And Now A Word From Neville Chamberlain Trump

That Eurotrash squabble has nothing to do with us. Let Europe police their own backyard. We have plenty of problems to deal with right here at home. Pissing away billions of dollars to support a petty dictator has done nothing to improve the lives of the American people.
Nope. Putin fears Trump. He knows Screaming *Joe and Nice Lawn Kummie will do nothing but rattle off sound bites for the media. Remember, it’s OK to invade a little bit.
Kind of like Trumpyberra saying drinking bleach might cure covid.

"I think what you're going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does. It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do."
I'm not a democrat. Why are you magaturd fuckwits so stupid?
I didn't say you were....I said dembot. Calm down bud, just breath, I don't want you picking up a gun and trying to assassinate anyone today.....i know many of your dembot types are on edge lately
Trump is Putin's useful fucktwit. We know Putin's useful fucktwit Trump, also hates NATO, so his latest rant is no surprise.

But go ahead & try to spin traitor Trump's obvious adoration of Putin.
Getting NATO to pay their fair share does not mean hates them. Progs wanted that at one time. Just like they were more antiwar.
If Ukraine were to suddenly surrender to Russia, everything would be “much better,” at least according to Donald Trump.

During an afternoon press conference Wednesday, the Republican presidential nominee urged the Eastern European nation to submit to the foreign power, claiming that any deal, no matter how dismal for Ukraine’s freedom, would have been better than the current state of affairs.

Thanks Neville. Nobody appeases to the enemy better than you.
Hey, shithead. What Trump said was quoted IN that suspect article.

“If they made a bad deal, it would have been much better, they would have given up a little bit,” he continued. “And everybody would be living, and every building would be built, and every tower would be aging for another 2,000 years.”

Morons like our dishonest OP don’t like to admit the use of the past tense.

I don’t know that he is right about what he said, but still, giving up “a little” to the murderous tyrant, Putin, would probably have saved all those lost lives. And lost buildings etc. that’s not a valid reason to capitulate necessarily. But if they were destined to be squished anyway by scumbag Putin’s war machine, an early concession up front would indeed have avoided these awful consequences.

Why do our far left wing vermin insist on being dishonest in every post?

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