Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney instead of Obama

Amazingly Americans aren't claiming there was a crooked election like all of the right wing knobs here do.

Yes, interesting, what?


Oh, noes, does that mean that the RW Asylum Inmates here in USMB don't speak for the majority?!?!? GASP....
See what I mean? This is completely out of line. Only the pigs on here do this kind of thing.

Actually, it's in line. People come here cheerleading for Hillary. They never actually talk about how she'll improve things. There's a reason for that.

I am talking about your language and metaphor. Totally disgusting. If you want people to talk intelligently about Hillary, talk intelligently yourself instead of just being insulting.

Hill has a massive pussy and will make a great president. What will she do? Keep more magic underwear out of the White House, as well as bring Bill back to the House. He wants to retrieve some cigars he has stashed there.
July 18-20, 2014
Suppose that for some reason a presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Who would you be more likely to vote for?

As of today, do you lean more toward…?

Obama 44%
Romney 53%
Other (vol.) *
Neither (vol.) 3%

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or
doesn’t apply to Barack Obama.

Is a strong and decisive leader :
Does not apply: 52%
No opinion 1%

Can manage the government effectively
Does not apply:57%
No opinion 1%

Shares your values
Does not apply:53%
No opinion 1%

A total of 1,012 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones.

Strange how your fundy Christians didn't all vote or him as they were distrustful of his cultist religion

When did Romney favor banning assault weapons?

ROMNEY: Yeah, I'm not in favor of new pieces of legislation on guns and taking guns away or making certain guns illegal. We of course don't want to have automatic weapons, and that's already illegal in this country, to have automatic weapons. What I believe is we have to do is to make enormous efforts to enforce the gun laws that we have and to change the culture of violence we have.
Mitt Romney on Gun Control

Also.. Romney care was in a state. NOT a national application which is NOT what Romney favored!
See I have NO problem if a STATE votes for single payer.... that's their right and may work for their small 6.6 million population like MA.
AND Romney never favored Romney care for the national application because HE like most of us know that the states are made up of diverse population and hence only the states know what is better for their people...not some idiot in a cubicle in Washington D.C.!

He signed what he called "an assault weapons ban" into law in MA. Now, he will deflect by stating that this was a compromise and he brought people together from both sides, but at the end of the day it is what it is, just the same as socialized medicine. Not the mark of a true conservative, and not the mark of any faux conservative I'd ever vote for.

You folks are just voting for the lesser of two evils but the difference is usually quite narrow. In the case of Obama, it's a bit larger so I'll digress a bit because Obama is a true ideologue.

You seem to forget that the residents of MA are extremely left leaning. He got a compromise, rather than a total ban, which I bet most would have wanted. Something that has to happen for govt to work, whether we like it or not. For him to be able to get a compromise in such an extreme left state was actually rather remarkable. Unless you prefer a total dictator.

They do.
Ya, what we really need in the White House is a guy wearing magic underwear. :cuckoo:

Obsess about guys' underwear much?

C'mon, seriously, Mitt wears magic underwear and believes that ancient submarines brought humans to North America. And a whole bunch of other retarded stuff. Is that really what we need?

And most Christians believe Noah's story and Jesus's story and......Your point is 'retarded.'
Obsess about guys' underwear much?

C'mon, seriously, Mitt wears magic underwear and believes that ancient submarines brought humans to North America. And a whole bunch of other retarded stuff. Is that really what we need?

And most Christians believe Noah's story and Jesus's story and......Your point is 'retarded.'

Mormons are the Down's Syndrome theists of the church. The GOP can do much better.
C'mon, seriously, Mitt wears magic underwear and believes that ancient submarines brought humans to North America. And a whole bunch of other retarded stuff. Is that really what we need?

And most Christians believe Noah's story and Jesus's story and......Your point is 'retarded.'

Mormons are the Down's Syndrome theists of the church. The GOP can do much better.

Making light of Down Syndrome....I'd expect nothing more from you.

Good day.
Mormons are the Down's Syndrome theists of the church. The GOP can do much better.

Making light of Down Syndrome....I'd expect nothing more from you.

Good day.
Not making fun of DS, but still wouldn't want one as prez. :D

I am not one of those Americans who wished the country would have elected Romney. The reason is simple. Mitt Romney is as big flip-flopper as John Kerry. I bet over half of the voters questioned wouldn't be able to answer a question about what positions they agreed with. The guy has multiple positions, he just depended on who he was talking to.
I voted (write-in) for Jon Huntsman. He was unwilling to to be dishonest, he didn't give position answers to appease the crowd he was addressing. He had the balls not to flip-flop. That my friends, is presidential. I hope he tries again, if not for the GOP, maybe as an independent.
I am not one of those Americans who wished the country would have elected Romney. The reason is simple. Mitt Romney is as big flip-flopper as John Kerry. I bet over half of the voters questioned wouldn't be able to answer a question about what positions they agreed with. The guy has multiple positions, he just depended on who he was talking to.
I voted (write-in) for Jon Huntsman. He was unwilling to to be dishonest, he didn't give position answers to appease the crowd he was addressing. He had the balls not to flip-flop. That my friends, is presidential. I hope he tries again, if not for the GOP, maybe as an independent.

I did too, in the state primary. If the RP had a clue they'd be taking the Huntsmans seriously.
I am not one of those Americans who wished the country would have elected Romney. The reason is simple. Mitt Romney is as big flip-flopper as John Kerry. I bet over half of the voters questioned wouldn't be able to answer a question about what positions they agreed with. The guy has multiple positions, he just depended on who he was talking to.
I voted (write-in) for Jon Huntsman. He was unwilling to to be dishonest, he didn't give position answers to appease the crowd he was addressing. He had the balls not to flip-flop. That my friends, is presidential. I hope he tries again, if not for the GOP, maybe as an independent.

I did too, in the state primary. If the RP had a clue they'd be taking the Huntsmans seriously.

Well if they did, they would be backing someone who has mass appeal and that would go against their base.
July 18-20, 2014
Suppose that for some reason a presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Who would you be more likely to vote for?

As of today, do you lean more toward…?

Obama 44%
Romney 53%
Other (vol.) *
Neither (vol.) 3%

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or
doesn’t apply to Barack Obama.

Is a strong and decisive leader :
Does not apply: 52%
No opinion 1%

Can manage the government effectively
Does not apply:57%
No opinion 1%

Shares your values
Does not apply:53%
No opinion 1%

A total of 1,012 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones.

Just remember everyone that when the GOP says "Americans" they mean rich Americans. I'll give you some other examples. I see this commercial in Michigan this broke ass mom is on a commercial saying that the Democrat running for Governor wants to raise her taxes. Bullshit lady. He doesn't want to raise your taxes. You don't make enough money.

But poor and middle class Americans believe it when the GOP says the democrats want to "tax" Americans.

Same with this survey. If you survey rich Americans yes you will find that "Americans" wish Mitt would have won.

Trust me, your polls lie. Remember 2012? Yea, your polls were way off. And don't think the midterm results prove you right. Not enough people turn out for midterms. Midterms are the GOP's secret weapon.

Fuck your polls you stupid pussy

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