Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney instead of Obama

Perhaps if Romney had focused on winning moderates rather than trying to gain street cred with the far right wing of the Republican Party, he would be President today.
Perhaps if Romney had focused on winning moderates rather than trying to gain street cred with the far right wing of the Republican Party, he would be President today.

Romney was a weak-@$$ candidate who I told a buddy of mine over a year prior to the election had no chance of winning against Obama. That said, I thought he had the election sewn up after the second national debate, only to sit out the third and final national debate. He had Obama on the ropes, and he stayed in his corner instead of *EVEN THROWING* the knock out blow. For the life of me I will never understand why he pulled up so drastically. Mitt might be a smart man, but he was a stupid candidate, and I sincerely hope that he's learned his lesson - that he's simply not presidential material.
July 18-20, 2014
Suppose that for some reason a presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Who would you be more likely to vote for?

As of today, do you lean more toward…?

Obama 44%
Romney 53%
Other (vol.) *
Neither (vol.) 3%

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or
doesn’t apply to Barack Obama.

Is a strong and decisive leader :
Does not apply: 52%
No opinion 1%

Can manage the government effectively
Does not apply:57%
No opinion 1%

Shares your values
Does not apply:53%
No opinion 1%

A total of 1,012 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones.

And if it were an actual election, Obama would win again, probably by a larger margin than last time. If you really think Americans are that in love with Romney, run him again in 2016.
July 18-20, 2014
Suppose that for some reason a presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Who would you be more likely to vote for?

As of today, do you lean more toward…?

Obama 44%
Romney 53%
Other (vol.) *
Neither (vol.) 3%

TBH 53-44 is probably at least what it was when you take the cheating out of it.
Remember these people most likely that would now have voted for Romney obviously didn't know that Obama favors or that Obama has said these destructive comments about America, Americans, and American businesses:

a) Obama desire to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000....
What Obama said:“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

b) Obama was OK with any business going bankrupt! NOT a good idea...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

See if Obama was competent he could have proposed ways to use coal that reduced CO2 but obviously not competent enough to know and even more stupid in making statement "it will bankrupt them"...
WHY would ANY person much less the President want to bankruptcies??

c) Military respect.. Obama has little or no respect for the people that lay down their lives for our country.
He said these words which taken out of context BY THE ENEMY were used to kill American troops!

Obama did when he called our military for 'air raiding villages killing civilians".
This showed either a total disrespect for our military's philosophy and actions OR total ignorance as to the power of words!
Either way total incompetence on display...

ALL before he was elected and totally known by those of us that looked beyond skin color!

Any person with half a brain knew how destructive Obama/Obamacare is/was.
Romney was a weak-@$$ candidate who I told a buddy of mine over a year prior to the election had no chance of winning against Obama. That said, I thought he had the election sewn up after the second national debate, only to sit out the third and final national debate. He had Obama on the ropes, and he stayed in his corner instead of *EVEN THROWING* the knock out blow. For the life of me I will never understand why he pulled up so drastically. Mitt might be a smart man, but he was a stupid candidate, and I sincerely hope that he's learned his lesson - that he's simply not presidential material.

Romney suffered in the same way as McCain. McCain talked about pulling his punches against Obama because he was fearful of being branded a racist for attacking Obama too vigorously.

These guys had to get in the ring with Obama with one arm tied behind their backs.

What's informative is that they cared more about not being called racists than they did about winning and we're not talking about them actually making racist comments, they feared the possibility of accusation enough that they pulled their punches.
Election night 2012 the Right was celebrating a Romney win. Put him up in 2016 if you're so sure he can win.
Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney instead of Obama

According to a very recent poll, they wish they'd elected Hillary Clinton instead of either Obama or Romney.

Which was my choice all along.
Washington (CNN) - If a rematch of the 2012 presidential election were held today, GOP nominee Mitt Romney would top President Barack Obama in the popular vote, according to a new national survey.

But a CNN/ORC International poll also indicates that if Romney changes his mind and runs again for the White House, Hillary Clinton would best him by double digits in a hypothetical showdown.
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Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney instead of Obama

According to a very recent poll, they wish they'd elected Hillary Clinton instead of either Obama or Romney.

Which was my choice all along.

CNN Poll: Romney tops Obama but loses to Clinton ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Washington (CNN) - If a rematch of the 2012 presidential election were held today, GOP nominee Mitt Romney would top President Barack Obama in the popular vote, according to a new national survey.

But a CNN/ORC International poll also indicates that if Romney changes his mind and runs again for the White House, Hillary Clinton would best him by double digits in a hypothetical showdown.

Yea, CNN wouldn't make up a poll for their 2016 candidate. :cuckoo:

Somehow it appears you mysteriously have missed the opportunity for non-partisan opining in this thread:

I'm certain you cannot wait to demonstrate how you "stick to the numbers when it gave bad news to Democrats," and to prove [MENTION=43316]Shanty[/MENTION] is anything more than your personal ass-licker.


Uhm, [MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION], there is a six hour time difference between where I live and the East Coast of the USA. This thread was created at 12:06 am, my time, just as I was getting to sleep.

I don't know, you might want to let a guy actually read a thread before jumping to conclusions.

Seems like patience and common sense are also no longer Conservative traits these days.

A real adult, someone with some grey cells in his head, would simply have mentioned me or PMd me and said, "hey, come over to this thread and tell us what you think".

Food for thought. It makes you look extremely petty. Color me totally surprised.
July 18-20, 2014
Suppose that for some reason a presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Who would you be more likely to vote for?

As of today, do you lean more toward…?

Obama 44%
Romney 53%
Other (vol.) *
Neither (vol.) 3%

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or
doesn’t apply to Barack Obama.

Is a strong and decisive leader :
Does not apply: 52%
No opinion 1%

Can manage the government effectively
Does not apply:57%
No opinion 1%

Shares your values
Does not apply:53%
No opinion 1%

A total of 1,012 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones.

Although they may be fun to look at, after-the-fact "re-do" polls have no meaning, because there is not going to be a re-do election. There was also a CNN poll in Bush 43's 2nd term that said exactly the same thing about people wanting to have John Kerry, and I found that poll exactly like I found this one: fun to look at, but meaningless.

The have no meaning, because they set up an imaginary setting that is never going to happen. Barack Obama will not be on the ballot for president ever again, he won his second term, fair and square, and that is that.

"Buyer's remorse" polls may be fun for those who want to commiserate, but the only other purpose they could serve could be to alarm the sitting president that there is a lot of dissatisfaction out there..

[MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION] - I have no doubt as to the accuracy of the poll. CNN tends to put out pretty solid results. But again, in just so many ways, it is absolutely meaningless. Just like the Bush-Kerry re-do poll from 2006. Any other questions? Perhaps about an election that is actually going to happen, you know, real stuff?
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Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney instead of Obama

According to a very recent poll, they wish they'd elected Hillary Clinton instead of either Obama or Romney.

Which was my choice all along.

CNN Poll: Romney tops Obama but loses to Clinton ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Washington (CNN) - If a rematch of the 2012 presidential election were held today, GOP nominee Mitt Romney would top President Barack Obama in the popular vote, according to a new national survey.

But a CNN/ORC International poll also indicates that if Romney changes his mind and runs again for the White House, Hillary Clinton would best him by double digits in a hypothetical showdown.

Yea, CNN wouldn't make up a poll for their 2016 candidate. :cuckoo:

LOL If you think Romney would beat out Clinton, then, by all means, put him on the ticket. :badgrin:

I'm sure the GOP could persuade him to run again: if anything, he's a major egotist.
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Somehow it appears you mysteriously have missed the opportunity for non-partisan opining in this thread:

I'm certain you cannot wait to demonstrate how you "stick to the numbers when it gave bad news to Democrats," and to prove [MENTION=43316]Shanty[/MENTION] is anything more than your personal ass-licker.


Uhm, [MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION], there is a six hour time difference between where I live and the East Coast of the USA. This thread was created at 12:06 am, my time, just as I was getting to sleep.

I don't know, you might want to let a guy actually read a thread before jumping to conclusions.

Seems like patience and common sense are also no longer Conservative traits these days.

A real adult, someone with some grey cells in his head, would simply have mentioned me or PMd me and said, "hey, come over to this thread and tell us what you think".

Food for thought. It makes you look extremely petty. Color me totally surprised.

Whining is not beneath you.

But it's the easier option for you than any demonstration of objectivity.

And you are Predictable.



According to a very recent poll, they wish they'd elected Hillary Clinton instead of either Obama or Romney.

Which was my choice all along.

CNN Poll: Romney tops Obama but loses to Clinton ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Yea, CNN wouldn't make up a poll for their 2016 candidate. :cuckoo:

LOL If you think Romney would beat out Clinton, then, by all means, put him on the ticket. :badgrin:

I'm sure the GOP could persuade him to run again: if anything, he's a major egotist.

I always hate to be the bearer of bad news to the stupidly happy Esse, but the poll results are more an indictment of Obama than a relevant support for Romney.

Sorry to burst the bubble most recently floating through your little fantasy land.
July 18-20, 2014
Suppose that for some reason a presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Who would you be more likely to vote for?

As of today, do you lean more toward…?

Obama 44%
Romney 53%
Other (vol.) *
Neither (vol.) 3%

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or
doesn’t apply to Barack Obama.

Is a strong and decisive leader :
Does not apply: 52%
No opinion 1%

Can manage the government effectively
Does not apply:57%
No opinion 1%

Shares your values
Does not apply:53%
No opinion 1%

A total of 1,012 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones.

Although they may be fun to look at, after-the-fact "re-do" polls have no meaning, because there is not going to be a re-do election. There was also a CNN poll in Bush 43's 2nd term that said exactly the same thing about people wanting to have John Kerry, and I found that poll exactly like I found this one: fun to look at, but meaningless.

The have no meaning, because they set up an imaginary setting that is never going to happen. Barack Obama will not be on the ballot for president ever again, he won his second term, fair and square, and that is that.

"Buyer's remorse" polls may be fun for those who want to commiserate, but the only other purpose they could serve could be to alarm the sitting president that there is a lot of dissatisfaction out there..

[MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION] - I have no doubt as to the accuracy of the poll. CNN tends to put out pretty solid results. But again, in just so many ways, it is absolutely meaningless. Just like the Bush-Kerry re-do poll from 2006. Any other questions? Perhaps about an election that is actually going to happen, you know, real stuff?

There are plenty of other threads regarding the 2016 election. No need to deflect, just try to keep up with the OP for this one:

Obama is not "alarmed."

Democrats are.
So, I just read the entire poll:

Clinton is beating the DEM nomination field by pretty much the same margins as in every other national and state poll: by +57, this time over Warren (10), then Biden (8)

The GOP field is extremely tight, as in every other poll I have seen, this time with a statistical 5-way tie.

The Clinton-Romney matchup for 2016 is similar to the CNN/ORC matchup from December 2013.

This one:

Clinton, H 55
Romney 42

Margin: Clinton +13

That one:

2016 CNN Poll: Clinton deadlocked with Christie but leads other GOP presidential possibilities ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Clinton, H 53
Romney 44

Margin: Clinton +9

Margin shift from December 2013 to July 2014: Clinton +4

There is also PPP (D) matchup for Clinton vs. Romney, from March 14, 2014:

Clinton, H 48
Romney 43

Margin: Clinton +5

So, as I already indicated to Samson, the CNN/ORC poll has a pretty decent track record. It nailed the margin in Ohio in 2004 (Bush +2), in 2008 (Obama +5) and in 2012 (Obama +3).

Aside from the re-do stuff, which I find fun but also ridiculous, the poll is pretty standard fare.

OH, and in the Clinton/Romney matchup, look at the female vote:

Clinton, H 62
Romney 36

Margin in the female vote: Clinton +26

(which, btw, was the average of all the Clinton vs. GOP margins in the female vote in the latest round of Florida polls)

So, [MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION], any more questions?

That is the data from the poll.

According to a very recent poll, they wish they'd elected Hillary Clinton instead of either Obama or Romney.

Which was my choice all along.

CNN Poll: Romney tops Obama but loses to Clinton ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Yea, CNN wouldn't make up a poll for their 2016 candidate. :cuckoo:

LOL If you think Romney would beat out Clinton, then, by all means, put him on the ticket. :badgrin:

I'm sure the GOP could persuade him to run again: if anything, he's a major egotist.

Not sure he would or wouldn't tbh. Too many unknown factors to say. Just saying that the big media are propaganda networks.
July 18-20, 2014
Suppose that for some reason a presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Who would you be more likely to vote for?

As of today, do you lean more toward…?

Obama 44%
Romney 53%
Other (vol.) *
Neither (vol.) 3%

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or
doesn’t apply to Barack Obama.

Is a strong and decisive leader :
Does not apply: 52%
No opinion 1%

Can manage the government effectively
Does not apply:57%
No opinion 1%

Shares your values
Does not apply:53%
No opinion 1%

A total of 1,012 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones.

Although they may be fun to look at, after-the-fact "re-do" polls have no meaning, because there is not going to be a re-do election. There was also a CNN poll in Bush 43's 2nd term that said exactly the same thing about people wanting to have John Kerry, and I found that poll exactly like I found this one: fun to look at, but meaningless.

The have no meaning, because they set up an imaginary setting that is never going to happen. Barack Obama will not be on the ballot for president ever again, he won his second term, fair and square, and that is that.

"Buyer's remorse" polls may be fun for those who want to commiserate, but the only other purpose they could serve could be to alarm the sitting president that there is a lot of dissatisfaction out there..

[MENTION=21821]Samson[/MENTION] - I have no doubt as to the accuracy of the poll. CNN tends to put out pretty solid results. But again, in just so many ways, it is absolutely meaningless. Just like the Bush-Kerry re-do poll from 2006. Any other questions? Perhaps about an election that is actually going to happen, you know, real stuff?

There are plenty of other threads regarding the 2016 election. No need to deflect, just try to keep up with the OP for this one:

Obama is not "alarmed."

Democrats are.

Are you referring to 2014 or 2016?
OH, and in the Clinton/Romney matchup, look at the female vote:

Clinton, H 62
Romney 36


Your vagina must be throbbing...

That could only be the case were I female. But since I'm a male, that's pretty much a non-sequitor, but pretty par for the course for your level of writing.

Now, do you have anything relevant to write about the OP itself, or is that too hard for you?

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