All things Doctor Who!

Since we now know that John Hurt's Doctor is an official "Doctor" (and that totally screws with the numbering) that mean's Capaldi's Doctor is the last one.

Or is he. Lots of "Cryptic" stuff with the "Curator" talking about "Visiting old favorites".

Best line- "I demand you arrest me and my co-conspirators- Granddad and Sand Shoes!"

Can't Time Lords be given more regenerations, however?

Good question.

The only one who has been given more was The Master. By the other Timelords.

SO it would strike me that the only ones who could grant the Doctor more regenerations would be the timelords themselves. If he can figure out where he left them.
I really do think that in an earlier draft of this script, Eccleston was supposed to play the John Hurt part. When you think about it, it kind of makes more sense.

But I'm guessing that Eccleston was being a dick and decided not to participate.

So now that guy was a waste of TWO regenerations.

I thought Eccleston was great, so I wouldn't call him a waste at all. I never got the idea that Eccleston was the Time War Doctor, however. Prior to John Hurt's introduction I simply assumed it was McGann's Doctor. In the very first episode of the new series Eccleston sees himself in the mirror and says "It could have been worse," which implies, to me, that his regeneration had been fairly recent, so I don't think he was meant for Hurt's part at all.

That same episode had website hits with hundreds of images of the Eccleston Doctor through history at historical events....

I never cared for his portrayal, I don't think he got the quirkiness of the Character. I really would rate him towards the bottom.

Yes, but that still doesn't mean it wasn't relatively recent. The glories of time travel.
Since we now know that John Hurt's Doctor is an official "Doctor" (and that totally screws with the numbering) that mean's Capaldi's Doctor is the last one.

Or is he. Lots of "Cryptic" stuff with the "Curator" talking about "Visiting old favorites".

Best line- "I demand you arrest me and my co-conspirators- Granddad and Sand Shoes!"

Can't Time Lords be given more regenerations, however?

Good question.

The only one who has been given more was The Master. By the other Timelords.

SO it would strike me that the only ones who could grant the Doctor more regenerations would be the timelords themselves. If he can figure out where he left them.

Then I guess we know what Capaldi's going to be busy doing.
I thought the special was great, but I still wish Eccleston could have at least made a small appearance.

Kevin i read an interview with him and he doesnt seem to be to happy with the producers of the show....he claimed that was one of the reasons he left after a year....and if you notice he was not on the 9th Doctor stuff in Sept....thats what i got out of the interview....

Okay, but you know what, he had a problem with Davies, and frankly, I have some problems with some of the decisions Davies made. I had more problems with the way Davies ran Torchwood.

what i read Joe he said he did not like some of the Directors too....he said they treated the sound,lighting and other crew people like shit and he did not like that and he said he told them so....... i think Davies is better than Moffett....and i like Torchwood....but i thought the Torchwood miracle day series killed it...that wasnt Torchwood.....
Counting regenerations on a sci fi show is past absurd..... It isnt hard to make a story where he gets more.....Sort of like if you all forgot that River gave him ALL of hers.
I don't know if it's "absurd" or not.

The writers themselves wrote themselves into this corner in 1976 when they claimed that a Time Lord can only regenerate 12 times, probably because they were only on their 4th actor in the role and didn't think they'd have to deal with the problem at some point.

Now someone has to deal with the problem.

Here's another thing that occurred to me.

Moffett has essentially erased the angst that Davies wrote into the character.

The Eccleston and Tennant Doctors were consumed by the guilt over the genocide of their own people, but still felt it was justified.

now they aren't dead, kiddies, they are just stuck in an alternative dimension, waiting to be freed.

Okay- except what happens when they get out.

Now, I can see why the Doctor would feel bad about killing billions of innocent Gallifreans. (It's kind of hinted at that only a select elite of the Gallifrey's population actually become Time Lords.) But the minute he pops Gallifrey out of that pocket dimension, there's going to be Rassilon probably arm-wrestling with the Master and the same problem pops up again.
I don't know if it's "absurd" or not.

The writers themselves wrote themselves into this corner in 1976 when they claimed that a Time Lord can only regenerate 12 times, probably because they were only on their 4th actor in the role and didn't think they'd have to deal with the problem at some point.

Now someone has to deal with the problem.

Here's another thing that occurred to me.

Moffett has essentially erased the angst that Davies wrote into the character.

The Eccleston and Tennant Doctors were consumed by the guilt over the genocide of their own people, but still felt it was justified.

now they aren't dead, kiddies, they are just stuck in an alternative dimension, waiting to be freed.

Okay- except what happens when they get out.

Now, I can see why the Doctor would feel bad about killing billions of innocent Gallifreans. (It's kind of hinted at that only a select elite of the Gallifrey's population actually become Time Lords.) But the minute he pops Gallifrey out of that pocket dimension, there's going to be Rassilon probably arm-wrestling with the Master and the same problem pops up again.

When Peter Davidson was the doctor I remember an episode where he gave up 5 of his regenerations, so they've already ignored that little titbit. Maybe when River gave him all of her regenerations, that gave him more regenerations? I don't know, it's fiction, they can do whatever they like and as long as it makes money, they'll find ways to make more doctors.
Kevin i read an interview with him and he doesnt seem to be to happy with the producers of the show....he claimed that was one of the reasons he left after a year....and if you notice he was not on the 9th Doctor stuff in Sept....thats what i got out of the interview....

Okay, but you know what, he had a problem with Davies, and frankly, I have some problems with some of the decisions Davies made. I had more problems with the way Davies ran Torchwood.

what i read Joe he said he did not like some of the Directors too....he said they treated the sound,lighting and other crew people like shit and he did not like that and he said he told them so....... i think Davies is better than Moffett....and i like Torchwood....but i thought the Torchwood miracle day series killed it...that wasnt Torchwood.....

I liked Miracle Day better than the original Torchwood. They really killed that show for me with all their gratuitous sex. Everybody was having sex with everybody else, and it's not like they were meaningful or even believable relationships. I had so much hope for that series too.

Plus, the season it started with that carp that stopped for that old lady to cross the road. Then the carp turned into a bad guy and they killed him. What the heck was that? I liked that carp.
Dr Who is perfect TV viewing when you don't want to think too hard or too seriously about anything.

I only have one question about Dr. Who.

His companions are never really and truly hot.

by that I mean they're okay, but compared to Dr. Who in many cases you know, you absolutely know that the Dr. is way hotter than his companions and in real life he'd have a hotter GF.

Sup wid dat?

That cannot be an accident.

I thought Rose Tyler and Martha Jones were sexy. Rose had a look like Faruka Balk yiss :cool:
Dr Who is perfect TV viewing when you don't want to think too hard or too seriously about anything.

I only have one question about Dr. Who.

His companions are never really and truly hot.

by that I mean they're okay, but compared to Dr. Who in many cases you know, you absolutely know that the Dr. is way hotter than his companions and in real life he'd have a hotter GF.

Sup wid dat?

That cannot be an accident.

I thought Rose Tyler and Martha Jones were sexy. Rose had a look like Faruka Balk yiss :cool:

And I'm not sure you could honestly say the Doctor is usually better looking than the female companions. You might have an argument with Paul McGann, David Tennant, and Matt Smith. Maybe even Peter Davison, but the rest? I don't think so.
I don't know if it's "absurd" or not.

The writers themselves wrote themselves into this corner in 1976 when they claimed that a Time Lord can only regenerate 12 times, probably because they were only on their 4th actor in the role and didn't think they'd have to deal with the problem at some point.

Now someone has to deal with the problem.

Here's another thing that occurred to me.

Moffett has essentially erased the angst that Davies wrote into the character.

The Eccleston and Tennant Doctors were consumed by the guilt over the genocide of their own people, but still felt it was justified.

now they aren't dead, kiddies, they are just stuck in an alternative dimension, waiting to be freed.

Okay- except what happens when they get out.

Now, I can see why the Doctor would feel bad about killing billions of innocent Gallifreans. (It's kind of hinted at that only a select elite of the Gallifrey's population actually become Time Lords.) But the minute he pops Gallifrey out of that pocket dimension, there's going to be Rassilon probably arm-wrestling with the Master and the same problem pops up again.

When Peter Davidson was the doctor I remember an episode where he gave up 5 of his regenerations, so they've already ignored that little titbit. Maybe when River gave him all of her regenerations, that gave him more regenerations? I don't know, it's fiction, they can do whatever they like and as long as it makes money, they'll find ways to make more doctors.

in that episode he did not have to go through with he did not give them up....
Steven Moffat has now confirmed that Matt Smith was actually the Thirteenth Doctor, and a source close to the show explained to the Mirror, "There have been two David Tennant Doctor Whos technically and with John Hurt playing another Doctor in the film, it basically means he can't regenerate again."

Moffat added, "The 12 regenerations limit is a central part of Doctor Who mythology, science fiction is all about rules, you can't just casually break them."
He then teased, "So if the Doctor can never change again, what's Peter Capaldi doing in the Christmas special?"

The insider also concluded, "The riddle of the regeneration problem, something fans have talked about for decades, will be faced head on at Christmas. There is going to be another huge cliffhanger and somehow Peter Capaldi has to join and the series has to continue."


It looks like we might be up against the regeneration limit sooner than we think. I just wonder where this news leaves the Valeyard.
Dr Who is perfect TV viewing when you don't want to think too hard or too seriously about anything.

I only have one question about Dr. Who.

His companions are never really and truly hot.

by that I mean they're okay, but compared to Dr. Who in many cases you know, you absolutely know that the Dr. is way hotter than his companions and in real life he'd have a hotter GF.

Sup wid dat?

That cannot be an accident.

I thought Rose Tyler and Martha Jones were sexy. Rose had a look like Faruka Balk yiss :cool:

i thought Martha was very nice....very nice indeed...
Dr Who is perfect TV viewing when you don't want to think too hard or too seriously about anything.

I only have one question about Dr. Who.

His companions are never really and truly hot.

by that I mean they're okay, but compared to Dr. Who in many cases you know, you absolutely know that the Dr. is way hotter than his companions and in real life he'd have a hotter GF.

Sup wid dat?

That cannot be an accident.

I thought Rose Tyler and Martha Jones were sexy. Rose had a look like Faruka Balk yiss :cool:

i thought Martha was very nice....very nice indeed...

Dat booty doe

I just finished season 4 (I think) and was sad to see David Tennant go. Like really....But I like the new Doctor almost instantly. Weird
I just finished season 4 (I think) and was sad to see David Tennant go. Like really....But I like the new Doctor almost instantly. Weird

yea he kinda grows on ya....

My first time through I didn't like Matt because he wasn't David.

Hardly fair, I feel.

Now that I'm watching him again with my sister, I am much more kindly disposed toward him.

I won't see twelve until we're current with eleven.
I just finished season 4 (I think) and was sad to see David Tennant go. Like really....But I like the new Doctor almost instantly. Weird

yea he kinda grows on ya....

My first time through I didn't like Matt because he wasn't David.

Hardly fair, I feel.

Now that I'm watching him again with my sister, I am much more kindly disposed toward him.

I won't see twelve until we're current with eleven.

I'm so Old School I remember being upset when Tom Baker left and got replaced with the Cricket Player.

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