Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz ‘vile’ and ‘not a lady’ for criticizing his budget dare a black man challenge a white woman, he must be a bigot. :cuckoo:

He was out of line. Way out of line.

End of story.

Do you agree?

Do you know anything about this ongoing heated political feud between these two? Do you know who started it, or who escalated it?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you don't know anything about Alan West.

He does if he has been reading the thread. But if he is just using the usual leftwing talking points and assigned list of insults as most seem to be doing here, then he is probably as clueless as most of the others on the left.

(And yes EZ, I'm quite aware of the uncreative language and flaming done by several on the right too..)

(If anybody keeping score, the flamers are outnumbering those offering a discussion here about 10 to 1. :)
It's sure funny how fast West, like Cain, is quick to throw out the race card. Is he any better than Sheila Jackson-Lee?
Ed Schultz: This issue is on my hot button tonight !!! A Black Conservative is Dissing a White Jewish Female Woman!!! what has come of our nation!!! If there's one thing I will not tolerate is when a Black Man ACTS STUPIDLY towards a White Female Jewish Woman Who Talks Like A Bagel !!! dare a black man challenge a white woman, he must be a bigot. :cuckoo:

He was out of line. Way out of line.

End of story.

Do you agree?

Do you know anything about this ongoing heated political feud between these two? Do you know who started it, or who escalated it?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you don't know anything about Alan West.

Let me try this again.

Do you agree that Alan West was totally out of line for his rude and crude statements to Debbie Wasserman?

Yes or no?
This guy is representing the Tea Party? I thought only Libs called women names?

Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz

Is this really an important topic--when we're at 14.3 trillion in red ink now-with another 64 trillion in unfunded liabilities due to baby-boomers now entering social security/medicare-which equates to $534,000.00 per household debt?

And THIS is the PETTY garbage we focus on---:cuckoo:

View attachment 14298

one billion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on palets.

View attachment 14299

one trillion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on palets. NOTE: How small the man is in this chart.

Isn't this more important that congressional infighting--B.S? Have we turned into the TABLOID news country?

Yes, we have turned into a Tabloid News Country. You're just noticing that now?

And if congress is fighting with each other, instead of trying to solve our debt problems, then yeah, that's not a good sign.

The conflicts between two congress people should not reach the level of preempting really important news; but it does. Blame a state owned media, derelict in it's duty to properly inform the people, instead of the politicians and their interpersonal squabbles.

What DWS did was nothing less than attempted intimidation; to show her target what it's like to be on the receiving end of her blackguarding to show him what life can be like in the house if he continues to be an outspoken conservative. She no doubt has her phalanx of harpies ready to pile on when and if he showed any onions, which he did. That is the only real deterrent. You've probably seen it as a school teacher EZ, if you lie down for crap, you'll be run over until your situation becomes intolerable. He obviously knows that and how to deal with it to shut it down.

He denies he has apologized, and I hope that is the case. Only equal or greater retaliation is a real deterrent.
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This guy is representing the Tea Party? I thought only Libs called women names?

Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz

At least he did not call her mucaca.
He called her vile and unprofessional, and disputable. I've seen her behavior plenty of times on TV,to know he was correct. She is the distaff side of Anthony Weiner for bombast or rude overbearing behavior.

It was also gross how she used the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords to get some face time on the national news.
I think we need an alternative to the death penalty, instead of frying killers, why not just force them to be stuck in an elevator for 48 hours with Wasserman,Weiner and Ed Schultz. (with no AC), Now That's a Fate Worse Than Death !!!
This guy is representing the Tea Party? I thought only Libs called women names?

Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz

well, it could have been worse... he could have fired his gun near her head.

Allen West is my hero. He is one of the political types I tell my kids to emulate. Wish he was from Texas.

You want your kids to get kicked out of the military? OOoops, I mean to retire early or get a court martial.

That is what you want for your kids? Wow.
This guy is representing the Tea Party? I thought only Libs called women names?

Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz

At least he did not call her mucaca.
He called her vile and unprofessional, and dispicable. I've seen her behavior plenty of times on TV; enough to know he was correct. She is the distaff side of Anthony Weiner for bombast or rude overbearing behavior.

She doesn't quite have his "eye roll" down pat yet! wonder how weenie guy is doing now a days.. is he still in treatment?

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