Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz ‘vile’ and ‘not a lady’ for criticizing his budget

"Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige," West wrote, per ABC News. "You are the most vile, unprofessional and despicable member of the U.S. House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!"

as blood sport goes thats pretty tame, she called him out and...well? vile despicable?

Is that professional? I don't think so.

He should have kept his comments to himself, this isn't going to help his cause.

No, it's not professional, but let's face it. We don't have professional adults in the Congress. We have a bunch of high school children and that's why nothing ever gets done.

At least he didn't beat her half to death with his cane.

Preston Brooks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow - even back then Dumbocrats were all about violence! Who knew??? I've often referred to them as children when it comes to economics. We're $14 trillion in debt because Dumbocrats are like children in a toy stoy with mommy & daddy's credit card - they have no concept of the numbers or the consequences, they are just excited to spend. I now realize they are like children in more ways than economics. I feel like I want to walk up to them and keep saying "use your words, use your words". :lol:
I generally hold Army officers to a higher standard than politicians
Yeah, right; like you and I both were taught back in the day: "shut up and vote"

He holds Army officers to a higher standard IF they are critical of a Democrat. :thup:

It is not a political standard but a personal control standard. Officers are supposed to be cool under fire and respond rationally

The tantrum thrown by West was unprofessional
That RW idiot is way out of line.
He should be reprimanded, and he should apologize.
What he did was highly offensive...and bigoted.

Shocking - a person with an avatar of Denzel as Malcolm X (the most racist, hateful, vile piece of garbage since Adolf Hitler) is calling someone else "biggoted". Sorry, but when Malcolm X is your avatar, your credibility is shot. No point even posting. It would be like someone having an avatar of Adolf Hitler...

Malcolm X racist and bigoted? You must be on crack.

Why do you comment on something you know nothing about? He even admitted to being racist "at one time" during an interview with Robert Penn Warren in 1964. Furthermore, here is one of a zillion classic quotes by this idiot: "What I want to know is how the white man, with the blood of black people dripping off his fingers, can have the audacity to be asking black people why they hate him?"

The fact that he would lump ALL white people into one group who had "blood of black pepole dripping off their fingers" clearly shows what a racist, hateful dirt-bag this guy was. I never attacked, murdered, intimiated, or beat a black person in my life. And I've never owned any slaves of any race. The racist people in this world were individual moron's, not "white people". I don't hold all black people accountable for the racist, loud-mouth, hateful words and actions of this jack-ass. In fact, I greatly admire Dr. Martin Luther King for his leadership, courage, and discourse. If I were like Malcolm dirt-bag, I would be accusing Dr. King of being a racism, hateful jerk simply because Malcolm dirt-bag was and they are both black.
This guy is representing the Tea Party? I thought only Libs called women names?

Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz

Well, in typical liberal fashion, you're telling a lie with that post. Allen West did not call Shultz "vile" for critizing a budget. He called her "vile" for lying to the world over and over when she kept referring to Cut, Cap, and Balance as "Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicaid".

Any normal, rational American would want the US government to be forced to stay within budget and stop spending trillions of dollars they don't have. So that begs the question - why are the Dumbocrats so desperately trying to stop a piece of legislation that 100% of the population should be supporting? Could it be they realize their power is slipping away faster than Obama's poll numbers are plummeting? After the earth shattering beat down they took last November and now they see the rock solid plans being pitched by conservatives, the Dumbocrats now realize they will all be out of office by the next election if they don't convince the American people the conservatives are wrong with lies and propaganda.

Making up excuses for a retard like West? He's in no position to call someone vile for "lying" after lying himself by calling Obama a subversive socialist.

There is nothing "subversive" about Barack Hussein - he is an overt radical Marxist/Socialist. And that is why he recklessly spends $5 trillion over the budget in only 2.5 years in office. $5 trillion of the American tax payers money. Because like a typical idiot Marxist/Socialist, he believes he is entitled to other people's money with out limit. And that is also why the country is collapsing right now like Europe.
must make him feel good to push around a lady in a personal letter then demand she do it to his face...Show that lady who's boss.

Republicans attack what they fear and they fear Wasserman...real talk
Yeah, right; like you and I both were taught back in the day: "shut up and vote"

He holds Army officers to a higher standard IF they are critical of a Democrat. :thup:

It is not a political standard but a personal control standard. Officers are supposed to be cool under fire and respond rationally

The tantrum thrown by West was unprofessional

And what do you call the tantrum thrown by Schultz on the House floor when she falsely referred to Cut, Cap, and Balance as Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicaid? A representative on the floor of the house knowingly spreading propaganda in an effort to push Marxism/Socialism is beyond "unprofessional", wouldn't you say? Additionally, releasing a private e-mail is far beyond "unprofessional", wouldn't you say?

Of course not, because you are also a Marxist/Socialist who believes fellow Marxist/Socialists can do no wrong. The dirt-bag Schultz could have shot Allen West on the floor, set his corpse on fire, and then deficated on the burning corpse, and you would applaud. After all, you're the guy who tries to claim that conservatives are racist and that Abraham Lincoln and the GOP who freed the slaves were actually "liberals". Enough said.
He holds Army officers to a higher standard IF they are critical of a Democrat. :thup:

It is not a political standard but a personal control standard. Officers are supposed to be cool under fire and respond rationally

The tantrum thrown by West was unprofessional

And what do you call the tantrum thrown by Schultz on the House floor when she falsely referred to Cut, Cap, and Balance as Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicaid? A representative on the floor of the house knowingly spreading propaganda in an effort to push Marxism/Socialism is beyond "unprofessional", wouldn't you say? Additionally, releasing a private e-mail is far beyond "unprofessional", wouldn't you say?

Of course not, because you are also a Marxist/Socialist who believes fellow Marxist/Socialists can do no wrong. The dirt-bag Schultz could have shot Allen West on the floor, set his corpse on fire, and then deficated on the burning corpse, and you would applaud. After all, you're the guy who tries to claim that conservatives are racist and that Abraham Lincoln and the GOP who freed the slaves were actually "liberals". Enough said.

There is a big difference in attacking a bill and attacking a person
Yeah, right; like you and I both were taught back in the day: "shut up and vote"

He holds Army officers to a higher standard IF they are critical of a Democrat. :thup:

It is not a political standard but a personal control standard. Officers are supposed to be cool under fire and respond rationally

The tantrum thrown by West was unprofessional

He was cool under fire. Why do you think he wasn't?
"Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige," West wrote, per ABC News. "You are the most vile, unprofessional and despicable member of the U.S. House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!"

as blood sport goes thats pretty tame, she called him out and...well? vile despicable?

Is that professional? I don't think so.

He should have kept his comments to himself, this isn't going to help his cause.

I thought sending an email to someone was an attempt to keep it private.

Didn't Debbie expose this to the media?????
"Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige," West wrote, per ABC News. "You are the most vile, unprofessional and despicable member of the U.S. House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!"

as blood sport goes thats pretty tame, she called him out and...well? vile despicable?

Is that professional? I don't think so.

He should have kept his comments to himself, this isn't going to help his cause.

I thought sending an email to someone was an attempt to keep it private.

Didn't Debbie expose this to the media?????

His email went to Eric Cantor and Nancy Pelosi. Little tattle tail isn't he?
It is not a political standard but a personal control standard. Officers are supposed to be cool under fire and respond rationally

The tantrum thrown by West was unprofessional

And what do you call the tantrum thrown by Schultz on the House floor when she falsely referred to Cut, Cap, and Balance as Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicaid? A representative on the floor of the house knowingly spreading propaganda in an effort to push Marxism/Socialism is beyond "unprofessional", wouldn't you say? Additionally, releasing a private e-mail is far beyond "unprofessional", wouldn't you say?

Of course not, because you are also a Marxist/Socialist who believes fellow Marxist/Socialists can do no wrong. The dirt-bag Schultz could have shot Allen West on the floor, set his corpse on fire, and then deficated on the burning corpse, and you would applaud. After all, you're the guy who tries to claim that conservatives are racist and that Abraham Lincoln and the GOP who freed the slaves were actually "liberals". Enough said.

There is a big difference in attacking a bill and attacking a person

Yes there this video and you'll see Debbie started this last year. » Flashback: Debbie Wasserman-Shultz Bad Mouths Allen West in 2010
And what do you call the tantrum thrown by Schultz on the House floor when she falsely referred to Cut, Cap, and Balance as Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicaid? A representative on the floor of the house knowingly spreading propaganda in an effort to push Marxism/Socialism is beyond "unprofessional", wouldn't you say? Additionally, releasing a private e-mail is far beyond "unprofessional", wouldn't you say?

Of course not, because you are also a Marxist/Socialist who believes fellow Marxist/Socialists can do no wrong. The dirt-bag Schultz could have shot Allen West on the floor, set his corpse on fire, and then deficated on the burning corpse, and you would applaud. After all, you're the guy who tries to claim that conservatives are racist and that Abraham Lincoln and the GOP who freed the slaves were actually "liberals". Enough said.

There is a big difference in attacking a bill and attacking a person

Yes there this video and you'll see Debbie started this last year. » Flashback: Debbie Wasserman-Shultz Bad Mouths Allen West in 2010

Once again she bad mouthed Alen Wests positions not him personally. She did not call him "vile or despicable"
She is vile. Are people still debating that? She's probably the most vicious partisan hatemonger in our Congress. I can't believe anyone is still debating this one. Wasserman a vile person? You bet. Case Closed.
Is that professional? I don't think so.

He should have kept his comments to himself, this isn't going to help his cause.

I thought sending an email to someone was an attempt to keep it private.

Didn't Debbie expose this to the media?????

His email went to Eric Cantor and Nancy Pelosi. Little tattle tail isn't he?

Tattle tail? It would seem to me he was trying to communicate without hiding anything. If cc: them, he clearly wasn't trying to attack her personally and in the shadows.

And you're claim she was "attacking a bill" doesn't hold water. She was lying over and over on the house floor about a critical bill, falsely referring to it as Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicaid" which it does not do. Nothing is more unprofessional than propaganda on the House floor. Nothing.
It is not a political standard but a personal control standard. Officers are supposed to be cool under fire and respond rationally

The tantrum thrown by West was unprofessional

He was cool under fire. Why do you think he wasn't?

He threw a hissy fit like a little girl

He just responded to her in kind. She is vile and stupid to boot. She can shell it out, but can't take it. That's her problem IMO.
"Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige," West wrote, per ABC News. "You are the most vile, unprofessional and despicable member of the U.S. House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!"

as blood sport goes thats pretty tame, she called him out and...well? vile despicable?

Is that professional? I don't think so.

He should have kept his comments to himself, this isn't going to help his cause.

I thought sending an email to someone was an attempt to keep it private.

Didn't Debbie expose this to the media?????

No, he sent it out to a bunch of people....but E for effort blaming it getting out on her. :lol::lol::lol:
I thought sending an email to someone was an attempt to keep it private.

Didn't Debbie expose this to the media?????

His email went to Eric Cantor and Nancy Pelosi. Little tattle tail isn't he?

Tattle tail? It would seem to me he was trying to communicate without hiding anything. If cc: them, he clearly wasn't trying to attack her personally and in the shadows.

And you're claim she was "attacking a bill" doesn't hold water. She was lying over and over on the house floor about a critical bill, falsely referring to it as Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicaid" which it does not do. Nothing is more unprofessional than propaganda on the House floor. Nothing. doesn't kill Medicaid

It just draws the life out of it gradually. But who gives a fuck about poor people right?

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