Americans Hate Joe Biden


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021

First. It’s true. They do. People actually recognize what a demented old failure he is.

Secondly. This thread belongs in “Politics,”where I am launching it, for the same reason that a thread falsely claiming that Americans “hate” Trump is still in “Politics.”

This thread, however, comes with much firmer, clearer and defensible support.

What is it about the incumbent that leads so many people to recognize what a loser he is?

First. It’s true. They do. People actually recognize what a demented old failure he is.

Secondly. This thread belongs in “Politics,”where I am launching it, for the same reason that a thread falsely claiming that Americans “hate” Trump is still in “Politics.”

This thread, however, comes with much firmer, clearer and defensible support.

What is it about the incumbent that leads so many people to recognize what a loser he is?

A majority of Democrats want Biden out!
This thread belongs in “Politics,”
I checked your link;


thread falsely claiming that Americans “hate” Trump is still in “Politics.”

A majority of Democrats want Biden out!
But not necessarily the Party honchos.

A summary of the political problems which the Democratics now face:

They have an insufferable demented old scumbag as their nominal leader; and they have absolutely no bench at all.
It's worse than that. They actually have a potential contender who is at least nominally a Democrat (RFK Jr.) who has name recognition and is coherent enough to speak and walk and stay the hell away from little girls. There's also Cornell West who is running and will pull some support. The DNC system is designed to toss anyone the top dogs disapprove of, regardless of what their voters say.

This is why I think it's safe to predict that their media arm is going to be trying to drive them all into hysterical rage next year by saying the coming convictions of Trump will disqualify him. It's their last, desperate gambit.

First. It’s true. They do. People actually recognize what a demented old failure he is.

Secondly. This thread belongs in “Politics,”where I am launching it, for the same reason that a thread falsely claiming that Americans “hate” Trump is still in “Politics.”

This thread, however, comes with much firmer, clearer and defensible support.

What is it about the incumbent that leads so many people to recognize what a loser he is?
Let's say for the sake of argument that Americans hate Trump (as per the other thread). Biden has lower approval numbers than Trump. Therefore, Americans must hate Biden more than they hate Trump. You proved your case to me.

First. It’s true. They do. People actually recognize what a demented old failure he is.

Secondly. This thread belongs in “Politics,”where I am launching it, for the same reason that a thread falsely claiming that Americans “hate” Trump is still in “Politics.”

This thread, however, comes with much firmer, clearer and defensible support.

What is it about the incumbent that leads so many people to recognize what a loser he is?
Let's go Brandon!!!!
But not necessarily the Party honchos.

A summary of the political problems which the Democratics now face:

They have an insufferable demented old scumbag as their nominal leader; and they have absolutely no bench at all.
In the old days Democrat party leaders pretty much chose their nominee, no primaries necessary. The voters didn't matter. Then they moved on to having primaries with Superdelegates, which gave voters the illusion that they were choosing their party's nominee, even though the superdelegates actually chose. The voters didn't matter. Then, they pretty much got rid of superdelegates, giving voters the illusion that they were choosing their party's nominee, even though the party leaders won't allow anyone else to form a candidacy but their chosen one.

So, we are left with a democracy where voters vote but they only have one real candidate to vote for, as they do in Russia, which is also a democracy. Now we have moved another step closer to Russia where you literally take out your opposition so that you can't lose either through Trumped up indictments or even trying to keep your opponent off the ballot without even having to prove they are guilty of anything.
But not necessarily the Party honchos.

A summary of the political problems which the Democratics now face:

They have an insufferable demented old scumbag as their nominal leader; and they have absolutely no bench at all.

And they embrace extremist policies.
Democrats promote:

  • Groomers (teachers and others who push abnormal sexual lifestyles onto little kids)
  • Infanticide (abortion and late term abortion)
  • Marxism/Socialism
  • Child Genital Mutilation (many threads here on that already)
  • Stripping of Free Speech Rights
  • Stripping of Religious Rights
  • Stripping of Right to Bear Arms
  • CRT Hate and Racism
  • Election Theft
  • Open Borders
  • Destructive Monetary and Economic Policies
  • High Taxes
  • Massive Debt-Causing Spending

I could continue but those should be sufficient to horrify any good person who has even a minimal moral compass. Anyone who says that the Democrat Party does not support these things is an obvious liar. They are all provable beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The Democrat Party ultimately must be designated as a hate group and dissolved. Their involvement in slavery and the Civil War should have dissolved them long ago. The organization should be broken up and its' assets distributed to African Americans for reparations.

First. It’s true. They do. People actually recognize what a demented old failure he is.

Secondly. This thread belongs in “Politics,”where I am launching it, for the same reason that a thread falsely claiming that Americans “hate” Trump is still in “Politics.”

This thread, however, comes with much firmer, clearer and defensible support.

What is it about the incumbent that leads so many people to recognize what a loser he is?
President Biden should not run again in 2024” reads the headline on Washington Post deep state columnist David Ignatius’ column posted Tuesday evening. The headline and author will be enough to start the conversation that everyone in D.C. wants to have but are afraid to voice.

David Ignatius is also an MSNBC favorite,
President Biden should not run again in 2024” reads the headline on Washington Post deep state columnist David Ignatius’ column posted Tuesday evening. The headline and author will be enough to start the conversation that everyone in D.C. wants to have but are afraid to voice.

David Ignatius is also an MSNBC favorite,

Just think about the Democrats lies, crimes and cheating throughout this entire debacle:

Bernie was winning in 2016, the democrat fascists stepped in to install Crooked Hillary instead and she lost. Then on 2020 the same thing happened and the democrat fascists stepped in to install senile Biden instead. His own democrat peers mocked his senility during the democrat primary debates. Then when Biden was losing they stole the election. Now, after 4 years of senility and blinders and ineptitude they are poised for more shenanigans.

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