And Now A Word From Neville Chamberlain Trump

The OP is a lie. Trump did NOT say Ukraine should surrender, this is what he said:

“If they made a bad deal, it would have been much better, they would have given up a little bit,” he continued. “And everybody would be living, and every building would be built, and every tower would be aging for another 2,000 years.”

I still say giving up Crimea and Donbas for "peace" is a better deal than fighting over them.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin
By being more flexible with Putin
It's amazing how long you cucks can keep repeating the same old bullshit.

Obama was quoted the following day saying he wasn't trying to "hide the ball," and would carry through with negotiations with Russia. In May 2016, after nearly a decade of planning (and over the continued objections of Russia), the NATO missile defense system in Europe was finally launched.

Fast-forwarding to December 2016, it is unclear precisely what equivalence, if any, is supposed to exist between Obama's 2012 vow of "flexibility" and claims that Russia took Trump's side in the presidential election, but sources such as emphasized Obama's persistent criticism of Trump's alleged closeness to Vladimir Putin:

While campaigning for Hillary Clinton in October, Obama criticized Republican Donald Trump's "continued flattery of Mr. Putin and the degree to which he appears to model many of his policies and approaches" after those of Putin.

U.S. launches long-awaited European missile defense shield​

It's amazing how long you cucks can keep repeating the same old bullshit.

Obama was quoted the following day saying he wasn't trying to "hide the ball," and would carry through with negotiations with Russia. In May 2016, after nearly a decade of planning (and over the continued objections of Russia), the NATO missile defense system in Europe was finally launched.

Fast-forwarding to December 2016, it is unclear precisely what equivalence, if any, is supposed to exist between Obama's 2012 vow of "flexibility" and claims that Russia took Trump's side in the presidential election, but sources such as emphasized Obama's persistent criticism of Trump's alleged closeness to Vladimir Putin:

U.S. launches long-awaited European missile defense shield​

I’m not surprised obama tried to deflect from his open mic moment, but the facts don’t change, he was more flexible.
Trump is Putin's useful fucktwit. We know Putin's useful fucktwit Trump, also hates NATO, so his latest rant is no surprise.

But go ahead & try to spin traitor Trump's obvious adoration of Putin.
Try to spin this. Under Trump Putin invades nobody. Under two weak worthless leftists, Obama and *Joe Putin invades.
The OP is a lie. Trump did NOT say Ukraine should surrender, this is what he said:

“If they made a bad deal, it would have been much better, they would have given up a little bit,” he continued. “And everybody would be living, and every building would be built, and every tower would be aging for another 2,000 years.”

I still say giving up Crimea and Donbas for "peace" is a better deal than fighting over them.
I real lanuage that is surrender...

Russia occupy 18% of Ukraine... Until that hits 0% it is considered a surrender...

At the moment the US is showing the rest of the world why you do not fuck with NATO... You piss us off and we will destroy you with out even loosing one boot on the ground...

China are going no where near Taiwan after seeing this. US is just recycling old stock. They are trying out a few new toys but not many... What US and Nato is learning about is Drone warfare, 3d printers and the supply chain by a population making them at home...

BTW, there is no deal with Putin... Putin doesn't believe in deals... Yevgeny Prigozhin had a deal with Putin, he killed him within 2 months and that is a guy he relatively respected... Putin doesn't do deals, he is a bully and the way you beat a bully is stop him cold in his tracks...
If you give Ukraine to Russia he will looking for the Baltic Nations next...

My view is to set up a mercenary airforce and finish them off and drive them out of Ukraine. Issue an international arrest warrent for Putin and Co with large rewards... Use money frozen all over the world to rebuild Ukraine and let them into EU and NATO...

Put pressure on Belarus to have free and open elections and use free trade and method to clean up corruption...

Put Orban from Hungry on notice that his corruption and stealing of his own people will not be tolerated. Sent in an investigative team fromEU to investigate where money allocated to Hungry from EU has gone.
Try to spin this. Under Trump Putin invades nobody. Under two weak worthless leftists, Obama and *Joe Putin invades.
Didn't need too.. Trump surrendered too quickly...

Trump undermined NATO and US allies... Trump was the laughed at by other world leaders...

This is how weak Trump is... The butt of a joke internationally...

Trump was considered Putin's bitch internationally...
I read lanuage that is surrender...Russia occupies 18% of Ukraine... Until that hits 0% it is considered a surrender...

At the moment the US is showing the rest of the world why you do not fuck with NATO... You piss us off and we will destroy you with out even loosing one boot on the ground...

China are going no where near Taiwan after seeing this. US is just recycling old stock. They are trying out a few new toys but not many... What US and Nato is learning about is Drone warfare, 3d printers and the supply chain by a population making them at home...

BTW, there is no deal with Putin... Putin doesn't believe in deals... Yevgeny Prigozhin had a deal with Putin, he killed him within 2 months and that is a guy he relatively respected... Putin doesn't do deals, he is a bully and the way you beat a bully is stop him cold in his tracks...
If you give Ukraine to Russia he will looking for the Baltic Nations next...

My view is to set up a mercenary airforce and finish them off and drive them out of Ukraine. Issue an international arrest warrent for Putin and Co with large rewards... Use money frozen all over the world to rebuild Ukraine and let them into EU and NATO...

Put pressure on Belarus to have free and open elections and use free trade and method to clean up corruption...

Put Orban from Hungry on notice that his corruption and stealing of his own people will not be tolerated. Sent in an investigative team fromEU to investigate where money allocated to Hungry from EU has gone.
So you think the US is the world's cop? I don't.
Putin has nukes and if he's cornered would probably use them.
Orban is very popular in Hungary.
The only off-ramp I see for Ukraine is Crimea and Donbas for NATO membership.
Otherwise we should give Ukraine their nukes back to defend themselves since we/NATO are not living up to the security guarantees we gave in the Budapest Memorandum.
“If they made a bad deal, it would have been much better, they would have given up a little bit,” he continued. “And everybody would be living, and every building would be built, and every tower would be aging for another 2,000 years.”
This orange bag O' shit speaks like a raging idiot. I have zero respect for this moron. I hope he loses the election bigly.
If Ukraine were to suddenly surrender to Russia, everything would be “much better,” at least according to Donald Trump.

During an afternoon press conference Wednesday, the Republican presidential nominee urged the Eastern European nation to submit to the foreign power, claiming that any deal, no matter how dismal for Ukraine’s freedom, would have been better than the current state of affairs.

Thanks Neville. Nobody appeases to the enemy better than you.
Trump is the biggest Putin kiss-ass on the planet!
Joe Biden is directly responsible for the deaths of 13 members of the Military with his hasty exit from Afghanistan, not to mention God knows how many loyal Afghans but the left doesn't seem to care. Meanwhile Trump gets labeled a traitor for not wanting to waste American taxpayers dollars and and the possibility of a shooting war with Russia over a crooked little country like Ukraine.
Didn't need too.. Trump surrendered too quickly...

Trump undermined NATO and US allies... Trump was the laughed at by other world leaders...

This is how weak Trump is... The butt of a joke internationally...

Trump was considered Putin's bitch internationally...

Yet they all paid up.

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