America's crumbling infrastructure going to be our nail in the coffin

Obama criticizes Republicans who opposed stimulus, then claim credit for projects it funded | PolitiFact


The tards hate real facts.

See what I mean about these nutty right wing Teanuts? Saying that what Republicans were taking credit for never happened? Then what were the Republicans taking credit for?


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some people evidently don't know the difference between the Federal gumberment and their STATE governments

If that bridge fell down that is your STATES fault. they are who you should be griping to

we pay gas taxes that are suppose to go for roads and bridges, PLUS, that Obama just soaked for almost a TRILLION dollars that went for these cute little signs

stop being a tool for Obama wanting to hose us down for more money with his wail over our infrastructure so he can give it to his cronies.

List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions
Sep 11, 2012 38 Comments inShare37

Full Obama failed green energy companies list below
Update: October 15, 2012:

Obama Green Investments Said Would Take The Country Forward Are Going Belly Up, Taking Jobs And Taxpayer Cash With Them


A123 Obama Green FailureA123 Files Bankruptcy – Another Obama Green Failure
Today, Taxpayer-Backed A123 Systems, A Maker Of Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries For Electric Cars, Filed For Bankruptcy. “A123 Systems Inc. (AONE), a maker of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries for electric cars, filed for bankruptcy after failing to make a debt payment that was due yesterday. The company listed assets of $459.8 million and debt of $376 million as of Aug. 31 in Chapter 11 documents filed today in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware. Chapter 11 is the section of the Bankruptcy Code used by companies to reorganize.” (Dawn McCarty and Craig Trudell, “Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files Bankruptcy Papers,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 10/16/12)

A123 Systems Has Posted At Least 14 Straight Quarterly Losses With Shares Falling 85 Percent This Year. “A123 has posted at least 14 straight quarterly losses. Its shares have fallen 85 percent this year to 24 cents at yesterday’s close in New York and traded at 16 cents at 8:29 a.m. before the start of regular trading.” (Dawn McCarty and Craig Trudell, “Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files Bankruptcy Papers,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 10/16/12)

(List of Obama Failed Green Energy Companies below)

ALL of it here:
List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions
Yes and No. It depends on on whether that bridge is an interstate or not. 56% of the cost of building and maintenance of Interstates is a federal responsibility. For local and state roads, it's basically a state or local responsibility. In essence, road and bridge funding is a shared expense between local, state, and federal. The percentage varies depending on whether the road or bridge is a federal, state, or local project. In most major projects, funds are need from all three. If one of the government entities doesn't have funds budgeted, then nothing happens.

Probably the biggest problem is the reluctance of states to raise state gasoline taxes to fund road improvements. The result has been road maintenance in many states is being taken out of the general fund. So road construction contends with education welfare, and other expenses.
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With the nations roads, highways, bridges and dams falling apart and not enough money to go around whats a nation to do , this country cant even pay its bills and our nations roads and bridges are in disrepair where's the country going to get the money to fix the infrastructure i seen stories about states and counties not claiming dams and bridges so they don't have to pay for it and the federal government wont touch them so there just crumbling and they cant raise taxes to pay for it because the American people are already broke what make cuts to Education and the police force that wont do any good there already at a bare minimum. This is a financial epidemic that needs to be addressed sooner than later just look at pictures of Detroit Michigan that's where were headed.

Where I live, the roads are fine as are the bridges. I know Detroit is bankrupt and California has taxes that are out of sight with cities going bankrupt every day. The only common thread I can think of is Democratic politicians. They just have to learn the hard way, I guess.
With the nations roads, highways, bridges and dams falling apart and not enough money to go around whats a nation to do ,
i thought the $7,000,000,000,000,000.00...., that is TRILLION the muslime mulatto ape borrowed was supposed to fix all this nations infrastructure....?

am i wrong ?
some people evidently don't know the difference between the Federal gumberment and their STATE governments

If that bridge fell down that is your STATES fault. they are who you should be griping to

we pay gas taxes that are suppose to go for roads and bridges, PLUS, that Obama just soaked for almost a TRILLION dollars that went for these cute little signs

stop being a tool for Obama wanting to hose us down for more money with his wail over our infrastructure so he can give it to his cronies.

List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions
Sep 11, 2012 38 Comments inShare37

Full Obama failed green energy companies list below
Update: October 15, 2012:

Obama Green Investments Said Would Take The Country Forward Are Going Belly Up, Taking Jobs And Taxpayer Cash With Them


A123 Obama Green FailureA123 Files Bankruptcy – Another Obama Green Failure
Today, Taxpayer-Backed A123 Systems, A Maker Of Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries For Electric Cars, Filed For Bankruptcy. “A123 Systems Inc. (AONE), a maker of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries for electric cars, filed for bankruptcy after failing to make a debt payment that was due yesterday. The company listed assets of $459.8 million and debt of $376 million as of Aug. 31 in Chapter 11 documents filed today in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware. Chapter 11 is the section of the Bankruptcy Code used by companies to reorganize.” (Dawn McCarty and Craig Trudell, “Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files Bankruptcy Papers,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 10/16/12)

A123 Systems Has Posted At Least 14 Straight Quarterly Losses With Shares Falling 85 Percent This Year. “A123 has posted at least 14 straight quarterly losses. Its shares have fallen 85 percent this year to 24 cents at yesterday’s close in New York and traded at 16 cents at 8:29 a.m. before the start of regular trading.” (Dawn McCarty and Craig Trudell, “Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files Bankruptcy Papers,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 10/16/12)

(List of Obama Failed Green Energy Companies below)

ALL of it here:
List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions

hey your signs are more colorful than ours out telling....
Right I think Avatar lives in a gated community in Washington sounds like its coming right from Obamas mouth but the rest of us live in the real world.

All I see around my area is new roads being built or updated, so evidently your State lacks the ability to budget properly.

yea where i am at there is construction going on all over the place.....but then in this State all the money goes to the wealthy Counties....kinda like what the Republicans do.....
With the nations roads, highways, bridges and dams falling apart and not enough money to go around whats a nation to do ,
i thought the $7,000,000,000,000,000.00...., that is TRILLION the muslime mulatto ape borrowed was supposed to fix all this nations infrastructure....?

am i wrong ?

who is the " muslime mulatto ape"?.....
With the nations roads, highways, bridges and dams falling apart and not enough money to go around whats a nation to do ,
i thought the $7,000,000,000,000,000.00...., that is TRILLION the muslime mulatto ape borrowed was supposed to fix all this nations infrastructure....?

am i wrong ?
Yes, you're wrong. In the initial proposal a trillion dollars was suppose to go to infrastructure. The figure was reduced down to 787 billion for the Recovery and Reinvestment Act's spending. Of that 100 billion went to infrastructure. The actual amount need to fix our infrastructure is between 2 and 3 trillion.

Ezra Klein - Didn't the stimulus take care of our infrastructure needs?
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With the nations roads, highways, bridges and dams falling apart and not enough money to go around whats a nation to do , this country cant even pay its bills and our nations roads and bridges are in disrepair where's the country going to get the money to fix the infrastructure i seen stories about states and counties not claiming dams and bridges so they don't have to pay for it and the federal government wont touch them so there just crumbling and they cant raise taxes to pay for it because the American people are already broke what make cuts to Education and the police force that wont do any good there already at a bare minimum. This is a financial epidemic that needs to be addressed sooner than later just look at pictures of Detroit Michigan that's where were headed.

Where I live, the roads are fine as are the bridges. I know Detroit is bankrupt and California has taxes that are out of sight with cities going bankrupt every day. The only common thread I can think of is Democratic politicians. They just have to learn the hard way, I guess.

And even THEN they won't learn. Colorado is dripping with Dems who control about every branch of government. The city of Denver is a bastion for liberal stupidity. Taxes are high and the roads all suck (potholes, beat-to-hell railroad tracks, narrow roads, etc.). A good portion of the taxes collected around here go towards paying for the illegals who nest here since Denver is a "sanctuary city." There's no light at the end of the Denver, CO tunnel so I'm aggressively seeking to move to Flagstaff, Sedona, or Prescott, AZ.
And right on que - they come. Again. BULLSHIT. Where did the money go? If you truly believe that it went for infrastructure, then there's nothing I can do for you...

The stimulus helped infrastructure, although less than 15% of the stimulus went for infrastructure.


So basically, you're telling me that 111 Billion of the 860 BILLION went for infrastructure. I STILL call BS on that one.

And now the VAST MAJORITY of the 860 BILLION dollars went for bullshit "programs" like "helping the vulnerable" Who, EXACTLY might that be? Illegals? Sure as hell didn't go to old folks or Veterans - so again - who are these "vulnerable" folks that were helped?

More BS from the most "transparent administration" in history. Just as I suspected.

Congress decides where money is spent. Not the administration. Try again. Civics classes are available at your local community college.
No I'm getting my talking points from opening my god dam eyes you Obama lover just look around our country is falling apart the county I live in just released a Roads and Highway report card and every road except for like 3 were in poor condition

Really? Can you cit any roads or highways falling apart?

Yes. Off the top of my head...I-95/128 in Massachusetts. Most of the bridges are 50+ years old & crumbling. Most highways in MA are pretty bad.
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And right on que - they come. Again. BULLSHIT. Where did the money go? If you truly believe that it went for infrastructure, then there's nothing I can do for you...

The stimulus helped infrastructure, although less than 15% of the stimulus went for infrastructure.


So basically, you're telling me that 111 Billion of the 860 BILLION went for infrastructure. I STILL call BS on that one.

And now the VAST MAJORITY of the 860 BILLION dollars went for bullshit "programs" like "helping the vulnerable" Who, EXACTLY might that be? Illegals? Sure as hell didn't go to old folks or Veterans - so again - who are these "vulnerable" folks that were helped?

More BS from the most "transparent administration" in history. Just as I suspected.

No, $111 Billion went to infrastructure AND science. We had to give those grants to well deserving brother-in-laws of congressmen who wanted to study the kissing habits of monkeys, ya know.
With the nations roads, highways, bridges and dams falling apart and not enough money to go around whats a nation to do , this country cant even pay its bills and our nations roads and bridges are in disrepair where's the country going to get the money to fix the infrastructure i seen stories about states and counties not claiming dams and bridges so they don't have to pay for it and the federal government wont touch them so there just crumbling and they cant raise taxes to pay for it because the American people are already broke what make cuts to Education and the police force that wont do any good there already at a bare minimum. This is a financial epidemic that needs to be addressed sooner than later just look at pictures of Detroit Michigan that's where were headed.

Where I live, the roads are fine as are the bridges. I know Detroit is bankrupt and California has taxes that are out of sight with cities going bankrupt every day. The only common thread I can think of is Democratic politicians. They just have to learn the hard way, I guess.

As we've seen over and over they NEVER learn. for them it's money and how to get more of that money from US TAXPAYERS
you think they could cut out a couple useless government agencies and use that money for infrastructure? Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that never crosses their mind and if you do suggest it, they want to rip your head off and accuse you of not caring about anyone ..
The stimulus helped infrastructure, although less than 15% of the stimulus went for infrastructure.


So basically, you're telling me that 111 Billion of the 860 BILLION went for infrastructure. I STILL call BS on that one.

And now the VAST MAJORITY of the 860 BILLION dollars went for bullshit "programs" like "helping the vulnerable" Who, EXACTLY might that be? Illegals? Sure as hell didn't go to old folks or Veterans - so again - who are these "vulnerable" folks that were helped?

More BS from the most "transparent administration" in history. Just as I suspected.

No, $111 Billion went to infrastructure AND science. We had to give those grants to well deserving brother-in-laws of congressmen who wanted to study the kissing habits of monkeys, ya know.
The term infrastructure can mean a lot things. In the scope of this thread it's bridges and highways. For political reasons it's been extended to cover everything from education to to planting flowers along the roadside.

The overriding problem is we do not collect enough money at the state nor the federal level to maintain our roads and bridges. With the increase in gas mileage, revenues have not kept up with the need for maintenance and construction.

Unfortunately, we value road construction for the impact it has on employment which is short lived while real value lies in the positive long term impact it has on GDP.
Well here is my idea:

Get a consistent source of tax revenue for our highways. We haven't raised the gas tax in 20 years. And in the past 20 years, we have developed better cars that use less gas. A sales tax would hurt consumerism which is 2/3rd of our economy. So what's left. Income tax. We must have a certain base amount coming from capital gains and income tax to pay for our roads. Everyone in one way or another uses our infrastructure so having a regressive tax just hurts the economy and our infrastructure.

Tax tax tax. That is all the left says. Huge sums of money are collected to find this. The stimulus was for shovel ready projects. Where does it all go. Unions and pensions. We don't need more taxes we need deep cuts in across the board. And by cuts I mean all the govt paper pushers. The money is there. How long does it take and at what cost to do any project. How many endangered butterflies have to be relocated. Endless environmental impact studies, lawsuits, you liberals have created such a mess nothing can be done
You getting your talking points from rdean or something? The Stimulus was meant to spent to build infrastructure. Maybe if Obama hadn't used it to pay back campaign donors and used it as intended, we wouldn't have "crumbling infrastructure".

Oh who am i kidding. Even if he had rebuilt the infrastructure you guys would be claiming it's crumbling.

So link that assertion concerning paying back campaign donors....or shut up.

I already called that idiot out on it's assertion. It's a fool. Don't expect it to answer with anything sensible. And remember, Brietbart, to that moron IS sensible.
Nothing but Republicans explaining WHY our country should fall apart. And they think they are the "patriots".
You getting your talking points from rdean or something? The Stimulus was meant to spent to build infrastructure. Maybe if Obama hadn't used it to pay back campaign donors and used it as intended, we wouldn't have "crumbling infrastructure".

Oh who am i kidding. Even if he had rebuilt the infrastructure you guys would be claiming it's crumbling.
This is a perfect example of the gullibility and ignorance needed to swallow the GOP hate media talking points. It is the governors of each state that decide where the stimulus money is to be spent, and the 31 Republican governors spent as little as possible on anything that might create jobs, like infrastructure, to make sure Obama was a one term president. If the 31 GOP governors spent their money on infrastructure what the remaining 19 Dem governors did would have been insignificant.

For example, in my state of NJ the stimulus money was earmarked for digging a desperately needed new tunnel to NYC and money was turned over to GOP governor Christie. But Christie nixed the deal at the last minute, keeping the money which he redistributed to his election chronies, killing 6,000 construction jobs at a time when NJ's UE was one of the highest in the nation. That BTW is why he expects the GOP establishment to award him the presidential nomination because of the sacrifice he made to support the GOP play book for getting rid of Obama.

So it was the 31 GOP governors who refused to spend the stimulus on infrastructure, instead using the money to pay down the state debt run up by public pensions.

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