An American SS?

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
President Trump is considering creating a private network of spies that would be controlled directly by him and his CIA chief, according to a report.

The alleged proposal comes in part from Blackwater founder Erik Prince and would be separate from existing intelligence agencies in order to counteract the supposed “deep state” in the national security apparatus that is opposed to the commander-in-chief, sources told The Intercept.

Prince’s Blackwater previously provided privately contracted soldiers to the U.S., though scandal over operations that included civilian deaths in Iraq has led him to rebrand the venture and begin working with powers such as China and the United Arab Emirates.

The new proposed intelligence wing, which has reportedly been soliciting Trump donors for financing, would also include spies in areas such as North Korea and Iran.

White House may be considering creating a private spy network to counteract the 'deep state'

Of course, as per past actions, the members of this unit would swear personal allegiance to Donald Trump, not the United States or the Constitution.
I'm not going to roll with anonymous sources leaking to a blog site that I've never heard of.

Unless I hear more concrete evidence, I'm going to assume that this is "fake news".
Let us hope that it is.

Yes, let us hope this is fake news. Only problem is, if it isn't, by the time we get hard verification that something like this is happening, it will be too late.
i wonder if this is like mrobama cadre of a private police force . --- --- just a comment and question .

Or obama's if you see something say something stasi.

The white house may be considering, it as much of a brain fart as anything else the anti Trumpers have come up with.
Yo..............Tipsy................."if you see something say something" was a slogan designed to combat domestic terrorism.
Except it could only be used against Americans. Anyone else is racist.

The white house is considering no such program. Trump has considered nothing of the kind. It's a lie like the bank subpoenas.
Trump is the single greatest threat to liberty and freedom this nation has ever faced. The guy really is sick in the head and controls his followers like Hitler did.

This could very well be used as our SS.

Trump is an avid Israel supporter with Jewish grandchildren, you dumb, stupid, blithering, special-needs-child, pea-brained, numbskulled, imbecilic IDIOT! If Trump is Hitler, please name me the tens of millions of people Trump has killed, you non-sentient gentleman.

You keep saying Trump is the greatest danger on earth, yet not ONE of you drama-queen dullards can give me a single, specific example. You're pulling this bullshit because long before Trump, I've watched you lib traitors throw paranoid baby tantrums every time someone doesn't have a muslim penis in their mouth. It's what you liberals care about more than anything else, because that's the kind of semen-stain Islam has left on your self-loathing-American souls.
President Trump is considering creating a private network of spies that would be controlled directly by him and his CIA chief, according to a report.

The alleged proposal comes in part from Blackwater founder Erik Prince and would be separate from existing intelligence agencies in order to counteract the supposed “deep state” in the national security apparatus that is opposed to the commander-in-chief, sources told The Intercept.

Prince’s Blackwater previously provided privately contracted soldiers to the U.S., though scandal over operations that included civilian deaths in Iraq has led him to rebrand the venture and begin working with powers such as China and the United Arab Emirates.

The new proposed intelligence wing, which has reportedly been soliciting Trump donors for financing, would also include spies in areas such as North Korea and Iran.

White House may be considering creating a private spy network to counteract the 'deep state'

Of course, as per past actions, the members of this unit would swear personal allegiance to Donald Trump, not the United States or the Constitution.

Trump has Jewish grandchildren and not a speck of animosity against Jews in his entire life history, you slanderous, lying, lying, lying, lying, LYING scumbag. You liberals are the true Nazis because you sold out to the most praised-by-Hitler, mass-Jew-beheading doctrine of anti-Jewish bloodthirst on this planet, Islam. 100% of everything you liberals say is a hypocritical, Freudian projection. You people are as sick as a living creature can get.
President Trump is considering creating a private network of spies that would be controlled directly by him and his CIA chief, according to a report.

The alleged proposal comes in part from Blackwater founder Erik Prince and would be separate from existing intelligence agencies in order to counteract the supposed “deep state” in the national security apparatus that is opposed to the commander-in-chief, sources told The Intercept.

Prince’s Blackwater previously provided privately contracted soldiers to the U.S., though scandal over operations that included civilian deaths in Iraq has led him to rebrand the venture and begin working with powers such as China and the United Arab Emirates.

The new proposed intelligence wing, which has reportedly been soliciting Trump donors for financing, would also include spies in areas such as North Korea and Iran.

White House may be considering creating a private spy network to counteract the 'deep state'

Of course, as per past actions, the members of this unit would swear personal allegiance to Donald Trump, not the United States or the Constitution.

The people that didn’t like Obama said he was trying to do the same thing. Same show different foot. Take off the tinfoil off.

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Trump is an avid Israel supporter with Jewish grandchildren, you dumb, stupid, blithering, special-needs-child, pea-brained, numbskulled, imbecilic IDIOT! If Trump is Hitler, please name me the tens of millions of people Trump has killed, you non-sentient gentleman.

You keep saying Trump is the greatest danger on earth, yet not ONE of you drama-queen dullards can give me a single, specific example. You're pulling this bullshit because long before Trump, I've watched you lib traitors throw paranoid baby tantrums every time someone doesn't have a muslim penis in their mouth. It's what you liberals care about more than anything else, because that's the kind of semen-stain Islam has left on your self-loathing-American souls.
Do you feel all better now lil' WillMunny? Did you get all the hurty stuff out of your sensitive widdle system...?

Why are all of your posts filled with such hysterical drama and screaming of insults. Is your brain coming unravelled? I mean, even for a trump supporter, you're starting to sound really, really, weird...
Trump has Jewish grandchildren and not a speck of animosity against Jews in his entire life history, you slanderous, lying, lying, lying, lying, LYING scumbag. You liberals are the true Nazis because you sold out to the most praised-by-Hitler, mass-Jew-beheading doctrine of anti-Jewish bloodthirst on this planet, Islam. 100% of everything you liberals say is a hypocritical, Freudian projection. You people are as sick as a living creature can get.

See post #19

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