America 2024

Looks like im2 got fact checked. Again.

Three of my friends didn't buy the story when they first saw it. I also thought it suspect. That makes four black people who called bs. But the liberal media still runs with it.

That's why I keep urging to.............................................

Trump has emboldened a section of whites who were here but had relatively remained underground. Not now. These are the majority of the people that make up the white grievance movement led now by Donald Trump.

Pennsylvania student has 'N-word carved into his chest with box cutter' in racist attack​

Two students at a Pennsylvania college have been suspended from the swim team after one of them scratched a racial slur onto a student's chest.

Gettysburg College said they received "a deeply concerning report of a racial slur being scratched onto a student using a plastic or ceramic tool."

The college said the report was being assessed through the "the student conduct process."

The family of the student said another swim team member etched the N-word across their son's chest using a box cutter, in an incident they described as a "hate crime."

"It is important to note that he was the only person of color at this gathering," the family said in a statement to the school's newspaper, The Gettysburgian.

/—-/ IM2, the only one spreading hate and division on USMB is you.
Another fabricated story from the liberal media. Many people will read it and just take it at face value. They will believe it without thinking. The story will be outed as a fraud, but it will be too late by then. People will have moved on. The media will fabricate another story. Another hoax. Mission accomplished.
Jim Crow Museum


Michael Henry Schwerner, James Earl Chaney, and Andrew Goodman​

  • Jim Crow Museum
Schwerner, Chaney, Goodman

Civil rights workers Michael Henry Schwerner, James Earl Chaney, and Andrew Goodman were killed by a mob of Klansmen in Neshoba County, Mississippi, on June 21, 1964. Less than one month prior to their deaths, on Memorial Day, Schwerner, a target for "elimination" by members of the local Ku Klux Klan (KKK) due to his work for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in and around Meridian, MS, and Chaney, a Meridian native and Schwerner's chief aide, arranged to set up a Freedom School at Mount Zion Church in Longdale. A few weeks later, on the night of June 16, Klansmen beat church members and burned Mount Zion following a church business meeting at which the Klansmen were hoping to find Schwerner. However, Schwerner and Chaney were in Ohio at the time attending a conference to train workers who would implement Freedom Summer initiatives in various states. Upon learning of the Klan attack at Mount Zion, Schwerner and Chaney headed back to Mississippi along with Goodman, a young volunteer Schwerner had met in Ohio and recruited to help with the Freedom Summer efforts in Meridian and the surrounding communities (Congress of Racial Equality, n.d.).
When they arrived in Mississippi, the three civil rights workers visited the remains of Mount Zion Church and interviewed some of the church members to learn more about the KKK attack. Following these visits, Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman were arrested by Neshoba County Deputy Sherriff Cecil Price as they were traveling back to the CORE office in Meridian on the afternoon of June 21. Price, a member of the local Klan, allegedly held the three civil rights workers for their possible connection to the arson of Mount Zion Church. While the three men were held at the county jail in Philadelphia, Price contacted Edgar Ray Killen, the local Klan recruiter, presumably to formulate a plan to kill the prisoners later that night (Linder, n.d.).
Just after 10:00 PM, the plot to murder Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman was set in motion when Price returned to the jail and told the jailer to release the three men. As Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman once again tried to drive back to Meridian, they were chased down by Price and two carloads of Klansmen. The Klansmen drove the three civil rights workers to a remote location where, according to the testimony of two informants who were present as members of the mob, Schwerner and Goodman were executed at close range by shots fired by Klansman Wayne Roberts (Linder, n.d.). Chaney, on the other hand, was beaten and tortured by the mob before he was killed (Dickoff & Pagano, 2012). The murdered bodies of Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman were buried in a dam on the land of another Klansman (Congress of Racial Equality, n.d.).
Following an extensive investigation by local and federal officials that revealed telling details of and participants in the murders, Mississippi officials refused to file state murder charges against any of the Klansmen. This was not surprising given the social climate in Mississippi at the time; state officials had claimed the disappearance of the three men was a hoax until the bodies were found.
Jim Crow Museum


Michael Henry Schwerner, James Earl Chaney, and Andrew Goodman​

  • Jim Crow Museum
Schwerner, Chaney, Goodman

Civil rights workers Michael Henry Schwerner, James Earl Chaney, and Andrew Goodman were killed by a mob of Klansmen in Neshoba County, Mississippi, on June 21, 1964. Less than one month prior to their deaths, on Memorial Day, Schwerner, a target for "elimination" by members of the local Ku Klux Klan (KKK) due to his work for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in and around Meridian, MS, and Chaney, a Meridian native and Schwerner's chief aide, arranged to set up a Freedom School at Mount Zion Church in Longdale. A few weeks later, on the night of June 16, Klansmen beat church members and burned Mount Zion following a church business meeting at which the Klansmen were hoping to find Schwerner. However, Schwerner and Chaney were in Ohio at the time attending a conference to train workers who would implement Freedom Summer initiatives in various states. Upon learning of the Klan attack at Mount Zion, Schwerner and Chaney headed back to Mississippi along with Goodman, a young volunteer Schwerner had met in Ohio and recruited to help with the Freedom Summer efforts in Meridian and the surrounding communities (Congress of Racial Equality, n.d.).
When they arrived in Mississippi, the three civil rights workers visited the remains of Mount Zion Church and interviewed some of the church members to learn more about the KKK attack. Following these visits, Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman were arrested by Neshoba County Deputy Sherriff Cecil Price as they were traveling back to the CORE office in Meridian on the afternoon of June 21. Price, a member of the local Klan, allegedly held the three civil rights workers for their possible connection to the arson of Mount Zion Church. While the three men were held at the county jail in Philadelphia, Price contacted Edgar Ray Killen, the local Klan recruiter, presumably to formulate a plan to kill the prisoners later that night (Linder, n.d.).
Just after 10:00 PM, the plot to murder Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman was set in motion when Price returned to the jail and told the jailer to release the three men. As Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman once again tried to drive back to Meridian, they were chased down by Price and two carloads of Klansmen. The Klansmen drove the three civil rights workers to a remote location where, according to the testimony of two informants who were present as members of the mob, Schwerner and Goodman were executed at close range by shots fired by Klansman Wayne Roberts (Linder, n.d.). Chaney, on the other hand, was beaten and tortured by the mob before he was killed (Dickoff & Pagano, 2012). The murdered bodies of Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman were buried in a dam on the land of another Klansman (Congress of Racial Equality, n.d.).
Following an extensive investigation by local and federal officials that revealed telling details of and participants in the murders, Mississippi officials refused to file state murder charges against any of the Klansmen. This was not surprising given the social climate in Mississippi at the time; state officials had claimed the disappearance of the three men was a hoax until the bodies were found.

Schwerner and Goodman sounds Jewish, the Klan killed as many Jews as they did Republicans. And even today, the liberals, progressives, leftists, and Democrats have picked up the Klan's banner of anti-Semitism and joined hands with the them, by holding violent protests at universities and making death threats against Jews.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Jim Crow Museum


Michael Henry Schwerner, James Earl Chaney, and Andrew Goodman​

  • Jim Crow Museum
Schwerner, Chaney, Goodman

Civil rights workers Michael Henry Schwerner, James Earl Chaney, and Andrew Goodman were killed by a mob of Klansmen in Neshoba County, Mississippi, on June 21, 1964. Less than one month prior to their deaths, on Memorial Day, Schwerner, a target for "elimination" by members of the local Ku Klux Klan (KKK) due to his work for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) in and around Meridian, MS, and Chaney, a Meridian native and Schwerner's chief aide, arranged to set up a Freedom School at Mount Zion Church in Longdale. A few weeks later, on the night of June 16, Klansmen beat church members and burned Mount Zion following a church business meeting at which the Klansmen were hoping to find Schwerner. However, Schwerner and Chaney were in Ohio at the time attending a conference to train workers who would implement Freedom Summer initiatives in various states. Upon learning of the Klan attack at Mount Zion, Schwerner and Chaney headed back to Mississippi along with Goodman, a young volunteer Schwerner had met in Ohio and recruited to help with the Freedom Summer efforts in Meridian and the surrounding communities (Congress of Racial Equality, n.d.).
When they arrived in Mississippi, the three civil rights workers visited the remains of Mount Zion Church and interviewed some of the church members to learn more about the KKK attack. Following these visits, Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman were arrested by Neshoba County Deputy Sherriff Cecil Price as they were traveling back to the CORE office in Meridian on the afternoon of June 21. Price, a member of the local Klan, allegedly held the three civil rights workers for their possible connection to the arson of Mount Zion Church. While the three men were held at the county jail in Philadelphia, Price contacted Edgar Ray Killen, the local Klan recruiter, presumably to formulate a plan to kill the prisoners later that night (Linder, n.d.).
Just after 10:00 PM, the plot to murder Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman was set in motion when Price returned to the jail and told the jailer to release the three men. As Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman once again tried to drive back to Meridian, they were chased down by Price and two carloads of Klansmen. The Klansmen drove the three civil rights workers to a remote location where, according to the testimony of two informants who were present as members of the mob, Schwerner and Goodman were executed at close range by shots fired by Klansman Wayne Roberts (Linder, n.d.). Chaney, on the other hand, was beaten and tortured by the mob before he was killed (Dickoff & Pagano, 2012). The murdered bodies of Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman were buried in a dam on the land of another Klansman (Congress of Racial Equality, n.d.).
Following an extensive investigation by local and federal officials that revealed telling details of and participants in the murders, Mississippi officials refused to file state murder charges against any of the Klansmen. This was not surprising given the social climate in Mississippi at the time; state officials had claimed the disappearance of the three men was a hoax until the bodies were found.
What are the names of the state officials? What did they say exactly? Where did they say it?

You need primary source information if you want to make a claim.
Schwerner and Goodman sounds Jewish, the Klan killed as many Jews as they did Republicans. And even today, the liberals, progressives, leftists, and Democrats have picked up the Klan's banner of anti-Semitism and joined hands with the them, by holding violent protests at universities and making death threats against Jews.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Right wing, white, conservative racist killed Jews and black folks.
Right wing, white, conservative racist killed Jews and black folks.

Quit living in the past. Germans and Japanese started a world war too, but now they're two of our best allies.

The truth is, you've become what you were brought up to hate the most: Violent, racist, anti-Semictic Bolshevik authoritarians.
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All the stories I'm finding about this are saying that according to the family, the scratching had been done by someone the victim "trusted" and considered a friend, and that both students allegedly involved have been removed from swim team activities while the college investigated the incident. Many of the stories are also using the word "etched" instead of "carved."

I wouldn't be surprised if the "victim" asked his friend to do that, for some stupid reason. College kids are always doing stupid shit.
Exactly correct. Where are the pictures? What are the names of the alleged carvers? Sounds like this is only covering an outcome and not providing the full context.

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