All things Doctor Who!

Today's the Day.

Won't be able to catch it until the replay at 6 PM.

But anyway- one think I saw in the preview.

David Tennent to Matt Smith "You've redecorated the TARDIS... I don't like it!"

Wow. That was funny.

40 years ago when Patrick Troughton said it to Jon Pertwee.
check out this little diddy here everyone.....they made this as a prequel for tonight's episode....

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Okay- My thoughts on the 50th anniversy, which I am going to do all in spoilers.

First, without giving away too much of the story, the interplay between Smith and Tennant was pretty good. They compliment each other really well and are funny.

I take back what I said about "I don't like it". The entire scene is pretty funny. "It was his grunge phase- he grew out of it!"

This is the 50th anniversary episode the fans deserved.

I do get the feeling that the part that John Hurt played was originally scripted for Eccleston. So the Doctor has to end the time war to save all of creation, but he meets his future selves, and sees how the decision to destroy his own people affected him.

but this being Doctor Who, he is given a second chance.

Okay, I know I'm being cagey and putting this in spoilers... but you just have to see it for yourself.
Okay- My thoughts on the 50th anniversy, which I am going to do all in spoilers.

First, without giving away too much of the story, the interplay between Smith and Tennant was pretty good. They compliment each other really well and are funny.

I take back what I said about "I don't like it". The entire scene is pretty funny. "It was his grunge phase- he grew out of it!"

This is the 50th anniversary episode the fans deserved.

I do get the feeling that the part that John Hurt played was originally scripted for Eccleston. So the Doctor has to end the time war to save all of creation, but he meets his future selves, and sees how the decision to destroy his own people affected him.

but this being Doctor Who, he is given a second chance.

Okay, I know I'm being cagey and putting this in spoilers... but you just have to see it for yourself.

ok Joe i thought it was a pretty good Episode......i had a few questions afterwards but i dont know who can answer them.....but i enjoyed it.....the 10th and 11th Doctors did have good interplay between them....the curator of the Museum at the end was a surprise....
I thought the special was great, but I still wish Eccleston could have at least made a small appearance.
I thought the special was great, but I still wish Eccleston could have at least made a small appearance.

Kevin i read an interview with him and he doesnt seem to be to happy with the producers of the show....he claimed that was one of the reasons he left after a year....and if you notice he was not on the 9th Doctor stuff in Sept....thats what i got out of the interview....
I thought the special was great, but I still wish Eccleston could have at least made a small appearance.

I really do think that in an earlier draft of this script, Eccleston was supposed to play the John Hurt part. When you think about it, it kind of makes more sense.

But I'm guessing that Eccleston was being a dick and decided not to participate.

So now that guy was a waste of TWO regenerations.
I thought the special was great, but I still wish Eccleston could have at least made a small appearance.

Kevin i read an interview with him and he doesnt seem to be to happy with the producers of the show....he claimed that was one of the reasons he left after a year....and if you notice he was not on the 9th Doctor stuff in Sept....thats what i got out of the interview....

Okay, but you know what, he had a problem with Davies, and frankly, I have some problems with some of the decisions Davies made. I had more problems with the way Davies ran Torchwood.
Since we now know that John Hurt's Doctor is an official "Doctor" (and that totally screws with the numbering) that mean's Capaldi's Doctor is the last one.

Or is he. Lots of "Cryptic" stuff with the "Curator" talking about "Visiting old favorites".

Best line- "I demand you arrest me and my co-conspirators- Granddad and Sand Shoes!"
I thought the special was great, but I still wish Eccleston could have at least made a small appearance.

Kevin i read an interview with him and he doesnt seem to be to happy with the producers of the show....he claimed that was one of the reasons he left after a year....and if you notice he was not on the 9th Doctor stuff in Sept....thats what i got out of the interview....

Yeah I read that as well, but I still hoped.
I thought the special was great, but I still wish Eccleston could have at least made a small appearance.

I really do think that in an earlier draft of this script, Eccleston was supposed to play the John Hurt part. When you think about it, it kind of makes more sense.

But I'm guessing that Eccleston was being a dick and decided not to participate.

So now that guy was a waste of TWO regenerations.

I thought Eccleston was great, so I wouldn't call him a waste at all. I never got the idea that Eccleston was the Time War Doctor, however. Prior to John Hurt's introduction I simply assumed it was McGann's Doctor. In the very first episode of the new series Eccleston sees himself in the mirror and says "It could have been worse," which implies, to me, that his regeneration had been fairly recent, so I don't think he was meant for Hurt's part at all.
Some of the older Doctors complained about not being included, including Colin Baker. Although I thought the way they worked them all in at the end was kind of nice.

Without giving away too much, does this put out the possibility that we might see The Master sometime soon?

I thought the special was great, but I still wish Eccleston could have at least made a small appearance.

I really do think that in an earlier draft of this script, Eccleston was supposed to play the John Hurt part. When you think about it, it kind of makes more sense.

But I'm guessing that Eccleston was being a dick and decided not to participate.

So now that guy was a waste of TWO regenerations.

I thought Eccleston was great, so I wouldn't call him a waste at all. I never got the idea that Eccleston was the Time War Doctor, however. Prior to John Hurt's introduction I simply assumed it was McGann's Doctor. In the very first episode of the new series Eccleston sees himself in the mirror and says "It could have been worse," which implies, to me, that his regeneration had been fairly recent, so I don't think he was meant for Hurt's part at all.

That same episode had website hits with hundreds of images of the Eccleston Doctor through history at historical events....

I never cared for his portrayal, I don't think he got the quirkiness of the Character. I really would rate him towards the bottom.
Since we now know that John Hurt's Doctor is an official "Doctor" (and that totally screws with the numbering) that mean's Capaldi's Doctor is the last one.

Or is he. Lots of "Cryptic" stuff with the "Curator" talking about "Visiting old favorites".

Best line- "I demand you arrest me and my co-conspirators- Granddad and Sand Shoes!"

Can't Time Lords be given more regenerations, however?

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