Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz ‘vile’ and ‘not a lady’ for criticizing his budget

Uh, dad was enlisted for 22 years, I was making more as a 2Lt than he did as a Sr NCO...

LTC West and I have more money than you, now shut up....and call us Sir.

Never said I was an LTC. I said you don't know the amount of West's debt. What is West's debt to income ratio?

I did 20 years in the military, that's 5x4.

Provide a link or proof showing that I'm poorer than you and West.

I wasn't in the Army so I couldn't have been an Asswipe, I can read and do math.

Can you provide proof that you and West have more money than me?

"..... and call us sir!"- Hahaha. Did you use to stomp your feet when the troops passed by and didn't call you sir? Did you roll around on the ground and tell your daddy? Hahaha.

He is just a blowhard who thinks he can intimidate others with wealth. Like this country, he is probably buried up to his ass in debt, but who really cares.
Stigmatized? Drama Queen much?
What? now you criticize vocabulary? What are you, the vocabulary monitor?

Unlike you I didn't have to look up the word to use it; my intended usage is "leave a mark"
Here are some synonyms: "characterize, class, classify, defame, denounce, designate, disgrace, mark, stamp, tag "

It's not an issue of vocabulary, my friend. It's an issue of you being overly dramatic over what that Congresswoman said.....but please, you and West now have something in common...the flair for the overly dramatic and persecution complexion.

Whatever you do, don't go down over Wasserman Shultz. sp? It would be like me committing sepaku over Lindsey Graham. Hello? It ain't gonna happen on my side, lol.

This latest round from her vs West was just a personal hit again. I think he just lost it. You have to remember that her and Ron Klein and the Florida dems actually released his social security number and his wifes employment identification number on flyers spread thru out the district.

If it were me, she'd have eaten a knuckle sandwich way back for the crap she has pulled on him.
Yeah, put your bank statement next to your face and look in a mirror. :eusa_whistle:

Uh, dad was enlisted for 22 years, I was making more as a 2Lt than he did as a Sr NCO...

LTC West and I have more money than you, now shut up....and call us Sir.

Never said I was an LTC. I said you don't know the amount of West's debt. What is West's debt to income ratio?

I did 20 years in the military, that's 5x4.

Provide a link or proof showing that I'm poorer than you and West.

I wasn't in the Army so I couldn't have been an Asswipe, I can read and do math.

Can you provide proof that you and West have more money than me?

"..... and call us sir!"- Hahaha. Did you use to stomp your feet when the troops passed by and didn't call you sir? Did you roll around on the ground and tell your daddy? Hahaha.
I gurantee you didn't make LTC....let me guess you think 4 and out is "retired" from the military. :cuckoo:

You are poorer than me and LTC West, I assure you of that, asswipe.

Asswipe...that was your job in the military, cleaning latrines.

I gurantee as a retired LTC and Congressman, he is living better than you and maybe her if she didn't get money from her "parents" like a typical bitch. It's clear she didn't earn shit in her life.

You know how much debt West has or his expenses? You, like a lot of stupid people, equate wealth with happiness, that's why there are a lot of debt ridden people feeling like shit right now.

I'm retired military, make as much as a Congressman and have no debt. Plus I don't have to kiss ass to raise cash to stay employed.

^Conservative poster posting conservatively.
What? now you criticize vocabulary? What are you, the vocabulary monitor?

Unlike you I didn't have to look up the word to use it; my intended usage is "leave a mark"
Here are some synonyms: "characterize, class, classify, defame, denounce, designate, disgrace, mark, stamp, tag "

It's not an issue of vocabulary, my friend. It's an issue of you being overly dramatic over what that Congresswoman said.....but please, you and West now have something in common...the flair for the overly dramatic and persecution complexion.

You know... you are making yourself more and more irrelevant; but carry on!

Making myself irrelevant because I would have behaved like a mature adult rather than what West did? Ooooookaaaaay......:eusa_whistle:
You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

YOU didn't make LTC, hell you weren't even an officer...if you were even in the military.

I gurantee you didn't make LTC....let me guess you think 4 and out is "retired" from the military. :cuckoo:

You are poorer than me and LTC West, I assure you of that, asswipe.

Asswipe...that was your job in the military, cleaning latrines.

As an officer, if you don't retire as LTC you are a failure

If you make LTC and don't make O-6 you have an average military career

If you retire as Col or above, you have done well

West retiring as an O-5 is not a great accomplishment

You know
Uh, dad was enlisted for 22 years, I was making more as a 2Lt than he did as a Sr NCO...

LTC West and I have more money than you, now shut up....and call us Sir.

I gurantee you didn't make LTC....let me guess you think 4 and out is "retired" from the military. :cuckoo:

You are poorer than me and LTC West, I assure you of that, asswipe.

Asswipe...that was your job in the military, cleaning latrines.

Never said I was an LTC. I said you don't know the amount of West's debt. What is West's debt to income ratio?

I did 20 years in the military, that's 5x4.

Provide a link or proof showing that I'm poorer than you and West.

I wasn't in the Army so I couldn't have been an Asswipe, I can read and do math.

And you can call me Ma'am, if you are going to play that way.
What I would like to see is an honest democrat (and lord I miss them they really used to exist] just step out and go holy toledo this woman is a maniac. DWS for crying out loud is a female Dean, bad enough right there, polarizing to beat the band and frankly a moving target for me.

She is making my political life so easy. On the other hand if you really want to keep her front and center, well get ready......

I'm in lock and load mode.
What I would like to see is an honest democrat (and lord I miss them they really used to exist] just step out and go holy toledo this woman is a maniac. DWS for crying out loud is a female Dean, bad enough right there, polarizing to beat the band and frankly a moving target for me.

She is making my political life so easy. On the other hand if you really want to keep her front and center, well get ready......

I'm in lock and load mode.

You are?
What I would like to see is an honest democrat (and lord I miss them they really used to exist] just step out and go holy toledo this woman is a maniac. DWS for crying out loud is a female Dean, bad enough right there, polarizing to beat the band and frankly a moving target for me.

She is making my political life so easy. On the other hand if you really want to keep her front and center, well get ready......

I'm in lock and load mode.

You are?


damn straight. bodacea I really miss old dems. the straight up rational libs I used to know.

2012 will be a battle ground for the whacko extremists on the left who attempt to portray themselves as "indies". it's a joke. and they can all be so easily flushed out. all I have to do is to inform the normal and I mean normal libs what the real agenda is of the far left that are in power now.

I used to party hearty with many of them. I know the freaking whacko crazy left wing agenda.

and I intend to do it. did it up here. took out Iggy and the whacko libs. reduced to nothing by just elevating the ndp.

life has been very good politically lately for me.

And I really miss democrats. I wish they would be able to reform as a party.
For those that will not understand the terminology, "lock and load" is used as a metaphor for being ready to shoot, to be ready to fight.

I'm not suggesting whatsoever rebellion. Not yet heheheh...kidding....

Using the imagery strictly to release the frustration levels of so many these days.
What I would like to see is an honest democrat (and lord I miss them they really used to exist] just step out and go holy toledo this woman is a maniac. DWS for crying out loud is a female Dean, bad enough right there, polarizing to beat the band and frankly a moving target for me.

She is making my political life so easy. On the other hand if you really want to keep her front and center, well get ready......

I'm in lock and load mode.

You are?


damn straight. bodacea I really miss old dems. the straight up rational libs I used to know.

2012 will be a battle ground for the whacko extremists on the left who attempt to portray themselves as "indies". it's a joke. and they can all be so easily flushed out. all I have to do is to inform the normal and I mean normal libs what the real agenda is of the far left that are in power now.
I used to party hearty with many of them. I know the freaking whacko crazy left wing agenda.

and I intend to do it. did it up here. took out Iggy and the whacko libs. reduced to nothing by just elevating the ndp.

life has been very good politically lately for me.

And I really miss democrats. I wish they would be able to reform as a party.

And that would be????
"Let the people rule". Somehow it got twisted and perverted with the likes of Bernadine and Billy and let alone Karenga taking out the Panthers in cahoots with the FBI.

Power trippers extraordinaire.

I ended up having to swing right wing to keep it together in the sense that all the lefties and yes we can start a whole different thread on all the old timies that are really radical commies that I used to know.


You libs are a walking clusterfuck, a joke.. you didn't give a damn about civility and name calling until Debbie Blabbermouth opened her fat piehole and got a taste of her own stank medicine. Too damn bad.. STFU already with the whining.. it's truly pathetic.


damn straight. bodacea I really miss old dems. the straight up rational libs I used to know.

2012 will be a battle ground for the whacko extremists on the left who attempt to portray themselves as "indies". it's a joke. and they can all be so easily flushed out. all I have to do is to inform the normal and I mean normal libs what the real agenda is of the far left that are in power now.
I used to party hearty with many of them. I know the freaking whacko crazy left wing agenda.

and I intend to do it. did it up here. took out Iggy and the whacko libs. reduced to nothing by just elevating the ndp.

life has been very good politically lately for me.

And I really miss democrats. I wish they would be able to reform as a party.

And that would be????

Have you ever read anything by Cass Sunstien? These writings alone should send real democrats into a convulsive state.
For those that don't understand, I really am trying to make a defining moment here between libs, left wingers, and really good old fashioned and wonderous democrats.

I'll give you an example. There was this guy. At least I think he was a guy. bj something with a whole batch of numbers in his name. A DEMOCRAT.

Subject was Benazir Bhutto's assassination. This bj dude ran with me like crazy telling fellow board members I was telling the truth that BB actually created the Taliban. I loved this guy.

Some lib on this board hated him telling the truth and found a way to get this awesome poster banned.

Lib on lib damage. It was crazy. And bj was just telling the truth. I would consider him an awesome democrat.

Rare breed these days. I miss them.

eta: whoopsies when I said "this board" I didn't mean this board.
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His email went to Eric Cantor and Nancy Pelosi. Little tattle tail isn't he?

Tattle tail? It would seem to me he was trying to communicate without hiding anything. If cc: them, he clearly wasn't trying to attack her personally and in the shadows.

And you're claim she was "attacking a bill" doesn't hold water. She was lying over and over on the house floor about a critical bill, falsely referring to it as Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicaid" which it does not do. Nothing is more unprofessional than propaganda on the House floor. Nothing. doesn't kill Medicaid

It just draws the life out of it gradually. But who gives a fuck about poor people right?

Exactly! If "poor people" don't want to be poor, then they should go better themselves, work harder, and work their way out of poverty. Not ask Uncle Sam to play Joseph Stalin, confiscate what other's have earned, and give it to them.

By the way, here are some facts about the "poor people" that liberals love to shed tears for (but who they won't help out of thier own personal budgets in any way):

According to the government’s own survey data, in 2005, the average household defined as poor by the government lived in a house or apartment equipped with air conditioning and cable TV. The family had a car (a third of the poor have two or more cars). For entertainment, the household had two color televisions, a DVD player, and a VCR.

If there were children in the home (especially boys), the family had a game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation. In the kitchen, the household had a microwave, refrigerator, and an oven and stove. Other household conveniences included a washer and dryer, ceiling fans, a cordless phone, and a coffee maker.

The home of the average poor family was in good repair and not overcrowded. In fact, the typical poor American had more living space than the average European. (Note: That’s average European, not poor European.)

So much for the liberal talking point about the "poor", uh? It's the "poor" in this country that is dragging this nation down. We've spent ourselves $14 trillion in debt giving them subsidized housing, Xbox's, color tv's, endless supply of food, free healthcare, and anything else they wanted. I take care of myself. My parents took care of themselves. My neighbors take care of themselves. It's damn time the "poor" you whine about takes care of themselves. This country should not collapse for anyone, including the "poor".
Tattle tail? It would seem to me he was trying to communicate without hiding anything. If cc: them, he clearly wasn't trying to attack her personally and in the shadows.

And you're claim she was "attacking a bill" doesn't hold water. She was lying over and over on the house floor about a critical bill, falsely referring to it as Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicaid" which it does not do. Nothing is more unprofessional than propaganda on the House floor. Nothing. doesn't kill Medicaid

It just draws the life out of it gradually. But who gives a fuck about poor people right?

Exactly! If "poor people" don't want to be poor, then they should go better themselves, work harder, and work their way out of poverty. Not ask Uncle Sam to play Joseph Stalin, confiscate what other's have earned, and give it to them.

By the way, here are some facts about the "poor people" that liberals love to shed tears for (but who they won't help out of thier own personal budgets in any way):

According to the government’s own survey data, in 2005, the average household defined as poor by the government lived in a house or apartment equipped with air conditioning and cable TV. The family had a car (a third of the poor have two or more cars). For entertainment, the household had two color televisions, a DVD player, and a VCR.

If there were children in the home (especially boys), the family had a game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation. In the kitchen, the household had a microwave, refrigerator, and an oven and stove. Other household conveniences included a washer and dryer, ceiling fans, a cordless phone, and a coffee maker.

The home of the average poor family was in good repair and not overcrowded. In fact, the typical poor American had more living space than the average European. (Note: That’s average European, not poor European.)

So much for the liberal talking point about the "poor", uh? It's the "poor" in this country that is dragging this nation down. We've spent ourselves $14 trillion in debt giving them subsidized housing, Xbox's, color tv's, endless supply of food, free healthcare, and anything else they wanted. I take care of myself. My parents took care of themselves. My neighbors take care of themselves. It's damn time the "poor" you whine about takes care of themselves. This country should not collapse for anyone, including the "poor".

Why work if the government will just give you free money?

There is no incentive to better ones self. There will always be a "safety net" and there will always be a libfuck there defending it.
You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

YOU didn't make LTC, hell you weren't even an officer...if you were even in the military.

As an officer, if you don't retire as LTC you are a failure

If you make LTC and don't make O-6 you have an average military career

If you retire as Col or above, you have done well

West retiring as an O-5 is not a great accomplishment

You know

I have been working with Army officers for thirty years

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