
William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
So Romney is in trouble for noting that we have an Anglo-Saxon heritage.

They called it "racist."

But isn't that true? We do have an Ango-Saxon heritage.

We constantly hear from the left that we're to "respect black heritage", "respect Hispanic heritage," blah blah.

But not Anglo-Saxon?
See: Manifest destiny, also I thought it was a spokesman who said that crap?
So Romney is in trouble for noting that we have an Anglo-Saxon heritage.

They called it "racist."

But isn't that true? We do have an Ango-Saxon heritage.

We constantly hear from the left that we're to "respect black heritage", "respect Hispanic heritage," blah blah.

But not Anglo-Saxon?

The Fact is the overwhelming Majority of the Earliest Immigrants to the US were Anglo Saxon, who were then followed by People from all over the Rest of Europe and the world.

Not 30 days ago I watched the PM of Great Britian talking about the US/UK relationship and noting it was rooted in our "common Anglo/Saxon Heritage" He was not attacked for saying it. Because it's true, it's been said for 200 years. Yes many Other Peoples have come here since, but in the Beginning it clearly was Anglo/Saxons.

and you are 100% correct, according to the Liberals and the PC police it is perfectly ok to Celebrate any other Heritage, other than Whites. Do that, and you are a racist.

Now that said, the Romney rep that said this, should have known better. They had to know if they said it, with out pointing out the US was not only Anglo/saxon they would take heat for it.

More evidence that the Romney campaign well, sucks at campaigning. Looks like he is going to hand the Election to Obama just like McCain did.

who knows, God knows I hope I am wrong.
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French, German, Iranian, Iraqi, Japanese, Kurds, Nordic, Portuguese, and on & on. Yes, we have a great heritage.
The United States' legal system is firmly rooted in English Common Law, a legal framework drafted by Alfred the Great, the Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex. America hosts a variety of cultures, but it was founded primarily by men and women from the British Isles. The templates it bases its society on were cast by the Saxons. To say otherwise would be akin to claiming the sky isn't blue.
The United States' legal system is firmly rooted in English Common Law, a legal framework drafted by Alfred the Great, the Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex. America hosts a variety of cultures, but it was founded primarily by men and women from the British Isles. The templates it bases its society on were cast by the Saxons. To say otherwise would be akin to claiming the sky isn't blue.


Lousiana has some remenants of the Napoleonic code, but it's pretty much all Christian Anglo-Saxon law that is the foundation, and a great foundation it is!
Oh lookie, another "imma poor white who's oppressed by minorities" thread.

And you know what their major key complaint is??

They can't say ****** in public and black people have said mean things...oh the humanity! How can you go On in life?
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Oh lookie, another "imma poor white who's oppressed by minorities" thread.

And you know what their major key complaint is??

They can't say ****** in public and black people have said mean things...oh the humanity! How can you go in in life?

Well I can say ****** on this board, and so does a lily white, pure as the driven snow liberal like yourself.
But you dont even know what an anglo-saxon is, so go toke one up and play drop the soap with your "partner"
French, German, Iranian, Iraqi, Japanese, Kurds, Nordic, Portuguese, and on & on. Yes, we have a great heritage.

I'm not sure if you meant to exclude the crappiest peoples, or if it's just an oversight.

"Great heritage", by definition, would only include the best, not everyone.
French, German, Iranian, Iraqi, Japanese, Kurds, Nordic, Portuguese, and on & on. Yes, we have a great heritage.

And all of the peoples you've mentioned whose descendants live in the United States today speak English and adhere to English Common Law. Furthermore, the descendants of those poeples who live in Britain's former colonies of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa all speak English and adhere to English Common Law. That union is known as the Anglosphere.
You're wrong.........

Romney doesn't suck nearly as bad at campaigning than the O has exhibited this time around.

This Anglo-Saxon 10 minute sound bite will be a distant memory tomorrow while the melodious sound of "you didn't build that" continues to bounce around and around.

You are also quite right concerning the origins of our country. Speaking the truth always plays better than sniping comments about alleged violations of political correctness.

Keep the faith, Charlie :)
We constantly hear from the left that we're to "respect black heritage", "respect Hispanic heritage," blah blah.

We should be hearing that from the right as well.

That we don’t is telling, unsurprising, but telling.

But not Anglo-Saxon?

An incorrect inference on your part, a consequence of your fear and ignorance.

And after several posts where I've agreed with you, you fall for the 'selective quoting' tactic once more, and show your true racial bias against white folks.

Fuck Clayton, just when you were earning a modicum of credibility, too...
So Romney is in trouble for noting that we have an Anglo-Saxon heritage.

They called it "racist."

But isn't that true? We do have an Ango-Saxon heritage.

We constantly hear from the left that we're to "respect black heritage", "respect Hispanic heritage," blah blah.

But not Anglo-Saxon?

Celtic too...and Vandal...and Slav...
Someone in Romney's campampaign said they understood it better than Obama. Stupid AND racist. Plus, Obama is half anglo saxon stock...

Overrated anyway.

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