Ahmaud Arbery shooting video was leaked by one of the suspects: report

The truth does not matter to the Left; what is important is for them to be able to railroad innocent white people into prison, and try and intimidate the rest from defending themselves against black and brown violence and criminal acts. They have no other agenda re this incident. It's important for the Democratic Party and its media to show their pet animals they have the power to protect them when they commit crimes, and demonstrate they will cover for all the hood rats when elected as well, same as Obama and Holder did, and not just protect the Black Panthers or the black racists who start riots for them.

Comments like this are stupid and largely unworthy of comment, aside from letting you know that there is no shortage of conservative gun-owning Trump voters who believe these guys belong in prison...

Comments like this from left wing vermin who get woodies bandwagoning with their fellow deviants, traitors, and racists using the state to railroad people into prison for having the wrong color skin are signs of mental illness and Soviet style kulturekampf brain-washing; they're just low life scum.

Aw, poor little feller. Did Mommy drink a lot while pregnant with you?

You're a shit-eating cum-guzzler. Fuck off...
Oh so you don’t want men to have a right to protect themselves with guns. Well good luck with that in court lol

I definitely don't want you to be able to do it and, guess what, buttmunch? YOU CAN'T!

You're more of a criminal than Arbery ever was. Pity you don't live in Brunswick...

The neighborhood had serial break-ins, The man saw the suspect with his hands down his pants as if he had a gun..

How the fuck does someone with a gun have their hands in their pants?

That's stupid...

so you think they should’ve followed him without a gun they probably shouldn’t even call the cops huh?

They could've followed him with their guns and waited for the police to show up. By stopping and confronting Arbery, they used excessive force. Itt's not surprising, really, as the elder McMichael failed to complete his deadly force training. Had he done that, perhaps he would've advised his son act differently...

Your gonna hate the day these guys are released. Promise don’t riot ok lol

How confident are you that they'll be released?

Are you so confident, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?

No, of course you're not that confident. You're just running your fat fucking felon mouth...
Dude watch the video a man was attacked and he wasNt black
Oh so you don’t want men to have a right to protect themselves with guns. Well good luck with that in court lol

I definitely don't want you to be able to do it and, guess what, buttmunch? YOU CAN'T!

You're more of a criminal than Arbery ever was. Pity you don't live in Brunswick...

The neighborhood had serial break-ins, The man saw the suspect with his hands down his pants as if he had a gun..

How the fuck does someone with a gun have their hands in their pants?

That's stupid...

so you think they should’ve followed him without a gun they probably shouldn’t even call the cops huh?

They could've followed him with their guns and waited for the police to show up. By stopping and confronting Arbery, they used excessive force. Itt's not surprising, really, as the elder McMichael failed to complete his deadly force training. Had he done that, perhaps he would've advised his son act differently...

Your gonna hate the day these guys are released. Promise don’t riot ok lol

How confident are you that they'll be released?

Are you so confident, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?

No, of course you're not that confident. You're just running your fat fucking felon mouth...
Dude watch the video a man was attacked and he wasNt black

Are you so confident they will be found not guilty that, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?
Oh so you don’t want men to have a right to protect themselves with guns. Well good luck with that in court lol

I definitely don't want you to be able to do it and, guess what, buttmunch? YOU CAN'T!

You're more of a criminal than Arbery ever was. Pity you don't live in Brunswick...

The neighborhood had serial break-ins, The man saw the suspect with his hands down his pants as if he had a gun..

How the fuck does someone with a gun have their hands in their pants?

That's stupid...

so you think they should’ve followed him without a gun they probably shouldn’t even call the cops huh?

They could've followed him with their guns and waited for the police to show up. By stopping and confronting Arbery, they used excessive force. Itt's not surprising, really, as the elder McMichael failed to complete his deadly force training. Had he done that, perhaps he would've advised his son act differently...

Your gonna hate the day these guys are released. Promise don’t riot ok lol

How confident are you that they'll be released?

Are you so confident, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?

No, of course you're not that confident. You're just running your fat fucking felon mouth...
Dude watch the video a man was attacked and he wasNt black

Are you so confident they will be found not guilty that, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?
In order to be found guilty you need a charge what are you charging them with it wasn’t murder it wasn’t malice it wasn’t manslaughter because he was attacked he had to protect him self.. I guess the Democrats are going to have to create some laws to make you fucking crazy people happy
Oh so you don’t want men to have a right to protect themselves with guns. Well good luck with that in court lol

I definitely don't want you to be able to do it and, guess what, buttmunch? YOU CAN'T!

You're more of a criminal than Arbery ever was. Pity you don't live in Brunswick...

The neighborhood had serial break-ins, The man saw the suspect with his hands down his pants as if he had a gun..

How the fuck does someone with a gun have their hands in their pants?

That's stupid...

so you think they should’ve followed him without a gun they probably shouldn’t even call the cops huh?

They could've followed him with their guns and waited for the police to show up. By stopping and confronting Arbery, they used excessive force. Itt's not surprising, really, as the elder McMichael failed to complete his deadly force training. Had he done that, perhaps he would've advised his son act differently...

Your gonna hate the day these guys are released. Promise don’t riot ok lol

How confident are you that they'll be released?

Are you so confident, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?

No, of course you're not that confident. You're just running your fat fucking felon mouth...
Dude watch the video a man was attacked and he wasNt black

Are you so confident they will be found not guilty that, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?
In order to be found guilty you need a charge what are you charging them with it wasn’t murder it wasn’t malice it wasn’t manslaughter because he was attacked he had to protect him self.. I guess the Democrats are going to have to create some laws to make you fucking crazy people happy


Exactly how fucking stupid are you, really? They've been charged with murder and aggravated assault.

But, you said they would be released. Which means if they get convicted of even involuntary manslaughter, you'll be wrong.

So, my question to you is this: If they're not released from prison and found guilty of a charge which carries any period of time in jail, will you leave USMB permenantly? You know, since you're so fuckin' sure and all.

I don't think you will. I don't think you're brave enough to stand by your opinion...
Oh so you don’t want men to have a right to protect themselves with guns. Well good luck with that in court lol

I definitely don't want you to be able to do it and, guess what, buttmunch? YOU CAN'T!

You're more of a criminal than Arbery ever was. Pity you don't live in Brunswick...

The neighborhood had serial break-ins, The man saw the suspect with his hands down his pants as if he had a gun..

How the fuck does someone with a gun have their hands in their pants?

That's stupid...

so you think they should’ve followed him without a gun they probably shouldn’t even call the cops huh?

They could've followed him with their guns and waited for the police to show up. By stopping and confronting Arbery, they used excessive force. Itt's not surprising, really, as the elder McMichael failed to complete his deadly force training. Had he done that, perhaps he would've advised his son act differently...

Your gonna hate the day these guys are released. Promise don’t riot ok lol

How confident are you that they'll be released?

Are you so confident, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?

No, of course you're not that confident. You're just running your fat fucking felon mouth...
Dude watch the video a man was attacked and he wasNt black

Are you so confident they will be found not guilty that, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?
In order to be found guilty you need a charge what are you charging them with it wasn’t murder it wasn’t malice it wasn’t manslaughter because he was attacked he had to protect him self.. I guess the Democrats are going to have to create some laws to make you fucking crazy people happy


Exactly how fucking stupid are you, really? They've been charged with murder and aggravated assault.

But, you said they would be released. Which means if they get convicted of even involuntary manslaughter, you'll be wrong.

So, my question to you is this: If they're not released from prison and found guilty of a charge which carries any period of time in jail, will you leave USMB permenantly? You know, since you're so fuckin' sure and all.

I don't think you will. I don't think you're brave enough to stand by your opinion...
Why would I leave? I’d need a place to talk about the injustice.

Listen what you have to understand is that the person that release that video was the father the father is an ex police officer he did it to show it was self-defense you’re too emotional about this you’re like a female. you hear all the stories about lynching and southern men and a black man and shotguns and trucks in your brain is scrambled..

He released a video because it shows his son acted in self-defense.. Not get control of your emotions get a grip of yourself and stop your hate
Oh so you don’t want men to have a right to protect themselves with guns. Well good luck with that in court lol

I definitely don't want you to be able to do it and, guess what, buttmunch? YOU CAN'T!

You're more of a criminal than Arbery ever was. Pity you don't live in Brunswick...

The neighborhood had serial break-ins, The man saw the suspect with his hands down his pants as if he had a gun..

How the fuck does someone with a gun have their hands in their pants?

That's stupid...

so you think they should’ve followed him without a gun they probably shouldn’t even call the cops huh?

They could've followed him with their guns and waited for the police to show up. By stopping and confronting Arbery, they used excessive force. Itt's not surprising, really, as the elder McMichael failed to complete his deadly force training. Had he done that, perhaps he would've advised his son act differently...

Your gonna hate the day these guys are released. Promise don’t riot ok lol

How confident are you that they'll be released?

Are you so confident, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?

No, of course you're not that confident. You're just running your fat fucking felon mouth...
Dude watch the video a man was attacked and he wasNt black

Are you so confident they will be found not guilty that, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?
In order to be found guilty you need a charge what are you charging them with it wasn’t murder it wasn’t malice it wasn’t manslaughter because he was attacked he had to protect him self.. I guess the Democrats are going to have to create some laws to make you fucking crazy people happy


Exactly how fucking stupid are you, really? They've been charged with murder and aggravated assault.

But, you said they would be released. Which means if they get convicted of even involuntary manslaughter, you'll be wrong.

So, my question to you is this: If they're not released from prison and found guilty of a charge which carries any period of time in jail, will you leave USMB permenantly? You know, since you're so fuckin' sure and all.

I don't think you will. I don't think you're brave enough to stand by your opinion...
Why would I leave? I’d need a place to talk about the injustice.

Listen what you have to understand is that the person that release that video was the father the father is an ex police officer he did it to show it was self-defense you’re too emotional about this you’re like a female. you hear all the stories about lynching and southern men and a black man and shotguns and trucks in your brain is scrambled..

He released a video because it shows his son acted in self-defense.. Not get control of your emotions get a grip of yourself and stop your hate

You really are mentally retarded, aren't you.

That's not why he released the video. He released it because he thought it would help ease race relations>

How stupid is that?

"Here, let me take this video of my son murdering an unarmed black man and black will be cool with it because idiot racist whites believe it shows my boy defending himself."

In my view, you don't get emotional enough. Then again, we know you're a racist, and we know you're a felon, so we know that you lack the level of common decency found in most people which allows them to understand that McMichael shouldn't have even gotten out of the truck that day, and that his decision to do so, and to be armed when he did it, is the sole catalyst behind the shooting which led to Arbery's death...
Oh so you don’t want men to have a right to protect themselves with guns. Well good luck with that in court lol

I definitely don't want you to be able to do it and, guess what, buttmunch? YOU CAN'T!

You're more of a criminal than Arbery ever was. Pity you don't live in Brunswick...

The neighborhood had serial break-ins, The man saw the suspect with his hands down his pants as if he had a gun..

How the fuck does someone with a gun have their hands in their pants?

That's stupid...

so you think they should’ve followed him without a gun they probably shouldn’t even call the cops huh?

They could've followed him with their guns and waited for the police to show up. By stopping and confronting Arbery, they used excessive force. Itt's not surprising, really, as the elder McMichael failed to complete his deadly force training. Had he done that, perhaps he would've advised his son act differently...

Your gonna hate the day these guys are released. Promise don’t riot ok lol

How confident are you that they'll be released?

Are you so confident, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?

No, of course you're not that confident. You're just running your fat fucking felon mouth...
Dude watch the video a man was attacked and he wasNt black

Are you so confident they will be found not guilty that, when one or both of them is convicted, you leave USMB for good?
In order to be found guilty you need a charge what are you charging them with it wasn’t murder it wasn’t malice it wasn’t manslaughter because he was attacked he had to protect him self.. I guess the Democrats are going to have to create some laws to make you fucking crazy people happy


Exactly how fucking stupid are you, really? They've been charged with murder and aggravated assault.

But, you said they would be released. Which means if they get convicted of even involuntary manslaughter, you'll be wrong.

So, my question to you is this: If they're not released from prison and found guilty of a charge which carries any period of time in jail, will you leave USMB permenantly? You know, since you're so fuckin' sure and all.

I don't think you will. I don't think you're brave enough to stand by your opinion...
Why would I leave? I’d need a place to talk about the injustice.

Listen what you have to understand is that the person that release that video was the father the father is an ex police officer he did it to show it was self-defense you’re too emotional about this you’re like a female. you hear all the stories about lynching and southern men and a black man and shotguns and trucks in your brain is scrambled..

He released a video because it shows his son acted in self-defense.. Not get control of your emotions get a grip of yourself and stop your hate

You really are mentally retarded, aren't you.

That's not why he released the video. He released it because he thought it would help ease race relations>

How stupid is that?

"Here, let me take this video of my son murdering an unarmed black man and black will be cool with it because idiot racist whites believe it shows my boy defending himself."

In my view, you don't get emotional enough. Then again, we know you're a racist, and we know you're a felon, so we know that you lack the level of common decency found in most people which allows them to understand that McMichael shouldn't have even gotten out of the truck that day, and that his decision to do so, and to be armed when he did it, is the sole catalyst behind the shooting which led to Arbery's death...
If you have a learning disability I promise I will ease up on making fun of you but you sound like a fool. You keep saying they shouldn’t of did this they shouldn’t have did that who are you to take their rights away? Who are you to tell them that they shouldn’t follow somebody that broke into the neighbors house? Police officers told English to let McMichaels know if the house got broken into he could help you. They did exactly what they should have which was follow the criminal.. I think these men scare you I think you would love to make fun of these guys but you can’t because they have guns. Stop hating American men with guns that aren’t afraid to use it you keep bringing race into this because you’re a racist it’s like because he was black he was shot no because he attacked a man with a gun he got shot
If you have a learning disability I promise I will ease up on making fun of you but you sound like a fool. You keep saying they shouldn’t of did this they shouldn’t have did that who are you to take their rights away?

Where have I ever stated I wanted to take anyone's rights away? I never have. I guess you're a felon AND a liar...

Who are you to tell them that they shouldn’t follow somebody that broke into the neighbors house? Police officers told English to let McMichaels know if the house got broken into he could help you.

I don't know of a police force anywhere in the country which would tell someone to enlist the help of a private citizen instead of notifying the police. That actually explains the level of preference that the rednecks got after the shooting by the local police. Any trustworthy police organization would've responded "No, let us handle it"...

They did exactly what they should have which was follow the criminal.

So, when they stopped following the criminal, they stopped doing what they were supposed to. They acted improperly, and that led to the death of Arbery.

See, because had they done that, Arbery wouldn't have been shot, because Travis McMichael would've kept his redneck ass in the pickup truck. I know you're too fucking stupid to be able to figure that out, but it's an undeniable fact. Had Travis McMichael done what he should've done, he never would've shot Arbery...

I think these men scare you I think you would love to make fun of these guys but you can’t because they have guns.

Afraid? LOL! Bitch, there's not much in this life that scares me, and two fat rednecks won't be counted among them. Sure, they have guns. You know what? I have guns, too. You know who doesn't have guns? You! Because you're a scumbag felon...

Stop hating American men with guns that aren’t afraid to use it you keep bringing race into this because you’re a racist it’s like because he was black he was shot no because he attacked a man with a gun he got shot

See, here's the thing, dipshit: I'm not normally one of those guys who automatically looks to racism as a reason a black guy is killed by a white guy. In fact, being white, I think it's human nature that I endeavor to give the benefit of the doubt to the white guy. But I also know right from wrong. I know that there's not a single reason a firearm ever should've been introduced into that situation unless it was being held by someone wearing a badge.

You're not exactly the model of propriety when determining what's right and wrong. Being a scumbag felon, your opinion on what's "right" is always suspect, so it surprises no one that you think it was perfectly fine that McMichael got out of his truck with a shotgun and murdered Arbery...
If you have a learning disability I promise I will ease up on making fun of you but you sound like a fool. You keep saying they shouldn’t of did this they shouldn’t have did that who are you to take their rights away?

Where have I ever stated I wanted to take anyone's rights away? I never have. I guess you're a felon AND a liar...

Who are you to tell them that they shouldn’t follow somebody that broke into the neighbors house? Police officers told English to let McMichaels know if the house got broken into he could help you.

I don't know of a police force anywhere in the country which would tell someone to enlist the help of a private citizen instead of notifying the police. That actually explains the level of preference that the rednecks got after the shooting by the local police. Any trustworthy police organization would've responded "No, let us handle it"...

They did exactly what they should have which was follow the criminal.

So, when they stopped following the criminal, they stopped doing what they were supposed to. They acted improperly, and that led to the death of Arbery.

See, because had they done that, Arbery wouldn't have been shot, because Travis McMichael would've kept his redneck ass in the pickup truck. I know you're too fucking stupid to be able to figure that out, but it's an undeniable fact. Had Travis McMichael done what he should've done, he never would've shot Arbery...

I think these men scare you I think you would love to make fun of these guys but you can’t because they have guns.

Afraid? LOL! Bitch, there's not much in this life that scares me, and two fat rednecks won't be counted among them. Sure, they have guns. You know what? I have guns, too. You know who doesn't have guns? You! Because you're a scumbag felon...

Stop hating American men with guns that aren’t afraid to use it you keep bringing race into this because you’re a racist it’s like because he was black he was shot no because he attacked a man with a gun he got shot

See, here's the thing, dipshit: I'm not normally one of those guys who automatically looks to racism as a reason a black guy is killed by a white guy. In fact, being white, I think it's human nature that I endeavor to give the benefit of the doubt to the white guy. But I also know right from wrong. I know that there's not a single reason a firearm ever should've been introduced into that situation unless it was being held by someone wearing a badge.

You're not exactly the model of propriety when determining what's right and wrong. Being a scumbag felon, your opinion on what's "right" is always suspect, so it surprises no one that you think it was perfectly fine that McMichael got out of his truck with a shotgun and murdered Arbery...
I fundamentally disagree with you they are bringing a tool with them to protect them they’re following a criminal in case they get attacked in which they did. Again they were on the phone with the cops there was no intention to hurt the kid, there was no intentions to do anything except follow.

And you’ve been making fun of these guys skin color about 1000 times on here yet you call me the racist lol you’ve made fun of there physical characteristics.

you have white guilt. You’re blinded by race you’re blinded by what the media is telling you think for yourself sit down for a second take a deep breath relax.. Watch the video. In the context of what they’re doing not of what the media told you they’re doing which was a lynching..

Following a criminal on the phone with the cops telling him to stop. The man was attacked and don’t tell me what he shouldn’t have done he’s got rights and he’s got balls bigger than you you were a coward in the car if you see me you would stay in your car.. if you got out of your car you would shit your pants. Lol so now go away you little angry short fat racist little man. Thank you
If you have a learning disability I promise I will ease up on making fun of you but you sound like a fool. You keep saying they shouldn’t of did this they shouldn’t have did that who are you to take their rights away?

Where have I ever stated I wanted to take anyone's rights away? I never have. I guess you're a felon AND a liar...

Who are you to tell them that they shouldn’t follow somebody that broke into the neighbors house? Police officers told English to let McMichaels know if the house got broken into he could help you.

I don't know of a police force anywhere in the country which would tell someone to enlist the help of a private citizen instead of notifying the police. That actually explains the level of preference that the rednecks got after the shooting by the local police. Any trustworthy police organization would've responded "No, let us handle it"...

They did exactly what they should have which was follow the criminal.

So, when they stopped following the criminal, they stopped doing what they were supposed to. They acted improperly, and that led to the death of Arbery.

See, because had they done that, Arbery wouldn't have been shot, because Travis McMichael would've kept his redneck ass in the pickup truck. I know you're too fucking stupid to be able to figure that out, but it's an undeniable fact. Had Travis McMichael done what he should've done, he never would've shot Arbery...

I think these men scare you I think you would love to make fun of these guys but you can’t because they have guns.

Afraid? LOL! Bitch, there's not much in this life that scares me, and two fat rednecks won't be counted among them. Sure, they have guns. You know what? I have guns, too. You know who doesn't have guns? You! Because you're a scumbag felon...

Stop hating American men with guns that aren’t afraid to use it you keep bringing race into this because you’re a racist it’s like because he was black he was shot no because he attacked a man with a gun he got shot

See, here's the thing, dipshit: I'm not normally one of those guys who automatically looks to racism as a reason a black guy is killed by a white guy. In fact, being white, I think it's human nature that I endeavor to give the benefit of the doubt to the white guy. But I also know right from wrong. I know that there's not a single reason a firearm ever should've been introduced into that situation unless it was being held by someone wearing a badge.

You're not exactly the model of propriety when determining what's right and wrong. Being a scumbag felon, your opinion on what's "right" is always suspect, so it surprises no one that you think it was perfectly fine that McMichael got out of his truck with a shotgun and murdered Arbery...
I fundamentally disagree with you they are bringing a tool with them to protect them they’re following a criminal in case they get attacked in which they did. Again they were on the phone with the cops there was no intention to hurt the kid, there was no intentions to do anything except follow.

And you’ve been making fun of these guys skin color about 1000 times on here yet you call me the racist lol you’ve made fun of there physical characteristics.

you have white guilt. You’re blinded by race you’re blinded by what the media is telling you think for yourself sit down for a second take a deep breath relax.. Watch the video. In the context of what they’re doing not of what the media told you they’re doing which was a lynching..

Following a criminal on the phone with the cops telling him to stop. The man was attacked and don’t tell me what he shouldn’t have done he’s got rights and he’s got balls bigger than you you were a coward in the car if you see me you would stay in your car.. if you got out of your car you would shit your pants. Lol so now go away you little angry short fat racist little man. Thank you

What you're obviously too fucking stupid to comprehend is the point that McMichael should've remained in his truck. He was following Arbery; no harm, no foul. When he got out of the truck with the gun he escalated everything. He became a very real threat to an unarmed man.

I've watched the video dozens of times, and I come away from it with one undeniable, inarguable fact: If McMichael had stayed in the fucking truck like he was supposed to, no one would've been shot. But, because he made the decision to veer away from what he should've done, he shoulders the responsibility for everything that followed...

I have no white guilt, asshole. I have common fucking sense, which is something scumbag felons like you lack...
McMichael should've remained in his truck. He was following Arbery; no harm, no foul. When he got out of the truck with the gun he escalated everything. He became a very real threat to an unarmed man.
Who are you tell an American man to stay in his truck? What law says this? Who are you to tell a man what he should do and not do that was within the law.. just because you are a coward and you would’ve stayed in your car because you are afraid of a black man doesn’t mean that he Has to be..

Stop projecting your fears on this board, When we write laws we didn’t think about you we thought about freedom. Now stop your hate stop making fall of the color of these guys skin and their physical characteristics..
Who are you tell an American man to stay in his truck? What law says this? Who are you to tell a man what he should do and not do that was within the law.. just because you are a coward and you would’ve stayed in your car because you are afraid of a black man doesn’t mean that he Has to be..

He was following Arbery. He had followed him for a ways in his truck already. He was able to do that because Arbery was running on the road. Nothing changed to cause McMichael to have to get out of his truck. Following him until the police showed up would've been the absolute best decision he could've made.

But, like you, he's a fucking idiot.

You've been talking about how McMichael was just following him. Well, when he got out of his truck, he stopped following Arbery and started hunting him...

Stop projecting your fears on this board, When we write laws we didn’t think about you we thought about freedom. Now stop your hate stop making fall of the color of these guys skin and their physical characteristics..

You're the last person who should be lecturing anyone on anything regarding our laws or respect for them. You have none. The fact that you're a scumbag felon demonstrates that...
Who are you tell an American man to stay in his truck? What law says this? Who are you to tell a man what he should do and not do that was within the law.. just because you are a coward and you would’ve stayed in your car because you are afraid of a black man doesn’t mean that he Has to be..

He was following Arbery. He had followed him for a ways in his truck already. He was able to do that because Arbery was running on the road. Nothing changed to cause McMichael to have to get out of his truck. Following him until the police showed up would've been the absolute best decision he could've made.

But, like you, he's a fucking idiot.

You've been talking about how McMichael was just following him. Well, when he got out of his truck, he stopped following Arbery and started hunting him...

Stop projecting your fears on this board, When we write laws we didn’t think about you we thought about freedom. Now stop your hate stop making fall of the color of these guys skin and their physical characteristics..

You're the last person who should be lecturing anyone on anything regarding our laws or respect for them. You have none. The fact that you're a scumbag felon demonstrates that...
How do you hunt someone that’s running at you to attack you? Lol your big hangup is that a strong white man got out of his car to tell the black criminal to stop why his father was on the phone with the cops.. If you’re hunting somebody you shoot him from a distance you don’t wait for the pray to come attack you and take your gun..

Stop your hate
Who are you tell an American man to stay in his truck? What law says this? Who are you to tell a man what he should do and not do that was within the law.. just because you are a coward and you would’ve stayed in your car because you are afraid of a black man doesn’t mean that he Has to be..

He was following Arbery. He had followed him for a ways in his truck already. He was able to do that because Arbery was running on the road. Nothing changed to cause McMichael to have to get out of his truck. Following him until the police showed up would've been the absolute best decision he could've made.

But, like you, he's a fucking idiot.

You've been talking about how McMichael was just following him. Well, when he got out of his truck, he stopped following Arbery and started hunting him...

Stop projecting your fears on this board, When we write laws we didn’t think about you we thought about freedom. Now stop your hate stop making fall of the color of these guys skin and their physical characteristics..

You're the last person who should be lecturing anyone on anything regarding our laws or respect for them. You have none. The fact that you're a scumbag felon demonstrates that...
How do you hunt someone that’s running at you to attack you? Lol your big hangup is that a strong white man got out of his car to tell the black criminal to stop why his father was on the phone with the cops.. If you’re hunting somebody you should him from a distance you don’t wait for the pray to come attack you and take your gun..

Stop your hate

You're not only a scumbag felon, you're illiterate, too.

Arbery wasn't running at McMichael when McMichael was in his truck.

What did McMichael hope to accomplish by getting out of his truck that wouldn't have been accomplished had he simply followed Arbery until the police showed up?
Who are you tell an American man to stay in his truck? What law says this? Who are you to tell a man what he should do and not do that was within the law.. just because you are a coward and you would’ve stayed in your car because you are afraid of a black man doesn’t mean that he Has to be..

He was following Arbery. He had followed him for a ways in his truck already. He was able to do that because Arbery was running on the road. Nothing changed to cause McMichael to have to get out of his truck. Following him until the police showed up would've been the absolute best decision he could've made.

But, like you, he's a fucking idiot.

You've been talking about how McMichael was just following him. Well, when he got out of his truck, he stopped following Arbery and started hunting him...

Stop projecting your fears on this board, When we write laws we didn’t think about you we thought about freedom. Now stop your hate stop making fall of the color of these guys skin and their physical characteristics..

You're the last person who should be lecturing anyone on anything regarding our laws or respect for them. You have none. The fact that you're a scumbag felon demonstrates that...
How do you hunt someone that’s running at you to attack you? Lol your big hangup is that a strong white man got out of his car to tell the black criminal to stop why his father was on the phone with the cops.. If you’re hunting somebody you should him from a distance you don’t wait for the pray to come attack you and take your gun..

Stop your hate

You're not only a scumbag felon, you're illiterate, too.

Arbery wasn't running at McMichael when McMichael was in his truck.

What did McMichael hope to accomplish by getting out of his truck that wouldn't have been accomplished had he simply followed Arbery until the police showed up?
So you’re hung up because a free man got out of his truck you don’t want him to stand somewhere. Lol try that defense in court.. when these guys are released I promise you I will come to wherever you are in laugh in your face, and if you hide in your truck I’ll get a new window and I will laugh in your face lol
Who are you tell an American man to stay in his truck? What law says this? Who are you to tell a man what he should do and not do that was within the law.. just because you are a coward and you would’ve stayed in your car because you are afraid of a black man doesn’t mean that he Has to be..

He was following Arbery. He had followed him for a ways in his truck already. He was able to do that because Arbery was running on the road. Nothing changed to cause McMichael to have to get out of his truck. Following him until the police showed up would've been the absolute best decision he could've made.

But, like you, he's a fucking idiot.

You've been talking about how McMichael was just following him. Well, when he got out of his truck, he stopped following Arbery and started hunting him...

Stop projecting your fears on this board, When we write laws we didn’t think about you we thought about freedom. Now stop your hate stop making fall of the color of these guys skin and their physical characteristics..

You're the last person who should be lecturing anyone on anything regarding our laws or respect for them. You have none. The fact that you're a scumbag felon demonstrates that...
How do you hunt someone that’s running at you to attack you? Lol your big hangup is that a strong white man got out of his car to tell the black criminal to stop why his father was on the phone with the cops.. If you’re hunting somebody you should him from a distance you don’t wait for the pray to come attack you and take your gun..

Stop your hate

You're not only a scumbag felon, you're illiterate, too.

Arbery wasn't running at McMichael when McMichael was in his truck.

What did McMichael hope to accomplish by getting out of his truck that wouldn't have been accomplished had he simply followed Arbery until the police showed up?
So you’re hung up because a free man got out of his truck you don’t want him to stand somewhere. Lol try that defense in court.. when these guys are released I promise you I will come to wherever you are in laugh in your face, and if you hide in your truck I’ll get a new window and I will laugh in your face lol

Why are you a coward? Why won't you answer the question?

Considering that his decision to get out of his truck with a shotgun to confront an unarmed man is going to be a central element to the case, yeah, it's important.

But maybe you're just too stupid to realize that.

Now, what did McMichael hope to accomplish by getting out of his truck that wouldn't have been accomplished had he simply followed Arbery until the police showed up?
Who are you tell an American man to stay in his truck? What law says this? Who are you to tell a man what he should do and not do that was within the law.. just because you are a coward and you would’ve stayed in your car because you are afraid of a black man doesn’t mean that he Has to be..

He was following Arbery. He had followed him for a ways in his truck already. He was able to do that because Arbery was running on the road. Nothing changed to cause McMichael to have to get out of his truck. Following him until the police showed up would've been the absolute best decision he could've made.

But, like you, he's a fucking idiot.

You've been talking about how McMichael was just following him. Well, when he got out of his truck, he stopped following Arbery and started hunting him...

Stop projecting your fears on this board, When we write laws we didn’t think about you we thought about freedom. Now stop your hate stop making fall of the color of these guys skin and their physical characteristics..

You're the last person who should be lecturing anyone on anything regarding our laws or respect for them. You have none. The fact that you're a scumbag felon demonstrates that...
How do you hunt someone that’s running at you to attack you? Lol your big hangup is that a strong white man got out of his car to tell the black criminal to stop why his father was on the phone with the cops.. If you’re hunting somebody you should him from a distance you don’t wait for the pray to come attack you and take your gun..

Stop your hate

You're not only a scumbag felon, you're illiterate, too.

Arbery wasn't running at McMichael when McMichael was in his truck.

What did McMichael hope to accomplish by getting out of his truck that wouldn't have been accomplished had he simply followed Arbery until the police showed up?
So you’re hung up because a free man got out of his truck you don’t want him to stand somewhere. Lol try that defense in court.. when these guys are released I promise you I will come to wherever you are in laugh in your face, and if you hide in your truck I’ll get a new window and I will laugh in your face lol

Why are you a coward? Why won't you answer the question?

Considering that his decision to get out of his truck with a shotgun to confront an unarmed man is going to be a central element to the case, yeah, it's important.

But maybe you're just too stupid to realize that.

Now, what did McMichael hope to accomplish by getting out of his truck that wouldn't have been accomplished had he simply followed Arbery until the police showed up?
Freedom is why he got out of his truck he want to tell the little black punk to stop, maybe he wanted to take a picture of him up close. So the police could identify the criminal. Why does freedom upset you why does a strong white man upset you?
Who are you tell an American man to stay in his truck? What law says this? Who are you to tell a man what he should do and not do that was within the law.. just because you are a coward and you would’ve stayed in your car because you are afraid of a black man doesn’t mean that he Has to be..

He was following Arbery. He had followed him for a ways in his truck already. He was able to do that because Arbery was running on the road. Nothing changed to cause McMichael to have to get out of his truck. Following him until the police showed up would've been the absolute best decision he could've made.

But, like you, he's a fucking idiot.

You've been talking about how McMichael was just following him. Well, when he got out of his truck, he stopped following Arbery and started hunting him...

Stop projecting your fears on this board, When we write laws we didn’t think about you we thought about freedom. Now stop your hate stop making fall of the color of these guys skin and their physical characteristics..

You're the last person who should be lecturing anyone on anything regarding our laws or respect for them. You have none. The fact that you're a scumbag felon demonstrates that...
How do you hunt someone that’s running at you to attack you? Lol your big hangup is that a strong white man got out of his car to tell the black criminal to stop why his father was on the phone with the cops.. If you’re hunting somebody you should him from a distance you don’t wait for the pray to come attack you and take your gun..

Stop your hate

You're not only a scumbag felon, you're illiterate, too.

Arbery wasn't running at McMichael when McMichael was in his truck.

What did McMichael hope to accomplish by getting out of his truck that wouldn't have been accomplished had he simply followed Arbery until the police showed up?
So you’re hung up because a free man got out of his truck you don’t want him to stand somewhere. Lol try that defense in court.. when these guys are released I promise you I will come to wherever you are in laugh in your face, and if you hide in your truck I’ll get a new window and I will laugh in your face lol

Why are you a coward? Why won't you answer the question?

Considering that his decision to get out of his truck with a shotgun to confront an unarmed man is going to be a central element to the case, yeah, it's important.

But maybe you're just too stupid to realize that.

Now, what did McMichael hope to accomplish by getting out of his truck that wouldn't have been accomplished had he simply followed Arbery until the police showed up?
Freedom is why he got out of his truck he want to tell the little black punk to stop, maybe he wanted to take a picture of him up close. So the police could identify the criminal. Why does freedom upset you why does a strong white man upset you?

You're a fucking idiot and a coward.

Oh, and a scumbag felon. You belong in prison, scumbag...
Who are you tell an American man to stay in his truck? What law says this? Who are you to tell a man what he should do and not do that was within the law.. just because you are a coward and you would’ve stayed in your car because you are afraid of a black man doesn’t mean that he Has to be..

He was following Arbery. He had followed him for a ways in his truck already. He was able to do that because Arbery was running on the road. Nothing changed to cause McMichael to have to get out of his truck. Following him until the police showed up would've been the absolute best decision he could've made.

But, like you, he's a fucking idiot.

You've been talking about how McMichael was just following him. Well, when he got out of his truck, he stopped following Arbery and started hunting him...

Stop projecting your fears on this board, When we write laws we didn’t think about you we thought about freedom. Now stop your hate stop making fall of the color of these guys skin and their physical characteristics..

You're the last person who should be lecturing anyone on anything regarding our laws or respect for them. You have none. The fact that you're a scumbag felon demonstrates that...
How do you hunt someone that’s running at you to attack you? Lol your big hangup is that a strong white man got out of his car to tell the black criminal to stop why his father was on the phone with the cops.. If you’re hunting somebody you should him from a distance you don’t wait for the pray to come attack you and take your gun..

Stop your hate

You're not only a scumbag felon, you're illiterate, too.

Arbery wasn't running at McMichael when McMichael was in his truck.

What did McMichael hope to accomplish by getting out of his truck that wouldn't have been accomplished had he simply followed Arbery until the police showed up?
So you’re hung up because a free man got out of his truck you don’t want him to stand somewhere. Lol try that defense in court.. when these guys are released I promise you I will come to wherever you are in laugh in your face, and if you hide in your truck I’ll get a new window and I will laugh in your face lol

Why are you a coward? Why won't you answer the question?

Considering that his decision to get out of his truck with a shotgun to confront an unarmed man is going to be a central element to the case, yeah, it's important.

But maybe you're just too stupid to realize that.

Now, what did McMichael hope to accomplish by getting out of his truck that wouldn't have been accomplished had he simply followed Arbery until the police showed up?
Freedom is why he got out of his truck he want to tell the little black punk to stop, maybe he wanted to take a picture of him up close. So the police could identify the criminal. Why does freedom upset you why does a strong white man upset you?
Nope, you're not free to threaten peoples' lives with lethal weapons. The instant you do that, they have the right to fend you off in self-defense.

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