American Students vs Islamic Propaganda


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Stealth Islamic Propaganda Shown to Six Million American Students

5/25/12 By Larissa Scott

On May 16 and 17 of 2012, Channel One Network, a national distributor of educational videos and newscasts viewed daily by over 8,000 middle and high schools, aired a two-part video series, titled "Young and Muslim in America" and "Islam in America."

In "Young and Muslim in America: How being a part of Islam changed ten years ago, Part 1," students watch as Muhtasham Sifaat, 18, kneels on a prayer rug inside an empty classroom. His voiceover explains how he moved around a lot when he was younger, but Islam has given him stability. What is not revealed is that Mr. Sifaat is a political activist serving as a chapter president of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), one of the most radical Muslim Brotherhood front groups in America.

The MSA pledge states: "Allah is my lord. Islam is my life. The Koran is my guide. The Sunna is my practice. Jihad is my spirit. Righteousness is my character. Paradise is my goal. I enjoin what is right. I forbid what is wrong. I will fight against oppression. And I will die to establish Islam."

Kyle Smith, 22, gives an overview of the five pillars of Islam before the narrator explains:


Since Skittles brand candy has already become part of the Trayvon Martin media narrative, portraying a hijabed Muslima shopping for Skittles at a corner store looks more like a manipulative re-enactment of the Trayvon Martin incident, designed to reinforce the victimology trope of racial profiling.

The narrator picks up the story:

These young people say they represent the majority of Muslims here in America. Not the extremists.

These young girls in the video may not be extremists, but it doesn't take much to see how they are being used as figurative human shields by two just-as-innocent-looking activists of the MSA -- a patently extremist organization. According to USA Today, NYPD "spokesman Paul Browne provided a list of 12 people arrested or convicted on terrorism charges in the United States and abroad who had once been members of Muslim student associations, which the NYPD referred to as MSAs."

Despite their efforts to radicalize the rest of the Muslim population, they do not represent the majority -- yet. Their claim is false, pretentious, and deliberately misleading.

Articles: Stealth Islamic Propaganda Shown to Six Million American Students
André Carson, Indiana Congressman, Says U.S. Public Schools Should Be Modeled After Islamic Schools, (VIDEO)

The Huffington Post | By Laura Hibbard

André Carson, the U.S. Representative for Indiana's 7th Congressional District, created controversy when he told an Islamic Circle of North America convention that American schools should be modeled after Madrassas, or Islamic schools that are built on the foundations of the Quran, WND reports.

André Carson, Indiana Congressman, Says U.S. Public Schools Should Be Modeled After Islamic Schools, (VIDEO) (UPDATE)
Stealth Islamic Propaganda Shown to Six Million American Students

5/25/12 By Larissa Scott

On May 16 and 17 of 2012, Channel One Network, a national distributor of educational videos and newscasts viewed daily by over 8,000 middle and high schools, aired a two-part video series, titled "Young and Muslim in America" and "Islam in America."

In "Young and Muslim in America: How being a part of Islam changed ten years ago, Part 1," students watch as Muhtasham Sifaat, 18, kneels on a prayer rug inside an empty classroom. His voiceover explains how he moved around a lot when he was younger, but Islam has given him stability. What is not revealed is that Mr. Sifaat is a political activist serving as a chapter president of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), one of the most radical Muslim Brotherhood front groups in America.

The MSA pledge states: "Allah is my lord. Islam is my life. The Koran is my guide. The Sunna is my practice. Jihad is my spirit. Righteousness is my character. Paradise is my goal. I enjoin what is right. I forbid what is wrong. I will fight against oppression. And I will die to establish Islam."

Kyle Smith, 22, gives an overview of the five pillars of Islam before the narrator explains:


Since Skittles brand candy has already become part of the Trayvon Martin media narrative, portraying a hijabed Muslima shopping for Skittles at a corner store looks more like a manipulative re-enactment of the Trayvon Martin incident, designed to reinforce the victimology trope of racial profiling.

The narrator picks up the story:

These young people say they represent the majority of Muslims here in America. Not the extremists.

These young girls in the video may not be extremists, but it doesn't take much to see how they are being used as figurative human shields by two just-as-innocent-looking activists of the MSA -- a patently extremist organization. According to USA Today, NYPD "spokesman Paul Browne provided a list of 12 people arrested or convicted on terrorism charges in the United States and abroad who had once been members of Muslim student associations, which the NYPD referred to as MSAs."

Despite their efforts to radicalize the rest of the Muslim population, they do not represent the majority -- yet. Their claim is false, pretentious, and deliberately misleading.

Articles: Stealth Islamic Propaganda Shown to Six Million American Students

Ho Hum.
What age groups are being shown this film?

Do you really think the average student (or any student)will be converted on the basis of seeing this short film?

Is it your choice to radicalize our student to view all Muslims as enemies?

Believe me, if a couple billion Muslims really were out to destroy us you life would be a lot worse.

How afraid you must be.
Stealth Islamic Propaganda Shown to Six Million American Students

5/25/12 By Larissa Scott

On May 16 and 17 of 2012, Channel One Network, a national distributor of educational videos and newscasts viewed daily by over 8,000 middle and high schools, aired a two-part video series, titled "Young and Muslim in America" and "Islam in America."

In "Young and Muslim in America: How being a part of Islam changed ten years ago, Part 1," students watch as Muhtasham Sifaat, 18, kneels on a prayer rug inside an empty classroom. His voiceover explains how he moved around a lot when he was younger, but Islam has given him stability. What is not revealed is that Mr. Sifaat is a political activist serving as a chapter president of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), one of the most radical Muslim Brotherhood front groups in America.

The MSA pledge states: "Allah is my lord. Islam is my life. The Koran is my guide. The Sunna is my practice. Jihad is my spirit. Righteousness is my character. Paradise is my goal. I enjoin what is right. I forbid what is wrong. I will fight against oppression. And I will die to establish Islam."

Kyle Smith, 22, gives an overview of the five pillars of Islam before the narrator explains:


Since Skittles brand candy has already become part of the Trayvon Martin media narrative, portraying a hijabed Muslima shopping for Skittles at a corner store looks more like a manipulative re-enactment of the Trayvon Martin incident, designed to reinforce the victimology trope of racial profiling.

The narrator picks up the story:

These young people say they represent the majority of Muslims here in America. Not the extremists.

These young girls in the video may not be extremists, but it doesn't take much to see how they are being used as figurative human shields by two just-as-innocent-looking activists of the MSA -- a patently extremist organization. According to USA Today, NYPD "spokesman Paul Browne provided a list of 12 people arrested or convicted on terrorism charges in the United States and abroad who had once been members of Muslim student associations, which the NYPD referred to as MSAs."

Despite their efforts to radicalize the rest of the Muslim population, they do not represent the majority -- yet. Their claim is false, pretentious, and deliberately misleading.

Articles: Stealth Islamic Propaganda Shown to Six Million American Students

Ho Hum.
What age groups are being shown this film?

Do you really think the average student (or any student)will be converted on the basis of seeing this short film?

Is it your choice to radicalize our student to view all Muslims as enemies?

Believe me, if a couple billion Muslims really were out to destroy us you life would be a lot worse.

How afraid you must be.

[ame=]European countries soon Islamic States - YouTube[/ame]
good luck with that. Most teems don't pay a ttention to anything but what they are most interested in, and it ain't a strict religion, or fanatical calls of war.
He might have more luck if he used an IPAD device, but,,,
Cynic's hat on: why would American students be any more influenced by Islamic teaching than they are by Christian teaching? American students today are only interested in themselves, texting, booze / drugs, sports, and that other topic we can't mention in polite company. Hat off.

Seriously 'Stealth propaganda' aren't there at least a billion Muslims in the world with a small number of nutcases, terrorists, or other crazies? I think if the OP writer were honest they'd find as many nutcases, terrorists, or other crazies in any religion. Just look.

Education though is kinda interesting as a topic, for College creates 'communists' according to some on the right, and yet all the college kids I know are only interested in the above interests and getting a job after indoctrination. ;)

But hold on a minute, seems the right is right and college does lead to rational thought after all. :lol: Read below.

'CPAC's boy wonder swings left' "I think it was naive,” Krohn now says of the speech. “It’s a 13-year-old kid saying stuff that he had heard for a long time.… I live in Georgia. We’re inundated with conservative talk in Georgia.… The speech was something that a 13-year-old does. You haven’t formed all your opinions. You’re really defeating yourself if you think you have all of your ideas in your head when you were 12 or 13. It’s impossible. You haven’t done enough." Jonathan Krohn: CPAC's boy wonder swings left -

Of course you could always attend school in Louisiana I hear they have dinosaurs roaming the swamps down there. A quick peek at the future Louisiana science curriculum – Pharyngula
Last edited:
one the the parents of my downs student wants her 10th grader to be in regular classes so that she can have positive role models and someone to emulate. The student will be placed in some regular classes per FAPE, but...........

1. the mother insulted the students in the child's self-contained classes. Those students are actually well behaved.

2. The little downs girl will now be privy to conversations about booze, drugs, sex and the like. Mind you, the downs girl has the mentality of a 1st grader.
Hamas-linked CAIR in Your Kid’s Classroom

by Pamela Geller

Why is a Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood organization given entrée in public schools? In the American Thinker December 19, I asked: “Why is a representative of a terror-linked organization, a defender of jihad terror groups and an apologist for Islamic supremacism welcome to speak in public schools?”

I was referring to Hassan Shibly, a representative of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who spoke at Tampa’s Steinbrenner High School in November. After I broke the story at my website Atlas Shrugs on December 4, giving specifics of where and when the CAIR rep spoke, and then published the article in the Thinker, “Hamas High School in Florida?,” patriots made hundreds of calls and sent hundreds of letters, emails, Tweets and Facebook messages in protest to Steinbrenner school officials.


Hamas-linked CAIR in Your Kid
UC Irvine Student Government Approves Anti-Israel Boycott

November 16, 2012
By Arnold Ahlert

Even as missiles launched from Gaza are killing innocent Israelis, there is no rest for the anti-Semitic, Israel-bashers at the University of California, Irvine. On Tuesday night, the student senate passed a non-binding resolution requesting that the school divest from eight companies currently doing business with the Jewish State. In a unanimous 16-0 vote, the Associated Students-UC Irvine (ASUCI) targeted Caterpillar, Cement Roadstones Holding, Cemex, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Raytheon, Sodastream, and L-3 Communications, as companies that “profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestine.” The resolution awaits the approval of UC Irvine student government’s executive board, a body that would forward it to the school’s administration. If both entities approve, UC-Irvine would be the first California campus to do so.

Given UC-Irvine’s track record of anti-Semitism, such a “ground-breaking” move would doubtlessly thrill campus leftists, most notably UC-Irvine’s Muslim Student Union (MSU). In an article for Commentary Magazine in 2010, Kenneth Marcus outlines that track record. ”During the first years of the 21st century…on the campus of the University of California at Irvine, Jewish students were physically and verbally harassed, threatened, shoved, stalked, and targeted by rock-throwing groups and individuals,” he writes. “Jewish property was defaced with swastikas, and a Holocaust memorial was vandalized. Signs were posted on campus showing a Star of David dripping with blood. Jews were chastised for arrogance by public speakers whose appearance at the institution was subsidized by the university. They were called ‘dirty Jew’ and ‘f**king Jew,’ told to ‘go back to Russia’ and ‘burn in hell,’ and heard other students and visitors to the campus urge one another to ‘slaughter the Jews.’”

The MSU on campus has staged many anti-Israel events, including a large gathering every spring where some of the more virulent anti-Semites, including leaders of the Sabiqun movement, which advocates for the creation of a global Islamic state, bash Israel with impunity.

In May 2010, Imam Abdul Malik Ali, leader of a mosque in Oakland, compared Jews to Nazis, expressed support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad, and called for the destruction of the “apartheid state of Israel.” Ali’s speech was part of the MSU-hosted program called “Israeli Apartheid Week: A Call to Boycott, Divest and Sanction,” which included other anti-Israel speakers such as author Norman Finkelstein, who has made a career out of distorting the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Alison Weir, who frames Israel as a violent aggressor, with the United States acting as its accomplice; and Hatem Bazian, president of the anti-Israel American Muslims for Palestine. This event was part of an effort to jumpstart the divestment process mentioned above.

UC Irvine Student Government Approves Anti-Israel Boycott

[ame=]11 Arrested for Disrupting Israeli Ambassador's Talk at UC Irvine, Irvine, CA - YouTube[/ame]

according to Fox news Israeli only had prior knowledge

[ame=]Fox News expose: Israelis had foreknowledge of 9-11. - YouTube[/ame]

So you're one of those 9/11 ass holers, good luck with that, moron...:D

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