An Assessment


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019

First, from the comment section: The new Normal will make some dystopian films seem like utopia. Watch some old movies and TV series to remind you of old normal. They wont be available much longer unless you have the DVD or VHS and a machines to play it. The tapes and discs age so donā€™t last forever. Books will last longer but those with digital collections will one day fund them disappeared

An excerpt from the article.

The end result was the MINDSPACE report. That was all about behavioral science influencing policy making and most of all, imposing neo-Orwellian population control.

MINDSPACE, crucially, featured close collaboration between Imperial College and the Santa Monica-based RAND corporation. Translation: the authors of the absurdly flawed computer models that fed the Planet Lockdown paranoia working in conjunction with the top Pentagon-linked think tank.

In MINDSPACE, we find that, ā€œbehavioral approaches embody a line of thinking that moves from the idea of an autonomous individual, making rational decisions, to a ā€˜situatedā€™ decision-maker, much of whose behavior is automatic and influenced by their ā€˜choice environmentā€™ā€.

So the key question is who decides what is the ā€œchoice environmentā€™. As it stands, our whole environment is conditioned by Covid-19. Letā€™s call it ā€œthe diseaseā€. And that is more than enough to beautifully set up ā€œthe cureā€: The Great Reset.

Also: What has been imposed as an ironclad consensus is that without a Covid-19 vaccine thereā€™s no possibility of anything resembling normality.

In the article there is mention of crypto currency being a key to the Reset- mark my words. The times they are-a-changing boys and gwirls-

First, from the comment section: The new Normal will make some dystopian films seem like utopia. Watch some old movies and TV series to remind you of old normal. They wont be available much longer unless you have the DVD or VHS and a machines to play it. The tapes and discs age so donā€™t last forever. Books will last longer but those with digital collections will one day fund them disappeared

An excerpt from the article.

The end result was the MINDSPACE report. That was all about behavioral science influencing policy making and most of all, imposing neo-Orwellian population control.

MINDSPACE, crucially, featured close collaboration between Imperial College and the Santa Monica-based RAND corporation. Translation: the authors of the absurdly flawed computer models that fed the Planet Lockdown paranoia working in conjunction with the top Pentagon-linked think tank.

In MINDSPACE, we find that, ā€œbehavioral approaches embody a line of thinking that moves from the idea of an autonomous individual, making rational decisions, to a ā€˜situatedā€™ decision-maker, much of whose behavior is automatic and influenced by their ā€˜choice environmentā€™ā€.

So the key question is who decides what is the ā€œchoice environmentā€™. As it stands, our whole environment is conditioned by Covid-19. Letā€™s call it ā€œthe diseaseā€. And that is more than enough to beautifully set up ā€œthe cureā€: The Great Reset.

Also: What has been imposed as an ironclad consensus is that without a Covid-19 vaccine thereā€™s no possibility of anything resembling normality.

In the article there is mention of crypto currency being a key to the Reset- mark my words. The times they are-a-changing boys and gwirls-
Nicely, systematically stated. Here in the quiet hinterland, I still have time to wait and see more, before an opinion formed. For now, I can only agree, times have changed, but seen change for 66 years.
I am not exactly a Pollyanna. I donā€™t view our future in rose-colored glasses. I too fear, in Gdjjr ā€™s words, ā€œThe new Normal will make some dystopian films seem like utopia.ā€

But when I actually read through Pablo Escobarā€™s article I find a lot of hysterical playing with ā€œconspiracyā€ thinking, along with some trenchant comments. I used to like his stuff more. Seems to me he is freaking out a bit. I have no time to go into details, but his references and links to Western ruling class groups donā€™t really seem to prove much of anything. Most of those plans are just wishful thinking anyway.

The biggest dystopia is world war and destruction of humanity, a very real possibility I believe. So perhaps my own standards for ā€œdystopiaā€ ... are a bit high? :dunno:

ā€œEvery collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.ā€
~ Herbert Hoover
(1874-1964), 31st US President
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Most of those plans are just wishful thinking anyway.
The longest journey begins with the first step- "a" first step will be determined by historians, but, currently the "hysteria" is real, (the great placebo of masks proves it) even though it's manufactured for political purposes- the results are yet to be determined- it could be argued we are living first steps- the question being which one came first. That depends on perspective.

That link to MINDSPACE looks pretty real to me- the word "hysteria" across like "conspiracy theory"- considering those thoughts are not really theory, but fact, indicates trying to change a subject to deflect away the truth. Words mean things, or they don't.
The end result was the MINDSPACE report.
Is not wishful thinking though, nor is the link to the UN under the deceptive cover of ā€œsustainable developmentā€ ā€“ already in 2015 at the UN (here it is, in detail).

The results/effects are happening as we speak (or read) crypto currency is gonna be here sooner, rather than later, then there will be 0 privacy- that isn't hysteria or imagination or utopia- so, who's pushing for it? Follow the money see the agenda.

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