American journalist killed by Israeli military

Totally and completely wrong, as well as being totally confused.
The Ottoman Empire did not create Palestine as a country.

There has never been a country of Palestine, so of course the Ottomans never created it - no one did.

The Palestinians sided with the Allies in order to help defeat the Ottoman Empire in WWI, so then it was the Allies who created the independent nation of Palestine, as part of the peace negotiations after WWI ended.


You just make shit up out of thin air.

First off, those termed "Palestinians" during WWI were the Zionists. The Arabs, the Muslims, fought for the Caliphate, for their god Muhammad and his little demon Allah.

The San Remo conference was an international meeting of the post-World War I Allied Supreme Council as an outgrowth of the Paris Peace Conference, held at Villa Devachan in Sanremo, Italy, from 19 to 26 April 1920. The San Remo Resolution passed on 25 April 1920 determined the allocation of Class "A" League of Nations mandates for the administration of three then-undefined Ottoman territories in the Middle East: "Palestine", "Syria" and "Mesopotamia". The boundaries of the three territories were "to be determined [at a later date] by the Principal Allied Powers", leaving the status of outlying areas such as Zor and Transjordan unclear.

Territories, and it placed the territory of Palestine, that you lied two posts back was not a Ottoman territory - you lie a great deal - clearly you're Muslim - under the administration of Britain. Who then crafted the Balfour Declaration.

The Treaty of Sèvres (French: Traité de Sèvres) was a 1920 treaty signed between the Allies of World War I and the Ottoman Empire. The treaty ceded large parts of Ottoman territory to France, the United Kingdom, Greece and Italy, as well as creating large occupation zones within the Ottoman Empire. It was one of a series of treaties[3] that the Central Powers signed with the Allied Powers after their defeat in World War I. Hostilities had already ended with the Armistice of Mudros.

The treaty was signed on 10 August 1920 in an exhibition room at the Manufacture nationale de Sèvres porcelain factory[4] in Sèvres, France.[5]

The Treaty of Sèvres marked the beginning of the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire. The treaty's stipulations included the renunciation of most territory not inhabited by Turkish people and their cession to the Allied administration.[6]

The ceding of Eastern Mediterranean lands saw the introduction of novel polities, including the British Mandate for Palestine and the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon.[7]

So in 1920, Palestine was legally established by international treaty, and acknowledged by the League of Nations.


Palestine, like "the south" or "east coast" was nothing more than territory on a map.

It wasn't a country, wasn't declared a country, and was placed under the British after the Ottmans and their Arab lackies LOST the war.
I was not addressing you but another poster. It does fit in this topic because that poster insisted that antisemitism is hatred of arabs. Even by the lefts on actions it is shown that antisemitism is aimed at Jews.
You are playing his game. He does this with every thread about Jews. Derail, derail, derail.

He knows what antisemitism is, he just likes to play with people and see their reaction.
There has never been a country of Palestine, so of course the Ottomans never created it - no one did.


You just make shit up out of thin air.

First off, those termed "Palestinians" during WWI were the Zionists. The Arabs, the Muslims, fought for the Caliphate, for their god Muhammad and his little demon Allah.

Territories, and it placed the territory of Palestine, that you lied two posts back was not a Ottoman territory - you lie a great deal - clearly you're Muslim - under the administration of Britain. Who then crafted the Balfour Declaration.


Palestine, like "the south" or "east coast" was nothing more than territory on a map.

It wasn't a country, wasn't declared a country, and was placed under the British after the Ottmans and their Arab lackies LOST the war.
See, keep playing his game and turning the death of a Palestinian journalist into everything about Jews.

Ignore him.
[ No surprise. The possibly accidental death of the journalist fuels more calls for attacks on Jews and the demise of Israel. ]

Semitic languages predate Arabs in the middle east by millennia. The Arabs invaded in 3rd century AD from North Africa. The original people were the Medes, Hittites, Israelites, Assyrians, Amorites, Babylonians, and Persians. (With invading Greeks) ALL of these were Caucasian peoples. The Arabs came from North Africa and invaded during the great famine which was caused by a hundred-year drought.

The Jews, the Israelites, are the original Semites. Noah was an Israelite, not an African. The Arabs engaged in genocide when they invaded and wiped most of the original people out, but the Jews survived because of their Religion.

This is no more accurate than what Rigby said. The earliest documentation of Arabs was nearly a millenia BCE, specifically referring to Bedouins of the Arabian peninsula. It is notable that the people and region were described with a common name.

The Arabian peninsula was populated by a wide range of Semitic speaking peoples. No evidence exists of a united Arab nation until about four centuries into the common era, with a primordial early version of what we now call the Arabic language developing about two centuries prior to that, as a regional Semitic language. Up until that point a variety of Arab kingdoms existied, adjacent to and distinctly from each other. As the Arabs were eventually united into a single nation, the modern Arabian language would displace others and become the predominant language.

In modern Arabic "A rab" is the word for Bedouin while "Arab" is the word for Arabs generally. This distinction mirrors the ancient, original distinction of Bedouins being nomads and non-Bedouin Arabs being sedentary.

All of this points to the origins of Arabs as being Semitic peoples of the Arabian peninsula.

The long and short of it is that Jews and Arabs are sister groups with common origins. Both derived from Semitic peoples. The term "Semite" is probably obsolete in modern times. But if one is to use it to refer to the modern day ancestors (remnants?) of ancient Semitic people, then one should use it for all such modern day groups.
Originally saw this on NBC. The anchor stated that their organization's efforts to verify a video released by the Israeli government that attempted to paint Palestinian militants as the culprits revealed that the Israeli government's video did not depict the same location as the incident, did not match Al Jazeera footage that caught her death live, and did not even show the shooting. In other words, it's fake.

So first Saudi Arabia kills an American journalist, now Israel kills an American journalist. Perhaps this is a deeply troubled region of the world and the United States should be loathe to maintain close relationships with these countries.

"We were going to film the Israeli army operation and suddenly they shot us without asking us to leave or stop filming," Al Jazeera cited Mr Samoudi as saying. "The first bullet hit me and the second bullet hit Shireen.
"There was no Palestinian military resistance at all at the scene," he added.

Al Jazeera reporter killed during Israeli raid in West Bank
It could have been an accident, right?
You know, this thread was intended to be a discussion of American global interventionism, the morality of our alliances, the wisdom of how we choose our allies, and so forth. Instead, it has devolved into the same tired blather of people hosing each other down with piss over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Shame on the mods who moved this thread here, who were too stupid to comprehend anything outside the same tired cyber fighting that the mods seem to love to stoke. And shame on all the stupid morons who gleefully rushed to immediately drag the discussion into the trash, rambling on about how much you hate Israel, or how much you hate Palestine, or how much you hate having to rub two brain cells together.

You people pollute my existence.
This is no more accurate than what Rigby said. The earliest documentation of Arabs was nearly a millenia BCE, specifically referring to Bedouins of the Arabian peninsula. It is notable that the people and region were described with a common name.

The Arabian peninsula was populated by a wide range of Semitic speaking peoples. No evidence exists of a united Arab nation until about four centuries into the common era, with a primordial early version of what we now call the Arabic language developing about two centuries prior to that, as a regional Semitic language. Up until that point a variety of Arab kingdoms existied, adjacent to and distinctly from each other. As the Arabs were eventually united into a single nation, the modern Arabian language would displace others and become the predominant language.

In modern Arabic "A rab" is the word for Bedouin while "Arab" is the word for Arabs generally. This distinction mirrors the ancient, original distinction of Bedouins being nomads and non-Bedouin Arabs being sedentary.

All of this points to the origins of Arabs as being Semitic peoples of the Arabian peninsula.

The long and short of it is that Jews and Arabs are sister groups with common origins. Both derived from Semitic peoples. The term "Semite" is probably obsolete in modern times. But if one is to use it to refer to the modern day ancestors (remnants?) of ancient Semitic people, then one should use it for all such modern day groups.
There are no semitic people. Semitic refers to the languages those people spoke
You know, this thread was intended to be a discussion of American global interventionism, the morality of our alliances, the wisdom of how we choose our allies, and so forth. Instead, it has devolved into the same tired blather of people hosing each other down with piss over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Shame on the mods who moved this thread here, who were too stupid to comprehend anything outside the same tired cyber fighting that the mods seem to love to stoke. And shame on all the stupid morons who gleefully rushed to immediately drag the discussion into the trash, rambling on about how much you hate Israel, or how much you hate Palestine, or how much you hate having to rub two brain cells together.

You people pollute my existence.

You lied in the OP in order to foment your Antisemitic bullshit.

The mods should have moved it to the rubber room.
You know, this thread was intended to be a discussion of American global interventionism, the morality of our alliances, the wisdom of how we choose our allies, and so forth. Instead, it has devolved into the same tired blather of people hosing each other down with piss over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Shame on the mods who moved this thread here, who were too stupid to comprehend anything outside the same tired cyber fighting that the mods seem to love to stoke. And shame on all the stupid morons who gleefully rushed to immediately drag the discussion into the trash, rambling on about how much you hate Israel, or how much you hate Palestine, or how much you hate having to rub two brain cells together.

You people pollute my existence.
It could be that you did not allege, but out right accused Israel of killing the Palestinian journalist and did not make it clear with the title that it was about America's intervention in that part of the world, something that you are against.

That is still under investigation, and there are videos already out which may show that it may not have been the IDF.

And the fact that the PA seems to be refusing to collaborate in the investigation and is inciting against Israel.

You may want to start another thread with the title being America's intervention in the world and complicity (?) in what happens. (????)

Rashid Khalidi: Israel Systematically Targets Palestinian Journalists to Hide Reality of Occupation​

You know, this thread was intended to be a discussion of American global interventionism, the morality of our alliances, the wisdom of how we choose our allies, and so forth. Instead, it has devolved into the same tired blather of people hosing each other down with piss over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Shame on the mods who moved this thread here, who were too stupid to comprehend anything outside the same tired cyber fighting that the mods seem to love to stoke. And shame on all the stupid morons who gleefully rushed to immediately drag the discussion into the trash, rambling on about how much you hate Israel, or how much you hate Palestine, or how much you hate having to rub two brain cells together.

You people pollute my existence.

First, you pretend to know it all and who is to blame,
then whine about "interventionism" after the lies get revealed,
and people respond other than dancing to your tune in unison.

If the worry is interventionism, consider the wannabe "dissidents"
who spread disinformation assuming they can advise everyone
how to run their life from an isolated continent.
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I thought the OP lied that this was an American "journalist?"

Embedded Hamas propagandist for Al Jazeera, got caught in the crossfire as terrorists engaged Israeli troops.
She was a US citizen.

BTW, a US citizen was killed by Israel during the flotilla raid. What did our government have to say about that?
She was a US citizen.

BTW, a US citizen was killed by Israel during the flotilla raid. What did our government have to say about that?
That US citizen attacked the IDF soldiers who came to check on the cargo, as many of that boat's occupant's did. There were no provisions on that boat, only armed anti Israel fools who got what they asked for and deserved.

She was certainly not. She had been a RESIDENT for a short while. She was a Hamas member.

Who gives a fuck? The OP lied - a very Muslim thing to do.
She was born in Jerusalem.
Abu Akleh was born in 1971 in Jerusalem; her family members were Arab Palestinian Christians from Bethlehem.[1][6] She spent time in the United States, obtaining U.S. citizenship through members of her mother's family who lived in New Jersey

No word how long she lived in the US

Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh killed by Israeli forces | The Stream​


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