Americans spend more on their healthcare compared to any other country in the world. But we are not anywhere near having the best healthcare system.


Diamond Member
May 12, 2022
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We the American taxpayers have spent trillions of dollars of our money invading Iraq in 2003. We spent hundreds of billions of dollars of our hard earned money, giving it away to Israel and Ukraine for their wars which have zero effect on America. This is unbelievable. A better route would be to allow individual Americans to send money to Ukraine or Israel if they want to. But not trillions of dollars of our hard earned tax money that’s not right my friends.

The American people spend more on our healthcare compared to any other country of the world. But we are something like 10th Place in the world when it comes to quality healthcare. That doesn’t make any sense. …why it happens is due to the greed of the health insurance industry, and the stupidity of the American politicians, along with greed and selfishness of the American politicians some of them make big money from the healthcare lobbies and big Pharma. There are those politicians who want change for the better, but their voices are not as strong as they should be.

All of that money trillions of dollars that was used in a way that did not benefit The American people should have been used to eradicate homelessness and have the greatest healthcare system in world history. We are the most powerful country in world history. America’s the greatest country in the world history. It’s time to live up to it. Free healthcare for all American citizens and the absolute best Nursing homes for American taxpayers when they get older, and perhaps have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, or are unable to take care of themselves.

Unfortunately, Democrats today don’t talk about this issue. They brainwashed their supporters to support Ukraine and Israel, and to support the evil idea that America has a racist imperialist history.

It used to be the that the Democratic Party under John Kennedy , Andrew Jackson and FDR , and other great men of our history stood up for what was right. Working toward things like a better healthcare system.
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Move to Canada then. Wait 8 hours in an Emergency as a newborn (yes, this just happened) and/or have an MRI for a serious condition and have someone, somehow, "accidentally" sends your doctor the results for an MRI that wasn't yours.
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In short, we must have free healthcare for all Americans. And there’s no more excuses. People often say well that’s communism or some other nonsense remark that doesn’t make any sense. Again, we already used our money to fund the invasion of Iraq in 2003. That’s trillions of dollars. We already have used our money to give away to Israel hundreds of billions of dollars. 100 billion to Ukraine 150 billion to Egypt. You gonna call that socialism or communism to the naysayers? I don’t think so.

So therefore, we do not spend trillions of dollars for useless wars you spend that money on the American people. The American taxpayer dollars go toward having the greatest healthcare system in the history of the world system, where old people can have the best nursing homes and they basically pay for it with their taxes. That’s not communism and that is a Christian thing to do that’s the American thing to do.
Move to Canada then. Wait 8 hours in an Emergency as a newborn (yes, this just happened) and/or have an MRI for a serious condition and have someone, somehow, "accidentally" sends your doctor the results for an MRI that wasn't yours.

That happens in America too. You can look up the statistics. Americans spend more on healthcare than any other country of the world. So you would think we have the best healthcare system in the world . We don’t there’s at least 9 other countries that do. There you go my friend, those are the stats.
Move to Canada then. Wait 8 hours in an Emergency as a newborn (yes, this just happened) and/or have an MRI for a serious condition and have someone, somehow, "accidentally" sends your doctor the results for an MRI that wasn't yours.
A doctor and nurses tend to a patient at University Hospital Leipzig on Nov. 18, 2021, in Leipzig, Germany. Germany spends less on health care per capita than the U.S., yet life expectancy at birth is nearly four years higher. Photo: Jens Schlueter/Getty Images


  • The U.S. spends nearly 18 percent of GDP on health care, yet Americans die younger and are less healthy than residents of other high-income countries
  • Not only does the U.S. have the lowest life expectancy among high-income countries, but it also has the highest rates of avoidable deaths

Of course, the United States healthcare system should be given some credit. We have wonderful nurses, doctors, healthcare workers. Of course, we have a better healthcare system than much of the world. But again, just look at the fax America is the wealthiest and strongest country in the world… yet we do not have the best healthcare system. Yet we spend more money than any other country on our healthcare. So we should be number one when it comes to quality of healthcare, but we are not.

It’s not rare to see for example a surgery or operation that would cost an American $50,000 …but if they go to a different country to get it done where the healthcare quality is just as good if not better the cost is under $5000.

Great men like Andrew Jackson and George Washington would not be happy with the healthcare situation in America today.
We the American taxpayers have spent trillions of dollars of our money invading Iraq in 2003. We spent hundreds of billions of dollars of our hard earned money, giving it away to Israel and Ukraine for their wars which have zero effect on America. This is unbelievable. A better route would be to allow individual Americans to send money to Ukraine or Israel if they want to. But not trillions of dollars of our hard earned tax money that’s not right my friends.

The American people spend more on our healthcare compared to any other country of the world. But we are something like 10th Place in the world when it comes to quality healthcare. That doesn’t make any sense. …why it happens is due to the greed of the health insurance industry, and the stupidity of the American politicians, along with greed and selfishness of the American politicians some of them make big money from the healthcare lobbies and big Pharma. There are those politicians who want change for the better, but their voices are not as strong as they should be.

All of that money trillions of dollars that was used in a way that did not benefit The American people should have been used to eradicate homelessness and have the greatest healthcare system in world history. We are the most powerful country in world history. America’s the greatest country in the world history. It’s time to live up to it. Free healthcare for all American citizens and the absolute best Nursing homes for American taxpayers when they get older, and perhaps have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, or are unable to take care of themselves.

Unfortunately, Democrats today don’t talk about this issue. They brainwashed their supporters to support Ukraine and Israel, and to support the evil idea that America has a racist imperialist history.

It used to be the that the Democratic Party under John Kennedy , Andrew Jackson and FDR , and other great men of our history stood up for what was right. Working toward things like a better healthcare system.
Yeah, no shit! When you flood the country with illegals who swamp our hospitals, where do you think the money comes from to pay for them? It comes out of OUR insurance costs.
Yeah, no shit! When you flood the country with illegals who swamp our hospitals, where do you think the money comes from to pay for them? It comes out of OUR insurance costs.
I certainly agree. That’s a big part of the problem. The immigration issue is unacceptable. The Biden administration has done a poor job with that. And that’s part of the problem. Spending trillions of dollars on unnecessary wars and support for the militaries of other countries to fight in wars that have no effect on America…. is also a part of the problem.

Let’s not forget, woke Ness, cancel culture, BLM politics with their race quotas on big business, college and major sports organizations in America. That’s a part of the problem. It leads to a brain drain. So we don’t have a meritocracy in key sectors of American life.
It's indeed strange that we don't see other countries try to repeal their universal healthcare and replace it with our system.
We the American taxpayers have spent trillions of dollars of our money invading Iraq in 2003. We spent hundreds of billions of dollars of our hard earned money, giving it away to Israel and Ukraine for their wars which have zero effect on America. This is unbelievable. A better route would be to allow individual Americans to send money to Ukraine or Israel if they want to. But not trillions of dollars of our hard earned tax money that’s not right my friends.

The American people spend more on our healthcare compared to any other country of the world. But we are something like 10th Place in the world when it comes to quality healthcare. That doesn’t make any sense. …why it happens is due to the greed of the health insurance industry, and the stupidity of the American politicians, along with greed and selfishness of the American politicians some of them make big money from the healthcare lobbies and big Pharma. There are those politicians who want change for the better, but their voices are not as strong as they should be.

All of that money trillions of dollars that was used in a way that did not benefit The American people should have been used to eradicate homelessness and have the greatest healthcare system in world history. We are the most powerful country in world history. America’s the greatest country in the world history. It’s time to live up to it. Free healthcare for all American citizens and the absolute best Nursing homes for American taxpayers when they get older, and perhaps have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, or are unable to take care of themselves.

Unfortunately, Democrats today don’t talk about this issue. They brainwashed their supporters to support Ukraine and Israel, and to support the evil idea that America has a racist imperialist history.

It used to be the that the Democratic Party under John Kennedy , Andrew Jackson and FDR , and other great men of our history stood up for what was right. Working toward things like a better healthcare system.
do repubs plan on spending the peace dividend from the surrender of ukraine and the only way peace can occur in palestine on health care? bet we'll hear that great fabulous plan in about "2 weeks."

i would also like to hear their plans for inflation and housing.
In short, we must have free healthcare for all Americans. And there’s no more excuses. People often say well that’s communism or some other nonsense remark that doesn’t make any sense. Again, we already used our money to fund the invasion of Iraq in 2003. That’s trillions of dollars. We already have used our money to give away to Israel hundreds of billions of dollars. 100 billion to Ukraine 150 billion to Egypt. You gonna call that socialism or communism to the naysayers? I don’t think so.

So therefore, we do not spend trillions of dollars for useless wars you spend that money on the American people. The American taxpayer dollars go toward having the greatest healthcare system in the history of the world system, where old people can have the best nursing homes and they basically pay for it with their taxes. That’s not communism and that is a Christian thing to do that’s the American thing to do.
Hey I am in total agreement with you on free healthcare for all Americans.

I remember having so many low paying jobs where healthcare was just not an option, it was a luxuary for those who had money. It should be a right of every citizen regardless of how much money they make. Free healthcare is the way to go.
Yeah, thats why people fly over here for surgeries (when they can afford it)...because our health care system is so bad.

The OP is full of shit.
Yeah, thats why people fly over here for surgeries (when they can afford it)...because our health care system is so bad.

The OP is full of shit.
even i can not afford cancer without medicare and a kicker policy. any procedure or specialist available here is available in canada or the uk, maybe with a longer wait.
It ain't complicated.

Any attempt to implement Socialized Medicine (no matter what you call it) in the U.S. would be unconstitutional. Congress simply does not have the power to do it, despite what some Leftist charlatans try to tell their gullible supporters.

Therefore, it would take a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to do it, and it is common knowledge that there is no national consensus on the need for Socialized Medicine, so a Constitutional Amendment will not happen in the foreseeable future. It is indeed noteworthy that none of the proponents of Socialized Medicine in Congress have even considered introducing the necessary Amendment, because they know there is no consensus.

From an economic standpoint, any attempt to convert ONE -SIXTH OF THE UNITED STATES ECONOMY into a government-run, socialist regime would be disastrous. Would doctors and other practitioners be willing to work for a government salary and benefits? Could "we" force them to do so without violating the Thirteenth Amendment? How would "we" transfer ownership of thousands and thousands of hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, etc., to government ownership. The level of FRAUD, WASTE, and ABUSE would be phenomenal.

It is easy to cherry-pick statistics to "prove" that healthcare in the U.S. sucks, but when the majority of the population finds it better than acceptable, good luck convincing "us" of that fact.

It is foolish to even have these discussions, even on line. It's like debating the erection of a highway to the moon. It ain't ever happening, so why debate it?
We the American taxpayers have spent trillions of dollars of our money invading Iraq in 2003. We spent hundreds of billions of dollars of our hard earned money, giving it away to Israel and Ukraine for their wars which have zero effect on America. This is unbelievable. A better route would be to allow individual Americans to send money to Ukraine or Israel if they want to. But not trillions of dollars of our hard earned tax money that’s not right my friends.

The American people spend more on our healthcare compared to any other country of the world. But we are something like 10th Place in the world when it comes to quality healthcare. That doesn’t make any sense. …why it happens is due to the greed of the health insurance industry, and the stupidity of the American politicians, along with greed and selfishness of the American politicians some of them make big money from the healthcare lobbies and big Pharma. There are those politicians who want change for the better, but their voices are not as strong as they should be.

All of that money trillions of dollars that was used in a way that did not benefit The American people should have been used to eradicate homelessness and have the greatest healthcare system in world history. We are the most powerful country in world history. America’s the greatest country in the world history. It’s time to live up to it. Free healthcare for all American citizens and the absolute best Nursing homes for American taxpayers when they get older, and perhaps have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, or are unable to take care of themselves.

Unfortunately, Democrats today don’t talk about this issue. They brainwashed their supporters to support Ukraine and Israel, and to support the evil idea that America has a racist imperialist history.

It used to be the that the Democratic Party under John Kennedy , Andrew Jackson and FDR , and other great men of our history stood up for what was right. Working toward things like a better healthcare system.
I would also point out these leftwing reports on health care spending in America also include the massive R & D investment by American pharmaceutical companies, expenses these lesser socialist countries don't incur. In other words America makes it possible for these non-contributing countries to operate on the cheap.
You lost respect world wide when it was realised that your reputation for "Might" was something in the Past .
Of course being mostly grossly overweight and generally unhealthy does not inspire respect .

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