Americans really wish they had elected Mitt Romney instead of Obama

Obsess about guys' underwear much?

C'mon, seriously, Mitt wears magic underwear and believes that ancient submarines brought humans to North America. And a whole bunch of other retarded stuff. Is that really what we need?

And most Christians believe Noah's story and Jesus's story and......Your point is 'retarded.'

And they should all be disqualified for believing nonsense.

Say, if Republicans are so confident they can beat Barrack, why not let him run a 3rd time? They wouldn't dare the dishonest fucks. They know they can't beat him or a Clinton.
You know that health care companies are middle men. They don't actually employ doctors or nurses or own hospitals. We pay them and the works is contracted out while they skim money off the policies. You do understand that's how it works, right?

Is the reason Republicans don't understand how healthcare works because so many of them don't have health care?

Good luck trying to prove that nonsense.

We understand coercion and government overregulation.

Wait a second. You mean you don't know that insurance companies are middle men making their money from skimming policies? How can you not know that? Everyone knows it.
July 18-20, 2014
Suppose that for some reason a presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Who would you be more likely to vote for?

As of today, do you lean more toward…?

Obama 44%
Romney 53%
Other (vol.) *
Neither (vol.) 3%

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or
doesn’t apply to Barack Obama.

Is a strong and decisive leader :
Does not apply: 52%
No opinion 1%

Can manage the government effectively
Does not apply:57%
No opinion 1%

Shares your values
Does not apply:53%
No opinion 1%

A total of 1,012 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones.


LOL.... and I love it! :lol:
July 18-20, 2014
Suppose that for some reason a presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Who would you be more likely to vote for?

As of today, do you lean more toward…?

Obama 44%
Romney 53%
Other (vol.) *
Neither (vol.) 3%

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or
doesn’t apply to Barack Obama.

Is a strong and decisive leader :
Does not apply: 52%
No opinion 1%

Can manage the government effectively
Does not apply:57%
No opinion 1%

Shares your values
Does not apply:53%
No opinion 1%

A total of 1,012 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones.

Nope....Obama won and am glad he won. :D
Romney was a weak-@$$ candidate who I told a buddy of mine over a year prior to the election had no chance of winning against Obama. That said, I thought he had the election sewn up after the second national debate, only to sit out the third and final national debate. He had Obama on the ropes, and he stayed in his corner instead of *EVEN THROWING* the knock out blow. For the life of me I will never understand why he pulled up so drastically. Mitt might be a smart man, but he was a stupid candidate, and I sincerely hope that he's learned his lesson - that he's simply not presidential material.

Romney suffered in the same way as McCain. McCain talked about pulling his punches against Obama because he was fearful of being branded a racist for attacking Obama too vigorously.

These guys had to get in the ring with Obama with one arm tied behind their backs.

What's informative is that they cared more about not being called racists than they did about winning and we're not talking about them actually making racist comments, they feared the possibility of accusation enough that they pulled their punches.

That's because people get crucified every day for making comments that someone called racist.
July 18-20, 2014
Suppose that for some reason a presidential election were being held today and you had to choose between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
Who would you be more likely to vote for?

As of today, do you lean more toward…?

Obama 44%
Romney 53%
Other (vol.) *
Neither (vol.) 3%

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think it applies or
doesn’t apply to Barack Obama.

Is a strong and decisive leader :
Does not apply: 52%
No opinion 1%

Can manage the government effectively
Does not apply:57%
No opinion 1%

Shares your values
Does not apply:53%
No opinion 1%

A total of 1,012 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones.

Nope....Obama won and am glad he won. :D

Yup. But now you are in the minority.
If Romney had been elected, that poll would show Americans wanting Obama back.

Well, that is academic isn't it? We have nothing to go on here but hindsight. And hindsight seems to be trumping your idiotic notion.

BTW- when are you jackass New Yorkers going to lift the ban on hydraulic fracturing?

Everyone in that poll answered the question with nothing to go on about a Romney presidency except pure speculation.

And facts about Obama's.
You are hilarious. To funny. To see such a christian loving person all pissy about President Obama.

When did Romney favor banning assault weapons?

ROMNEY: Yeah, I'm not in favor of new pieces of legislation on guns and taking guns away or making certain guns illegal. We of course don't want to have automatic weapons, and that's already illegal in this country, to have automatic weapons. What I believe is we have to do is to make enormous efforts to enforce the gun laws that we have and to change the culture of violence we have.
Mitt Romney on Gun Control

Also.. Romney care was in a state. NOT a national application which is NOT what Romney favored!
See I have NO problem if a STATE votes for single payer.... that's their right and may work for their small 6.6 million population like MA.
AND Romney never favored Romney care for the national application because HE like most of us know that the states are made up of diverse population and hence only the states know what is better for their people...not some idiot in a cubicle in Washington D.C.!

He signed what he called "an assault weapons ban" into law in MA. Now, he will deflect by stating that this was a compromise and he brought people together from both sides, but at the end of the day it is what it is, just the same as socialized medicine. Not the mark of a true conservative, and not the mark of any faux conservative I'd ever vote for.

You folks are just voting for the lesser of two evils but the difference is usually quite narrow. In the case of Obama, it's a bit larger so I'll digress a bit because Obama is a true ideologue.

And it was 3 million idiot conservatives like you that were pissed that a underwear Mormon would be president and that would be worse then a destructive Obama!
Remember Romney was an executive, Governor, business,etc.. ... Obama had NO executive experience. NO knowledge of businesses!
So... what happened in MA stayed in MA... idiots like you put Obama back in office and NOW look at the grand mess you caused!

Give me Romney ANY DAY over Obama should have been your mantra... instead you were afraid of Romney's underwear habit!
HOW totally stupid!
Well, that is academic isn't it? We have nothing to go on here but hindsight. And hindsight seems to be trumping your idiotic notion.

BTW- when are you jackass New Yorkers going to lift the ban on hydraulic fracturing?

Everyone in that poll answered the question with nothing to go on about a Romney presidency except pure speculation.

And facts about Obama's.

Speculation based on what he campaigned on.

It seems he was more accurate during the debates as to what to expect economically and internationally.
Is the reason Republicans don't understand how healthcare works because so many of them don't have health care?

Good luck trying to prove that nonsense.

We understand coercion and government overregulation.

Wait a second. You mean you don't know that insurance companies are middle men making their money from skimming policies? How can you not know that? Everyone knows it.

How much money do you think the average health insurance company NETS before taxes? 20%..30%???
Let me give you FACTS not GUESSES which is WHAT YOU AND EVERYONE you think KNOWS!
Geez it is GREAT for me to be so much more informed then idiots like you!
I can't believe how many really stupid people like you that use the internet DON'T know how to get the FACTS!

Analyzing the 14 health plan companies on the Fortune 500 list, the profit margin for these 14 companies averaged 3.58 percent for 2010 — for 2009 it was 3.18 percent for these same 14 companies.

Four of the 14 companies actually saw a decline in their profit margin – averaging a decline of 79% in profit margin from 2009 to 2010.
The top five insurers’ profits actually decreased 3.72 percent from 2009 to 2010 – from $12.2 billion to $11.7 billion.
For the five largest health plans (determined by market cap), the average profit margin for 2010 is the second lowest from 2005-2010 – 2008 was the worst year.
- 2010 – 4.9% (5th)
- 2009 – 5.2% (4th)
- 2008 – 3.2% (6th)
- 2007 – 5.6% (2nd)
- 2006 – 5.4% (3rd)
- 2005 – 6.4% (1st)
Putting Health Plans? Profits In Perspective | AHIP Coverage

NOW explain how FACED with the FACTS where is the SCAM???
According to Kaiser Health News, “With the nation’s health care spending estimated at $2.5 trillion this year, even the elimination of insurers’ profits and executive compensation would lower health care spending by just 0.5 percent.”
According to Ezra Klein of The Washington Post “The insurance industry is not a particularly profitable industry…That’s not to pretend that 3.3 percent is nothing, but it’s hard to see how that’s a primary driver of health-care spending, much less the growth in health-care spending.”
Alwyn Cassil, Center for Studying Health System Change: “‘…this idea that (taking) this $12 billion that they have in profits … would fix our health-care spending problems is just a pipe dream.’”

- See more at: Putting Health Plans? Profits In Perspective | AHIP Coverage
See part of the idiots that say insurance companies "SCAM" is they are totally ignorant as to the role insurance companies play in health care financial management!
Would you the individual reader of this comment have enough money to pay out of pocket a $3,000 CAT scan? Or a $20,000 hospital stay?
Who pays it then? The insurance company or medicare or you are billed and put into bankruptcy!

So where magically did the insurance company get the money to pay the claims? Evidently idiots think ins. co prints the money.. they don't!
It comes from premiums paid by employers' or the insured... over a period of time.
So you idiots that think ins. cos. are SCAMMING consider this:
80% of all premium income goes out in CLAIMS paid to the providers!
3% are profits before taxes leaving 17% for salaries, (yea those really exorbitant, rent,etc..
So tell me idiots where is the scam????

Proof I'm right???

the nation's largest health insurers in 2009 had medical loss ratios ranging from 68 percent to 88 percent in the individual market;
78 percent to 84 percent in the small-group market; and
83 percent to 88 percent in the large-group market.
Because states have defined what constitutes medical care differently, their medical loss ratios differ even more than these numbers would suggest.
Health Policy Briefs

GEEZ it is great to have the FACTS so easy and at hand from the internet rather then the idiotic GUESSES by idiots!!!
So you idiots that obviously can't read bigger words or understand complicated information that I shared still think ins.cos are the rip offs and resort to call ing me a "shill" etc... how stupid!
I'm obviously more informed and definitely less inclined to form opinions as you idiots that believe the MSM ignorance because that's the easiest thing to do!

I'm not a shill for insurance companies. I am probably obviously more honest then you idiots that spout off such idiocies!

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