Am I A Racist?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I recently saw this "movie" at a $5 matinee. It is really more of an expose' of people who have turned "racism" into a money-making enterprise (Matt Walsh included). Interestingly, the participants were mostly women. It did have a few good laugh lines, when the "instructors" seemed to be making word salads rather than intelligent conversation.
I recently saw this "movie" at a $5 matinee. It is really more of an expose' of people who have turned "racism" into a money-making enterprise (Matt Walsh included). Interestingly, the participants were mostly women. It did have a few good laugh lines, when the "instructors" seemed to be making word salads rather than intelligent conversation.
He actually managed to get that last one. I can't recall her name, to delete her X account. I found that amusing.
I recently saw this "movie" at a $5 matinee. It is really more of an expose' of people who have turned "racism" into a money-making enterprise (Matt Walsh included). Interestingly, the participants were mostly women. It did have a few good laugh lines, when the "instructors" seemed to be making word salads rather than intelligent conversation.
Hmmm... let's see... do you subscribe to the theory without proof that Haitians (or any other minority) steal and eat pets...?

If yes, then yes. You are a racist. Let me know if you are still confused.
I recently saw this "movie" at a $5 matinee. It is really more of an expose' of people who have turned "racism" into a money-making enterprise (Matt Walsh included). Interestingly, the participants were mostly women. It did have a few good laugh lines, when the "instructors" seemed to be making word salads rather than intelligent conversation.

Get your movies and Blu-ray from the library for free. Anything extreme sells nowadays.

black menace attack.jpg

Nowadays you have to be careful around people of any color. And it will only get worse...before it gets even worse than that.
Hmmm... let's see... do you subscribe to the theory without proof that Haitians (or any other minority) steal and eat pets...?

If yes, then yes. You are a racist. Let me know if you are still confused.
Hmmm...Are you trying to appear intelligent again? All theories are without proof: Otherwise they would be facts. Can you disprove this theory? If not, your post has no value.
Hmmm...Are you trying to appear intelligent again? All theories are without proof: Otherwise they would be facts. Can you disprove this theory? If not, your post has no value.
Theory? Accusing someone of a heinous crime without sufficient evidence is merely a theory to you?

Besides, your orange douchebag and his butt boy are not postulating a theory. They are claiming it as fact.

I know you are a retard but do try to keep up.
Theory? Accusing someone of a heinous crime without sufficient evidence is merely a theory to you?

Besides, your orange douchebag and his butt boy are not postulating a theory. They are claiming it as fact.

I know you are a retard but do try to keep up.
A lot of people have made a lot of money on the racist game. Racism exists in some. And it is from all cultures. Power and money drown integrity and character out. There is a lot of resources spent as it trickles down from the source. And the people at the top take a good size cut.
A lot of people have made a lot of money on the racist game. Racism exists in some. And it is from all cultures. Power and money drown integrity and character out. There is a lot of resources spent as it trickles down from the source. And the people at the top take a good size cut.
Yeah, your orange fuhrer is the prime example.
  • A 1973 lawsuit for housing discrimination against African-American renters
  • Promoting the false "birther" conspiracy theory about Barack Obama
  • Continuing to claim the exonerated Central Park Five were guilty as late as 2024
During his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump:
  • Launched his campaign with a speech calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists
  • Retweeted false statistics about African Americans and violent crime
  • Repeatedly linked African Americans and Hispanics with violent crime
  • Retweeted influencers from the #WhiteGenocide movement over 75 times
And of course this - Trump repeated the unfounded claim during a presidential debate (no less) about Haitians eating pets without any proof.

So, I am glad you disapprove. But you are still going to vote for the orange douchebag, right?
I recently saw this "movie" at a $5 matinee. It is really more of an expose' of people who have turned "racism" into a money-making enterprise (Matt Walsh included). Interestingly, the participants were mostly women. It did have a few good laugh lines, when the "instructors" seemed to be making word salads rather than intelligent conversation.
Yeah, I watched it yesterday with my friend, it's both funny, and enlightening.

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