Anger Over Freddie Gray Decision.Yet, No Feelings Of Sadness,Misery Over Murdered Chicago Children.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:boohoo: :blahblah: :crybaby: So today on various cable news outlets we all watched how fair minded people and heartless liberals express their opinions on the decision today to set the cop free {who obviously didn't wrestle Freddie to the ground and beat the bajesus out of him}.
But what about all of those children who were hit and killed by stray bullets in Chicago?
Right? all we get from Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton, etc,,etc,,,is
Crickets..... :eusa_silenced: :eusa_eh: :eusa_think: :eusa_whistle:
and remember the little girl who was shot doing her homework? the shooter was never found and no one is complaining.
Don't riot over this or ya liable to end up inna back of a police van...

Another cop acquitted in death of Baltimore black man
Tuesday 19th July, 2016: The most senior Baltimore police officer to face trial for the death of Freddie Gray was acquitted of all charges Monday (Jul 18), in a case that sparked riots and fueled a national debate over police treatment of black Americans.
Local media reported the verdict handed down by a judge in the case of Brian Rice, 42, the fourth of six Baltimore police officers to go on trial for Gray's death. The first three trials ended in two other acquittals and one hung jury, raising questions of whether anyone will ever be punished for Gray's death, which police say was an accident.

Gray, 25, was arrested on April 12, 2015 after fleeing at the sight of police, and suffered a broken spine while being transported in the back of a Baltimore police van, unsecured and with his hands and feet bound. He died a week later. Rice was tried on charges of involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault, misconduct in office and reckless endangerment.

Two other police officers have yet to be tried in Gray's death. Of the six officers charged in the racially charged case, three are white and three are black. The trial was held with the United States roiling over more recent deaths of black men at the hands of police, as well as apparent reprisal killings of police, including the fatal shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Sunday of three police officers.

That shooting, by a black former Marine who had served in Iraq, took place in a city scarred by racial tensions and protests after the July 5 death of Alton Sterling, a black man shot at point-blank range by two white Baton Rouge police officers.

Another cop acquitted in death of Baltimore black man
Kids,young men,black men killing and being killed by each other....
No on on the left seems to give a crap....

But if a white cop kills a black man ....
Holy friggin crap...
Then the BLM raises holy hell....
Then a black life seems to have some value....

What utter bullshit....

Where the fuck is Obama and Obama's butt buddy Rahm Emanuel
on what's going on in Chicago...

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