And this is why you DONT negotiate with terrorists

You do realize we do more than just negotiate with "terrorists", we put them on the payroll.

We pay the Taliban to guard our convoy's out to remote outposts.

Report: U.S. Bribes to Protect Convoys Are Funding Taliban Insurgents
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, June 22, 2010

The United States military is helping fund both sides of the war in Afghanistan, knowingly financing a mafia-like collection of warlords and some of the very insurgents American troops are battling, according to Afghan and American officials and a new Congressional study released today.
So it's a little strange you acting all butt hurt over the release of an American citizen, but say nothing about us paying the Taliban for security detail.
From the link:

A Taliban commander close to the negotiations over the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl told TIME Thursday that the deal made to secure Bergdahl’s release has made it more appealing for fighters to capture American soldiers and other high-value targets.

Now the GOP wants to listen to Al-Qaeda? when Ron Paul suggested we listen to why Al-Qaeda attacked the GOP neonuts went apeshit.
One grunt for five high-level terrorist leaders. Anyone who doesn't have a problem with that is either brain dead or a fluffing dimocrat.

On a more postitive note though, I'd sure like to face off against Barry in a poker game. He'd have to write another book when it was over.
One grunt for five high-level terrorist leaders. Anyone who doesn't have a problem with that is either brain dead or a fluffing dimocrat.

On a more postitive note though, I'd sure like to face off against Barry in a poker game. He'd have to write another book when it was over.

That's like calling Bush a high level leader. Maybe we should send Bush to lead the Taliban...that would teach them !
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I expect once we are out of Afghanistan we will release them anyway

That is what happens with POWs


They are not Prisoners of War.

They are mostly illegal combatants or War Criminals.

Know what you do with War Criminals?

You're a douchebag

For every Nazi we executed, there were 10 we "rehabilitated" and became part of the "New Germany" we tried to build.

Here's the thing about these five guys.

We couldn't charge them because they had committed no crimes against Americans.

We couldn't hand them over to the Afghan Government we've been propping up for 13 years because they couldn't effectively prosecute them.

And we can't hand them off to an international tribunal (which is what was done with Nazi War criminals) because after illegal invasions, torture, rendition, wire-tapping and so on, Bush had pretty much exhausted every ounce of good will we garnered after 9/11.

This is way beyond partisan politics, you are a complete and utter scumbag piece of fucking shit.

Five of the Most Dangerous Taliban Commanders in U.S. Custody Exchanged for American Captive | The Weekly Standard

Mullah Mohammad Fazl (Taliban army chief of staff): Fazl is “wanted by the UN for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiites.” Fazl “was associated with terrorist groups currently opposing U.S. and Coalition forces including al Qaeda, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), and an Anti-Coalition Militia group known as Harakat-i-Inqilab-i-Islami.” In addition to being one of the Taliban’s most experienced military commanders, Fazl worked closely with a top al Qaeda commander named Abdul Hadi al Iraqi, who headed al Qaeda’s main fighting unit in Afghanistan prior to 9/11 and is currently detained at Guantanamo.

Mullah Norullah Noori (senior Taliban military commander): Like Fazl, Noori is “wanted by the United Nations (UN) for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiite Muslims.” Beginning in the mid-1990s, Noori “fought alongside al Qaeda as a Taliban military general, against the Northern alliance.” He continued to work closely with al Qaeda in the years that followed.

Abdul Haq Wasiq (Taliban deputy minister of intelligence): Wasiq arranged for al Qaeda members to provide crucial intelligence training prior to 9/11. The training was headed by Hamza Zubayr, an al Qaeda instructor who was killed during the same September 2002 raid that netted Ramzi Binalshibh, the point man for the 9/11 operation. Wasiq “was central to the Taliban’s efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups to fight alongside the Taliban against U.S. and Coalition forces after the 11 September 2001 attacks,” according to a leaked JTF-GTMO threat assessment.

Khairullah Khairkhwa (Taliban governor of the Herat province and former interior minister): Khairkhwa was the governor of Afghanistan’s westernmost province prior to 9/11. In that capacity, he executed sensitive missions for Mullah Omar, including helping to broker a secret deal with the Iranians. For much of the pre-9/11 period, Iran and the Taliban were bitter foes. But a Taliban delegation that included Kharikhwa helped secure Iran’s support for the Taliban’s efforts against the American-led coalition in late 2001. JTF-GTMO found that Khairkhwa was likely a major drug trafficker and deeply in bed with al Qaeda. He allegedly oversaw one of Osama bin Laden’s training facilities in Herat.

Mohammed Nabi (senior Taliban figure and security official): Nabi “was a senior Taliban official who served in multiple leadership roles.” Nabi “had strong operational ties to Anti-Coalition Militia (ACM) groups including al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Haqqani Network, and the Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG), some of whom remain active in ACM activities.” Intelligence cited in the JTF-GTMO files indicates that Nabi held weekly meetings with al Qaeda operatives to coordinate attacks against U.S.-led forces.



They are not Prisoners of War.

They are mostly illegal combatants or War Criminals.

Know what you do with War Criminals?

You're a douchebag

For every Nazi we executed, there were 10 we "rehabilitated" and became part of the "New Germany" we tried to build.

Here's the thing about these five guys.

We couldn't charge them because they had committed no crimes against Americans.

We couldn't hand them over to the Afghan Government we've been propping up for 13 years because they couldn't effectively prosecute them.

And we can't hand them off to an international tribunal (which is what was done with Nazi War criminals) because after illegal invasions, torture, rendition, wire-tapping and so on, Bush had pretty much exhausted every ounce of good will we garnered after 9/11.

This is way beyond partisan politics, you are a complete and utter scumbag piece of fucking shit.



Okay, guy, I really don't care what the Zionist Shills at the Weekly Standard have to say.

We've had custody of these guys since 2002. and we could not charge them with a crime nor find an international tribunal willing to prosecute them.

My guess, they'll probably stay in Qatar because the new leaders of the Taliban probably like their current jobs and aren't going to be too keen on giving them up.

And honestly, guy, get some help. I'm fucking serious. You sound like you have some serious problems.
Obama works for the Weekly Standard?

The five senior Taliban were freed and will likely continue their fight against American soldiers, killing more Americans as a result of this exchange. Obama admitted this possibility:

Obama Defends Deal To Release Bowe Bergdahl | Video - ABC News

At 2minutes 50seconds into the video you get this statement from Obama:

‘Is there a possibility of some of them trying to return to activities that are detrimental to us? Absolutely.' ’That’s been true of all the prisoners that were released from Guantanamo. There’s a certain recidivism rate that takes place.’

Will other American soldiers die because of Obama's decision to release these Taliban commanders? Sadly it is very probable.


That's a cute cartoon..but it's the wrong guy.

Let's go to the videotape!

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

Using a dead President as a defense for Obama. You really have no good argument do you.

That's a cute cartoon..but it's the wrong guy.

Let's go to the videotape!

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

Using a dead President as a defense for Obama. You really have no good argument do you.
Ooh, poor little senile Ronnie Reagan's divine reputation is at stake. Quick, Republican! Call Liberals "stupid" in an attempt to defend your Messiah aiding the Islamic Jihad.
Obama works for the Weekly Standard?

The five senior Taliban were freed and will likely continue their fight against American soldiers, killing more Americans as a result of this exchange. Obama admitted this possibility:

Obama Defends Deal To Release Bowe Bergdahl | Video - ABC News

At 2minutes 50seconds into the video you get this statement from Obama:

‘Is there a possibility of some of them trying to return to activities that are detrimental to us? Absolutely.' ’That’s been true of all the prisoners that were released from Guantanamo. There’s a certain recidivism rate that takes place.’

Will other American soldiers die because of Obama's decision to release these Taliban commanders? Sadly it is very probable.


And so what/ By the time these guys get back to Afghanistan, assuming that they aren't offed by their fellow Taliban in an internal power struggle, US troops will be the hell out of there, so who cares if they return to the fight or not?
To get more of their buddies out? Or will Obama just release them anyway?

I expect once we are out of Afghanistan we will release them anyway

That is what happens with POWs


They are not Prisoners of War.

They are mostly illegal combatants or War Criminals.

Know what you do with War Criminals?


You're a douchebag

From the crowd that railed against the parsing words we get what?

"They're NOT prisoners of war. They're detained illegal combatants."

Okay. But it reminds me of something. See what you think.

"It's NOT torture. It's enhanced interrogation techniques."

See what I mean?
If we would have negiotated more in the pasf instead of fighting, we probably wouldn't have this problem.
Obama works for the Weekly Standard?

The five senior Taliban were freed and will likely continue their fight against American soldiers, killing more Americans as a result of this exchange. Obama admitted this possibility:

Obama Defends Deal To Release Bowe Bergdahl | Video - ABC News

At 2minutes 50seconds into the video you get this statement from Obama:

‘Is there a possibility of some of them trying to return to activities that are detrimental to us? Absolutely.' ’That’s been true of all the prisoners that were released from Guantanamo. There’s a certain recidivism rate that takes place.’

Will other American soldiers die because of Obama's decision to release these Taliban commanders? Sadly it is very probable.


And so what/ By the time these guys get back to Afghanistan, assuming that they aren't offed by their fellow Taliban in an internal power struggle, US troops will be the hell out of there, so who cares if they return to the fight or not?

Maybe because 2 of these men were wanted for the mass murder of thousands of Muslims by the United Nations.

Freed Taliban in Midst of Luxury in Qatar | Video - ABC News
From the link:

A Taliban commander close to the negotiations over the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl told TIME Thursday that the deal made to secure Bergdahl’s release has made it more appealing for fighters to capture American soldiers and other high-value targets.

They could do that

But with the US finally leaving Afghanistan after 13 years, why would they?

Why give the US an excuse to stay longer?

US doesn't need an excuse to stay. Pakistan's nuclear warheads are why the troops need to stay. That + al Qaeda's bomb-making schools.
oh brother, Paki nukes ... like our troops could make a big difference if Pakistan decided to nuke somebody .. I'm sure the Paki government would make the US aware of a strike prior to a strike if there ever was a chance of a strike ...
or you could be like Bush and hire the terrorist to kill for you, even the ones that have killed American soldiers...

You mean like the Great....the One....the Only....the Alpha and Omega.....the Great Eater of Jelly Belly's....the Wonder of Napping World....The Wonderful Ronnie God Reagain...It was arms for hostages asshole.

Who knew Reagan is still President!
CaféAuLait;9225891 said:
Obama works for the Weekly Standard?

The five senior Taliban were freed and will likely continue their fight against American soldiers, killing more Americans as a result of this exchange. Obama admitted this possibility:

Obama Defends Deal To Release Bowe Bergdahl | Video - ABC News

At 2minutes 50seconds into the video you get this statement from Obama:

‘Is there a possibility of some of them trying to return to activities that are detrimental to us? Absolutely.' ’That’s been true of all the prisoners that were released from Guantanamo. There’s a certain recidivism rate that takes place.’

Will other American soldiers die because of Obama's decision to release these Taliban commanders? Sadly it is very probable.


And so what/ By the time these guys get back to Afghanistan, assuming that they aren't offed by their fellow Taliban in an internal power struggle, US troops will be the hell out of there, so who cares if they return to the fight or not?

Maybe because 2 of these men were wanted for the mass murder of thousands of Muslims by the United Nations.

Then the UN should make an application for their extradition to the Hague for a war trial.

Which apparently was never done.

Get real, the Taliban are talking about attempts to kidnap members of an invading force.
America does this to innocent civilians.

This guy's name was similar to a wanted man so the fucking CIA kidnapped him, took him to Afghanistan and tortured the poor sod.
They finally realised they'd fucked up and let him go.

I have to be honest and state, I believe the troops deserve whatever they get.
You invaded, you break international law, live with the results when someone returns the favour.

This is an extremist (by his own definition) MUSLIM talking. Note the LUNACY.
oh brother, Paki nukes ... like our troops could make a big difference if Pakistan decided to nuke somebody .. I'm sure the Paki government would make the US aware of a strike prior to a strike if there ever was a chance of a strike ...

Our troops would be THE big difference, if the Paki govt was toppled and the crazies gained possession of the nukes. That's the primary reason why they're in Afghanistan all these years, and why they need to stay there, and why Obama is leaving 9800 troops indefinitely. To be in close enough proximity to go into Pakistan, and get those nukes before the nutjobs could put them to use. The links will fill you in.

George Clooney on Obama and Pakistan -

WikiLeaks cables highlight Pakistani nuclear terror threat | World news | The Guardian

'Pakistan nuclear weapons' threat under estimated' |

PS - If I were president, we wouldn't just have troops near the Pakistan border, ready to go into Pakistan. They would have already gone in there, secured all those nukes, and brought them back to the US, or some other place where they could be secure from the Islamic loonies.
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