And Now A Word From Neville Chamberlain Trump

Hey, shithead. What Trump said was quoted IN that suspect article.

Morons like our dishonest OP don’t like to admit the use of the past tense.

I don’t know that he is right about what he said, but still, giving up “a little” to the murderous tyrant, Putin, would probably have saved all those lost lives. And lost buildings etc. that’s not a valid reason to capitulate necessarily. But if they were destined to be squished anyway by scumbag Putin’s war machine, an early concession up front would indeed have avoided these awful consequences.

Why do our far left wing vermin insist on being dishonest in every post?
Because they ARE fundamentally dishonest.

They aren't capable of telling the truth.

Nord Stream 2: Biden waives US sanctions on Russian pipeline​

Hunter Biden Received a $3.5 Million Payment From Ex-Moscow Mayor's Wife​

A new report from Senate Republicans alleges that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million payment from the wealthy wife of Moscow's former mayor, amid a slew of other financial transactions and entanglements that federal government officials warned presented conflicts of interest as the former vice president spearheaded the Obama administration's Ukraine policy.
So, no actual proof of this. I guess you don't read so well.
I don't believe your propaganda. They are your own people.

The orange bag O' shit needs to go away. Period.
hahah yeah....Republicans are donate to Actblue, have Harris/Biden bumpstickers and try to assassinate the GOP nominee.

You guys are a real cult.

and here you are again, after two failed assassination attempts, calling for more all really need treatment for your anger

Nord Stream 2: Biden waives US sanctions on Russian pipeline​

Hunter Biden Received a $3.5 Million Payment From Ex-Moscow Mayor's Wife​

How much gas did Germany buy from Russia via that pipeline?

"President Biden said Wednesday he will reverse last year's decision to waive sanctions on the entity and corporate officers behind the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a day after Germany froze certification of the Kremlin-backed project.
Why it matters: It's an escalation in the U.S. sanctions response to what the administration has called the "the beginning of a Russian invasion" of Ukraine, and delivers a fresh blow to an $11 billion pipeline that has proven to be a massive headache for President Biden ever since he waived sanctions last May.

  • Construction of the Russia-to-Germany pipeline was nearly completed by that point, and Biden believed allowing it to proceed would help repair U.S. relations with Berlin damaged under former President Trump.
  • On Tuesday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz surprised critics by suspending its certification and declaring that "the situation has fundamentally changed" due to Russia's aggression — though some suspected that the process could be revived down the line.

Getting NATO to pay their fair share does not mean hates them. Progs wanted that at one time. Just like they were more antiwar.
I frankly don’t care if Luxembourg spends two per cent of their GDP on defense
We're going to purge magaturds and retake the republican party. Better get a helmet.
lol. If by “remaking the Republican Party” you mean revert it back to being a feckless opponent to the insidious behaviors of the Democrap Party, I’m sure that’s what a Democrap like you hopes for.

But, your application is denied, Fumblin’ Dickweed.
hahah yeah....Republicans are donate to Actblue, have Harris/Biden bumpstickers and try to assassinate the GOP nominee.

You guys are a real cult.

and here you are again, after two failed assassination attempts, calling for more all really need treatment for your anger
Yep, it's all my fault. :rolleyes: Great argument. If magaturds couldn't make their arguments personal, they wouldn't have anything to gripe about. They learn this from watching their orange bag O' shit. They are good lemmings. :itsok:

FYI: I have absolutely no connection to your fantasy.
lol. If by “remaking the Republican Party” you mean revert it back to being a feckless opponent to the insidious behaviors of the Democrap Party, I’m sure that’s what a Democrap like you hopes for.

But, your application is denied, Fumblin’ Dickweed.
I'm not asking for permission, BackFlush.

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