Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz ‘vile’ and ‘not a lady’ for criticizing his budget

and why would anyone wanna marry debbie wasserman? (well aside from anthony small wiener), maybe the wussy dufass husband makes debbie wear a bag over her head when having sex?

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Taoist Wood Dragon Join Date: Aug 2008
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Neg rep returned you cock smoking soggy pussy. Fuck off and die, get thrown under the bus, I don\'t care.


A misogynist. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

He is a vile disgusting pig Willow. I'm sorry he is mentally challenged and has no social skills, and feels he can say those things in a neg rep.
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Taoist Wood Dragon Join Date: Aug 2008
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Hi, you have received -122 reputation points from ABikerSailor.
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Neg rep returned you cock smoking soggy pussy. Fuck off and die, get thrown under the bus, I don\'t care.


A misogynist. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

He is a vile disgusting pig Willow. I'm sorry he is mentally challenged and has no social skills, and feels he can say those things in a neg rep.

Thank You EZ.. Thank You.
A Conservative Poster.

Taoist Wood Dragon Join Date: Aug 2008
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Hi, you have received -122 reputation points from ABikerSailor.
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Neg rep returned you cock smoking soggy pussy. Fuck off and die, get thrown under the bus, I don\'t care.


A misogynist. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'll see about pos-repping you Willow. :( You want some rep from a dyed-in-the-wool Progressive? :cool:

Reach across the isle dude!
West blasted Obama with even worse rhetoric than Wasserman did him and he had no problem riling up his teabagger constituents with rants of "socialist," so he's in no position to call someone else on anything.
A Conservative Poster.

Taoist Wood Dragon Join Date: Aug 2008
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Hi, you have received -122 reputation points from ABikerSailor.
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Neg rep returned you cock smoking soggy pussy. Fuck off and die, get thrown under the bus, I don\'t care.


A misogynist. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

He is a vile disgusting pig Willow. I'm sorry he is mentally challenged and has no social skills, and feels he can say those things in a neg rep.

Hey EZ. You know I like you, & Willow too, but ABikeSailor has had to endure vicious attacks by the USMB righties on the regular. He just had a friendly-fire incident is all ;) :D
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West blasted Obama with even worse rhetoric than Wasserman did him and he had no problem riling up his teabagger constituents with rants of "socialist," so he's in no position to call someone else on anything.

Vile is calling the Tea Party "tea baggers" but you knew that.

cry us a fucking river whydonchya?
Taoist Wood Dragon Join Date: Aug 2008
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Hi, you have received -122 reputation points from ABikerSailor.
Reputation was given for this post.

Neg rep returned you cock smoking soggy pussy. Fuck off and die, get thrown under the bus, I don\'t care.


A misogynist. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

He is a vile disgusting pig Willow. I'm sorry he is mentally challenged and has no social skills, and feels he can say those things in a neg rep.

Hey EZ. You know I like you, & Willow too, but ABikeSailor has had to endure vicious attacks by the USMB righties on the regular. He just had a friendly-fire incident is all ;) :D

Maybe the reason he gets 'picked on' by the right is because he's a foul mouthed pig, who doesn't know how to debate without calling people names and using neg reps to say vile things to people.
He is a vile disgusting pig Willow. I'm sorry he is mentally challenged and has no social skills, and feels he can say those things in a neg rep.

Hey EZ. You know I like you, & Willow too, but ABikeSailor has had to endure vicious attacks by the USMB righties on the regular. He just had a friendly-fire incident is all ;) :D

Maybe the reason he gets 'picked on' by the right is because he's a foul mouthed pig, who doesn't know how to debate without calling people names and using neg reps to say vile things to people.

I do not know. I don't read everything but I have seen righties piling up on him w/ vicious invective. Granted, I haven't read his posts that may have brought it about. But I do know that there are some here on the right who end almost every post w/ an insult or an expletive. You prolly know better than me about all the posting going on @ here. I was just making an observation.
He is a vile disgusting pig Willow. I'm sorry he is mentally challenged and has no social skills, and feels he can say those things in a neg rep.

Hey EZ. You know I like you, & Willow too, but ABikeSailor has had to endure vicious attacks by the USMB righties on the regular. He just had a friendly-fire incident is all ;) :D

Maybe the reason he gets 'picked on' by the right is because he's a foul mouthed pig, who doesn't know how to debate without calling people names and using neg reps to say vile things to people.

Thats what most of the righties do here and I put up with that too many times, but when I start calling *RIGHTWINGERS* apes, chimps and monkeys I'm the bad guy.
West blasted Obama with even worse rhetoric than Wasserman did him and he had no problem riling up his teabagger constituents with rants of "socialist," so he's in no position to call someone else on anything.

Vile is calling the Tea Party "tea baggers" but you knew that.

cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

Vile is calling all people who don't agree with your retarded rightwing extremism "Commies" and "socialists."
Hey EZ. You know I like you, & Willow too, but ABikeSailor has had to endure vicious attacks by the USMB righties on the regular. He just had a friendly-fire incident is all ;) :D

Maybe the reason he gets 'picked on' by the right is because he's a foul mouthed pig, who doesn't know how to debate without calling people names and using neg reps to say vile things to people.

I do not know. I don't read everything but I have seen righties piling up on him w/ vicious invective. Granted, I haven't read his posts that may have brought it about. But I do know that there are some here on the right who end almost every post w/ an insult or an expletive. You prolly know better than me about all the posting going on @ here. I was just making an observation.

Oh, it works both ways. I've been called a "C*nt" by some trolls on the right, one on the left, but the 'regular' posters who are conservatives and liberals are gentlemen to me. ANY on either side of the political spectrum that have to use cuss words and vile language because they are losing an argument or don't agree with someone have no class. But oh well, it's just a message board. NOBODY I know in 'real life' would ever call me, or my friends, those kind of names.
This guy is representing the Tea Party? I thought only Libs called women names?

Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz

Is this really an important topic--when we're at 14.3 trillion in red ink now-with another 64 trillion in unfunded liabilities due to baby-boomers now entering social security/medicare-which equates to $534,000.00 per household debt?

And THIS is the PETTY garbage we focus on---:cuckoo:

$1 billion dollars.jpg

one billion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on palets.

$trillion dollars.jpg

one trillion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on palets. NOTE: How small the man is in this chart.

Isn't this more important that congressional infighting--B.S? Have we turned into the TABLOID news country?
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This guy is representing the Tea Party? I thought only Libs called women names?

Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz

Is this really an important topic--when we're at 14.3 trillion in red ink now-with another 64 trillion in unfunded liabilities due to baby-boomers now entering social security/medicare-which equates to $534,000.00 per household debt?

And THIS is the PETTY garbage we focus on---:cuckoo:

View attachment 14298

one billion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on palets.

View attachment 14299

one trillion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on palets. NOTE: How small the man is in this chart.

Isn't this more important that congressional infighting--B.S? Have we turned into the TABLOID news country?

Yes, we have turned into a Tabloid News Country. You're just noticing that now?

And if congress is fighting with each other, instead of trying to solve our debt problems, then yeah, that's not a good sign.
I can't wait to see her speak at the DNC convention next summer. most viewes are not gonna pay any attention to what she has to say, they will all be laughing at her voice. but at least the long island jewish residents will listen to her. yet at the same time will not take her seriously being Obama has made is so obvious that he hates Jews. Just pretends to like them for votes in New Joisy and Boca Raton.
West blasted Obama with even worse rhetoric than Wasserman did him and he had no problem riling up his teabagger constituents with rants of "socialist," so he's in no position to call someone else on anything.

Vile is calling the Tea Party "tea baggers" but you knew that.

cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

Griff Jenkins..a FOX propaganda reporter call them teabaggers.

[ame=]‪Krauthammer references "tea bag demonstrations"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]‪The Rachel Maddow Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

They've largely scrubbed their media outlets..but FOX coined the phrase.

If you got a problem with FOX.
West blasted Obama with even worse rhetoric than Wasserman did him and he had no problem riling up his teabagger constituents with rants of "socialist," so he's in no position to call someone else on anything.

Vile is calling the Tea Party "tea baggers" but you knew that.

cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

Griff Jenkins..a FOX propaganda reporter call them teabaggers.

[ame=]‪Krauthammer references "tea bag demonstrations"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]‪The Rachel Maddow Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around "Teabagging"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

They've largely scrubbed their media outlets..but FOX coined the phrase.

If you got a problem with FOX.

no, dud, maddow and olberman coined that.. dare a black man challenge a white woman, he must be a bigot. :cuckoo:

That RW idiot is way out of line.
He should be reprimanded, and he should apologize.
What he did was highly offensive...and bigoted.

He was out of line. Way out of line.

End of story.

Do you agree?

Do you know anything about this ongoing heated political feud between these two? Do you know who started it, or who escalated it?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you don't know anything about Alan West.
West and the rest of the Teabagger candidates ran on a platform that mostly used derisive and divisive rhetoric and rants, why he's acting so butthurt I don't understand, I mean this is the kind of crap he sold to his teabagger constituents.

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