Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz ‘vile’ and ‘not a lady’ for criticizing his budget

Wasserman still playing the victim i see. This is some funny shit. Wasserman is possibly the most vile hatemonger currently serving in our Congress. So her victim shit really is just plain hilarious. Vicious hatemongers don't get to play the victim. She attacks and insults others on a daily basis. So it's time for her to quit playing this charade and just grow up. She is a vile person. Mr. West is 100% correct on this. Case Closed.
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Wasserman still playing the victim i see.

Ya' want victims?

Big Al

"Look, I'm not real comfortable with a Veterans organization endorsing non-Vets at all. If there is no Vet in the race or you don't like the one in the race, just don't endorse. But if there were ever a case where such an action is acceptable, it's endorsing the opponent of a man who actually give Vets a bad name. When I tell people I am a Vet, the last thing I want them to think about is Allen West."

Now can you imagone if Wasserman was fueding over this manner with a congressman who was 5 foot 3, 125lbs, and talked like Mike Tyson? She would of physically slapped him like a mom spanking her 8 year old child for spilling grape juice on her white dress.
Now can you imagone if Wasserman was fueding over this manner with a congressman who was 5 foot 3, 125lbs.....
Ah, yes.....roll-out the hypotheticals.


That'd be one way to avoid the action with the FAUX Noise Bimbo-Squad.....and, Madame Porky.

Wasserman still playing the victim i see. This is some funny shit. Wasserman is possibly the most vile hatemonger currently serving in our Congress. So her victim shit really is just plain hilarious. Vicious hatemongers don't get to play the victim. She attacks and insults others on a daily basis. So it's time for her to quit playing this charade and just grow up. She is a vile person. Mr. West is 100% correct on this. Case Closed.

^ Conservative Poster.
West penalized 5 points for stating the obvious.

Still, he could beat Our Kenyan President in a fair (no teleprompters allowed) battle of words.

He can't even beat Bachmann let alone letting Wasserman Schultz publicly kick his ass
Those were the nastist bits. I assume most people have read or listen to what is being broadcast. I find it amusing that whoever it was I was responding to called her a pile of shit is all. There was nothing in what I've seen or heard from her speech in Congress that show she deserved to be called vile or dispicable.

So you are unaware of her involvement in releasing private information about his wife...or staging a protest in front of his campaign headquarters.
These are things she did not deny.......her attitude was "all is fair in politics"....

And she did stage and lead a protest outside of his campaign headquarters when he was running for Congress accusing him of vile attitudes toward women because he had written a piece for "Bikers Magazine" that is not exactly PC when it comes to women. His article was not un-PC and he has never received a bad rap re attitudes toward women, but it was guilt by association and included some very unwarranted accusations on her part.

I hope the more reasonable among us are beginning to put this in its larger context. I still will not condone the language he used, but it was not sexist, she is not a victim, and he was plenty justified at being ticked off.

Edit: Some background on the campaign protest. I was wrong that he wrote for the magazine specifically:

With Democrats facing the loss of many seats in Congress Nov. 2, they are making a special effort to get women to the polls. Wasserman, chief deputy whip for the House Democrats, used that unwanted coverage in the biker magazine to rally several dozen demonstrators, mostly women, outside West's campaign headquarters in Deerfield Beach Friday.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says it has also found an instance in the magazine where a writer said women exist "to serve man" and suggested they should wear "slave-chokers" as accessories.

Wasserman called the magazine, which regularly features bare-breasted or naked women, "degrading, sexist and misogynistic.'" She did not accuse West of personally writing anything derogatory towards women, but she said his association with the magazine was bad enough.

"He thinks it's okay to objectivize and denigrate women," Wasserman told the crowd of several dozen supporters. She said such depictions can stir violence against women and called on West to condemn the publication.

West has responded that he sends to the magazine the same column -- called Washingtoons -- that he emails regularly to all interested parties. He has said he no other connection to the publication and the rest of its content and that his only motive in supplying the column is trying to get his conservative message out.

Friday his campaign manager Josh Grodin said West was not a staff member of the magazine and never had been. He accused the Klein campaign of spreading lies about his candidate.
U.S. Rep. Wasserman Schultz 'disgusted' by candidate West's work with motorcycle magazine
Apparently West won that skirmish as he won the election.

That is an excellent quote to show the scurrilous tactics people like Wasserman-Schults, and her kindred spirits will go to defame a person with no truth to their charges. So West wrote articles for a magazine (a biker magazine that exhibited pics of sexy women in enticing poses) and she believes this will get him in trouble with his base so she exposes that, and at the same time connects him, without actually making the charge that he associates with misogynous authors who happen to write for the magazine; classic guilt by association tactic the Dems love so well.

So DWS, along with other Dems campaigning for office on their own behalf made a joint protest at this campaign headquarters back in October 2010 right before the election.

House Democrats Hold Protest at Allen West’s HQ October 22, 2010 Florida Review
by Javier Manjarres

Earlier today, the congressional campaigns of Ron Klein, Alcee Hastings, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz joined forces together to protest Lt. Colonel Allen West at his Deerfield Beach, Florida headquarters. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz attended the ‘tea party-ish’ protest of West and spoke to the crowd of about 50 Ron Klein supporters. Allen West has been under fire for his affiliation with the Miami-based biker magazine Wheels on the Road, as West penned occasional op-eds and columns for the publication. The magazine has been accused of publishing denigrating pictures of women in its pages- however the women depicted in the magazine photographs seem to be willfully participating and engaging the camera.

Furthermore West claims that She DWS, along with others of her party got his social security number and his wife's business number and released them in a letter that went public. These people are vile, despicable, unprofessional, dishonest, and are just plain thugs by any measure. He is showing DWS, the author of the most recent incident "what for" and she can't take it. She acts the part of the innocent injured party and she's nothing better than a thug.
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So you are unaware of her involvement in releasing private information about his wife...or staging a protest in front of his campaign headquarters.
These are things she did not deny.......her attitude was "all is fair in politics"....

And she did stage and lead a protest outside of his campaign headquarters when he was running for Congress accusing him of vile attitudes toward women because he had written a piece for "Bikers Magazine" that is not exactly PC when it comes to women. His article was not un-PC and he has never received a bad rap re attitudes toward women, but it was guilt by association and included some very unwarranted accusations on her part.

I hope the more reasonable among us are beginning to put this in its larger context. I still will not condone the language he used, but it was not sexist, she is not a victim, and he was plenty justified at being ticked off.

Edit: Some background on the campaign protest. I was wrong that he wrote for the magazine specifically:

Apparently West won that skirmish as he won the election.

That is an excellent quote to show the scurrilous tactics people like Wasserman-Schults, and her kindred spirits will go to defame a person with no truth to their charges. So West wrote articles for a magazine (a biker magazine that exhibited pics of sexy women in enticing poses) and she believes this will get him in trouble with his base so she exposes that, and at the same time connects him, without actually making the charge that he associates with misogynous authors who happen to write for the magazine; classic guilt by association tactic the Dems love so well.

So DWS, along with other Dems campaigning for office on their own behalf made a joint protest at this campaign headquarters back in October 2010 right before the election.

House Democrats Hold Protest at Allen West’s HQ October 22, 2010 Florida Review
by Javier Manjarres

Earlier today, the congressional campaigns of Ron Klein, Alcee Hastings, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz joined forces together to protest Lt. Colonel Allen West at his Deerfield Beach, Florida headquarters. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz attended the ‘tea party-ish’ protest of West and spoke to the crowd of about 50 Ron Klein supporters. Allen West has been under fire for his affiliation with the Miami-based biker magazine Wheels on the Road, as West penned occasional op-eds and columns for the publication. The magazine has been accused of publishing denigrating pictures of women in its pages- however the women depicted in the magazine photographs seem to be willfully participating and engaging the camera.

Furthermore West claims that She DWS, along with others of her party got his social security number and his wife's business number and released them in a letter that went public. These people are vile, despicable, unprofessional, dishonest, and are just plain thugs by any measure. He is showing DWS, the author of the most recent incident "what for" and she can't take it. She acts the part of the innocent injured party and she's nothing better than a thug.

Well, he kind of proved her point, didn't he?
So you are unaware of her involvement in releasing private information about his wife...or staging a protest in front of his campaign headquarters.
These are things she did not deny.......her attitude was "all is fair in politics"....

And she did stage and lead a protest outside of his campaign headquarters when he was running for Congress accusing him of vile attitudes toward women because he had written a piece for "Bikers Magazine" that is not exactly PC when it comes to women. His article was not un-PC and he has never received a bad rap re attitudes toward women, but it was guilt by association and included some very unwarranted accusations on her part.

I hope the more reasonable among us are beginning to put this in its larger context. I still will not condone the language he used, but it was not sexist, she is not a victim, and he was plenty justified at being ticked off.

Edit: Some background on the campaign protest. I was wrong that he wrote for the magazine specifically:

Apparently West won that skirmish as he won the election.

That is an excellent quote to show the scurrilous tactics people like Wasserman-Schults, and her kindred spirits will go to defame a person with no truth to their charges. So West wrote articles for a magazine (a biker magazine that exhibited pics of sexy women in enticing poses) and she believes this will get him in trouble with his base so she exposes that, and at the same time connects him, without actually making the charge that he associates with misogynous authors who happen to write for the magazine; classic guilt by association tactic the Dems love so well.

So DWS, along with other Dems campaigning for office on their own behalf made a joint protest at this campaign headquarters back in October 2010 right before the election.

House Democrats Hold Protest at Allen West’s HQ October 22, 2010 Florida Review
by Javier Manjarres

Earlier today, the congressional campaigns of Ron Klein, Alcee Hastings, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz joined forces together to protest Lt. Colonel Allen West at his Deerfield Beach, Florida headquarters. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz attended the ‘tea party-ish’ protest of West and spoke to the crowd of about 50 Ron Klein supporters. Allen West has been under fire for his affiliation with the Miami-based biker magazine Wheels on the Road, as West penned occasional op-eds and columns for the publication. The magazine has been accused of publishing denigrating pictures of women in its pages- however the women depicted in the magazine photographs seem to be willfully participating and engaging the camera.

Furthermore West claims that She DWS, along with others of her party got his social security number and his wife's business number and released them in a letter that went public. These people are vile, despicable, unprofessional, dishonest, and are just plain thugs by any measure. He is showing DWS, the author of the most recent incident "what for" and she can't take it. She acts the part of the innocent injured party and she's nothing better than a thug.

But you've probably noticed that those throwing darts at West are religiously ignoring ALL information posted that in any way supports his side. If he had behaved even remotely toward Schultz as she has behaved toward him and then she finally called him out as he did her, I would bet a good steak dinner that they would be defending her to the hilt. Be careful in nesting your quotes though because in your post some of your remarks look like mine. I did not comment on her other than to say that everything West has accused her of appears to be the truth and is verifiable.
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Wasserman still playing the victim i see. This is some funny shit. Wasserman is possibly the most vile hatemonger currently serving in our Congress. So her victim shit really is just plain hilarious. Vicious hatemongers don't get to play the victim. She attacks and insults others on a daily basis. So it's time for her to quit playing this charade and just grow up. She is a vile person. Mr. West is 100% correct on this. Case Closed.

^ Conservative Poster.

And, B.O.......Duh......C'ya is a certified Obammarrhoidal Lezbo poster (claims to be the "husband" in her imaginary "marriage").

As such, he/she/it denies the fact that Wasserman, the typical LIEberrhoidal arsehole attacks ..... then plays the aggrieved victim when the real victim (West) retaliates.

There isn't anything new here.
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He is the man. After all, aren't all the libo woman about equal treatment ? She talked shit on the floor and got called to the mat for it. Now she wants to be treated like a lady ?

Actually Wasserman-Schultz herself said she didn't particularly give a shit what he said.

(my rendition)

As it should be. I bet allot worse gets said up there.
It's really simple...........GOP males are assholes to women that tell the truth.

Fact: Many residents of Florida are older people who use Medicare.

Fact: Allen West is in favor of cutting Medicare.

Fact: Cutting Medicare would hurt old people, or, to be more precise, the people that Allen West claims to represent.

Wasserman Schultz was just calling him out and wondering why he wanted to hurt his own constituents.

West was just pissed that he got called out so retaliated like a total asshole.
Allen West is a pussy.

He says Wasserman should have said it to his face, instead of on the floor of Congress where issues are supposed to be debated.

He said this in an EMAIL! :lol:

Apparently Allen has irony poor blood.
When he was in the army I wonder how many superior officers he talked this smack to?

Not surprisingly the certified Obamarrhoidal arseholes are rushing to defend a certified Obamarrhoidal arsehole for attacking her victim (West).....then playing the part of the aggrieved victim when West, the real victim , retaliates.

There isn't anything that's really new in the world of Certified Obamarrhoidal arseholes.

Please refer to my more detailed analysis of Obamarrhoidal Turds like the Lieberrhoidal Ass, the Black Racist Bass wit, the more or less equally contemptible Queer/Swabee/GayBiker's Thread (last page): GOP Allen West: Misogynist !!!
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