"American Citizens trapped in Gaza"

Who are they?

Hundreds of American citizens are trapped in the besieged Gaza Strip under constant Israeli bombardment and have received no help in finding ways to escape, according to interviews with individuals on the ground.

The State Department says as many as 600 Americans are in the enclave that since Oct. 7 has come under heavy retaliatory airstrikes by Israel after the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which governs Gaza, launched a terror attack against southern Israel that killed at least 1,300 people.

First thing I thought when I heard about this was 'why would Americans be in Gaza?' I'm sure there have been travel advisories against even visiting Gaza. It's hard to find right now, since such advisories have been updated in light of the terrorist attacks.

Gaza is owned and operated by a terrorist organization known to hate Jews and Americans with brutal passion. Why would some goober from Indiana or wherever decided to go stay there.

My guess is that these "Americans" are Arabs who went to American university and stayed long enough to become citizens of the U.S. having no intention of forsaking their homeland and being loyal Americans as the oath requires. They took whatever knowledge and skills they gained at our expense and are using it for the benefit of their rulers in the Hamas organization.
Or you could ask why would any American go and join the IDF child killers ?
It appears that the only way to reduce the number of Hamas in Gaza is to at the same time reduce the number of people in Gaza. That is because of the cowardly Hamas terrorists who refused to stand up and fight like men.
Looks to me they are fighting like men they don't have a choice, over 300 IDF child killers are dead.
And 2 million are Hamas supporters and sympathizers...
They voted for a terror group to run Gaza and so terror is what you will get.... seems pretty simple to me... a good fix would be to vote them out and help Israel find them and expel them....
I don't get it... no one on the left wants peace anymore... just endless war and conflict...
Trump will get it fixed in a week... both sides may grudgingly go along... but they will go along...
I am sure sixteen thousand children don't see it that way.
I am sure sixteen thousand children don't see it that way.
how could the kids left to starve and take the bombs SEE Hamas----the Hamas people are safe and sound in fortified and well stocked
tunnels. The tens of thousands of children who died in the Berlin bombing did not see AL NABI ADOLF HITLER either----during the bombing of Berlin he was in a deep bunker LIVING IT UP with his friends josef and magda goebbels and their gaggle of fat-cat protected
kids.. Islamo nazis never change
how could the kids left to starve and take the bombs SEE Hamas----the Hamas people are safe and sound in fortified and well stocked
tunnels. The tens of thousands of children who died in the Berlin bombing did not see AL NABI ADOLF HITLER either----during the bombing of Berlin he was in a deep bunker LIVING IT UP with his friends josef and magda goebbels and their gaggle of fat-cat protected
kids.. Islamo nazis never change
Sure they are, do you even know how disgusting you sound ?
Surrender or we will keep on murdering your Children, got it.
you got it. ' we will break into your bedrooms--rape the women, murder the babies and whomever we can get our paws
on and kidnap scores and THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO---KISS OUR STINKING ASSES BECAUSE ALLAH AND deadstick SAID WE ARE RIGHT. ' 'give up the HOSTAGES'?? 'hell no---we are holding them in the service of allah and his perverted boy-toy ---muhummad' as per deadstick
Atlanta---historically the LAST BASTION OF CHATTEL SLAVERY in NORTH AMERICA (was can u expect?) guess what NETANYAHU CONTROLS THE MONEY OF QATAR---well----he is a pharisee money changer-----ask surada and

Netanyahu was funding Hamas through Qatar until Oct of last year as part of his brilliant strategy to prevent a 2 state solution.
you got it. ' we will break into your bedrooms--rape the women, murder the babies and whomever we can get our paws
on and kidnap scores and THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO---KISS OUR STINKING ASSES BECAUSE ALLAH AND deadstick SAID WE ARE RIGHT. ' 'give up the HOSTAGES'?? 'hell no---we are holding them in the service of allah and his perverted boy-toy ---muhummad' as per deadstick
You don't still think this is about hostages do you? Netanyahu the serial killer wants to stay in power no matter how many people die and the whole middle east burns down,and what the hell does Mohamed have to do with anything, it isn't about religion it's about land and Zionist Lebensraum.
Netanyahu was funding Hamas through Qatar until Oct of last year as part of his brilliant strategy to prevent a 2 state solution.
again the GOEBBELS PRINCIPLE----Qatar is so cooperative---I am waiting for their response for my request for a few million--anyone interested---just make a request and claim WILL FUND THE FILTH OF ISLAM
You don't still think this is about hostages do you? Netanyahu the serial killer wants to stay in power no matter how many people die and the whole middle east burns down,and what the hell does Mohamed have to do with anything, it isn't about religion it's about land and Zionist Lebensraum.
read the koran
Netanyahu was funding Hamas through Qatar until Oct of last year as part of his brilliant strategy to prevent a 2 state solution.
for those of out cyber-buddies that don't know---Saudi Arabia (and its sycophants)
have a quarrel with Qatar----it's an issue of
somewhat "liberal" (in a limited islamic manner---Qatar---and conservative Saudi arabia AND A LAND DISPUTE----the typical
muslim libel in any dispute is "those other guys are in CAHOOTS WIT' DA JOOOOS. I have known sunnis from southeast Asia who hate shiites so much that they accuse them of being "secret joooos"

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