And this is why you DONT negotiate with terrorists

Taliban Commander Released From Gitmo Has Already Vowed to Continue Fighting Americans

The health and safety of Americans everywhere is now at risk thanks to the treasonous man in the white house. Shame on him and shame on his supporters. :mad:

Well the Republican "commander-in-chief" blew it when close to 3000 Americans were blown to bits on 9/11.

Guess what?

Shame is not in their makeup.
You notice quite clearly that there is not rebuttal against this and their god ronnie the liar.


That's a cute cartoon..but it's the wrong guy.

Let's go to the videotape!

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that obviously this lopsided swap was a huge encouragement to terrorists. Obama has sent out a clear message to all jihadists around the world, grab one of our GI's and you too could hit the jackpot !

You mean they won't be chopping their heads off? Or dragging their burnt corpses through the streets?

Sounds like a good deal to me.


Obviously no one wants to see the examples you gave, but we also don't want to see Americans used as pawns to be exchanged for Islamic jihadists.
Obama has sent encouragement to the enemy, that there may be a way to get some of the key people they are missing, and while these terrorists will always want to capture American GI's, they now have an extra incentive.
Taliban Commander Released From Gitmo Has Already Vowed to Continue Fighting Americans

The health and safety of Americans everywhere is now at risk thanks to the treasonous man in the white house. Shame on him and shame on his supporters. :mad:

Well the Republican "commander-in-chief" blew it when close to 3000 Americans were blown to bits on 9/11.

Guess what?

Shame is not in their makeup.

I've recognized you as being shameless a long time ago buddy.

Yeah, the Taliban had made a decision years ago that they were not going to try to kidnap or capture any more American soldiers in Afghanistan. it just didn't 'feel right' to them anymore. It was only after this negotiated prisoner exchange that they decided to change that policy.

Congratulations on the dubious distinction of being one of the idiot conservatives who takes the Taliban at their word. Sorry, there are no steak knives as a parting gift.
They could do that

But with the US finally leaving Afghanistan after 13 years, why would they?

Why give the US an excuse to stay longer?

To get more of their buddies out? Or will Obama just release them anyway?

I expect once we are out of Afghanistan we will release them anyway

That is what happens with POWs


They are not Prisoners of War.

They are mostly illegal combatants or War Criminals.

Know what you do with War Criminals?


You're a douchebag
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that obviously this lopsided swap was a huge encouragement to terrorists. Obama has sent out a clear message to all jihadists around the world, grab one of our GI's and you too could hit the jackpot !

You don't think that they would have tried to do this before this bergdahl deal? Come on!!!
From the link:

A Taliban commander close to the negotiations over the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl told TIME Thursday that the deal made to secure Bergdahl’s release has made it more appealing for fighters to capture American soldiers and other high-value targets.

They could do that

But with the US finally leaving Afghanistan after 13 years, why would they?

Why give the US an excuse to stay longer?

why would we stay longer if they kidnap or capture american soldiers? obama has shown he didn't want a rescue op, but a diplomatic solution.

your comment makes zero sense.
They could do that

But with the US finally leaving Afghanistan after 13 years, why would they?

Why give the US an excuse to stay longer?

Why? Because they are STILL AT WAR that's why. The war isn't over. It's still going on and we will be leaving 10,000 military still in Afghanistan.

The US is leaving that war.

Why give them an excuse to add troops to defend that 10,000 still in Afghanistan?

We're leaving that war. Oh joy. No, no no. This is their war. The muslims will drag it around the world, have dragged it around the world. No one can unilaterally end war unless they unconditionally surrender. Now if we have unconditionally surrendered when do we start executing gays and Christians?

Those 10,000 will find themselves under constant attack just so we send more. They want more.
You know, now that I think about it the terrorist have never kidnapped or wanted to kidnap people until now. Good job Obummer
You know, now that I think about it the terrorist have never kidnapped or wanted to kidnap people until now. Good job Obummer

so why start to think about it now ?

just be sure and check under the bed and sleep with the lights on and you'll be just as safe tomorrow as you were last year
To get more of their buddies out? Or will Obama just release them anyway?

I expect once we are out of Afghanistan we will release them anyway

That is what happens with POWs


They are not Prisoners of War.

They are mostly illegal combatants or War Criminals.

Know what you do with War Criminals?


You're a douchebag

You're the stupid ass.

In the majority of the cases after WWII, prisoners were released..and guess what?

Government officials RETURNED to their jobs.
will anyone from the right produce a list of Americans who were kidnapped by terrorists since 2009 ... please ... thank you.
From the link:

A Taliban commander close to the negotiations over the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl told TIME Thursday that the deal made to secure Bergdahl’s release has made it more appealing for fighters to capture American soldiers and other high-value targets.

You believe that?

Seeing as he said it umm yeah. How does that Obammy crotch smell?
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