Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz ‘vile’ and ‘not a lady’ for criticizing his budget

You don't even know what you're talking about.

He doesn't either, because he is lying to us.:cuckoo:
He's also committing slander but I guess that doesn't matter to him.

The other thread like this claimed she tore into West, yet there is no proof that happened either according the house floor videos. That junk thread ended up in the gutter flame category yesterday. What they are trying to do is deflect from the stance West took on the budget, trying to hide what the bastard really stands for and believes. He doesn't stand a chance of election in Florida.:lol:
Unaware also means your lying to us. Have a link to your tripe? Didn't think so.:lol:

You are naive to politics in his district.
Not my problem.

And you are spreading republican lies that lack any factual evidence, and that is your problem. If you can't prove it, don't say it, just STFU.:eusa_angel:

ok. Whatever.You know you love me anyway.
(and BTW...a link was offered up by someone I didnt bother)
He doesn't either, because he is lying to us.:cuckoo:
He's also committing slander but I guess that doesn't matter to him.

The other thread like this claimed she tore into West, yet there is no proof that happened either according the house floor videos. That junk thread ended up in the gutter flame category yesterday. What they are trying to do is deflect from the stance West took on the budget, trying to hide what the bastard really stands for and believes. He doesn't stand a chance of election in Florida.:lol:

Yeah yeah...I know...

The GOP want the elderly to struggle and die young.

The difference is that Wasserman Schultz attacked Wests position on the bill and it's affects on the elderly

West responded with a personal attack against Wasserman Schultz

Hardly professional
The difference is that Wasserman Schultz attacked Wests position on the bill and it's affects on the elderly

West responded with a personal attack against Wasserman Schultz

Hardly professional

Dont get sucked in RW...

This was a fued going back way before this...

It was more than a simple attack on his position.

But after seeing the clip of him comparing Obama to a dictator?

I see both of them as children that should be voted out.
The difference is that Wasserman Schultz attacked Wests position on the bill and it's affects on the elderly

West responded with a personal attack against Wasserman Schultz

Hardly professional

Here is the video that disputes jarhead & his righty buddys. Nowhere does she mention West by name. Like the typical con, West "assumes" instead of asking.

[ame=]‪DNC Chair on House Floor in Opposition to Cut, Cap and Balance‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
The difference is that Wasserman Schultz attacked Wests position on the bill and it's affects on the elderly

West responded with a personal attack against Wasserman Schultz

Hardly professional

Here is the video that disputes jarhead & his righty buddys. Nowhere does she mention West by name. Like the typical con, West "assumes" instead of asking.

[ame=]‪DNC Chair on House Floor in Opposition to Cut, Cap and Balance‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

She could have been referring to anyone.
Please.....are you really THAT naive?
The difference is that Wasserman Schultz attacked Wests position on the bill and it's affects on the elderly

West responded with a personal attack against Wasserman Schultz

Hardly professional

Here is the video that disputes jarhead & his righty buddys. Nowhere does she mention West by name. Like the typical con, West "assumes" instead of asking.

[ame=]‪DNC Chair on House Floor in Opposition to Cut, Cap and Balance‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

She could have been referring to anyone.
Please.....are you really THAT naive?

And yet one more time for the reading challenged, she CANNOT NAME WEST BY NAME ON THE HOUSE FLOOR as it is against the House rules to do so. But there is absolutely no question in anybody's mind who she was referring to.
Yup yup yup no matter what is said about Palin or her children or Bachman and her family the lieberals go :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

so cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

I particularly like how palin's childern always get invovled in it. Even if you discount the oldest as entering the political spectrum, and becoming a fair target, the abject glee some on the left take at any foible by any family member is pretty disgusting.

As a bit of projection, if Obama wins a second term, his daughters will be late teenagers. i wonder if they will get the same media treatment as the bush twins.

Only if the Obama daughters turn into alcohol swilling whores like the Bush twins did.

If they behave, then they won't get into trouble. Simple actually.
Here is the video that disputes jarhead & his righty buddys. Nowhere does she mention West by name. Like the typical con, West "assumes" instead of asking.

‪DNC Chair on House Floor in Opposition to Cut, Cap and Balance‬‏ - YouTube

She could have been referring to anyone.
Please.....are you really THAT naive?

And yet one more time for the reading challenged, she CANNOT NAME WEST BY NAME ON THE HOUSE FLOOR as it is against the House rules to do so. But there is absolutely no question in anybody's mind who she was referring to.


and why would anyone wanna marry debbie wasserman? (well aside from anthony small wiener), maybe the wussy dufass husband makes debbie wear a bag over her head when having sex?
I am not "sliding on his pole" whatsoever. I am not one of his constituants and I most certqainly had no say in his getting elected.

However, I am on here defending him as a congressperson who may have overstepped his boundaries a bit but his anger was well warranted...and Shultz is by no means some innocent victim here. To the contrary, she was the agressor over the last several years...she has spun his sentiments and intentions...she has compromised his reputation with pure spin....she has acted like a child....

And before you jump down my throat....I have been known on here to say the same thing about how Rangel was treated....he was the victim of a witch hunt.....and I made it clear about my sentiments about Boehner...He loves to spin the intentions of his colleagues on the left and thus he is not fit to be speaker of the house...

I DO NOT like spin. I dont watch Hannity becuase he spins. I did not appreciate Pelosi becuase she spins...Harry Reid spins....

I do not like spin and I will always defend the victims of spin.

West simply got what he dished out on a daily basis, don't give me that BS, here#s West blasting Obama with retarded rhetoric:

Freedom's Lighthouse » GOP Rep. Allen West Blasts Obama’s “Class-Warfare, Marxist-Demagogic Rhetoric” – Video 4/21/11

Typical Teabagger rhetoric, what he received from Wasserman was way more tame and he wants to pound his chest talking about say it to his face? If you can't take it don't dish out and before you call someone else disgusting and vile check your own rhetoric first.

First I saw of that.
Like I said...he is not in my congressperson so I do not follow him much.

Yeah...that was pretty cheesy of him...immature...childish.

Jeez...I say we get rid of all of them and start over. They are all a bunch of underworked over paid party line jerks...and they turn to us to fight their battles.

West recognizes that the type of statement by Debbie or by Obama has a larger purpose than just the usual slam. When a colleague and member of your state's delegation to congress "calls you out" on the house floor, or Obama, who occupies the "bully pulpit" uses that command of public attention, and in using it demeans a member of congress (Ryan) and a member of the house leadership, he and she are acting the part of political thugs. That is the type of behavior that is used in South American banana republics or by low level "socialists agitators," to frighten into silence their political opponents; those who represent the other side of the political argument de jour.

West recognizes it for what it is, and he responed to little Debbie in full force, which means "don't mess with me."

Ryan doesn't respond when the president demeans him, but West does, and in his behalf, and that means he is not going to cower back and just take it.

Here's the full text of West's interview by Greta VanSusterne:

(Set-up) Allen West on with Greta Van Susteren [April 21], where he talked about comments he has made comparing President Obama’s attitude and arrogance to that of a "low level socialist agitator" He was specifically referring to what Obama said during his recent “Budget Speech.”

West: That speech that was given last week Wednesday (April 13) was absolutely beneath the statesmanship, or the atmosphere, or the aura, or the personality of the president should show. I am sick and tired of this class warfare of this Marxist demagogic rhetoric coming from this president of the United States of America. It is not helpful for this country; it is not going to move the ball forward as far as rectifying the economic situation in our country. I’m not going to back away from telling what the truth is.

Greta: I understand you passion ….

West: Greta, it’s not about passion … it’s not about passion … it’s about time the people stopped playing the games … we have to stop playing games.

Greta: I’m just curious if calling him a low level socialist agitator, or comparing him to or using the reference to Reverend Wright’s that the “chickens coming home to roost,” if that really is helpful to advance you, the great dept of your convictions?

West: There’s a great depth to my conviction, and part of my conviction is telling the truth.
I don’t think it’s very presidential when Barack Hussein Obama refers to my colleague Paul Ryan as a simple little accountant either. So when you look at what a “community organizer” is turning out to be it does seem to be like a low level socialist agitator. When you look at the economic situation that we have, then to have a gentleman in the White House who has never run any type of business organization …. I myself as a company commander, as a battalion executive officer, and as a battalion commander many times had to balance the budgets and take care of units and operate a budget.

So I think it does come back to experience. And when I talk about the chickens coming home to roost, when we continue to play this election cycle American Idol in the United States of America, this is what we end up with; with someone who is not really in tune with the American people.

Look, Greta, the bottom line is this: The people in North Carolina who suffered all these tornadoes are suffering, yet this president is out campaigning and raising money in California, and what have you. This is not how we’re going to turn the ship around in our country.

Greta: you know that’s a fair you know fair criticism of the president, and your using North Carolina, and whether or not he has the experience, you know you make the lemonade reference, whether he has the experience to run it, you know; but I think that it was the more ratch-it-up rhetoric calling him a “low level socialist agitator” …. but I’m curious, you mention Jeremiah Wright reference, I’m curious what you think. The president said, and this is a little bit off the radar screen, but you mentioned Jeremiah Wright… he said that he didn’t know that Reverend Wright was making those comments that many of us found were appalling, that I think most people thought were appalling, do you think he was telling the truth on that or did he know?

West: Look…, you know I’ve been going to church for quite some time in my life and I think that if he sat up in a church for twenty years, and he say that the gentleman is your spiritual mentor, he’s the one that baptized your children, either your in a very deep REM operative sleep, or your not paying attention, but if you’re there in that church listening to those words, either there’s a conviction or either there’s a belief, or you’re just lying about how you feel.

What this suggests to me is that West, "black" enough to challenge a black president, is also willing to take on the president when he acts the part of a verbal thug to control the debate before the public.

Good for West.
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and why would anyone wanna marry debbie wasserman? (well aside from anthony small wiener), maybe the wussy dufass husband makes debbie wear a bag over her head when having sex?

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Taoist Wood Dragon Join Date: Aug 2008
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Neg rep returned you cock smoking soggy pussy. Fuck off and die, get thrown under the bus, I don\'t care.


A misogynist. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
ALLEN WEST CLAIMS HE APOLOGIZED TO DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, SHE SAYS IT’S ‘ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE’ | Following Rep. Allen West’s (R-FL) tirade yesterday against Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), the Tea Party Republican told the Huffington Post that he had “just apologized” to his fellow Floridian this afternoon. Wasserman Schultz told CNN this afternoon, however, that reports of West apologizing to her were “absolutely untrue.” Watch it:

[ame=]‪DWS Responds To Allen West's Non-Apology On CNN‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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Yup yup yup no matter what is said about Palin or her children or Bachman and her family the lieberals go :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

so cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

I particularly like how palin's childern always get invovled in it. Even if you discount the oldest as entering the political spectrum, and becoming a fair target, the abject glee some on the left take at any foible by any family member is pretty disgusting.

As a bit of projection, if Obama wins a second term, his daughters will be late teenagers. i wonder if they will get the same media treatment as the bush twins.

Only if the Obama daughters turn into alcohol swilling whores like the Bush twins did

If they behave, then they won't get into trouble. Simple actually.

ABS, leave the children of politicians alone

It's bad enough you call the women on here vile names too. Yeah, they may be in their 20's now, but don't blame the Bush girls because you don't like the politics of their father.

Geez freaking louise, at least TRY to have a bit of couth once in awhile...............
and why would anyone wanna marry debbie wasserman? (well aside from anthony small wiener), maybe the wussy dufass husband makes debbie wear a bag over her head when having sex?

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Taoist Wood Dragon Join Date: Aug 2008
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Neg rep returned you cock smoking soggy pussy. Fuck off and die, get thrown under the bus, I don\'t care.


A misogynist. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'll see about pos-repping you Willow. :( You want some rep from a dyed-in-the-wool Progressive? :cool:

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