All things Doctor Who!

Can I take back my rep? You said you were leaving. Go already. Stop making yourself a liar. Let those of us who like Dr Who enjoy it. What is it to you? Why do you want to ruin the fun? Get a life already!

I've watched Dr Who for many years, with my kids when they were younger. Most of it is lame, that's part of the fun. You don't like it you don't have to watch it and up until you gave your big announcement that you were leaving this thread, you had a right to tell us why you didn't like it. Now you have a right to back up your word and leave.

Yes. You can neg me. Twice (it will take 48 hours plus another minute or more). :eusa_angel:

And, anyway, I was replying to the silliness from JoeB, primarily about his "view" regarding a book unrelated to Dr. Who.

So, againsheila, calm yourself down. Enjoy your Dr. Who echo chamber. But don't think I am obliged not to respond to the likes of that imbecile JoeB.

For my part, I will leave my commentary about Dr. Wha to my alternative thread.

Meanwhile, what I said to JoeBeyotch is true. To the extent he measures the quality of the show by the fact that it has been around a while, his yardstick is seriously flawed.

How is that thread going for ya? Lol

I dunno. I rarely drop in.

How's it going here with your mission to have nothing but agreement on your views of the worth of Dr. Huh?
Yes. You can neg me. Twice (it will take 48 hours plus another minute or more). :eusa_angel:

And, anyway, I was replying to the silliness from JoeB, primarily about his "view" regarding a book unrelated to Dr. Who.

So, againsheila, calm yourself down. Enjoy your Dr. Who echo chamber. But don't think I am obliged not to respond to the likes of that imbecile JoeB.

For my part, I will leave my commentary about Dr. Wha to my alternative thread.

Meanwhile, what I said to JoeBeyotch is true. To the extent he measures the quality of the show by the fact that it has been around a while, his yardstick is seriously flawed.

How is that thread going for ya? Lol

I dunno. I rarely drop in.

How's it going here with your mission to have nothing but agreement on your views of the worth of Dr. Huh?

That would have been fine if that was what you had been doing. Instead you just wanted to troll, and throw insults at me. Which you are free to do, but this thread was a light hearted thread that was just doing just fine without your trolling.
Plus all you wanted was attention. So if you want to flame me, start a thread about it, otherwise give the rest of us a break.
How is that thread going for ya? Lol

I dunno. I rarely drop in.

How's it going here with your mission to have nothing but agreement on your views of the worth of Dr. Huh?

That would have been fine if that was what you had been doing. Instead you just wanted to troll, and throw insults at me. Which you are free to do, but this thread was a light hearted thread that was just doing just fine without your trolling.
Plus all you wanted was attention. So if you want to flame me, start a thread about it, otherwise give the rest of us a break.

Hey Lousyissa:

You appear to be derailing this thread and its highly important topic.

After your butthurt whining that I was twolling it, you seem unable suddenly to post without trying to elicit my reply.

Make up your mind you silly little critter.

Get back to discussing the finer points of Police Call Box versus phone booth.

I dunno. I rarely drop in.

How's it going here with your mission to have nothing but agreement on your views of the worth of Dr. Huh?

That would have been fine if that was what you had been doing. Instead you just wanted to troll, and throw insults at me. Which you are free to do, but this thread was a light hearted thread that was just doing just fine without your trolling.
Plus all you wanted was attention. So if you want to flame me, start a thread about it, otherwise give the rest of us a break.

Hey Lousyissa:

You appear to be derailing this thread and its highly important topic.

After your butthurt whining that I was twolling it, you seem unable suddenly to post without trying to elicit my reply.

Make up your mind you silly little critter.

Get back to discussing the finer points of Police Call Box versus phone booth.


No problem.
I was going to comment, but I see that they've already said you've taken the thread off track.

No, guy, I really did nail it on Ender's Game. It's pretty much the kind of Sci-Fi you'd get written by a crazy person.

On the other hand, DW has lasted 50 years, it has millions of fans around the world. I think that pretty much says it all.

No. You were wrong. Ender's Game may be a bit flawed, but it is still vastly superior to some lame Science Fiction which you appear to judge based on longevity.

Fossilized dinosaur poop has been around a long time, too. That doesn't make it quality entertainment.

Can I take back my rep? You said you were leaving. Go already. Stop making yourself a liar. Let those of us who like Dr Who enjoy it. What is it to you? Why do you want to ruin the fun? Get a life already!

I've watched Dr Who for many years, with my kids when they were younger. Most of it is lame, that's part of the fun. You don't like it you don't have to watch it and up until you gave your big announcement that you were leaving this thread, you had a right to tell us why you didn't like it. Now you have a right to back up your word and leave.

Don't push it too hard. He'll leave - but come back with a different name. ;)
No. You were wrong. Ender's Game may be a bit flawed, but it is still vastly superior to some lame Science Fiction which you appear to judge based on longevity.

Fossilized dinosaur poop has been around a long time, too. That doesn't make it quality entertainment.

Can I take back my rep? You said you were leaving. Go already. Stop making yourself a liar. Let those of us who like Dr Who enjoy it. What is it to you? Why do you want to ruin the fun? Get a life already!

I've watched Dr Who for many years, with my kids when they were younger. Most of it is lame, that's part of the fun. You don't like it you don't have to watch it and up until you gave your big announcement that you were leaving this thread, you had a right to tell us why you didn't like it. Now you have a right to back up your word and leave.

Yes. You can neg me. Twice (it will take 48 hours plus another minute or more). :eusa_angel:

And, anyway, I was replying to the silliness from JoeB, primarily about his "view" regarding a book unrelated to Dr. Who.

So, againsheila, calm yourself down. Enjoy your Dr. Who echo chamber. But don't think I am obliged not to respond to the likes of that imbecile JoeB.

For my part, I will leave my commentary about Dr. Wha to my alternative thread.

Meanwhile, what I said to JoeBeyotch is true. To the extent he measures the quality of the show by the fact that it has been around a while, his yardstick is seriously flawed.

so why has it been around for 50 years?.......:eusa_eh:
IlarMeilyr doth protest too much. Probably a secret Who fan.

As for Ender's Game, I tried to read that many years ago, and just could not get into it.

Perhaps there is a weird correlation between those who like Dr. Who and those who don't like Ender's Game and vice versa. :lol:

My favorite science fiction work of all time is Snow Crash.
IlarMeilyr doth protest too much. Probably a secret Who fan.

As for Ender's Game, I tried to read that many years ago, and just could not get into it.

Perhaps there is a weird correlation between those who like Dr. Who and those who don't like Ender's Game and vice versa. :lol:

My favorite science fiction work of all time is Snow Crash.

All I did was post a contrary view. And yes, I tweaked some of the "fans" who were gushing all kinds of silly shit about how "good" the show is. Pfft.

Somebody (and I won't point fingers or anything) got her panties in a wad and whined.

She wanted an echo chamber. :lol:


I saw a couple of part-episodes of Dr. Whu? I really couldn't abide it. I don't dislike all British programming. Like, several years ago, I saw Rumpole of the Bailey. I thought that stuff was a hoot.

Now, Ender's Game as a work of science fiction was indeed a little flawed, but still, it was a good book.

But it has no connection to the the Dr. Who show.

I am not sure what my favorite Science Fiction work was. I liked the I, Robot stuff. I liked Rendevous with Rama series. Some of the DUNE stuff was compelling -- at least at first. A little ponderous, but imaginative all the same.

I have enjoyed many works of Science Fiction. Some of the early stuff (it was dime novel throw-away stuff when I started reading it when I was a kid) got me started many many moons ago. When it's done well, it can be hugely imaginative and satisfying.
IlarMeilyr doth protest too much. Probably a secret Who fan.

As for Ender's Game, I tried to read that many years ago, and just could not get into it.

Perhaps there is a weird correlation between those who like Dr. Who and those who don't like Ender's Game and vice versa. :lol:

My favorite science fiction work of all time is Snow Crash.

That was a good one.

Just sobbed my way through the end of Rose Tyler.

That is taking Dr. Who Fandom a little too far.

But it would confuse the shit out of future archeologists, so there's that.

No. You were wrong. Ender's Game may be a bit flawed, but it is still vastly superior to some lame Science Fiction which you appear to judge based on longevity.

No, guy, it's a terrible book because 1) It's repetitive and boring. (Like a lot of "novels" that started out as short stories and had padding by the author to drag it out) and 2) It has a lot of really horrible ideas. Like training kids to murder each other to fight an enemy they don't even really understand. And that was just the first book. The sequels are even more awful, based on the synopsis...

Fossilized dinosaur poop has been around a long time, too. That doesn't make it quality entertainment.

No, but no one goes out of their way to see dino poop except palentologists....

No. You were wrong. Ender's Game may be a bit flawed, but it is still vastly superior to some lame Science Fiction which you appear to judge based on longevity.

No, guy, it's a terrible book because 1) It's repetitive and boring. (Like a lot of "novels" that started out as short stories and had padding by the author to drag it out) and 2) It has a lot of really horrible ideas. Like training kids to murder each other to fight an enemy they don't even really understand. And that was just the first book. The sequels are even more awful, based on the synopsis...

Fossilized dinosaur poop has been around a long time, too. That doesn't make it quality entertainment.

No, but no one goes out of their way to see dino poop except palentologists....

The kids weren't trained to murder each other.
No, they just let it happen. And didn't tell anyone. And no one questioned why they never saw little Billy again.

Which is pretty much the opposite of what happens with real kids.

I know when I was in Kindergarten, we had some kid they had to rush out in hurry because the other kids ganged up on him. We never saw that kid again.... But oddly, in Ender's Game, kids get killed by Ender and no one notices.... Really.
One more idea to toss out there. The Doctor as "Space Jesus".

Besides the whole paralel between "Resurrection" and "Regeneration".

And Martha Jones saying "What Would the Doctor Do?"

But think about the Jesus/Satan relationship between the Doctor and The Master.
No, they just let it happen. And didn't tell anyone. And no one questioned why they never saw little Billy again.

Which is pretty much the opposite of what happens with real kids.

I know when I was in Kindergarten, we had some kid they had to rush out in hurry because the other kids ganged up on him. We never saw that kid again.... But oddly, in Ender's Game, kids get killed by Ender and no one notices.... Really.

Yeah, you were wrong. Really.
Okay, let's get this thread back on track.

Anyone want to speculate on what the deal is with the John Hurt character/Doctor?


I think he is The Doctor from the Time wars, between the 8th and 9th.

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