An Exasperated Oprah Interrupts Kamala Harris to Answer Border Question for Vapid VP

Respectfully, that first video with Harris and Oprah doesn't really do anything for our case against Harris. The guy asks the border question, after a bunch of word salad she eventually gets around to blaming Trump for not passing the border bill, causing a bad border situation, she gets applause from that, including from the question asker, and then Oprah goes on to additionally get Harris to say that if she is elected president she will reintroduce that same border bill, and the audience applauds again. I see nothing in the exchange which would get undecided voters to vote for Trump.

Instead of posting the video which does nothing to attack Harris and actually helps her, we should be asking the question of why is it that she blames Trump for a bad border situation, then why is she, Biden, and the Democrats declaring that the border is now under control and, if the border is now under control, then why is it that you would re-introduce that border bill for a border situation that you now claim is under control and how can you blame Trump for a bad border situation when you simultaneously claim the border is now under control without the border bill being passed?
The part of the video with the Oprah interview that really hurts Harris is her word salad answer to the question about how she will lower prices. Bunch of gobblygook.
What huh? You don’t know that the family are multimillionaires with all their deals and bribes from Russians and Chinese communists? Why do you think Biden allowed China to fly their spy balloon across the entire country? Why is he allowing the Commies to buy up our farmland?
What huh? You don’t know that the family are multimillionaires with all their deals and bribes from Russians and Chinese communists? Why do you think Biden allowed China to fly their spy balloon across the entire country? Why is he allowing the Commies to buy up our farmland?

I'm not sure what this has to do with Harris and her interview.

Biden has some bad policies but that is separate and distinct from this interview.
I'm not sure what this has to do with Harris and her interview.

Biden has some bad policies but that is separate and distinct from this interview.
You were the one who said Biden cares about America, and I pointed out that his actions show that’s not true. And remember…..we never did find out what was in all those stolen classified documents he had hidden in his home and office, dating all the way back to his Senate days.
The part of the video with the Oprah interview that really hurts Harris is her word salad answer to the question about how she will lower prices. Bunch of gobblygook.
Yeah, she keeps on talking about passing price gouging legislation while admitting at the same time that today's high prices aren't due to price gouging. That's her plan to lower prices.

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