Allen West calls Wasserman Schultz ‘vile’ and ‘not a lady’ for criticizing his budget

Probably the same way I handle it in places like this....laugh and shrug.

I cannot understand how West made it as far as he did in the military if he clutches his pearls and goes into freak out mode over words. Seriously....I thought we officers were made of sterner stuff.

He wasn't crying. If he had he probably wouldn't be catching as much hell. Do you feel the same when somebody on the left is falsely accused or criticized? I don't think I've ever seen you suggest that the 'target' of the verbal criticsm should just 'shrug and laugh it off' in those cases as you suggest West should have done.

Again if you don't set the record straight or protest when somebody is publically distorting your record or telling flat out lies about you or accusing you of vile things for which there is no evidence, a lot of people will believe the distortions, lies, and accusations. The left has been destroying people on the right in that way for decades now. I for one am rather pleased that Mr. West has a backbone sufficient to fight back. More are going to need to learn how to do that. They just need to choose their words more diplomatically than Mr. West did.

What was West "falsely" accused of?

The fact is that the little bastard is against Medicare, and it is also a fact that the majority of the constituents in his district are Medicare consumers.

All Wasserman-Schultz did was call him out on his bullshit. Matter of fact, she just stated her disbelief that someone with a district like that could vote against Medicare. false accusations.

Well, that's the problem with this country. The majority of everyone's constituents have become lazy little parasites feeding off the minority who actually believe in hard work and personal responsibility. Thanks to the European-like Marxist/Socialist/Communist nightmare created by the liberal Dumbocrats, we are $14 trillion in debt and collapsing like Greece (who by the way has daily riots, tons of violence and death, all because of their idiot Socialist policies). Allen West is a damn American hero! He's honest, he understands that Dumbocrats are collapsing this nation, and he's doing the right thing even though the "majority of the constituents in his district are Medicare consumers" (your exact quote) and it may not be popular with them. It's just too bad we don't have more politician's like Allen West.

As the great Margaret Thatcher once said, "The problem with Socialists is that eventually, they run out of other people's money". Well, thanks to Dumbocrats, it would seem that time has come. We're $14 trillion in debt. We've run out of other people's money to spend. But hey, Dumbocrats never allow a little thing like facts to get in their way!
Tattle tail? It would seem to me he was trying to communicate without hiding anything. If cc: them, he clearly wasn't trying to attack her personally and in the shadows.

And you're claim she was "attacking a bill" doesn't hold water. She was lying over and over on the house floor about a critical bill, falsely referring to it as Cut, Cap, and Kill Medicaid" which it does not do. Nothing is more unprofessional than propaganda on the House floor. Nothing. doesn't kill Medicaid

It just draws the life out of it gradually. But who gives a fuck about poor people right?

Exactly! If "poor people" don't want to be poor, then they should go better themselves, work harder, and work their way out of poverty. Not ask Uncle Sam to play Joseph Stalin, confiscate what other's have earned, and give it to them.

By the way, here are some facts about the "poor people" that liberals love to shed tears for (but who they won't help out of thier own personal budgets in any way):

According to the government’s own survey data, in 2005, the average household defined as poor by the government lived in a house or apartment equipped with air conditioning and cable TV. The family had a car (a third of the poor have two or more cars). For entertainment, the household had two color televisions, a DVD player, and a VCR.

If there were children in the home (especially boys), the family had a game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation. In the kitchen, the household had a microwave, refrigerator, and an oven and stove. Other household conveniences included a washer and dryer, ceiling fans, a cordless phone, and a coffee maker.

The home of the average poor family was in good repair and not overcrowded. In fact, the typical poor American had more living space than the average European. (Note: That’s average European, not poor European.)

So much for the liberal talking point about the "poor", uh? It's the "poor" in this country that is dragging this nation down. We've spent ourselves $14 trillion in debt giving them subsidized housing, Xbox's, color tv's, endless supply of food, free healthcare, and anything else they wanted. I take care of myself. My parents took care of themselves. My neighbors take care of themselves. It's damn time the "poor" you whine about takes care of themselves. This country should not collapse for anyone, including the "poor".

What does that have to do with Medicaid? How many DVD players and X boxes does it take to pay for cancer treatment?
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Why work if the government will just give you free money?

No able-bodied American of working age gets ‘free money’ from the government.

There is no incentive to better ones self. There will always be a "safety net" and there will always be a libfuck there defending it.

There are plenty of incentives for self-improvement, the ignorance and fear advocated by the right need not be among them.
I have been working with Army officers for thirty years

Good for you.

You obviously haven't learned a fucking thing either..

Oh really?

Do you think that someone retiring as a major has had a good military career?

West retiring as an O-5 is just an average military career

Yeah, thats a fantastic career.

Yeah hes only a Major...

There are individuals that have been E-4's for 20+ years..

Maybe some are content with where they're at??? ever think of that???
Why work if the government will just give you free money?

No able-bodied American of working age gets ‘free money’ from the government.

There is no incentive to better ones self. There will always be a "safety net" and there will always be a libfuck there defending it.

There are plenty of incentives for self-improvement, the ignorance and fear advocated by the right need not be among them.

Do you actually believe that shit..

You ever hear of the "projects" those motherfucker are of "working age" and can work but the government sends them FREE FUCKING MONEY...Food stamps AND cash..

Yeah, cash money...

Its called welfare, pubic aid, government assistance etc....

Thats the democrat voting base here in Chicago.
Good for you.

You obviously haven't learned a fucking thing either..

Oh really?

Do you think that someone retiring as a major has had a good military career?

West retiring as an O-5 is just an average military career

Yeah, thats a fantastic career.

Yeah hes only a Major...

There are individuals that have been E-4's for 20+ years..
Maybe some are content with where they're at??? ever think of that???

Um...I don't think so.

And there's a little something called move up or you move out.
Good for you.

You obviously haven't learned a fucking thing either..

Oh really?

Do you think that someone retiring as a major has had a good military career?

West retiring as an O-5 is just an average military career

Yeah, thats a fantastic career.

Yeah hes only a Major...

There are individuals that have been E-4's for 20+ years..

Maybe some are content with where they're at??? ever think of that???

You have to be busted recently to be that low of a pay-grade at 20 yrs. You can't just coast along at a low grade like that.
Good for you.

You obviously haven't learned a fucking thing either..

Oh really?

Do you think that someone retiring as a major has had a good military career?

West retiring as an O-5 is just an average military career

Yeah, thats a fantastic career.

Yeah hes only a Major...

There are individuals that have been E-4's for 20+ years..

Maybe some are content with where they're at??? ever think of that???

Officers are not given the luxury of being content where they are.

They either get promoted or they get out. Someone who retired as an LTC was passed over for Col
Oh really?

Do you think that someone retiring as a major has had a good military career?

West retiring as an O-5 is just an average military career

Yeah, thats a fantastic career.

Yeah hes only a Major...

There are individuals that have been E-4's for 20+ years..

Maybe some are content with where they're at??? ever think of that???

Officers are not given the luxury of being content where they are.

They either get promoted or they get out. Someone who retired as an LTC was passed over for Col

I agree. See my above post.
Good for you.

You obviously haven't learned a fucking thing either..

Oh really?

Do you think that someone retiring as a major has had a good military career?

West retiring as an O-5 is just an average military career

Yeah, thats a fantastic career.

Yeah hes only a Major...

There are individuals that have been E-4's for 20+ years..

Maybe some are content with where they're at??? ever think of that???
post a link from the military celebrating that. I made E-4 in < 3 yrs.
Oh really?

Do you think that someone retiring as a major has had a good military career?

West retiring as an O-5 is just an average military career

Yeah, thats a fantastic career.

Yeah hes only a Major...

There are individuals that have been E-4's for 20+ years..

Maybe some are content with where they're at??? ever think of that???

You have to be busted recently to be that low of a pay-grade at 20 yrs. You can't just coast along at a low grade like that.

Exactly...Someone who stays E-4 is not allowed to retire....I'd have to look it up, but I'm guessing HYT for them would be around 10 years, maybe less.
Just imagine the feigned outrage from the Left dummies if he had called her a miserable Asshole? Which of course she is. I think West was actually being polite and reserved. The woman is a heinous shrill moron. So WTG Mr. West! ;)
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