Ann Romney: Mitt Is 'Done' With Running For President


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Perhaps now we can finally put Mittmentum to rest. According to his wife, Mitt Romney is "done" with running for president.

"Completely. Not only Mitt and I are done, but the kids are done," Ann Romney toldthe Los Angeles Times in an interview published Monday. "Done. Done. Done."

The former governor of Massachusetts himself has stoked speculation with less-than Shermanesque answers to the million-dollar question such as "circumstances can change" and "we'll see what happens."

More: Ann Romney: Mitt Is 'Done' With Running For President

Well, will he or won't he? Queen Ann says no. Mitt says...?
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Guess she doesn't want him to be a three time loser.


I was looking forward to seeing him crammed into the Clown Car.
Has there been ANY viable and honet criticism of Romney yet?

The Mormon stuff = Pfft.

The heartless rich guy stuff = Pfft.

The idea he hates black people = Pfft.

That he would send our jobs overseas. = Pfft.

That he's a flip-flopper = Pfft.

Is ALL of the criticism of Mitt Romney untruthful and unwarranted?

I think it has been and it is no more true today than it ever was.

All lies by the Obama crew.
Has there been ANY viable and honet criticism of Romney yet?

The Mormon stuff = Pfft.

The heartless rich guy stuff = Pfft.

The idea he hates black people = Pfft.

That he would send our jobs overseas. = Pfft.

That he's a flip-flopper = Pfft.

Is ALL of the criticism of Mitt Romney untruthful and unwarranted?

I think it has been and it is no more true today than it ever was.

All lies by the Obama crew.

Not all. He did sign Massachusetts' bills for ultra-strict gun laws and Romneycare, which was the model for Obamacare.
I'm willing to bet that when in 2016 a Republican is elected President, Mitt will be nominated for a high cabinet position.
Romney has been saying he wasn't running again for almost a year now.

And in breaking news the ice age is over
Has there been ANY viable and honet criticism of Romney yet?

The Mormon stuff = Pfft.

The heartless rich guy stuff = Pfft.

The idea he hates black people = Pfft.

That he would send our jobs overseas. = Pfft.

That he's a flip-flopper = Pfft.

Is ALL of the criticism of Mitt Romney untruthful and unwarranted?

I think it has been and it is no more true today than it ever was.

All lies by the Obama crew.

Not all. He did sign Massachusetts' bills for ultra-strict gun laws and Romneycare, which was the model for Obamacare.

In response to your post, if I present his case to you earnestly and as straightforwardly as I can would you give it a good and fair hearing?
Republicans tried so hard not to make him the nominee in 2008 and 2012. It was anybody but Romney. After he lost in 2012 many Republicans accused him of being a RINO. The Democratic party did nearly half the damage to Romney's image that the Republican party has. He is damaged goods.
Republicans tried so hard not to make him the nominee in 2008 and 2012. It was anybody but Romney. After he lost in 2012 many Republicans accused him of being a RINO. The Democratic party did nearly half the damage to Romney's image that the Republican party has. He is damaged goods.

Sad state of affairs that the best man in America to fix the 6 years of the lying "Kenyan's" damage done to this country also happens to be considered damaged goods by you.
This may be one of, if not the biggest, skeletons in Mitt's closet:

Something like this:

Wealthy U.S. taxpayers, concerned about an Internal Revenue Service crackdown on the use of secret overseas bank accounts as tax havens, are rushing to meet a Thursday deadline to disclose those accounts or face possible criminal prosecution. The concern was triggered this summer when Switzerland's largest bank, caught up in an international tax evasion dispute, said it would disclose the names of more than 4,000 of its U.S. account holders.​

The decision shattered a long-held belief that Swiss banks would guard the identities of its American customers as carefully as they did their money, and it raised concern that other international tax havens might be next. Under an amnesty program, the IRS is allowing taxpayers to avoid prosecution for having failed to report their overseas accounts. As a result, tax attorneys across the nation have been besieged by wealthy clients who are lining up to apply even though they will still face big financial penalties.
More: Romney's tax returns: Is the 2009 Swiss bank account amnesty what he doesn't want us to see?

So, did Mitt take the 2009 IRS amnesty for tax cheaters?
Republicans tried so hard not to make him the nominee in 2008 and 2012. It was anybody but Romney. After he lost in 2012 many Republicans accused him of being a RINO. The Democratic party did nearly half the damage to Romney's image that the Republican party has. He is damaged goods.

Sad state of affairs that the best man in America to fix the 6 years of the lying "Kenyan's" damage done to this country also happens to be considered damaged goods by you.

Take a poll of your fellow Republicans here, and see how they feel about Mitt Romney. I'd bet a majority of them still don't like him. They never did. They did everything they could to nominate anybody but Romney during the primaries. If anybody is to blame for his loss in 2012 it's the Republican voters.
What we could have had. A president that actually has plans and knows what he is doing, An economy booming, women getting jobs, blacks getting jobs, anyone getting jobs. I don't blame people for wanting him to run again. Life could have been so much better than it is today. We passed on a very good president for a complete failure.
It's pretty much understood in the Mormon community that Ann's health is not the greatest
Based on that Mitt will not run.

It's really to bad Lakota has such a dim view of Mitt when he belongs to a religion that has such high regard of those Book Of Mormon descent

Perhaps now we can finally put Mittmentum to rest. According to his wife, Mitt Romney is "done" with running for president.

"Completely. Not only Mitt and I are done, but the kids are done," Ann Romney toldthe Los Angeles Times in an interview published Monday. "Done. Done. Done."

The former governor of Massachusetts himself has stoked speculation with less-than Shermanesque answers to the million-dollar question such as "circumstances can change" and "we'll see what happens."

More: Ann Romney: Mitt Is 'Done' With Running For President

Well, will he or won't he? Queen Ann says no. Mitt says...?

When, if ever, will you be done lying?

As for Mitt, who cares, of course he's done, because the party is done with him, what choice does he have?

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