy attacked them I’m not stopping you from believing that you think it’s OK to continue to go onto a property that doesn’t belong to you these heroes took it upon themselves to make sure the cops get the information from the gentleman that was running from my house he didn’t belong in it was suspicious so they brought their guns they want to protect themselves were tools in the boy attacked him
There were others who entered that property. Should we round them up, line 'em up and shoot them too?

If they attacked ppl calling the cops on them and they are carrying they take that chance
Travis McMichaels was justified in killing Arbery?

None of them. Not a single one.
Because they would lose there job, they are being lynched, look at what you’re doing to Candace Owens. She’s getting attacked. Communist racist own the social media, national media. They are lynching the president.. are you not aware of this?

I'm not doing anything to Candace Owens. I've met Candace Owens. I like her. I like her a lot. I think she'll be a strong force for the conservative movement in this country.

But this isn't about Owens. This is about McMichael and how he acted, at best, negligently, leading to the death of Arbery...
Who said this was about Owens? Be honest do you have a learning disability?
And I’m not trying to be disrespectful

You're the one who brought her up, dipshit. Are you a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome? You have focus issues...
You brought up media outlets lol and tried to make a asinine point. But honestly do you have a learning disability yes or no

If I did, I would still be profoundly more intelligent that you, numbnuts.

The reason I brought up media outlets; conservative and liberal alike, is because anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size understands that Travis McMichael is the one in the wrong here. You can whine about media outlets and "toekns" and sending mothers back to Africa all you want, but the fact of the matter is that your hero (he's a hero to no decent person) is going to go to prison and, unless he cops a plea, he'll probably be going to prison for the rest of his life...
If he goes to prison for self defense every black man in America is going to attack us, stop being a fool, you’ve been indoctrinated by the main stream thought, think for your self, watch the video again, watch the stolen hammer appeared watch the father at no time attempt to subdue apprehend stop arrest, just on the phone with the cops, the. Watch the perp charge Travis as he yells at him to stop! The cops are coming.

Speaking of, you said Arbery's mother should be sent back to Africa? Why do you feel that? Is she even from Africa?

I keep asking you this; and like a pussy, you keep refusing to answer.

Yes I do, America was founded by whites, and anyone that is privileged to stay here wants to bring a Menace to society should be sent back to Africa where she originated from


Yep, thanks for confirming that all you see here is race. If the roles were reversed, and Albery killed Mcmichael, you'd be screaming for Arbery's head on a spit.

You're a racist piece of shit, and your racist piece of shit hero is going to prison...

If the roles were reversed, you’d be defending the shooter because the other man charged at him. Everything is about race to leftwing lunatics.
Travis McMichaels was justified in killing Arbery?

None of them. Not a single one.
Because they would lose there job, they are being lynched, look at what you’re doing to Candace Owens. She’s getting attacked. Communist racist own the social media, national media. They are lynching the president.. are you not aware of this?

I'm not doing anything to Candace Owens. I've met Candace Owens. I like her. I like her a lot. I think she'll be a strong force for the conservative movement in this country.

But this isn't about Owens. This is about McMichael and how he acted, at best, negligently, leading to the death of Arbery...
Who said this was about Owens? Be honest do you have a learning disability?
And I’m not trying to be disrespectful

You're the one who brought her up, dipshit. Are you a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome? You have focus issues...
You brought up media outlets lol and tried to make a asinine point. But honestly do you have a learning disability yes or no

If I did, I would still be profoundly more intelligent that you, numbnuts.

The reason I brought up media outlets; conservative and liberal alike, is because anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size understands that Travis McMichael is the one in the wrong here. You can whine about media outlets and "toekns" and sending mothers back to Africa all you want, but the fact of the matter is that your hero (he's a hero to no decent person) is going to go to prison and, unless he cops a plea, he'll probably be going to prison for the rest of his life...
If he goes to prison for self defense every black man in America is going to attack us, stop being a fool, you’ve been indoctrinated by the main stream thought, think for your self, watch the video again, watch the stolen hammer appeared watch the father at no time attempt to subdue apprehend stop arrest, just on the phone with the cops, the. Watch the perp charge Travis as he yells at him to stop! The cops are coming.

Speaking of, you said Arbery's mother should be sent back to Africa? Why do you feel that? Is she even from Africa?

I keep asking you this; and like a pussy, you keep refusing to answer.

Yes I do, America was founded by whites, and anyone that is privileged to stay here wants to bring a Menace to society should be sent back to Africa where she originated from


Yep, thanks for confirming that all you see here is race. If the roles were reversed, and Albery killed Mcmichael, you'd be screaming for Arbery's head on a spit.

You're a racist piece of shit, and your racist piece of shit hero is going to prison...

If the roles were reversed, you’d be defending the shooter because the other man charged at him. Everything is about race to leftwing lunatics.

Calling me a leftist only shows how absolutely fucking ignorant and stupid you are.

See, unlike racist scumbag fucks like you, I don't give a shit what someone's skin color is...
Blacks never commit hate crimes? We all know they do. Why is it the media never reports them Umm, facts aren't part of a narrative, Why can't I find the criminal history of Amoud Arbery but I can find all the faults of the McMillian brothers, every single one. They never committed single crime though, but they aren't perfect. Amoud Arbery assulted, actualy punched and then tried to tried to take their gun
Arbery wan't a saint and had a criminal record.

Oh shit! That's okay. Let's shoot him then!
The point that you neocon Deplorable whackadoodles miss EVERY time, and you so so with the Trayvon Martin case, is why go after him in the first place? Was he armed? Was he an immediate threat to anybody? Had he threatened anybody? Instead of being a gung-ho, tough guy with a peashooter, why didn't the Mcmichaels follow him and call the police? And let's say he got away from them - they lost contact with him - then what? They'd call the police, who would file a report, find the footage of him on a construction site doing basically nothing, and maybe track him down and charge him with tresspass. Woo hoo!!!! Instead, being a gun nut country, a man has lost his life because two crackers wanted to be 'big men on campus'. Pathetic.

You want to live in a place where there is vigilante justice? Go live in Yemen. Somalia, or some central of south American shithole. The US claims - and is supposed to be - one of the most civilised countries on the planet. And I have no issue with the fact you aren't (there are a good dozen to 20 countries that are a lot more civilised), but stop preaching to the rest of the world how great you are. If you're that great, why is there so much shit going on over there all the time?
Um Wow, STOP HERE. lets examine this...I guess the moral of the story is. don't punch someone that has a gun and thinks you might have done something suspicious, then grab their gun. They might take that as a threat. If I was Arbery, I would waited for them to call in the police, because I didn't do anything wrong. But that's me.
Again no attempt to detain.

And therein lies the problem!

They fucked up (royally) when they made no attempt to detain him.

You need to get that through your pointed little head...

False. They did attempt to detain him. There was no right for Arbery to grab that shotgun - where it went wrong.

They absolutely did not attempt to detain him.

What do you think they did to make such an attempt?

They first attempted to stop him.

Then the plan was to may be arrest him. Unfortunately he was every bit as guilty as they suspected, hence trying to murder them.
Self defense laws show Arbery was legally allowed to defend himself against someone threatening him with a gun.
If a gun is a threat you might want to move now lol
A gun is a threat when someone pulls it out to make someone do something against their will.
Well don’t break the law and guys with guns won’t follow you until the cops come,, they can protect them selves .. why not
What a pity you can't actually demonstrate a law was broken without lying.

If truth and reality were on your, you wouldn't have to lie.
I’m not stopping you from believing that you think it’s OK to continue to go on to a property that doesn’t belong to you these heroes took it upon themselves to make sure the cops get the information from the gentleman that was running from our house he didn’t belong in it was suspicious so they brought their guns they want to protect themselves with tools in the boy attacked them I’m not stopping you from believing that you think it’s OK to continue to go onto a property that doesn’t belong to you these heroes took it upon themselves to make sure the cops get the information from the gentleman that was running from my house he didn’t belong in it was suspicious so they brought their guns they want to protect themselves were tools in the boy attacked him
There were others who entered that property. Should we round them up, line 'em up and shoot them too?

If they attacked ppl calling the cops on them and they are carrying they take that chance

Nope, not a problem. The McMichael gang is locked up and those streets are safe for now.
Travis McMichaels was justified in killing Arbery?

None of them. Not a single one.
Because they would lose there job, they are being lynched, look at what you’re doing to Candace Owens. She’s getting attacked. Communist racist own the social media, national media. They are lynching the president.. are you not aware of this?

I'm not doing anything to Candace Owens. I've met Candace Owens. I like her. I like her a lot. I think she'll be a strong force for the conservative movement in this country.

But this isn't about Owens. This is about McMichael and how he acted, at best, negligently, leading to the death of Arbery...
Who said this was about Owens? Be honest do you have a learning disability?
And I’m not trying to be disrespectful

You're the one who brought her up, dipshit. Are you a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome? You have focus issues...
You brought up media outlets lol and tried to make a asinine point. But honestly do you have a learning disability yes or no

If I did, I would still be profoundly more intelligent that you, numbnuts.

The reason I brought up media outlets; conservative and liberal alike, is because anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size understands that Travis McMichael is the one in the wrong here. You can whine about media outlets and "toekns" and sending mothers back to Africa all you want, but the fact of the matter is that your hero (he's a hero to no decent person) is going to go to prison and, unless he cops a plea, he'll probably be going to prison for the rest of his life...
If he goes to prison for self defense every black man in America is going to attack us, stop being a fool, you’ve been indoctrinated by the main stream thought, think for your self, watch the video again, watch the stolen hammer appeared watch the father at no time attempt to subdue apprehend stop arrest, just on the phone with the cops, the. Watch the perp charge Travis as he yells at him to stop! The cops are coming.

Speaking of, you said Arbery's mother should be sent back to Africa? Why do you feel that? Is she even from Africa?

I keep asking you this; and like a pussy, you keep refusing to answer.

Yes I do, America was founded by whites, and anyone that is privileged to stay here wants to bring a Menace to society should be sent back to Africa where she originated from


Yep, thanks for confirming that all you see here is race. If the roles were reversed, and Albery killed Mcmichael, you'd be screaming for Arbery's head on a spit.

You're a racist piece of shit, and your racist piece of shit hero is going to prison...

If the roles were reversed, you’d be defending the shooter because the other man charged at him. Everything is about race to leftwing lunatics.

Calling me a leftist only shows how absolutely fucking ignorant and stupid you are.

See, unlike racist scumbag fucks like you, I don't give a shit what someone's skin color is...

You just have a learning disability, you literally want to end self-defense in America because a black man committed suicide lol ..
Um Wow, STOP HERE. lets examine this...I guess the moral of the story is. don't punch someone that has a gun and thinks you might have done something suspicious, then grab their gun. They might take that as a threat. If I was Arbery, I would waited for them to call in the police, because I didn't do anything wrong. But that's me.

So now the onus is on the guy doing nothing? Great. Remember that next time you get robbed or burgled.
Again no attempt to detain.

And therein lies the problem!

They fucked up (royally) when they made no attempt to detain him.

You need to get that through your pointed little head...

False. They did attempt to detain him. There was no right for Arbery to grab that shotgun - where it went wrong.

They absolutely did not attempt to detain him.

What do you think they did to make such an attempt?

They first attempted to stop him.

Then the plan was to may be arrest him. Unfortunately he was every bit as guilty as they suspected, hence trying to murder them.
Self defense laws show Arbery was legally allowed to defend himself against someone threatening him with a gun.
If a gun is a threat you might want to move now lol
A gun is a threat when someone pulls it out to make someone do something against their will.
Well don’t break the law and guys with guns won’t follow you until the cops come,, they can protect them selves .. why not
What a pity you can't actually demonstrate a law was broken without lying.

If truth and reality were on your, you wouldn't have to lie.
I’m not stopping you from believing that you think it’s OK to continue to go on to a property that doesn’t belong to you these heroes took it upon themselves to make sure the cops get the information from the gentleman that was running from our house he didn’t belong in it was suspicious so they brought their guns they want to protect themselves with tools in the boy attacked them I’m not stopping you from believing that you think it’s OK to continue to go onto a property that doesn’t belong to you these heroes took it upon themselves to make sure the cops get the information from the gentleman that was running from my house he didn’t belong in it was suspicious so they brought their guns they want to protect themselves were tools in the boy attacked him
There were others who entered that property. Should we round them up, line 'em up and shoot them too?

If they attacked ppl calling the cops on them and they are carrying they take that chance

Nope, not a problem. The McMichael gang is locked up and those streets are safe for now.

So you want to take away our rights to self defense? Lol omg
Um Wow, STOP HERE. lets examine this...I guess the moral of the story is. don't punch someone that has a gun and thinks you might have done something suspicious, then grab their gun. They might take that as a threat. If I was Arbery, I would waited for them to call in the police, because I didn't do anything wrong. But that's me.

So now the onus is on the guy doing nothing? Great. Remember that next time you get robbed or burgled.
His possible criminal record is not available and he was black. HE HAD TO DIE!!!!!
Travis McMichaels was justified in killing Arbery?

None of them. Not a single one.
Because they would lose there job, they are being lynched, look at what you’re doing to Candace Owens. She’s getting attacked. Communist racist own the social media, national media. They are lynching the president.. are you not aware of this?

I'm not doing anything to Candace Owens. I've met Candace Owens. I like her. I like her a lot. I think she'll be a strong force for the conservative movement in this country.

But this isn't about Owens. This is about McMichael and how he acted, at best, negligently, leading to the death of Arbery...
Who said this was about Owens? Be honest do you have a learning disability?
And I’m not trying to be disrespectful

You're the one who brought her up, dipshit. Are you a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome? You have focus issues...
You brought up media outlets lol and tried to make a asinine point. But honestly do you have a learning disability yes or no

If I did, I would still be profoundly more intelligent that you, numbnuts.

The reason I brought up media outlets; conservative and liberal alike, is because anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size understands that Travis McMichael is the one in the wrong here. You can whine about media outlets and "toekns" and sending mothers back to Africa all you want, but the fact of the matter is that your hero (he's a hero to no decent person) is going to go to prison and, unless he cops a plea, he'll probably be going to prison for the rest of his life...
If he goes to prison for self defense every black man in America is going to attack us, stop being a fool, you’ve been indoctrinated by the main stream thought, think for your self, watch the video again, watch the stolen hammer appeared watch the father at no time attempt to subdue apprehend stop arrest, just on the phone with the cops, the. Watch the perp charge Travis as he yells at him to stop! The cops are coming.

Speaking of, you said Arbery's mother should be sent back to Africa? Why do you feel that? Is she even from Africa?

I keep asking you this; and like a pussy, you keep refusing to answer.

Yes I do, America was founded by whites, and anyone that is privileged to stay here wants to bring a Menace to society should be sent back to Africa where she originated from


Yep, thanks for confirming that all you see here is race. If the roles were reversed, and Albery killed Mcmichael, you'd be screaming for Arbery's head on a spit.

You're a racist piece of shit, and your racist piece of shit hero is going to prison...

If the roles were reversed, you’d be defending the shooter because the other man charged at him. Everything is about race to leftwing lunatics.

Calling me a leftist only shows how absolutely fucking ignorant and stupid you are.

See, unlike racist scumbag fucks like you, I don't give a shit what someone's skin color is...

You just have a learning disability, you literally want to end self-defense in America because a black man committed suicide lol ..

What the fuck is your ignorant ass belching up now?

I'm a fan of self-defense. But what the McMichael racist did was not self-defense, and that will be proven in the trial. Or your whining and crying and pissing and moaning won't change that.

I'm glad you, as a felon, don't have the right to own a firearm and, therefore, would not be able to defend yourself against someone who does have one...
Travis McMichaels was justified in killing Arbery?

None of them. Not a single one.
Because they would lose there job, they are being lynched, look at what you’re doing to Candace Owens. She’s getting attacked. Communist racist own the social media, national media. They are lynching the president.. are you not aware of this?

I'm not doing anything to Candace Owens. I've met Candace Owens. I like her. I like her a lot. I think she'll be a strong force for the conservative movement in this country.

But this isn't about Owens. This is about McMichael and how he acted, at best, negligently, leading to the death of Arbery...
Who said this was about Owens? Be honest do you have a learning disability?
And I’m not trying to be disrespectful

You're the one who brought her up, dipshit. Are you a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome? You have focus issues...
You brought up media outlets lol and tried to make a asinine point. But honestly do you have a learning disability yes or no

If I did, I would still be profoundly more intelligent that you, numbnuts.

The reason I brought up media outlets; conservative and liberal alike, is because anyone who has an IQ which exceeds their shoe size understands that Travis McMichael is the one in the wrong here. You can whine about media outlets and "toekns" and sending mothers back to Africa all you want, but the fact of the matter is that your hero (he's a hero to no decent person) is going to go to prison and, unless he cops a plea, he'll probably be going to prison for the rest of his life...
If he goes to prison for self defense every black man in America is going to attack us, stop being a fool, you’ve been indoctrinated by the main stream thought, think for your self, watch the video again, watch the stolen hammer appeared watch the father at no time attempt to subdue apprehend stop arrest, just on the phone with the cops, the. Watch the perp charge Travis as he yells at him to stop! The cops are coming.

Speaking of, you said Arbery's mother should be sent back to Africa? Why do you feel that? Is she even from Africa?

I keep asking you this; and like a pussy, you keep refusing to answer.

Yes I do, America was founded by whites, and anyone that is privileged to stay here wants to bring a Menace to society should be sent back to Africa where she originated from


Yep, thanks for confirming that all you see here is race. If the roles were reversed, and Albery killed Mcmichael, you'd be screaming for Arbery's head on a spit.

You're a racist piece of shit, and your racist piece of shit hero is going to prison...

If the roles were reversed, you’d be defending the shooter because the other man charged at him. Everything is about race to leftwing lunatics.

Calling me a leftist only shows how absolutely fucking ignorant and stupid you are.

See, unlike racist scumbag fucks like you, I don't give a shit what someone's skin color is...

You just have a learning disability, you literally want to end self-defense in America because a black man committed suicide lol ..

What the fuck is your ignorant ass belching up now?

I'm a fan of self-defense. But what the McMichael racist did was not self-defense, and that will be proven in the trial. Or your whining and crying and pissing and moaning won't change that.

I'm glad you, as a felon, don't have the right to own a firearm and, therefore, would not be able to defend yourself against someone who does have one...
prove what? There is video lol
He attacked a man with a gun, the man had a right to carry! And he defended him self. Period

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