Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney instead of Obama

Not a dimes difference between the two except that Obummer is more of a sad sack commie asshole than Mr. assault weapons ban, and Romney care. Both are steaming piles of shit.

When did Romney favor banning assault weapons?

ROMNEY: Yeah, I'm not in favor of new pieces of legislation on guns and taking guns away or making certain guns illegal. We of course don't want to have automatic weapons, and that's already illegal in this country, to have automatic weapons. What I believe is we have to do is to make enormous efforts to enforce the gun laws that we have and to change the culture of violence we have.
Mitt Romney on Gun Control

Also.. Romney care was in a state. NOT a national application which is NOT what Romney favored!
See I have NO problem if a STATE votes for single payer.... that's their right and may work for their small 6.6 million population like MA.
AND Romney never favored Romney care for the national application because HE like most of us know that the states are made up of diverse population and hence only the states know what is better for their people...not some idiot in a cubicle in Washington D.C.!
Republicans never had an agenda to nationalize healthcare, so Romney would have disbanded Obamacare.
July 18-20, 2014
Suppose that for some reason a presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Who would you be more likely to vote for?

As of today, do you lean more toward…?

Obama 44%
Romney 53%
Other (vol.) *
Neither (vol.) 3%

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or
doesn’t apply to Barack Obama.

Is a strong and decisive leader :
Does not apply: 52%
No opinion 1%

Can manage the government effectively
Does not apply:57%
No opinion 1%

Shares your values
Does not apply:53%
No opinion 1%

A total of 1,012 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones.

Strange how your fundy Christians didn't all vote or him as they were distrustful of his cultist religion
I hope those people are suffering most under his his tyrannical reign.
Perhaps if Romney had focused on winning moderates rather than trying to gain street cred with the far right wing of the Republican Party, he would be President today.

Meh, not really. Guys who had street cred with the far right have won elections- Bush and Reagan. Its when the GOP nominates "Moderates" that they lose. - Ford, Dole, McCain, Romney. But it has to be a conservatism that working people can relate to.

Romney lost because he said shit like "I likes to fire people" and "47% of you don't count because you don't pay federal income taxes" and "It's totally awesome that we have Chinese babes behind barbed wire living 120 to a toilet working to make me money."

He was a completely clueless rich guy who has no concept of what most of us go through. the only thing that animated his walking corpse of a campaign was that there were so many slack-jawed white people shitting their pants at the thought of a black guy in the White House.

(Waiting for Toro to start whining "You just hate him because he's a Mooooooormon!" )
No, not quite.

"During" would be the correct preposition.

Slowly but surely you may still be able to understand the OP.

So, you think Democrats are nervous. Ok. I can buy that.

They should be. About 2014, that is.

See you finally got it.

Bravo, Stat

Yes, the Republicans will win the "Special Olympics" Midterms.

(Even if they win, they're still retarded.)

They won't fix their overall demographic problems.

And will get their asses handed to them in 2016.
Remember these people most likely that would now have voted for Romney obviously didn't know that Obama favors or that Obama has said these destructive comments about America, Americans, and American businesses:

a) Obama desire to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000....
What Obama said:“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

b) Obama was OK with any business going bankrupt! NOT a good idea...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

See if Obama was competent he could have proposed ways to use coal that reduced CO2 but obviously not competent enough to know and even more stupid in making statement "it will bankrupt them"...
WHY would ANY person much less the President want to bankruptcies??

c) Military respect.. Obama has little or no respect for the people that lay down their lives for our country.
He said these words which taken out of context BY THE ENEMY were used to kill American troops!

Obama did when he called our military for 'air raiding villages killing civilians".
This showed either a total disrespect for our military's philosophy and actions OR total ignorance as to the power of words!
Either way total incompetence on display...

ALL before he was elected and totally known by those of us that looked beyond skin color!

You know that health care companies are middle men. They don't actually employ doctors or nurses or own hospitals. We pay them and the works is contracted out while they skim money off the policies. You do understand that's how it works, right?
So, you think Democrats are nervous. Ok. I can buy that.

They should be. About 2014, that is.

See you finally got it.

Bravo, Stat

Yes, the Republicans will win the "Special Olympics" Midterms.

(Even if they win, they're still retarded.)

They won't fix their overall demographic problems.

And will get their asses handed to them in 2016.

What a compelling argument!


Thanks, for demonstrating the breath and depth of partisan democratic debate.
Perhaps if Romney had focused on winning moderates rather than trying to gain street cred with the far right wing of the Republican Party, he would be President today.

Meh, not really. Guys who had street cred with the far right have won elections- Bush and Reagan. Its when the GOP nominates "Moderates" that they lose. - Ford, Dole, McCain, Romney. But it has to be a conservatism that working people can relate to.

Romney lost because he said shit like "I likes to fire people" and "47% of you don't count because you don't pay federal income taxes" and "It's totally awesome that we have Chinese babes behind barbed wire living 120 to a toilet working to make me money."

He was a completely clueless rich guy who has no concept of what most of us go through. the only thing that animated his walking corpse of a campaign was that there were so many slack-jawed white people shitting their pants at the thought of a black guy in the White House.

(Waiting for Toro to start whining "You just hate him because he's a Mooooooormon!" )

Not one word of what you said is true, but what else is new.....
Remember these people most likely that would now have voted for Romney obviously didn't know that Obama favors or that Obama has said these destructive comments about America, Americans, and American businesses:

a) Obama desire to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000....
What Obama said:“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

b) Obama was OK with any business going bankrupt! NOT a good idea...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

See if Obama was competent he could have proposed ways to use coal that reduced CO2 but obviously not competent enough to know and even more stupid in making statement "it will bankrupt them"...
WHY would ANY person much less the President want to bankruptcies??

c) Military respect.. Obama has little or no respect for the people that lay down their lives for our country.
He said these words which taken out of context BY THE ENEMY were used to kill American troops!

Obama did when he called our military for 'air raiding villages killing civilians".
This showed either a total disrespect for our military's philosophy and actions OR total ignorance as to the power of words!
Either way total incompetence on display...

ALL before he was elected and totally known by those of us that looked beyond skin color!
His evil intentions were unknown because the liberal media refused to do its job of journalism. They're doing it again by keeping quiet about Elizabeth Warren, who will be the DNC nominee. That woman is left of Obama.

You'd be surprised how many people are... :rolleyes:
There are plenty of other threads regarding the 2016 election. No need to deflect, just try to keep up with the OP for this one:

Obama is not "alarmed."

Democrats are.

Are you referring to 2014 or 2016?

I would have hoped that my verb tense would not have left room for the question. Did I use the future or present tense of the verb "To Be?"

To be "alarmed" at some future event means any event that lies in the future.

Linear time; it's not just a good idea -- it's the law.
Although they may be fun to look at, after-the-fact "re-do" polls have no meaning, because there is not going to be a re-do election. There was also a CNN poll in Bush 43's 2nd term that said exactly the same thing about people wanting to have John Kerry, and I found that poll exactly like I found this one: fun to look at, but meaningless.

Exactly -- that's the elephant in the room in a poll like this; it reflects less on the Romneys or Obamas or Clintons in the poll than it does about simple voter fatigue after six years with the same President, whether that six-year guy is Bush or Clinton or O'bama. Few POTUSes could fare well at that point -- Reagan and FDR are the only ones who come to mind. LBJ backed out altogether rather than face it.

Just as we can safely predict Republican gains in the mid-terms; it's a long-established voter pattern, regardless what the issues are, who the candidates are or which party holds the White House. The poll says less about any particular personage and more about voter trends that we already know anyway.

But of course, by attaching names to this known trend, the proles get a name to either attack or defend or dream on, and CNN laughs all the way to the bank.
Although they may be fun to look at, after-the-fact "re-do" polls have no meaning, because there is not going to be a re-do election. There was also a CNN poll in Bush 43's 2nd term that said exactly the same thing about people wanting to have John Kerry, and I found that poll exactly like I found this one: fun to look at, but meaningless.

Exactly -- that's the elephant in the room in a poll like this; it reflects less on the Romneys or Obamas or Clintons in the poll than it does about simple voter fatigue after six years with the same President, whether that six-year guy is Bush or Clinton or O'bama. Few POTUSes could fare well at that point -- Reagan and FDR are the only ones who come to mind. LBJ backed out altogether rather than face it.

Just as we can safely predict Republican gains in the mid-terms; it's a long-established voter pattern, regardless what the issues are, who the candidates are or which party holds the White House. The poll says less about any particular personage and more about voter trends that we already know anyway.

But of course, by attaching names to this known trend, the proles get a name to either attack or defend or dream on, and CNN laughs all the way to the bank.

Yup, none of this has anything to do with disastrous Progressive policies.
Although they may be fun to look at, after-the-fact "re-do" polls have no meaning, because there is not going to be a re-do election. There was also a CNN poll in Bush 43's 2nd term that said exactly the same thing about people wanting to have John Kerry, and I found that poll exactly like I found this one: fun to look at, but meaningless.

Exactly -- that's the elephant in the room in a poll like this; it reflects less on the Romneys or Obamas or Clintons in the poll than it does about simple voter fatigue after six years with the same President, whether that six-year guy is Bush or Clinton or O'bama. Few POTUSes could fare well at that point -- Reagan and FDR are the only ones who come to mind. LBJ backed out altogether rather than face it.

Just as we can safely predict Republican gains in the mid-terms; it's a long-established voter pattern, regardless what the issues are, who the candidates are or which party holds the White House. The poll says less about any particular personage and more about voter trends that we already know anyway.

But of course, by attaching names to this known trend, the proles get a name to either attack or defend or dream on, and CNN laughs all the way to the bank.

Yup, none of this has anything to do with disastrous Progressive policies.

Correct. Because that poll would have been taken a century ago.
Remember these people most likely that would now have voted for Romney obviously didn't know that Obama favors or that Obama has said these destructive comments about America, Americans, and American businesses:

a) Obama desire to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000....
What Obama said:“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

b) Obama was OK with any business going bankrupt! NOT a good idea...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

See if Obama was competent he could have proposed ways to use coal that reduced CO2 but obviously not competent enough to know and even more stupid in making statement "it will bankrupt them"...
WHY would ANY person much less the President want to bankruptcies??

c) Military respect.. Obama has little or no respect for the people that lay down their lives for our country.
He said these words which taken out of context BY THE ENEMY were used to kill American troops!

Obama did when he called our military for 'air raiding villages killing civilians".
This showed either a total disrespect for our military's philosophy and actions OR total ignorance as to the power of words!
Either way total incompetence on display...

ALL before he was elected and totally known by those of us that looked beyond skin color!

You know that health care companies are middle men. They don't actually employ doctors or nurses or own hospitals. We pay them and the works is contracted out while they skim money off the policies. You do understand that's how it works, right?

Is the reason Republicans don't understand how healthcare works because so many of them don't have health care?
Remember these people most likely that would now have voted for Romney obviously didn't know that Obama favors or that Obama has said these destructive comments about America, Americans, and American businesses:

a) Obama desire to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000....
What Obama said:“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

b) Obama was OK with any business going bankrupt! NOT a good idea...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

See if Obama was competent he could have proposed ways to use coal that reduced CO2 but obviously not competent enough to know and even more stupid in making statement "it will bankrupt them"...
WHY would ANY person much less the President want to bankruptcies??

c) Military respect.. Obama has little or no respect for the people that lay down their lives for our country.
He said these words which taken out of context BY THE ENEMY were used to kill American troops!

Obama did when he called our military for 'air raiding villages killing civilians".
This showed either a total disrespect for our military's philosophy and actions OR total ignorance as to the power of words!
Either way total incompetence on display...

ALL before he was elected and totally known by those of us that looked beyond skin color!

You know that health care companies are middle men. They don't actually employ doctors or nurses or own hospitals. We pay them and the works is contracted out while they skim money off the policies. You do understand that's how it works, right?

Is the reason Republicans don't understand how healthcare works because so many of them don't have health care?

Good luck trying to prove that nonsense.

We understand coercion and government overregulation.
hindsight is a great thing. foresight is even better. if liberals possesed this conservative ability we wouldn't be living 4 more years of this mess.
Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney instead of Obama

According to a very recent poll, they wish they'd elected Hillary Clinton instead of either Obama or Romney.

Which was my choice all along.

CNN Poll: Romney tops Obama but loses to Clinton ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
Washington (CNN) - If a rematch of the 2012 presidential election were held today, GOP nominee Mitt Romney would top President Barack Obama in the popular vote, according to a new national survey.

But a CNN/ORC International poll also indicates that if Romney changes his mind and runs again for the White House, Hillary Clinton would best him by double digits in a hypothetical showdown.

Hillary is going to be our next President. :D

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