An Actual Indian is Challenging Pocahontas!

Is this the guy who wanted me to re format my hard drive in 1999, before I got intelligent and ditched Microshit ?
Boy, to think this was becoming the popular choice for the Democratic Presidential ticket in 2020. How's that workin out for em now? :eek-52:

What a depraved dipshit. She actually told Harvard she was a 'Minority.' So yeah go ahead Democrats, run that moron in 2020. Lookin forward to it. :)
I saw the "Real" Indian doctor interview. The guy is awesome. He sent Warren a DNA test kit for her birthday!

Yeah, he'd be a much better Senator. Warren is a joke. But unfortunately, Mass has been occupied by Communist/Progressive assholes for many years. So i doubt he has much of a chance. It sucks.
Massachusetts is pretty much 50% Normal/Intelligent people and 50% complete dolts that dont even show any concern over who they are voting for, so long as there is a D next to his/her name, the dolts will vote. An actuall cockroach could run for senator as a dem and win in massachusetts
to quote deanrd

Pocahontas and the President - Alliance of Colonial Era Tribes

"Pocahontas" is not a racial slur.
When honorably referencing the actual historic figure, this indeed is true. However, the name becomes a derogatory racial reference when used as an insult.American Indian names, whether they be historic or contemporary, are not meant to be used as insults. To do so is to reduce them to racial slurs.

Alliance of Colonial Era Tribes (ACET) roundly b!tchslaps Trump for a "racial slur"
Jake, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking me off your ignore list. :p

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