And this is why you DONT negotiate with terrorists

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that obviously this lopsided swap was a huge encouragement to terrorists. Obama has sent out a clear message to all jihadists around the world, grab one of our GI's and you too could hit the jackpot !

You don't think that they would have tried to do this before this bergdahl deal? Come on!!!

Of course they have always wanted to kill or capture as many GI's as possible, I just think that now they see first hand what a bonanza it can be.

Think of it like this. Let's say you and a group are panning for gold, you've spent all week looking but everyone comes up empty.
Everyone is discouraged, and not very motivated.

Suddenly, one of your friends cries out that they've found a very large nugget !!!

You know as well as I, that that would instantly revive everyone, and encourage them to get back at it with a new vigor they haven't had all week.
I expect once we are out of Afghanistan we will release them anyway

That is what happens with POWs


They are not Prisoners of War.

They are mostly illegal combatants or War Criminals.

Know what you do with War Criminals?


You're a douchebag

You're the stupid ass.

In the majority of the cases after WWII, prisoners were released..and guess what?

Government officials RETURNED to their jobs.

Let me know when the Taliban surrenders, scumbag.

Let me know when al Qaeda is beaten to a pulp and sues for peace.

Let me know when either one of them signs an armistice.

Let me know when they sit down to negotiate Peace Terms and an end to a conflict with guarantees of no more violence against the United States.

Let me know.....

You people are stupid fucks. You really are.

You think that the Lying Cocksucker in Chief can just declare victory and run away and that will make everything hunkey-dorey?

You think that surrendering is winning?

You're not just stupid, you're disgusting human beings. All of you.

And I mean REALLY stupid.

Really, really stupid.

You know nothing of War. You know even less about how to end one.

Here is a partial list of the War Criminals we dealt with after WWII.

Most of them were just shot before they went to trial. These are the survivors.

And those Taliban scum? As bad or worse than ANY of these scumbags/

And your butthole buddy let them go. For a fucking defector. A traitor.

The Nuremberg Trials[edit]
Main article: Nuremberg Trials
Martin Bormann – Guilty, sentenced in absentia to death by hanging. Later proven he committed suicide to avoid capture at the end of World War II in Europe, and remains discovered in 1972 were conclusively proven to be Bormann by forensic tests on the skull in 1998. Nonetheless, Simon Wiesenthal, Hugh Thomas and Reinhard Gehlen refused to accept this. Gehlen further argued Bormann was the secret Russian double agent 'Sasha'.
Karl Dönitz – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment
Hans Frank – Guilty, sentenced to death by hanging
Wilhelm Frick – Guilty, sentenced to death by hanging
Hans Fritzsche – Acquitted. Tried, convicted and sentenced to nine years imprisonment by a separate West German denazification court. Released September 1950.
Walther Funk – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1957 on grounds of ill health)
Hermann Göring – Guilty, sentenced to death by hanging, committed suicide before execution.
Rudolf Hess – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, committed suicide in prison in 1987.
Alfred Jodl – Guilty, sentenced to death by hanging, Henri Donnedieu de Vabres called the verdict a mistake in 1947. In 1953, the denazification courts reversed the decision and found Jodl not guilty. His property, confiscated in 1946, was returned to his widow.
Ernst Kaltenbrunner – Guilty, sentenced to death by hanging
Wilhelm Keitel – Guilty, sentenced to death by hanging
Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach – Medically unfit for trial
Robert Ley – Committed suicide before his trial began
Konstantin von Neurath – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment (released 1954 on grounds of ill health)
Franz von Papen – Acquitted. Tried, convicted and sentenced to eight years imprisonment by a separate West German denazification court. Released on appeal in 1949.
Erich Raeder – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released 1955 on grounds of ill health)
Joachim von Ribbentrop – Guilty, sentenced to death by hanging
Alfred Rosenberg – Guilty, sentenced to death by hanging
Fritz Sauckel – Guilty, sentenced to death by hanging
Hjalmar Schacht – Acquitted
Baldur von Schirach – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment
Arthur Seyss-Inquart – Guilty, sentenced to death by hanging
Albert Speer – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment
Julius Streicher – Guilty, sentenced to death by hanging
Subsequent Nuremberg Trials[edit]
Main article: Subsequent Nuremberg Trials
The Doctors' Trial[edit]
Main article: Doctors' Trial
Hermann Becker-Freyseng – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
Wilhelm Beiglböck – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
Kurt Blome – Acquitted
Viktor Brack – Guilty, sentenced to death
Karl Brandt – Guilty, sentenced to death
Rudolf Brandt – Guilty,sentenced to death
Fritz Fischer – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
Karl Gebhardt – Guilty, sentenced to death
Karl Genzken – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
Siegfried Handloser – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
Waldemar Hoven – Guilty, sentenced to death
Joachim Mrugowsky – Guilty, sentenced to death
Herta Oberheuser – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
Adolf Pokorny – Acquitted
Helmut Poppendick – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment (commuted to time served in 1951)
Hans-Wolfgang Romberg – Acquitted
Gerhard Rose – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
Paul Rostock – Acquitted
Siegfried Ruff – Acquitted
Konrad Schäfer – Acquitted
Oskar Schröder – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
Wolfram Sievers – Guilty, sentenced to death
Georg August Weltz – Acquitted
The Milch Trial[edit]
Main article: Milch Trial
Erhard Milch – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 15 years (released in 1954)
The Judges' Trial[edit]
Main article: Judges' Trial
Josef Altstötter – Guilty, sentenced to five years’ imprisonment
Wilhelm von Ammon – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment
Paul Barnickel – Acquitted
Hermann Cuhorst – Acquitted
Karl Engert – Unfit to stand trial
Günther Joel – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment
Herbert Klemm – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Ernst Lautz – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment
Wolfgang Mettgenberg – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment
Günther Nebelung – Acquitted
Rudolf Oeschey – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Hans Petersen – Acquitted
Oswald Rothaug – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Curt Rothenberger – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment
Franz Schlegelberger – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Carl Westphal – Committed suicide after his indictment but before the beginning of his trial
The Pohl Trial[edit]
Main article: Pohl Trial
Hans Heinrich Baier – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Hans Bobermin – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 15 years (released in 1951)
Franz Eirenschmalz – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to nine years’ imprisonment
Heinz Karl Fanslau – Guilty, sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
August Frank – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
Hans Hohberg – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Max Kiefer – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years (released in 1951)
Horst Klein – Acquitted
Georg Lörner – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 15 years
Hans Lörner – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Karl Mummenthey – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
Oswald Pohl – Guilty, sentenced to death
Hermann Pook – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Rudolf Scheide – Acquitted
Karl Sommer – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 20 years’ imprisonment
Erwin Tschentscher – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Josef Vogt – Acquitted
Leo Volk – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 8 years
The Flick Trial[edit]
Main article: Flick Trial
Odilo Burkart – Acquitted
Friedrich Flick – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment, but then released by John J. McCloy after three years
Konrad Kaletsch – Acquitted
Otto Steinbrinck – Guilty, sentenced to five years’ imprisonment, but died in prison in 1949
Hermann Terberger – Acquitted
Bernhard Weiss – Guilty, sentenced to two-and-one-half years imprisonment
The IG Farben Trial[edit]
Main article: IG Farben Trial
Otto Ambros – Guilty, sentenced to eight years' imprisonment
Max Brüggemann – Ruled unfit to stand trial
Ernst Bürgin – Guilty, sentenced to two years' imprisonment
Heinrich Bütefisch – Guilty, sentenced to six years' imprisonment
Walter Dürrfeld – Guilty, sentenced to eight years' imprisonment
Fritz Gajewski – Acquitted
Heinrich Gattineau – Acquitted
Paul Häfliger – Guilty, sentenced to two years' imprisonment
Erich von der Heyde – Acquitted
Heinrich Hörlein – Acquitted
Max Ilgner – Guilty, sentenced to three years' imprisonment
Friedrich Jähne – Guilty, sentenced to one-and-one-half years' imprisonment
August von Knieriem – Acquitted
Carl Krauch – Guilty, sentenced to six years imprisonment
Hans Kugler – Guilty, sentenced to one-and-one-half years' imprisonment
Hans Kühne – Acquitted
Carl Lautenschläger – Acquitted
Wilhelm Rudolf Mann – Acquitted
Heinrich Oster – Guilty, sentenced to two years' imprisonment
Hermann Schmitz – Guilty, sentenced to four years' imprisonment
Christian Schneider – Acquitted
Georg von Schnitzler – Guilty, sentenced to two-and-one-half years' imprisonment
Fritz ter Meer – Guilty, sentenced to seven years' imprisonment
Carl Wurster – Acquitted
The Hostages Trial[edit]
Main article: Hostages Trial
Franz Böhme – Committed suicide
Ernst Dehner – Guilty, sentenced to 17 years’ imprisonment (released on in 1951)
Hellmuth Felmy – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
Hermann Foertsch – Acquitted
Kurt von Geitner – Acquitted
Walter Kuntze – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released on medical grounds in 1953)
Hubert Lanz – Guilty, sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment (released on in 1951)
Wilhelm List – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released on medical grounds in 1952)
Ernst von Leyser – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment (released on medical grounds in 1951)
Lothar Rendulic – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
Wilhelm Speidel – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment (released on in 1951)
Maximilian von Weichs – Ruled unfit to stand trial
The RuSHA Trial[edit]
Main article: RuSHA Trial
Heinz Brückner – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Rudolf Creutz – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Gregor Ebner – Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
Ulrich Greifelt – Guilty, sentenced to lifetime imprisonment
Richard Hildenbrandt – Guilty, sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment
Otto Hofmann – Guilty, sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment
Herbert Hübner – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Werner Lorenz – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment
Konrad Meyer-Hetling – Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
Steigal Krups-Wichtenschneizalberg – Guilty of soliciting Jewess prisoners and poisoning Jewish prisoners at Auschwitz.
Fritz Schwalm – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment
Otto Schwarzenberger – Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
Max Sollmann – Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
Günther Tesch – Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
Inge Viermetz – Acquitted
The Einsatzgruppen Trial[edit]
Main article: Einsatzgruppen Trial
Ernst Biberstein – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Paul Blobel – Guilty, sentenced to death
Walter Blume – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 25 years’ imprisonment
Werner Braune – Guilty, sentenced to death
Fritz Gernalminester – Guilty, but because of insanity, was sentenced to a life term in a mental hospital. (later escaped and was never found again)
Lothar Fendler – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment, commuted to eight years
Waldemar Klingelhöfer – Guilty, released after judgement due to time already served
Walter Hänsch – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 15 years’ imprisonment
Emil Haussman – Committed suicide
Heinz Jost – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
Waldemar Klingelhöfer – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Erich Naumann – Guilty, sentenced to death
Gustav Adolf Nosske – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 10 years
Heinrich Strasfluffel – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment. (Escaped)
Otto Ohlendorf – Guilty, sentenced to death
Adolf Ott – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Waldemar von Radetzky – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Otto Rasch – Ruled unfit to stand trial
Felix Rühl – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Martin Sandberger – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Heinz Schubert – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 10 years’ imprisonment
Erwin Schulz – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
Willy Seibert – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 15 years’ imprisonment
Franz Six – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 15 years
Eugen Steimle – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 20 years’ imprisonment
Edward Strauch – Guilty, sentenced to death, died in a hospital while suffering from an epileptic attack
The Krupp Trial[edit]
Main article: Krupp Trial
Friedrich von Bülow – Guilty, sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment
Karl Adolf Ferdinand Eberhardt – Guilty, sentenced to nine years’ imprisonment
Eduard Houdremont – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment
Max Otto Ihn – Guilty, sentenced to nine years’ imprisonment
Friedrich Wilhelm Janssen – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment
Heinrich Leo Korschan – Guilty, sentenced to six years’ imprisonment
Alfried Krupp – Guilty, sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment plus forfeiture of property. Was released by John J. McCloy 1951, and had his property returned to him
Hans Albert Gustav Kupke – Guilty, sentenced to two years, 10 months’ imprisonment
Werner Wilhelm Heinrich Lehmann – Guilty, sentenced to six years’ imprisonment
Ewald Oskar Ludwig Löser – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment
Erich Müller – Guilty, sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment
Karl Heinrich Pfirsch – Acquitted
The Ministries Trial[edit]
Main article: Ministries Trial
Gottlob Berger – Guilty, sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Ernst Wilhelm Bohle – Guilty, sentenced to five years’ imprisonment
Richard Walther Darré – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment (released in 1950)
Otto Dietrich – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment (released in 1950)
Otto von Erdmannsdorff – Acquitted
Hans Kehrl – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Wilhelm Keppler – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Paul Körner – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Hans Heinrich Lammers – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Otto Meissner – Acquitted
Gustav Adolf Steengracht von Moyland – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment (released in 1950)
Paul Pleiger – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Emil Puhl – Guilty, sentenced to five years’ imprisonment
Karl Rasche – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment
Karl Ritter – Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
Walter Schellenberg – Guilty, sentenced to six years’ imprisonment
Wilhelm Stuckart – Guilty, released after the judgement due to time already served
Edmund Veesenmayer – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
Ernst von Weizsäcker – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment (released in 1950 by John J. McCloy)
Ernst Woermann – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
The High Command Trial[edit]
Main article: High Command Trial
Johannes Blaskowitz – Committed suicide
Karl-Adolf Hollidt – Guilty, sentenced to five years’ imprisonment (released in 1949)
Hermann Hoth – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment (released in 1954)
Georg von Küchler – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 12 years (released in 1953 on medical grounds)
Wilhelm von Leeb – Guilty, released after judgement due to time already served.
Rudolf Lehmann – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment
Hermann Reinecke – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1954)
Georg-Hans Reinhardt – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment (released in 1952)
Karl von Roques – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment, died in prison in 1949
Hans von Salmuth – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment, commuted to 12 years
Otto Schniewind – Acquitted
Hugo Sperrle – Acquitted
Walter Warlimont – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1954)
Otto Wöhler – Guilty, sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment (released in 1951)
The Auschwitz Trial[edit]
Main article: Auschwitz Trial
Hans Aumeier – Guilty, sentenced to death
August Bogusch – Guilty, sentenced to death
Therese Brandl – Guilty, sentenced to death
Arthur Breitwiser – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Alexander Bülow – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Fritz Buntrock – Guilty, sentenced to death
Luise Danz – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Erich Dinges – Guilty, sentenced to five years’ imprisonment
Wilhelm Gehring – Guilty, sentenced to death
Paul Götze – Guilty, sentenced to death
Maximilian Grabner – Guilty, sentenced to death
Hans Hofmann – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Rudolf Höß – Guilty, sentenced to death
Karl Jeschke – Guilty, sentenced to three years’ imprisonment
Heinrich Josten – Guilty, sentenced to death
Oswald Kaduk – Guilty, sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment
Hermann Kirschner – Guilty, sentenced to death
Josef Kollmer – Guilty, sentenced to death
Johann Kremer – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Hildegard Lächert – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Arthur Liebehenschel – Guilty, sentenced to death
Anton Lechner – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Eduard Lorenz – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Herbert Ludwig – Guilty, sentenced to death
Maria Mandel – Guilty, sentenced to death
Adolf Medefind – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Karl Möckel – Guilty, sentenced to death
Kurt Mueller – Guilty, sentenced to death
Erich Muehsfeldt – Guilty, sentenced to death
Hans Münch – Acquitted
Detlef Nebbe – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Alice Orlowski – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Ludwig Plagge – Guilty, sentenced to death
Franz Romeikat – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Richard Schröder – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment
Hans Schumacher – Guilty, sentenced to death
Karl Seufert – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Paul Szczurek – Guilty, sentenced to death
Johannes Weber – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials[edit]
Main article: Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials
Stefan Baretzki – Guilty, sentenced to life plus eight years’ imprisonment
Emil Bednarek – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Wilhelm Boger – Guilty, sentenced to life plus five years’ imprisonment
Perry Broad – Guilty, sentenced to four years’ imprisonment
Victor Capesius – Guilty, sentenced to nine years' imprisonment
Klaus Dylewski – Guilty, sentenced to five years’ imprisonment
Willi Frank – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment
Emil Hantl – Guilty, sentenced to three-and-one-half years’ imprisonment
Karl-Friedrich Höcker – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment
Franz-Johann Hoffmann – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Oswald Kaduk – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Josef Klehr – Guilty, sentenced to life plus 15 years’ imprisonment
Dr. Franz Lucas – Guilty, sentenced to three years and three months’ imprisonment
Robert Mulka – Guilty, sentenced to 14 years’ imprisonment
Willi Sawatzki – Acquitted
Willi Schatz – Acquitted
Herbert Scherpe – Guilty, sentenced to four-and-one-half years’ imprisonment
Bruno Schlange – Guilty, sentenced to six years’ imprisonment
Friedrich Schlüter – Guilty, sentenced to four-and-one-half years’ imprisonment
Johann Schobert – Acquitted
Willi Stark – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment
Kurt Uhlenbroock – Acquitted
The Dachau Trial[edit]
Main article: Dachau Trials
Malmedy massacre trial (please note that these are the original sentences, a lot have been altered later)
Bersin, Valentin
Bode, Friedel
Braun, Willi
Briesemeister, Kurt
Christ, Friedrich – sentenced to death
Clotten, Roman
Coblenz, Manfred
Josef Diefenthal – sentenced to death
Josef Dietrich – sentenced to life imprisonment
Eckmann, Fritz
Fischer, Arndt
Georg Fleps – sentenced to death
Friedrichs, Heinz
Gebauer, Fritz
Godicke, Heinz
Goldschmidt, Ernst
Gruhle, Hans
Hammerer, Max
Hecht, Armin
Hendel, Willi – sentenced to death
Hennecke, Hans
Hillig, Hans
Hoffmann, Heinz
Hoffmann, Joachim – sentenced to death
Huber, Hubert
Jaekel, Siegfried
Junker, Benoni
Kies, Friedel – sentenced to death
Gustav Knittel – sentenced to life imprisonment
Kotzur, Georg
Fritz Krämer – sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
Klingelhoefer, Oskar
Kuehn, Werner
Maute, Erich
Mikolaschek, Arnold
Motzheim, Anton
Meunkemer, Erich
Neve, Gustav
Ochmann, Paul Hermann
Joachim Peiper – sentenced to death
Pletz, Hans
Preuss, Georg
Hermann Priess – sentenced to 20 years imprisonment
Rau, Fritz
Rauh, Theo
Rehagel, Heinz
Reiser, Rolf
Richter, Wolfgang
Rieder, Max
Ritzer, Rolf
Rodenburg, Axel
Rumpf, Erich
Schaefer, Willi
Von Schamier, Willi
Schwambach, Rudolf
Sickel, Kurt
Siegmund, Oswald
Sievers, Franz
Siptrott, Hans
Sprenger, Gustac
Sternebeck, Werner
Heinz Stickel – sentenced to death
Stock, Herbert
Erwin Szyperski – sentenced to life imprisonment
Tomczak, Edmund
Heinz Tomhardt – sentenced to death
Tonk, August
Trettin, Hans
Wassenberger, Johann
Weis, Guenther
Werner, Erich
Wichmann, Otto
Zwigart, Paul
Max Schobert – Guilty, sentenced to death
Josef Kestel – Guilty, sentenced to death
Hermann Grossmann – Guilty, sentenced to death
Hermann Helbig – Guilty, sentenced to death
Hans Wolf – Guilty, sentenced to death
Hubert Krautwurst – Guilty, sentenced to death
Emil Pleissner – Guilty, sentenced to death
Richard Köhler – Guilty, sentenced to death
Friedrich Wilhelm – Guilty, sentenced to death
Hans Merbach – Guilty, sentenced to death
Hans Theodor Schmidt – Guilty, sentenced to death
Hermann Pister – Guilty, sentenced to death, died in prison
Dr. Hans Eisele – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Helmut Roscher – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Phillip Grimm – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Albert Schwartz – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Hermann Hackmann – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Gustav Heigel – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Guido Reimer – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Anton Bergmeier – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Otto Barnewald – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Peter Merker – Guilty, sentenced to death, commuted to 20 years
Franz Zinecker – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Josias Erbprinz zu Waldeck und Pyrmont Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
Dr. Werner Greunuss – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, commuted to 20 years
Dr. Edwin Katzenellenbogen – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment
Ilse Koch – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment, but committed suicide in 1967
Wolfgang Otto – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Dr. Arthur Dietzsch – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Walter Wendt – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment, commuted to five years
Dr. August Bender – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment, commuted to three years
Main article: Mauthausen-Gusen camp trials
August Eigruber – death by hanging
Viktor Zoller – death by hanging
Friedrich Entress – death by hanging
Hans Altfuldisch – death by hanging
Josef Riegler – death by hanging
Willy Brünning (Gusen) – death by hanging
Emil Müller – death by hanging
Kurt Keilwtz – death by hanging
Franz Kautny – death by hanging
Johannes Grimm (DEST-Wienergraben) – death by hanging
Adolf Zutter – death by hanging
Eduard Krebsbach – death by hanging
Heinrich Häger – death by hanging
Hans Spatzenneger – death by hanging
Otto Striegel – death by hanging
Werner Grahn – death by hanging
Willy Jobst – death by hanging
Georg Gössl – death by hanging
Hans Diehl – death by hanging
Paul Kaiser (Gusen) – death by hanging
Waldemar Wolter – death by hanging
Gustav Kreindl – death by hanging
Willy Eckert – death by hanging
Hermann Pribyll – death by hanging
Josef Leeb – death by hanging
Wilhelm Henkel – death by hanging
kapo Willy Frey – death by hanging
Leopold Trauner (DEST-Gusen) – death by hanging
Wilhelm Müller – death by hanging
Heinrich Eisenhöfer – death by hanging
Andreas Trumm – death by hanging
Rudolf Mynzak – death by hanging
Erich Meissner – death by hanging
kapo Rudolf Fiegl (Gusen) – death by hanging
Josef Niedermayer – death by hanging
Julius Ludolf – death by hanging
Hans Hegenscheidt – death by hanging
Franz Huber – death by hanging
Erich Wasicky – death by hanging
Theophil Priebel – death by hanging
Kaspar Klimowitsch (Gusen II) – death by hanging
Heinrich Fitschok (Gusen II) – death by hanging
Anton Kaufmann (DEST-Gusen) – death by hanging
Stefan Barczey – death by hanging
Karl Struller – death by hanging
August Blei – death by hanging
Otto Drabeck – death by hanging
Vincenz Nohel – death by hanging
Thomas Sigmund (Gusen) – death by hanging
Heinrich Giese (Gusen) – death by hanging (changed to life imprisonment)
Walter Höhler – death by hanging (changed to life imprisonment)
Adolf Rutka (Gusen) – death by hanging (changed to life imprisonment)
Ludwig Dörr (Gusen II) – death by hanging (changed to life imprisonment)
Viktor Korger (Gusen II) – death by hanging (changed to life imprisonment)
Karl Billman (Gusen II) – death by hanging (changed to life imprisonment)
Herbert Grzybowski (Gusen) – death by hanging (changed to life imprisonment)
Wilhelm Mack (Gusen) – death by hanging (changed to life imprisonment)
Ferdinand Lappert (Gusen) – death by hanging (changed to life imprisonment)
Michael Cserny – life imprisonment
Paul Gützlaff (Gusen) – life imprisonment
Josef Mayer – life imprisonment
Konrad Blomberg – sentenced to death
Christian Mohr – sentenced to death
Ludwig Schwarz – sentenced to death
Bruno Skierka – sentenced to death
Albert Roller – sentenced to death
Erhard Wolf – sentenced to death
Josef Wurst – sentenced to death
Cornelius Schwanner – sentenced to death
Josef Hauser – sentenced to death
Christian Eisbusch – sentenced to death
Willi Olschewski – sentenced to death
August Ginschel – sentenced to death
Wilhelm Brusch – sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Karl Keiling – sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Alois Schubert – sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment
Ludwig Buddensieg – life imprisonment
Johann Geisberger – life imprisonment
Michael Gelhard – life imprisonment
Erich Mußfeldt – sentenced to death
Hermann Pachen – life imprisonment
Otto Pawliczek – life imprisonment
Erich Penz – life imprisonment
Josef Pinter – life imprisonment
Alois Jakubith – life imprisonment
Karl Mathoi – life imprisonment
Georg Weilbach – life imprisonment
Raymond Maurer – 30 years imprisonment
Gerhard Haubold – 20 years imprisonment
Eduard Losch – 20 years imprisonment
Walter Reupsch – 20 years imprisonment
Kurt Erich Schreiber – 20 years imprisonment
Hermann Sommerfeld – 15 years imprisonment
August Fahrnbauer – 15 years imprisonment
Peter Bongartz – 15 years imprisonment
Walter Paul Adolf Neye – 15 years imprisonment
Hans Johann Lipinski – 10 years imprisonment
Gustav Matzke – 10 years imprisonment
Karl Gräber – 10 years imprisonment
Franz Berger – 3.5 years imprisonment
Joseph Becker – 1 year imprisonment
Karl Buttner – Acquitted
Karl Friedrich Alois Gieselmann – Acquitted
Georg Hoinisch – Acquitted
Theodor Retzlaff – Acquitted
Peter Herz – Acquitted
Franz Auer – sentenced to death
Dr. Erika Flocken – sentenced to death
Wilhelm Jergas – sentenced to death
Herbert Spaeth – sentenced to death
Otto Sperling – sentenced to death
Heinrich Engelhardt – life imprisonment
Hermann Giesler – life imprisonment
Karl Gickeleiter – 20 years imprisonment
Wilhelm Griesinger – 20 years imprisonment
Jakob Schmidberger – 20 years imprisonment
Daniel Gottschling – 15 years imprisonment
Wilhelm Bayha – 10 years imprisonment
Karl Bachmann – Acquitted
Anton Ostermann – Acquitted
Main article: Dora Trial
Hans Möser – Death by Hanging.
Erhard Brauny – life imprisonment
Otto Brinkmann – life imprisonment
Emil Bühring – life imprisonment
Ruldof Jacobi – life imprisonment
Josef Kilian – life imprisonment
Georg König – life imprisonment
Wilhelm Simon – life imprisonment
Willi Zwiener – 25 years imprisonment
Arthur Andrä – 20 years imprisonment
Oskar Helbig – 20 years imprisonment
Richard Walenta – 20 years imprisonment
Heinrich Detmers – 7 years imprisonment
Walter Ulbricht – 5 years imprisonment
Paul Maischein – 5 years imprisonment
Josef Fuchsloch – Acquitted
Kurt Heinrich – Acquitted
Georg Rickhey – Acquitted
Heinrich Schmidt – Acquitted
The Belsen Trial[edit]
Main article: Belsen Trial
Josef Kramer – Guilty, sentenced to death
Irma Grese – Guilty, sentenced to death
Elisabeth Volkenrath – Guilty, sentenced to death
Juana Bormann – Guilty, sentenced to death
Fritz Klein – Guilty, sentenced to death
Plus nine other Germans who were executed for their War Crimes at Belsen. For more information see Belsen Trial.
The Neuengamme Trials[edit]
Max Pauly – Guilty, sentenced to death
SS Dr Bruno Kitt – Guilty, sentenced to death
Anton Thumann – Guilty, sentenced to death
Johann Reese – Guilty, sentenced to death
Willy Warnke – Guilty, sentenced to death
SS Dr Alfred Trzebinski – Guilty, sentenced to death
Heinrich Ruge – Guilty, sentenced to death
Wilhem Bahr – Guilty, sentenced to death
Andreas Brems – Guilty, sentenced to death
Wilhelm Dreimann – Guilty, sentenced to death
Adolf Speck – Guilty, sentenced to death
Karl Totzauer – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment
Karl Wiedemann – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment
Walter Kümmel – Guilty, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
Bucharest People’s Tribunal[edit]
Main article: Romanian People's Tribunals
Gheoghe Alexianu – Guilty, sentenced to death
Ion Antonescu – Guilty, sentenced to death
Mihai Antonescu – Guilty, sentenced to death
Constantin Vasiliu – Guilty, sentenced to death
International Military Tribunal for the Far East[edit]
Main article: International Military Tribunal for the Far East
(trials held in Tokyo)
Sadao Araki – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Kenji Doihara – Guilty, sentenced to death
Kingorō Hashimoto – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Shunroku Hata – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Kiichirō Hiranuma – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Kōki Hirota – Guilty, sentenced to death
Naoki Hoshino – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Seishirō Itagaki – Guilty, sentenced to death
Okinori Kaya – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Kōichi Kido – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Heitarō Kimura – Guilty, sentenced to death
Kuniaki Koiso – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (died in prison in 1950)
Iwane Matsui – Guilty, sentenced to death
Yosuke Matsuoka – Died of natural causes during the course of the trial
Jirō Minami – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Akira Mutō – Guilty, sentenced to death
Osami Nagano – Died of natural causes during the course of the trial
Takazumi Oka – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Shūmei Ōkawa – Ruled unfit to stand trial after suffering from mental illness
Hiroshi Ōshima – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Kenryō Satō – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Mamoru Shigemitsu – Guilty, sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment (released in 1950)
Shigetarō Shimada – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Toshio Shiratori – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (died in prison in 1949)
Teiichi Suzuki – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Shigenori Tōgō – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment (died in prison in 1949)
Hideki Tōjō – Guilty, sentenced to death
Yoshijirō Umezu – Guilty, sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 1955)
Other trials were held at various locations in the Far East, by the United States, Australia, China, the United Kingdom, and other Allied countries. In all, a total of 920 Japanese military and naval personnel and civilians were executed following World War II.[1]
Khabarovsk War Crime Trials[edit]
Main article: Khabarovsk War Crime Trials
Mitomo Kazuo – Guilty, sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment
Kawashima Kiyoshi – Guilty, sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment
Onoue Masao – Guilty, sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment
Kikuchi Norimitsu – Guilty, sentenced to two years’ imprisonment
Otozō Yamada – Guilty, sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment
Kajitsuka Ryuji – Guilty, sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment
Sato Shunji – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment
Takahashi Takaatsu – Guilty, sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment
Karasawa Tomio – Guilty, sentenced to 18 years’ imprisonment
Nishi Toshihide – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment
Kurushima Yuji – Guilty, sentenced to three years’ imprisonment
Hirazakura Zensaku – Guilty, sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment
Hermine Braunsteiner (16 July 1919 – 19 April 1999) – extradited from the United States to West Germany in 1973. Released from prison in 1996
Amon Goeth – executed on 13 September 1946 for his war crimes.
1986 trial of Andrija Artuković
1945 Trial of Mile Budak: Mile Budak and others
1998–1999 trial of Dinko Šakić
Søren Kam – (born 1921) Member of the Nazi Party of Denmark, who fled from Denmark to Germany after the war, and later became a German citizen. On September 21, 2006, Kam was detained in the German town of Kempten im Allgäu. He is wanted in Denmark for the assassination of Danish newspaper editor Carl Henrik Clemmensen in Copenhagen in August 1943.
Pieter Menten, sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined 100,000 guilders for war crimes in 1980, released in 1986, died 1987.
Further information: Ex-Nazi
Otto Abetz – sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment in 1949, appealed in 1952, released in 1954
Richard Baer – (1911–1963). Sturmbannführer, commander of the Auschwitz I concentration camp. Lived under the pseudonym of Karl Neumann after the War. Then discovered in 1960 and arrested.
Klaus Barbie – sentenced to life imprisonment in 1987, died after serving four years imprisonment
Heinz Barth – convicted in 1983 for his involvement in the Oradour-sur-Glane massacre; released in 1997; died in 2007
Rudolf Batz – after the War lived for 15½ years under assumed identity; captured at Bielefeld in November 1960; hanged himself in prison before trial
Alois Brunner – escaped, worked for the Gehlen Organization
Anton Dostler – executed by an American firing squad in Italy on December 1, 1945
Luise Danz – (born in 1917) Aufseherin at various camps, including Plaszów, Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Malchow. Danz was brought to trial in 1996, but the charges were dismissed due to her advanced age and unfitness to stand trial
Adolf Eichmann – lived for years in Argentina, captured by Israeli agents in 1961, convicted of High Crimes against the Jewish nation and humanity, in Israel, and executed on June 1, 1962
Karl Frenzel – (born in 1911) An Oberscharführer who served at Sobibór extermination camp. Frenzel aided in the implementation of the Final Solution, taking part in the industrial-scale extermination of thousands of prisoners as part of Operation Reinhard. Sentenced to life imprisonment in 1966 but released in 1982 due to his ill health.
Herbert Kappler – sentenced by Italy to life imprisonment in 1947. Escaped from prison in1977, then died in 1978
Fritz Knochlein – (born in 1911) Responsible for Le Paradis massacre in 1940, tried, convicted, and hanged by the forces of the United Kingdom in 1949.
Emanuel Schäfer – sentenced to six-and-one-half years’ imprisonment, but died 1974
Kurt Meyer – Sentenced to execution by a Canadian military court, was put on Death Row at New Brunswick's Dorchester Penitentary, later reduced to 14 years' imprisonment, served for 10 years in prison.
Rodolfo Graziani – sentenced to 19 years’ imprisonment for treason, released after just a few months. He died in 1955.
Masaharu Homma – convicted of War Crimes, sentenced to death, then executed on April 3, 1946.
Hitoshi Imamura – sentenced to imprisonment for ten years.
Kiyotake Kawaguchi – imprisoned from 1946 to 1953.
Tomoyuki Yamashita – executed on February 23, 1946.
Konrāds Kalējs – (26 June 1913 – 8 November 2001) Immigrated to Australia in 1950; moved to the United States in 1959; deported from the United States to Australia in 1994; fled from Australia to Canada in 1995; deported from Canada 1997; moved to England; and then to Australia. Died in Australia in 2001. A member of the Arajs Kommando.
Boļeslavs Makovskis – (21 January 1904 – 19 April 1996). Fled to From the United States to West Germany in 1987; put on trial in 1990; but his trial was quashed before its end.
Elmārs Sproģis – (26 November 1914 – 10 July 1991) Exonerated in 1984.
Vladas Zajanckauskas – In 2005 at the age 89, his U.S. citizenship was ordered revoked in 2007. He was ordered to be deported.
Terrorists are going to keep trying to do what they've been trying to do since we invaded Afghanistan 13 yrs ago.......Good job, Obama.


Get real, the Taliban are talking about attempts to kidnap members of an invading force.
America does this to innocent civilians.

This guy's name was similar to a wanted man so the fucking CIA kidnapped him, took him to Afghanistan and tortured the poor sod.
They finally realised they'd fucked up and let him go.

I have to be honest and state, I believe the troops deserve whatever they get.
You invaded, you break international law, live with the results when someone returns the favour.
From the link:

A Taliban commander close to the negotiations over the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl told TIME Thursday that the deal made to secure Bergdahl’s release has made it more appealing for fighters to capture American soldiers and other high-value targets.

You believe that?

Seeing as he said it umm yeah. How does that Obammy crotch smell?

Look at you! You have absolutely nothing to say....but you can't resist. I promise....if I get a few minutes and feel like it...I'll put you in your place sometime over the weekend. Hang in there until then, champ.
or you could be like Bush and hire the terrorist to kill for you, even the ones that have killed American soldiers...

Blaming Bush is all the argument you have for everything. You need to realize that Obama fucked this up all on his own.
Seeing as he said it umm yeah. How does that Obammy crotch smell?

Look at you! You have absolutely nothing to say....but you can't resist. I promise....if I get a few minutes and feel like it...I'll put you in your place sometime over the weekend. Hang in there until then, champ.

Don't let something like a med schedule get in the way.

The schedule depends entirely upon you. I need to wait until you say something interesting. Your usual attempts don't inspire.
Taliban Commander Released From Gitmo Has Already Vowed to Continue Fighting Americans

The health and safety of Americans everywhere is now at risk thanks to the treasonous man in the white house. Shame on him and shame on his supporters. :mad:

Well the Republican "commander-in-chief" blew it when close to 3000 Americans were blown to bits on 9/11.

Guess what?

Shame is not in their makeup.

Same could be said about fdr you sick son of a bitch.
Taliban Commander Released From Gitmo Has Already Vowed to Continue Fighting Americans

The health and safety of Americans everywhere is now at risk thanks to the treasonous man in the white house. Shame on him and shame on his supporters. :mad:

Well the Republican "commander-in-chief" blew it when close to 3000 Americans were blown to bits on 9/11.

Guess what?

Shame is not in their makeup.

OMG Swallow, everytime you post, I cant help but laugh.

so you are a truther and blame Bush, yet you love the muslims and you love them because they hate America the same as you do.
no list of kidnapped Americans huh ?

then there must not be a problem
or you could be like Bush and hire the terrorist to kill for you, even the ones that have killed American soldiers...

Blaming Bush is all the argument you have for everything. You need to realize that Obama fucked this up all on his own.

I will not stand by while people bitch about dealing with terrorist when the USA has a history of doing it....Even Saint Reagan did it...
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Taliban Commander Released From Gitmo Has Already Vowed to Continue Fighting Americans

The health and safety of Americans everywhere is now at risk thanks to the treasonous man in the white house. Shame on him and shame on his supporters. :mad:

Well the Republican "commander-in-chief" blew it when close to 3000 Americans were blown to bits on 9/11.

Guess what?

Shame is not in their makeup.

OMG Swallow, everytime you post, I cant help but laugh.

so you are a truther and blame Bush, yet you love the muslims and you love them because they hate America the same as you do.

What a twist!

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that obviously this lopsided swap was a huge encouragement to terrorists. Obama has sent out a clear message to all jihadists around the world, grab one of our GI's and you too could hit the jackpot !

You don't think that they would have tried to do this before this bergdahl deal? Come on!!!

Of course they have always wanted to kill or capture as many GI's as possible, I just think that now they see first hand what a bonanza it can be.

Think of it like this. Let's say you and a group are panning for gold, you've spent all week looking but everyone comes up empty.
Everyone is discouraged, and not very motivated.

Suddenly, one of your friends cries out that they've found a very large nugget !!!

You know as well as I, that that would instantly revive everyone, and encourage them to get back at it with a new vigor they haven't had all week.

Good point, but they captured this guy five years ago I think. Don't you think if they have that in mind, that they would treat the prisoner better than they would if they think that they couldn't bargain for them?
You don't think that they would have tried to do this before this bergdahl deal? Come on!!!

Of course they have always wanted to kill or capture as many GI's as possible, I just think that now they see first hand what a bonanza it can be.

Think of it like this. Let's say you and a group are panning for gold, you've spent all week looking but everyone comes up empty.
Everyone is discouraged, and not very motivated.

Suddenly, one of your friends cries out that they've found a very large nugget !!!

You know as well as I, that that would instantly revive everyone, and encourage them to get back at it with a new vigor they haven't had all week.

Good point, but they captured this guy five years ago I think. Don't you think if they have that in mind, that they would treat the prisoner better than they would if they think that they couldn't bargain for them?

You expect the type of people that strap explosives to their ass to act rational? His point was more than valid it is the point of this thread. Hanging a stick in front of the animals becomes much more appealing now that a prize is on the end of it.
Actually, now that they know the US will negotiate with them, terrorists are less likely to behead captured soldiers........good job Obama
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To get more of their buddies out? Or will Obama just release them anyway?

I expect once we are out of Afghanistan we will release them anyway

That is what happens with POWs


They are not Prisoners of War.

They are mostly illegal combatants or War Criminals.

Know what you do with War Criminals?

You're a douchebag

For every Nazi we executed, there were 10 we "rehabilitated" and became part of the "New Germany" we tried to build.

Here's the thing about these five guys.

We couldn't charge them because they had committed no crimes against Americans.

We couldn't hand them over to the Afghan Government we've been propping up for 13 years because they couldn't effectively prosecute them.

And we can't hand them off to an international tribunal (which is what was done with Nazi War criminals) because after illegal invasions, torture, rendition, wire-tapping and so on, Bush had pretty much exhausted every ounce of good will we garnered after 9/11.
or you could be like Bush and hire the terrorist to kill for you, even the ones that have killed American soldiers...

Blaming Bush is all the argument you have for everything. You need to realize that Obama fucked this up all on his own.

um, no, not really.

first, i don't think this is a fuckup. We got Bergdahl back, which is what everyone agreed was a good thing until it actually happened.

And everyone knew at some point, we are going to have to let these Taliban guys at Gitmo go free, as we don't have any legal justification for holding them.

Secondly, yeah, i do consider a lot of what is involved to be Bush's screwups.

Bush was the guy who snatched defeat from the jaws of Victory in Afghanistan by pulling out all our assets in 2002 to go avenge his pappy in Iraq.

This gave the Taliban and their sponsors in the Pakistani Intelligence Community an oppurtunity to regroup and recover.

Bush was the guy who decided to keep recycling the same units through Iraq and Afghanistan again and again to the point where moral had broken down to a point, and they would enlist someone like Bergdahl and not provide him with the proper supervision and leadership.

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