Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz ‘vile’ and ‘not a lady’ for criticizing his budget

Why must you spin the truth of why the two are at odds?

Are you THAT insecure about your position?

No I'm very secure in saying "he proved himself to be the biggest pile of shit is So. Fla."

Your saying that is not what I am referring to. You have all the right in the world to believe what you believe and I respect anyones sentiments...whether I agree with them or not.

What I find interesting, however, is what you used to support that belief.

You stated "ehat she said" and then stated "his response".

But you see...his response was not strictly to those words....and I would think you would already know that.

Yet your post implied that it WAS strictly to those words.

That is spin to support your sentiments...

Which means, to me, that you are not overly secure with your sentiments.

Those were the nastist bits. I assume most people have read or listen to what is being broadcast. I find it amusing that whoever it was I was responding to called her a pile of shit is all. There was nothing in what I've seen or heard from her speech in Congress that show she deserved to be called vile or dispicable.
This guy is representing the Tea Party? I thought only Libs called women names?

Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz

"Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige," West wrote, per ABC News. "You are the most vile, unprofessional and despicable member of the U.S. House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!"

as blood sport goes thats pretty tame, she called him out and...well? vile despicable?

She asked for it as do many people on both sides of issues with their rhetoric.

EZ I thought you were above spinning to bash on the tea party?
Like Blabbermouth Schultz didn't support "ending Medicare as we know it" by supporting Obuttheadcare?

Yup...She's a vile disgusting little harpy alright.

Schultz is intelligent, articulate, passionate and well informed. I disagree with her ideology, but I do not question her intelligence.

However.....she has made it quite clear that she has little to no respect for her constituants...and for all on the left for that matter.

You see...she frequently and relentlessly spins the words and the intentions of her colleagues on the right.....and she knows her supporters are naive enough to believe the spin.

I find it hard to believe people appreciate her lack of respect for them.

Of course Wasserman Shultz's comments are also being taken out of a larger context that I found more offensive than her comments re West. But as I previously posted, this isn't he first time she has taken a shot at West and, though it was over reaction on his part on the one comment, he apparently had had enough. I still am not condoning his language, but I am beginning to understand better where he was coming from.

In her screed re the bill in question, she singled him out and nobody else for personal criticism. She would have actually named him except House rules don't allow her to do that. Though I wish he had chosen different language to express his contempt for her, I think the contempt itself was justified.

Here is a video of her full remarks that day which at best are the same lame talking points assigned to the Left to use before the cameras and at worst were thoroughly dishonest:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Attacks Allen West On Floor; West Responds | RealClearPolitics

Here is a complete copy of the e-mail in response intended for her and the House leadership only but was promptly leaked to the press by the Democrats:

From: Z112 West, Allen
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 04:48 PM
To: Wasserman Schultz, Debbie
Cc: McCarthy, Kevin; Blyth, Jonathan; Pelosi, Nancy; Cantor, Eric
Subject: Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavior from Wasserman-Schultz

Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional ,and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!

I am bringing your actions today to our Majority Leader and Majority Whip and from this time forward, understand that I shall defend myself forthright against your heinous characterless behavior……which dates back to the disgusting protest you ordered at my campaign hqs, October 2010 in Deerfield Beach.

You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!

Steadfast and Loyal

Congressman Allen B West (R-FL)

And here is what Allen West said about it just this morning:

[ame=]‪Allen West Responds To Wasserman Schultz: You're Not A Victim‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Context and back story are key to this situation.
No I'm very secure in saying "he proved himself to be the biggest pile of shit is So. Fla."

Your saying that is not what I am referring to. You have all the right in the world to believe what you believe and I respect anyones sentiments...whether I agree with them or not.

What I find interesting, however, is what you used to support that belief.

You stated "ehat she said" and then stated "his response".

But you see...his response was not strictly to those words....and I would think you would already know that.

Yet your post implied that it WAS strictly to those words.

That is spin to support your sentiments...

Which means, to me, that you are not overly secure with your sentiments.

Those were the nastist bits. I assume most people have read or listen to what is being broadcast. I find it amusing that whoever it was I was responding to called her a pile of shit is all. There was nothing in what I've seen or heard from her speech in Congress that show she deserved to be called vile or dispicable.

So you are unaware of her involvement in releasing private information about his wife...or staging a protest in front of his campaign headquarters.
These are things she did not deny.......her attitude was "all is fair in politics"....
This guy is representing the Tea Party? I thought only Libs called women names?

Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz

He's coward short on action, I remember all the talk he said about what he's going to do to the CBC and what has he done? These Teabagger Congressmen are good for nothing except riling up their equally mentally challenged Teabagger constituents.
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This SOB is going to be a 1-term public servant.

The FL constituents won't stand for this swill.

Allen West....GTFOH!!!!!!!


WillowTree negged me for this post.

Well...he WILL be a ONE-TERM servant.

In the words of Michele Bachmann, "you can take that to the bank!"

ya want you some cheese to go with da whine boy?

"Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige," West wrote, per ABC News. "You are the most vile, unprofessional and despicable member of the U.S. House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!"

as blood sport goes thats pretty tame, she called him out and...well? vile despicable?

This clown has no business being in Congress.

It's especially curious that he thinks her talking on the FLOOR OF THE HOUSE, IN OPEN SESSION is talking behind his back.

"Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige," West wrote, per ABC News. "You are the most vile, unprofessional and despicable member of the U.S. House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!"

as blood sport goes thats pretty tame, she called him out and...well? vile despicable?

Is that professional? I don't think so.

He should have kept his comments to himself, this isn't going to help his cause.

*shrugs* wasserman knows the way the game is played and calling someone out on the floor is bad form for all of them and she is no shrinking violet, she said some pretty awful things too, republicans are gonna throw seniors to the wolves etc etc......frankly I find that way more yes I agree, in affect, he did allow her to press his buttons though, in that, she won.;).
They call each other out on the floor all the time. It's a daily occurrence.
Pretty tame compared to what's been hurled at Palin and her family....

Much ado about nothing, IMHO....

When both sides actually hold their mudslingers to the fire, maybe I'll care...
Your saying that is not what I am referring to. You have all the right in the world to believe what you believe and I respect anyones sentiments...whether I agree with them or not.

What I find interesting, however, is what you used to support that belief.

You stated "ehat she said" and then stated "his response".

But you see...his response was not strictly to those words....and I would think you would already know that.

Yet your post implied that it WAS strictly to those words.

That is spin to support your sentiments...

Which means, to me, that you are not overly secure with your sentiments.

Those were the nastist bits. I assume most people have read or listen to what is being broadcast. I find it amusing that whoever it was I was responding to called her a pile of shit is all. There was nothing in what I've seen or heard from her speech in Congress that show she deserved to be called vile or dispicable.

So you are unaware of her involvement in releasing private information about his wife...or staging a protest in front of his campaign headquarters.
These are things she did not deny.......her attitude was "all is fair in politics"....

No, I was not aware. Is it true?
This clown has no business being in Congress.

Wasserman-Schultz? Wow, you're right - so unusual for you.

{"'The gentleman from Florida, who represents thousands of Medicare beneficiaries, as do I, is supportive of this plan that would increase costs for Medicare beneficiaries, unbelievable from a Member from South Florida,' Wasserman Schultz said, saying the legislation 'slashes Medicaid and critical investments essential to winning the future in favor of protecting tax breaks for Big Oil, millionaires, and companies who ship American jobs overseas.'" }

What a vile hack she is.

I'm surprised you aren't defending her though - generally you are a mindless, partisan hack....
Your saying that is not what I am referring to. You have all the right in the world to believe what you believe and I respect anyones sentiments...whether I agree with them or not.

What I find interesting, however, is what you used to support that belief.

You stated "ehat she said" and then stated "his response".

But you see...his response was not strictly to those words....and I would think you would already know that.

Yet your post implied that it WAS strictly to those words.

That is spin to support your sentiments...

Which means, to me, that you are not overly secure with your sentiments.

Those were the nastist bits. I assume most people have read or listen to what is being broadcast. I find it amusing that whoever it was I was responding to called her a pile of shit is all. There was nothing in what I've seen or heard from her speech in Congress that show she deserved to be called vile or dispicable.

So you are unaware of her involvement in releasing private information about his wife...or staging a protest in front of his campaign headquarters.
These are things she did not deny.......her attitude was "all is fair in politics"....

And she did stage and lead a protest outside of his campaign headquarters when he was running for Congress accusing him of vile attitudes toward women because he had written a piece for "Bikers Magazine" that is not exactly PC when it comes to women. His article was not un-PC and he has never received a bad rap re attitudes toward women, but it was guilt by association and included some very unwarranted accusations on her part.

I hope the more reasonable among us are beginning to put this in its larger context. I still will not condone the language he used, but it was not sexist, she is not a victim, and he was plenty justified at being ticked off.

Edit: Some background on the campaign protest. I was wrong that he wrote for the magazine specifically:

With Democrats facing the loss of many seats in Congress Nov. 2, they are making a special effort to get women to the polls. Wasserman, chief deputy whip for the House Democrats, used that unwanted coverage in the biker magazine to rally several dozen demonstrators, mostly women, outside West's campaign headquarters in Deerfield Beach Friday.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says it has also found an instance in the magazine where a writer said women exist "to serve man" and suggested they should wear "slave-chokers" as accessories.

Wasserman called the magazine, which regularly features bare-breasted or naked women, "degrading, sexist and misogynistic.'" She did not accuse West of personally writing anything derogatory towards women, but she said his association with the magazine was bad enough.

"He thinks it's okay to objectivize and denigrate women," Wasserman told the crowd of several dozen supporters. She said such depictions can stir violence against women and called on West to condemn the publication.

West has responded that he sends to the magazine the same column -- called Washingtoons -- that he emails regularly to all interested parties. He has said he no other connection to the publication and the rest of its content and that his only motive in supplying the column is trying to get his conservative message out.

Friday his campaign manager Josh Grodin said West was not a staff member of the magazine and never had been. He accused the Klein campaign of spreading lies about his candidate.
Apparently West won that skirmish as he won the election.
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Those were the nastist bits. I assume most people have read or listen to what is being broadcast. I find it amusing that whoever it was I was responding to called her a pile of shit is all. There was nothing in what I've seen or heard from her speech in Congress that show she deserved to be called vile or dispicable.

So you are unaware of her involvement in releasing private information about his wife...or staging a protest in front of his campaign headquarters.
These are things she did not deny.......her attitude was "all is fair in politics"....

And she did stage and lead a protest outside of his campaign headquarters when he was running for Congress accusing him of vile attitudes toward women because he had written a piece for "Bikers Magazine" that is not exactly PC when it comes to women. His article was not un-PC and he has never received a bad rap re attitudes toward women, but it was guilt by association and some very unwarranted accusations on her part.

I hope the more reasonable among us are beginning to put this in its larger context. I still will not condone the language he used, but it was not sexist, she is not a victim, and he was plenty justified at being ticked off.

Like I said earlier....

She is intelligent, articulate and passionate. I do not question her intelligence.

But she knowingly spins the truth about her adversaries.....does what she can to ruin their reputations for political a way, she does what we expect of The National Enquirer....but you see...she is a congressperson...she gets free air time and such air time is to communicate truth to her constituants.,......but she uses it to blast her spin the ruin the names of those that she disagrees with.

To me, that is childish, borderline vile behavior.
This SOB is going to be a 1-term public servant.



even if that was true Obama would have accomplished something that West would never be able to do.

What did he accomplish?

Oh yeah....

In chronological order:


'this is the worst economy since the great depression., The end is near. You will all find it hard to support your families'

and then.....

'vote for me and 95% of you will get a check in the mail from yours truly at a time when you most need it'

Yeah...he accomplished a lot. He bought himself an election.

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