All nations should help those fleeing....however.....


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
We should all extend a helping hands to help those fleeing these countries of terrorism....however, lets do a little investigation on these people, lets ask questions, do a little monitoring, but to throw out the welcome mat and say have at it??? Please.....lets do our homework and monitor these people until we feel safe around them, otherwise, I so understand people being afraid, like give me a break.
Why are you under the impression that we don't already do this?

Refugee status is not easy to get, and potential refugees are most certainly investigated.
I saw a news report today that explained how refugees are allowed in.

I gotta tell you, it's not as easy as many on the right are trying to paint it. Not only does the intelligence agency do background checks with INTERPOL, but they are asked lots of questions by trained experts before being allowed in.

They're vetted better than you think.

And, I have a solution for the refugees. If you are a male, who is healthy and able bodied, you can vouch for your family (who will be monitored at all times) and they can stay here, while the male member goes back to Syria to take back their country. The family gets refugee status, and the US gets some native people to help out with the fight against ISIL. If they are serious about it, they've gotta put some skin in the game.

If a person refuses to be monitored, or the male member goes snappy and kills friendly troops? Shoot the person who killed the troops and deport the family back to Syria posthaste.

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