All things Doctor Who!

That strikes me as an odd pick.

To put it in perspective, he's 55.

William Hartnell, the First Doctor, was 55 when he took the role, which proved too demanding for him and he had to retire. (Starting this whole whacky, "Let's just say the Doctor Regenerates so we can change the actor every few years.)

Jon Pertwee was 50 when he took the role. Every other actor who ever took the role has been younger than that.

Hartnell was Ill....and had to leave....Troughton was around 55 when he was the Doctor...

Actually, when he first got the roll in 1966, he was 46. He was a year younger than Jon Pertwee.

Incidenty, Troughton was responsible for the "Troughton Rule", which is you only play the roll for 3 years, which most of the actors have followed (Except Tom Baker and Pertwee.)

yea you are long as the guy is eccentric and has his quirky shit he should be ok....
He was also on Torchwood.

I think he might be good.

Ironically, when Matt Smith got the part, everyone said he was "Too Young".

Now they are talking about Peter like he's too old.


I'll try not to hold the Torchwood thing against him, because I don't think I liked his character, or anything else they ever did on Torchwood.

I have never been able to get into Torchwood and I loved Captain Jack.

i was able too.....not the crap they put on Showtime though....i would love to see Jack doing a few adventures with the Doctor again....
He keeps saying he won't be apart of 50th Anniversary but I don't believe it, or I don't want to believe it. :D
Hartnell was Ill....and had to leave....Troughton was around 55 when he was the Doctor...

Actually, when he first got the roll in 1966, he was 46. He was a year younger than Jon Pertwee.

Incidenty, Troughton was responsible for the "Troughton Rule", which is you only play the roll for 3 years, which most of the actors have followed (Except Tom Baker and Pertwee.)

Wasn't tennant in for 4 Years?
2006 to 2010?

Well, technically, yeah. But "Season 4" actually stretched from 2008 to 2010. During 2010, they didn't regular episodes, they did "specials" where the Doctor travelled without companions.

My only complaint is that while "End of Time" was a good episode, the whole ending was a bit over the top. He stops by to visit ALL his companions before his regeneration wrecks the Tardis?
When I see the picture of the new Doctor I just knew this was going to be amazing. :) I am very happy with the casting, and I hope they take him in new directions other than the Doctor and companion romantic b.s.

[ame=]Comic Relief - Catherine Tate & David Tennant - YouTube[/ame]
All ya need to know about Dr. Huh is that JoeBitch is a loyal fan.

Thanks for trolling.

The Welsher is upset that I pointed out Ender's Game is mediocre.

I am not a welsher as you knew when you lied.

And you didn't "point out" that Ender's Game is mediocre. You merely offered your arrogant and generally worthless opinion.

Dr. Huh sucks balls. No wonder you like that drek.
Okay, loser.

WITHERING come back.

Who writes your material, lulu?



You suck ASS on multiple levels.


I am not the one trolling the tv forum.

Bored? Go buy a hooker or something.


YOU are the cum dumptser participating in a "discussion' about fucking Dr. Huh?


lulu, you may be a loser-loser, but you never fail to make me laugh.

At you.

You are pathetic.

Dr. Wha?, like you, sucks massive ass.
WITHERING come back.

Who writes your material, lulu?



You suck ASS on multiple levels.


I am not the one trolling the tv forum.

Bored? Go buy a hooker or something.


YOU are the cum dumptser participating in a "discussion' about fucking Dr. Huh?


lulu, you may be a loser-loser, but you never fail to make me laugh.

At you.

You are pathetic.

Dr. Wha?, like you, sucks massive ass.

Cool story.
And the whole phone booth thing?

Complete cheese-dick rip off from Superman.

Dr. Huh? cannot suck enough ass, even thought Lulu Is a complete massive ass.
The Welsher is upset that I pointed out Ender's Game is mediocre.

I am not a welsher as you knew when you lied.

And you didn't "point out" that Ender's Game is mediocre. You merely offered your arrogant and generally worthless opinion.

Dr. Huh sucks balls. No wonder you like that drek.

Enders Game was a damn good book.

MUCH better than an intellectual lightweight like JoeBitch can fathom.

Of course, like Lulu, JoeBitch is clearly a person with a tragically deficient intellect.

Those dimwits actually LIKE Dr. Huh?

And the whole phone booth thing?

Complete cheese-dick rip off from Superman.

Dr. Huh? cannot suck enough ass, even thought Lulu Is a complete massive ass.

I just realized you are still in high school. It explains quite a bit.

And it is a Police Box time machine, nothing even close to Superman. Plus when Doctor Who was created the phone booth was not yet widely connected to Superman.
And the whole phone booth thing?

Complete cheese-dick rip off from Superman.

Dr. Huh? cannot suck enough ass, even thought Lulu Is a complete massive ass.

I just realized you are still in high school. It explains quite a bit.

And it is a Police Box time machine, nothing even close to Superman. Plus when Doctor Who was created the phone booth was not yet widely connected to Superman.

You are either high, dishonest or ignorant. Or some combination of those things.

Superman was created in the fucking 1930's you mindless twit.

The Superman phone booth bit preceded even the creation of Dr. Wha.

So, the rip-off artist creators of Dr. Huh? stole the phone booth notion from Superman, and changed it ever so slightly into a police box. You doink.

BTW: I have probably been out of high school longer than you have even been alive. You are clearly a child. A retarded child. Which makes the fact that you are slut a bit more difficult to understand. Your stupidity is explained perfectly, though.

TARDIS is also a rip off. It comes from a play words referencing your peeps: reTARDS.

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