Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz ‘vile’ and ‘not a lady’ for criticizing his budget

They are attacking her because she makes repubs shake in the their boots. Thats why they have to attack her so hard. They cant stand a woman having her own voice and standing up for what she believes in

women like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann?

Believe it or not, Shitty Caption is referring to his spokeswoman, the Obamarrhoidal Turd Wasserman .....and it would be appropriate to mention that he in all likelihood, regards the same intellectual acumen from Wasserman's black counterparts, like the politically insane Sheila Lee Jackson, and the other off-the-wall MuslimArselicking Crunt whom the SunniBitch (a certified Enemy of America) extolls as possible Presidential calibre ....or something to that effect.
The bitch lied about what Republicans want to do with SS/Medicare and personally called out someone from her state, but then acted like she did nothing wrong when he responded to the personal attack from the HoR floor.

She is the asshole in school that that did things to other students out of view of teachers and when she got punched in the face, ran to the school authorities. A Republican women like Bachman needs to beat the shit out of her.

She is a piece of shit and should be told that on national TV.

what makes you say that?

She helh him responsible for his position which was detrimental to the voters in her state. That is what politicians do

west responded like a child

Of course, you are aware that I have your number ....... it's just that when an Obamarrhoidal stooge like you gloms on to something that you think is super-perceptive ....... and it turns to the usual Obamarrhoidal fecal matter upon analysis..... you tailspin into a quagmire of self-imposed denial where you wind up as a babbling nincompoop.

Snap outa it.

I'm sure that you have other Obamarrhoidal bullshit to shove around.

Please read what you just wrote....

Did you take your meds this morning? ALL of them?

Ah yes......when flummoxed retaliate with the trite "taken your meds" routine...... seriously need to read what you are putting out there
She is a coward, She ripped him a new one in the houses floor after HE left . Not once but 2Xs . I would not apologize to her. She is not a lady and vile and a liar. She says that the right want to take away from medicare why doesnt she mention that obamacare already is taking 500 Billion away from them. What the Rep are trying to do is save it for our future people so it wont be bankrupt and doesnt even affect to people who already on the system!!!
When I see gaytrama post, this is all I see:

kadfojt[ut a upeue naweuwetuvntuaw t9u kmlejeo;uf aja; f uauewjasmsd nua fjzm 90w934 gjmf jf 9 tu a;gmdgmsotuntu ddfjsetuputojv9utpjg;ddj mag a o9ugos gjsg n9jgdm g[[ 8[eti; gjs g[99 [0esug; djfg 9u sem dm hxduh [syi se 'dpp ksg spsutgp[seti l;smgdfogk r0r mfk gis[-gi8r0r dghkdf gkger0 ihygri0shkhk r09gr9 ers sgkfs0rs]b

As I said, it's dang hard for him to type while hiding under that bed with his dust bunny girlfriend the only one to keep him company.
She is a coward, She ripped him a new one in the houses floor after HE left . Not once but 2Xs . I would not apologize to her. She is not a lady and vile and a liar. She says that the right want to take away from medicare why doesnt she mention that obamacare already is taking 500 Billion away from them. What the Rep are trying to do is save it for our future people so it wont be bankrupt and doesnt even affect to people who already on the system!!!

So, he left during debate....I guess he didn't think he needed to stick around and represent his constituents. Not her fault he left.
She is a coward, She ripped him a new one in the houses floor after HE left . Not once but 2Xs . I would not apologize to her. She is not a lady and vile and a liar. She says that the right want to take away from medicare why doesnt she mention that obamacare already is taking 500 Billion away from them. What the Rep are trying to do is save it for our future people so it wont be bankrupt and doesnt even affect to people who already on the system!!!

Are you saying the guy shows up for work, but quits early like Palin did?:eusa_angel:

Oh, lets see your proof.
She is a coward, She ripped him a new one in the houses floor after HE left . Not once but 2Xs . I would not apologize to her. She is not a lady and vile and a liar. She says that the right want to take away from medicare why doesnt she mention that obamacare already is taking 500 Billion away from them. What the Rep are trying to do is save it for our future people so it wont be bankrupt and doesnt even affect to people who already on the system!!!

Are you saying the guy shows up for work, but quits early like Palin did?:eusa_angel:

Oh, lets see your proof.


She is a coward, She ripped him a new one in the houses floor after HE left . Not once but 2Xs . I would not apologize to her. She is not a lady and vile and a liar. She says that the right want to take away from medicare why doesnt she mention that obamacare already is taking 500 Billion away from them. What the Rep are trying to do is save it for our future people so it wont be bankrupt and doesnt even affect to people who already on the system!!!

So, he left during debate....I guess he didn't think he needed to stick around and represent his constituents. Not her fault he left.

It wasnt a debate he talked and and then left . She did not get up to talk until he was already gone:cuckoo:
well, I pray that Pinocchio challanges Wasserman in the upcomning "Recall Election" at least Pinocchio is an honest and trusted politician who always tells the truth. If not, maybe Casey Anthony can run against her.
She is a coward, She ripped him a new one in the houses floor after HE left . Not once but 2Xs . I would not apologize to her. She is not a lady and vile and a liar. She says that the right want to take away from medicare why doesnt she mention that obamacare already is taking 500 Billion away from them. What the Rep are trying to do is save it for our future people so it wont be bankrupt and doesnt even affect to people who already on the system!!!

So, he left during debate....I guess he didn't think he needed to stick around and represent his constituents. Not her fault he left.

It wasnt a debate he talked and and then left . She did not get up to talk until he was already gone:cuckoo:

It wasn't a debate? Then what was it that he left early instead of sticking around and serving his constituents? Was he late for a lunch date with a lobbyist or something?
show me in the post above where you said anything about "think" or "for themselves".

thats what I meant:doubt:

Uh huh. Keep digging, hack.

Repubs just hate to see a liberal woman stand up to these bullies. If it was a repub woman being shitted on they would scream in thier high pitch bitch voice "sexism, you're being mean to a laady" but since its a woman they dont like, shes a bitch and more.

Scared Repubs attack....Wasserman scares them
So, he left during debate....I guess he didn't think he needed to stick around and represent his constituents. Not her fault he left.

It wasnt a debate he talked and and then left . She did not get up to talk until he was already gone:cuckoo:

It wasn't a debate? Then what was it that he left early instead of sticking around and serving his constituents? Was he late for a lunch date with a lobbyist or something?
Have you never watched CSPAN they all do it . Sometimes there is no one in the place just saying whats on your mind. So he said something and left and then she came in and criticized what he said
It wasnt a debate he talked and and then left . She did not get up to talk until he was already gone:cuckoo:

It wasn't a debate? Then what was it that he left early instead of sticking around and serving his constituents? Was he late for a lunch date with a lobbyist or something?
Have you never watched CSPAN they all do it . Sometimes there is no one in the place just saying whats on your mind. So he said something and left and then she came in and criticized what he said

Maybe he shouldn't have run away

He could have asked for the floor and dazzled us with his eloquence as he called Wasserman Shultz vile, unprofessional and despicable
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She is a piece of shit and should be told that on national TV.

what makes you say that?

Didn't she vote to CUT medicaid and medicare when she voted for Obamacare?????
Now she wants to misrepresent Allen's intentions, she was all that he said and worse (and he did send her an email that was not meant for public eyes). She chose to make it "public" and will be shown to be exactly as the email said.
That RW idiot is way out of line.
He should be reprimanded, and he should apologize.
What he did was highly offensive...and bigoted.

Explain how it was "bigoted". I know that only "dems" are encouraged to act with rudeness and threats, but how were his statements "bigoted"?

Or are you just another lib trying to silence anyone that disagrees with socialist agenda?

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