America's crumbling infrastructure going to be our nail in the coffin

A "road & bridge" tax just failed in Missouri on August 5th.


Because the money wasn't going solely to repair roads and bridges, it was going to things like a new streetcar system in downtown Kansas City and a new bike bridge over the Missouri River.
You getting your talking points from rdean or something? The Stimulus was meant to spent to build infrastructure. Maybe if Obama hadn't used it to pay back campaign donors and used it as intended, we wouldn't have "crumbling infrastructure".

Oh who am i kidding. Even if he had rebuilt the infrastructure you guys would be claiming it's crumbling.

So link that assertion concerning paying back campaign donors....or shut up.
The GOP budget hawks don't care. When the bridges and roads begin to crumble, it will be the inner city that suffers first. They are Democratic voters, so the GOP would actually benefit in the long run.
You getting your talking points from rdean or something? The Stimulus was meant to spent to build infrastructure. Maybe if Obama hadn't used it to pay back campaign donors and used it as intended, we wouldn't have "crumbling infrastructure".

Oh who am i kidding. Even if he had rebuilt the infrastructure you guys would be claiming it's crumbling.

Indeed. 680 BILLION (notice I wrote BILLIONS - nearly three quarters of a TRILLION dollars) were spent on Infrastructure and "shovel ready" projects. THEN, Obama comes back 4 years later and says "We need to pay for our infrastructure".

Me? I say that not one more penny should be spent on this nonsense until we find out where the 680 BILLION dollars that we forked over went.

Wasn't that going to be the primary focus of "Plugs" Biden? Was it not his job to keep the American people informed as to what our tax dollars were being used for!?!?!?

*POOF* and the money is gone - with little or no accountability. Que the nazi liberals with their charts - Here's MY chart: Been on a highway lately? Seen the bridges that are falling apart? Destroyed a wheel in a pot hole? THOSE are MY charts.
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Right I think Avatar lives in a gated community in Washington sounds like its coming right from Obamas mouth but the rest of us live in the real world.

First, learn how to write in sentences.

Second, when i have a road issue, i call my local leadership and they take care of it.
With the nations roads, highways, bridges and dams falling apart and not enough money to go around whats a nation to do , this country cant even pay its bills and our nations roads and bridges are in disrepair where's the country going to get the money to fix the infrastructure i seen stories about states and counties not claiming dams and bridges so they don't have to pay for it and the federal government wont touch them so there just crumbling and they cant raise taxes to pay for it because the American people are already broke what make cuts to Education and the police force that wont do any good there already at a bare minimum. This is a financial epidemic that needs to be addressed sooner than later just look at pictures of Detroit Michigan that's where were headed.

[MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] reminds us that only 6% of scientists and engineers are Republicans. Maybe if we stop promoting Democrats who merely care about how the infrastructure Feels About Itself and spends more time on Math and physics our infrastructure would stop crumbling under the slightest stress
The GOP budget hawks don't care. When the bridges and roads begin to crumble, it will be the inner city that suffers first. They are Democratic voters, so the GOP would actually benefit in the long run.

How will the inner cities suffer if bridges crumble? Most bridges wont be found in the inner city.

Local government handles the streets. Why on earth should we outsource that to the Federal government? The whole point of keeping it local is so our local leaders can feel pressure from us whereas Washington will not.
Well here is my idea:

Get a consistent source of tax revenue for our highways. We haven't raised the gas tax in 20 years. And in the past 20 years, we have developed better cars that use less gas. A sales tax would hurt consumerism which is 2/3rd of our economy. So what's left. Income tax. We must have a certain base amount coming from capital gains and income tax to pay for our roads. Everyone in one way or another uses our infrastructure so having a regressive tax just hurts the economy and our infrastructure.

Now, that is a hell of an idea. RAISE TAXES! Why haven't we tried that before?

Perhaps, if we spent the gas taxes on our roads and bridges, instead of on busses, trains, bicycle trails, hiking paths, and subways, our roads and bridges wouldn't be crumbling.
The GOP budget hawks don't care. When the bridges and roads begin to crumble, it will be the inner city that suffers first. They are Democratic voters, so the GOP would actually benefit in the long run.

^ He's not kidding, he's really that fucking stupid
Only 16 bridges in 14 years? Not bad.

You act like there are thousands.
I can write a sentence you stupid fuck I'm doing this from my phone i like to type fast and the city I live in has 4 bridges in the city limits you stupid avatar XXXXXXXXX fucking Obama lover.
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With the nations roads, highways, bridges and dams falling apart and not enough money to go around whats a nation to do , this country cant even pay its bills and our nations roads and bridges are in disrepair where's the country going to get the money to fix the infrastructure i seen stories about states and counties not claiming dams and bridges so they don't have to pay for it and the federal government wont touch them so there just crumbling and they cant raise taxes to pay for it because the American people are already broke what make cuts to Education and the police force that wont do any good there already at a bare minimum. This is a financial epidemic that needs to be addressed sooner than later just look at pictures of Detroit Michigan that's where were headed.
I believe Americans are much better at creating things than they are maintaining them. The Interstate highway system was certainly a success in mid 20th century. Today, we can't maintain it properly. We built a public education system that was the envy of world in the 20th century. Today, it's considered mediocre at best. Our bridges and dams are seriously in need of repairs. Our only infrastructure that's improving is communications which I guess is some consolation. When we're stuck on the Interstate, we can pass the time texting.
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Government waste and government thieves are the problem. More taxes just feeds the theft. First thing is to stop electing democrats. Then, hold all other gov officials accountable. Hire outside auditing agencies.
Government waste and government thieves are the problem. More taxes just feeds the theft. First thing is to stop electing democrats. Then, hold all other gov officials accountable. Hire outside auditing agencies.
Government waste has always been there and it always will because government, all government is wasteful by it's very nature.

An audit will only determine whether funds are being used as mandated, not how they should be used. Typically audits are internal and external. Internal government auditors check the financial records of government agencies to ensure compliance with financial standards. External government auditors check the activities of non-governmental third-party recipients of government funds to ensure the funds were spent in accordance with the agreements governing the allocation of public money.
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You getting your talking points from rdean or something? The Stimulus was meant to spent to build infrastructure. Maybe if Obama hadn't used it to pay back campaign donors and used it as intended, we wouldn't have "crumbling infrastructure".

Oh who am i kidding. Even if he had rebuilt the infrastructure you guys would be claiming it's crumbling.

Indeed. 680 BILLION (notice I wrote BILLIONS - nearly three quarters of a TRILLION dollars) were spent on Infrastructure and "shovel ready" projects. THEN, Obama comes back 4 years later and says "We need to pay for our infrastructure".

Me? I say that not one more penny should be spent on this nonsense until we find out where the 680 BILLION dollars that we forked over went.

Wasn't that going to be the primary focus of "Plugs" Biden? Was it not his job to keep the American people informed as to what our tax dollars were being used for!?!?!?

*POOF* and the money is gone - with little or no accountability. Que the nazi liberals with their charts - Here's MY chart: Been on a highway lately? Seen the bridges that are falling apart? Destroyed a wheel in a pot hole? THOSE are MY charts.

It looks like the Stimulus kept spending roads at a high level during the recession. Road tax revenue from gasoline, diesel & real-estate fell way down in the recession, but spending was maintained at a high level.



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I can write a sentence you stupid fuck I'm doing this from my phone i like to type fast and the city I live in has 4 bridges in the city limits you stupid avatar XXXXXXXXX fucking Obama lover.

Oh I am sorry. I didn't realize wanting to type fast was a good excuse for being too lazy to write clearly. Heaven forbid you put in some punctuation or break up your thoughts instead of writing a huge run-on sentence. It's not like writing clearly helps people understand you better or anything.

City limits may have several bridges. That usually doesn't put them in the inner city. It usually puts them at *gasp* the city limits.

I don't care how much you love Obama. It doesn't change any of the facts that we've discussed. It doesn't change the fact that the local government is in charge of the roads of your city. It doesn't change the fact that Billions of dollars were spent on the claim that it was going for infrastructure when it clearly didn't. Why the heck should we authorize any more money before we find out where the previously allotted money went? We clearly can't trust the Obama administration to use the money properly, so why on earth should we not only give them more, but let them take more either?
some people evidently don't know the difference between the Federal gumberment and their STATE governments

If that bridge fell down that is your STATES fault. they are who you should be griping to

we pay gas taxes that are suppose to go for roads and bridges, PLUS, that Obama just soaked for almost a TRILLION dollars that went for these cute little signs

stop being a tool for Obama wanting to hose us down for more money with his wail over our infrastructure so he can give it to his cronies.

List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions
Sep 11, 2012 38 Comments inShare37

Full Obama failed green energy companies list below
Update: October 15, 2012:

Obama Green Investments Said Would Take The Country Forward Are Going Belly Up, Taking Jobs And Taxpayer Cash With Them


A123 Obama Green FailureA123 Files Bankruptcy – Another Obama Green Failure
Today, Taxpayer-Backed A123 Systems, A Maker Of Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries For Electric Cars, Filed For Bankruptcy. “A123 Systems Inc. (AONE), a maker of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries for electric cars, filed for bankruptcy after failing to make a debt payment that was due yesterday. The company listed assets of $459.8 million and debt of $376 million as of Aug. 31 in Chapter 11 documents filed today in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware. Chapter 11 is the section of the Bankruptcy Code used by companies to reorganize.” (Dawn McCarty and Craig Trudell, “Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files Bankruptcy Papers,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 10/16/12)

A123 Systems Has Posted At Least 14 Straight Quarterly Losses With Shares Falling 85 Percent This Year. “A123 has posted at least 14 straight quarterly losses. Its shares have fallen 85 percent this year to 24 cents at yesterday’s close in New York and traded at 16 cents at 8:29 a.m. before the start of regular trading.” (Dawn McCarty and Craig Trudell, “Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files Bankruptcy Papers,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 10/16/12)

(List of Obama Failed Green Energy Companies below)

ALL of it here:
List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions
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some people evidently don't know the difference between the Federal gumberment and their STATE governments

If that bridge fell down that is your STATES fault. they are who you should be griping to

we pay gas taxes that are suppose to go for roads and bridges, but since it's the Federal government that has it's grubby hands on that money it goes for their drivers of their limos probably or who knows where. PLUS, that Obama just soaked for almost a TRILLION dollars that went for these cute little signs

stop being a tool for Obama wanting to hose us down for more money with his wail over our infrastructure so he can give it to his cronies.

List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions
Sep 11, 2012 38 Comments inShare37

Full Obama failed green energy companies list below
Update: October 15, 2012:

Obama Green Investments Said Would Take The Country Forward Are Going Belly Up, Taking Jobs And Taxpayer Cash With Them


A123 Obama Green FailureA123 Files Bankruptcy – Another Obama Green Failure
Today, Taxpayer-Backed A123 Systems, A Maker Of Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries For Electric Cars, Filed For Bankruptcy. “A123 Systems Inc. (AONE), a maker of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries for electric cars, filed for bankruptcy after failing to make a debt payment that was due yesterday. The company listed assets of $459.8 million and debt of $376 million as of Aug. 31 in Chapter 11 documents filed today in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware. Chapter 11 is the section of the Bankruptcy Code used by companies to reorganize.” (Dawn McCarty and Craig Trudell, “Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files Bankruptcy Papers,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 10/16/12)

A123 Systems Has Posted At Least 14 Straight Quarterly Losses With Shares Falling 85 Percent This Year. “A123 has posted at least 14 straight quarterly losses. Its shares have fallen 85 percent this year to 24 cents at yesterday’s close in New York and traded at 16 cents at 8:29 a.m. before the start of regular trading.” (Dawn McCarty and Craig Trudell, “Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files Bankruptcy Papers,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 10/16/12)

(List of Obama Failed Green Energy Companies below)

ALL of it here:
List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions

Why do the nut jobs always go to opinion articles to back up their claims?

Short answer? So they can blame Bush/Solyndra projects on Obama. With the house GOP controlled, what can Obama spend money on? Seriously.

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