Am I or the U.S. Confused by lack of praise for Israeli killing of Hezbollah butcher?

At funeral of slain terror chief, Hezbollah No.2 vows ‘open-ended battle of reckoning’ (link) Excerpt:
The only reaction of the Biden Administration was to deny involvement. I am totally confused. Why is Israel's accomplishment not being applauded? Or why, if he was a wanted man, did it take a powerless, small Israel to accomplish this task. After all, the barracks bombing was almost 41 years ago to this date. Or does out government just pretend to care when its Marines are slaughtered?

Actually, I should not be surprised. The U.S. is doing nothing to obtain its hostages other than demanding a craven surrender, err, permanent cease fire, by Israel. Inquiring minds wonder.
The democrats are scared shitless that a full scale war will break out before the november election

The reason is that biden will have to support Israel, which will throughly piss off a large number of voters in his own party

Its an impossible situation for the dem candidate for president
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Actually if she is elected one of her first actions may well be to sever U.S. relations with Israel.
Or maybe if she is elected she will be doing lines and running off into the sunset with a new lover.

Anything may well be. :dunno: :cuckoo:

"Let me be clear, I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself, and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself, because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that a terrorist organization called Hamas caused on Oct. 7, including unspeakable sexual violence and the massacre of young people at a music festival," - Harris

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At funeral of slain terror chief, Hezbollah No.2 vows ‘open-ended battle of reckoning’ (link) Excerpt:
The only reaction of the Biden Administration was to deny involvement. I am totally confused. Why is Israel's accomplishment not being applauded? Or why, if he was a wanted man, did it take a powerless, small Israel to accomplish this task. After all, the barracks bombing was almost 41 years ago to this date. Or does out government just pretend to care when its Marines are slaughtered?

Actually, I should not be surprised. The U.S. is doing nothing to obtain its hostages other than demanding a craven surrender, err, permanent cease fire, by Israel. Inquiring minds wonder.
The US will not want to be associated with a terrorist state.
Being a genocidal antisemite is part and parcel of being a leftist these days.

and as we see in EMH and a few others, the paranoid schizophrenic portion of the right as well.

And do not forget the rest of the world who are hell bent on ridding the world of Nazis like Nutty Yahoo and his vile cronies
At funeral of slain terror chief, Hezbollah No.2 vows ‘open-ended battle of reckoning’ (link) Excerpt:
The only reaction of the Biden Administration was to deny involvement. I am totally confused. Why is Israel's accomplishment not being applauded? Or why, if he was a wanted man, did it take a powerless, small Israel to accomplish this task. After all, the barracks bombing was almost 41 years ago to this date. Or does out government just pretend to care when its Marines are slaughtered?

Actually, I should not be surprised. The U.S. is doing nothing to obtain its hostages other than demanding a craven surrender, err, permanent cease fire, by Israel. Inquiring minds wonder.
i am quite certain that israel has DENIED any knowledge or responsibility for this. should not we . their greatest ally, believe them ?
I am totally confused. Why is Israel's accomplishment not being applauded?
The public can only be radicalized by one thing at a time, and right now it is the upcoming giving long range weapons to Ukraine to attack Moscow, which of course will mean declaring (nuclear) war on Russia and their "allies". The attention span for us is now down to about 30 days, so the upcoming 'run out of money in the government and we're all gonna die' little show is about to start. After the election, if we have one, the quantity and quality of Israel ass kissing will reappear in your news feed. Just be patient.
Biden is going to Europe to make a big speech, his last chance to pander to terrorist vermin and their assorted deviant fan clubs and get Israel and Ukraine slaughtered and go down in the history books as a genocidal commie piece of shit and Party Hero. His October Surprise is probably to get Putin and Iran to throw few nukes around and then blame it on Trump.

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