Ann Romney: Mitt Is 'Done' With Running For President

Not all. He did sign Massachusetts' bills for ultra-strict gun laws and Romneycare, which was the model for Obamacare.

In response to your post, if I present his case to you earnestly and as straightforwardly as I can would you give it a good and fair hearing?

His reasoning for signing those bills? You can try, but since I am a Second Amendment absolutist and think Obamacare sucks, you'll just have to accept that I'll need to be swayed.
The only good thing about a Romney presidency would have been a loyal opposition that wouldn't be mindless bs total obstruction. But then we'd have ANOTHER deregulated, corrupt bubble and bust. GOP- always a disgrace since Reagan at least...
Please, Ann, let Mitt run again! America needs him!

The problems that America has with this good and decent successful American businessman with solid American values must be really significant.

If America can't recognize that Mitt IS THE ONLY man on Earth with the talent, the wisdom, the education, the experience, the successful track record (of making himself a success and "winning" as a result of the use of his own talents and education and efforts along American lines) and with a love of God and the demonstrated moral courage so close to our unchallenged ideal, then we don't deserve him.
The only good thing about a Romney presidency would have been a loyal opposition that wouldn't be mindless bs total obstruction. But then we'd have ANOTHER deregulated, corrupt bubble and bust. GOP- always a disgrace since Reagan at least...

With a world class superstar businessman and financial whiz?

Don't make me laugh.

How do you say idiot in your lingo?

Answer: francoHFW
Not all. He did sign Massachusetts' bills for ultra-strict gun laws and Romneycare, which was the model for Obamacare.

In response to your post, if I present his case to you earnestly and as straightforwardly as I can would you give it a good and fair hearing?

His reasoning for signing those bills? You can try, but since I am a Second Amendment absolutist and think Obamacare sucks, you'll just have to accept that I'll need to be swayed.

No offense, brother, but that kind of thinking helped create the Obama presidency.

When did we come to expect our elected officials to act as if they are our bosses?

He was ELECTED by the people of Massachusetts.

Not appointed or anointed.

He wasn't looking at his responsibility of governing the people of his largely Liberal state as a seat of power where he could inflict his own personal political vision on his bosses with impunity...a la Obama!

Isn't HIS kind of integrity what we always SAY we wish there was more of?

So, now, when we had a chance to actually enjoy that type of leadership we choose the fucking liar...twice.
Republicans tried so hard not to make him the nominee in 2008 and 2012. It was anybody but Romney. After he lost in 2012 many Republicans accused him of being a RINO. The Democratic party did nearly half the damage to Romney's image that the Republican party has. He is damaged goods.

Sad state of affairs that the best man in America to fix the 6 years of the lying "Kenyan's" damage done to this country also happens to be considered damaged goods by you.

Take a poll of your fellow Republicans here, and see how they feel about Mitt Romney. I'd bet a majority of them still don't like him. They never did. They did everything they could to nominate anybody but Romney during the primaries. If anybody is to blame for his loss in 2012 it's the Republican voters.

Well, I'm a semi-conservative and voted for Mitt and would gladly vote for him again.
What we could have had. A president that actually has plans and knows what he is doing, An economy booming, women getting jobs, blacks getting jobs, anyone getting jobs. I don't blame people for wanting him to run again. Life could have been so much better than it is today. We passed on a very good president for a complete failure.

What we could have had. A president that actually has plans and knows what he is doing, An economy booming, women getting jobs, blacks getting jobs, anyone getting jobs. I don't blame people for wanting him to run again. Life could have been so much better than it is today. We passed on a very good president for a complete failure.

It's like if your child had SicklemonoebolAIdscardio disease.

And half the country thought the man who could cure your child was no good for the job. They demonized and laffed at and lied about him and and subjected him to terrible treatment.

When all he wanted to do was improve things for everyone.

So this one man, who was the world's leading expert at curing the SicklemonoebolAIdscardio disease was not hired to fix your loved one or cure him.

But half the country wanted someone who may have lied about his credentials, has done little to justify the faith placed in him.

And your child is dying.

And Mitt Romney is the only one who can save him.

And assholes are telling lies and spreading vicious shit about him.

And it looks like he will never practice his skill again.

And now you are left with the Plan B's and C's and so on.


And if this is still unclear to some of you, the loved one or the beloved child was a surrogate for the United States of America.

And we could have had the best expert in the world to save our beloved country.

But noooo!
The only good thing about a Romney presidency would have been a loyal opposition that wouldn't be mindless bs total obstruction. But then we'd have ANOTHER deregulated, corrupt bubble and bust. GOP- always a disgrace since Reagan at least...

been to the grocery store lately.... It would appear eboma has deregulated food despite record food production; except for california which tries to grow food without water to save a fish.
The only good thing about a Romney presidency would have been a loyal opposition that wouldn't be mindless bs total obstruction. But then we'd have ANOTHER deregulated, corrupt bubble and bust. GOP- always a disgrace since Reagan at least...

to my conservative friends: target rich environment in this post
The only good thing about a Romney presidency would have been a loyal opposition that wouldn't be mindless bs total obstruction. But then we'd have ANOTHER deregulated, corrupt bubble and bust. GOP- always a disgrace since Reagan at least...

been to the grocery store lately.... It would appear eboma has deregulated food despite record food production; except for california which tries to grow food without water to save a fish.





It fits.
Were Romney to run again he'd lose again. Americans would, once more, vote for the LESSER of liberals and go for Hillary or Fauxahontas to slow the leftward train wreck.

Hmmm. Of course I understand the strategy, but in our "If one is good, two must be better" societal mindset there is a tendency to go overboard the other way when we are merely trying to find the right way.

And so, like tuning a radio, we go too far to the left and then we tune too far to the Right until we finally zero in on the exact right one tha we all want.

Well, that is what we COULD have had in 2012.

Not the over reaction to the excesses of the left but the right one.

Not too hot.

Not too cold.

Just Right.

Mitt is who we need.

Who we should have hired to do the job of POTUS-ing this huge organization called the federal government.

And when you look at the resumes of all the contenders, who actually has a history of success in turning around huge organizations and making them run properly?

If we were hiring someone to do the job and needed to create a job description, much of it could be describing what Mitt has already DONE and achieved outstanding results.

If you hire a company to build your house and you could get the company with the most professional and courteous crews and the most experience and the best references and the most accolades in the industry or would you hire the company that was LESS?

And they would both be willing to work for the exact same salary and compensation.

What in the fuck has Romney done to piss so many people off that they would be opposed to his fixing the country they say they love???

I don't get it.

EDIT: Its called, "Cutting off ones own nose to spite ones own face."

Or something shorter and to that effect.
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Were Romney to run again he'd lose again. Americans would, once more, vote for the LESSER of liberals and go for Hillary or Fauxahontas to slow the leftward train wreck.

Hmmm. Of course I understand the strategy, but in our "If one is good, two must be better" societal mindset there is a tendency to go overboard the other way when we are merely trying to find the right way.

And so, like tuning a radio, we go too far to the left and then we tune too far to the Right until we finally zero in on the exact right one tha we all want.

Well, that is what we COULD have had in 2012.

Not the over reaction to the excesses of the left but the right one.

Not too hot.

Not too cold.

Just Right.

Mitt is who we need.

Who we should have hired to do the job of POTUS-ing this huge organization called the federal government.

And when you look at the resumes of all the contenders, who actually has a history of success in turning around huge organizations and making them run properly?

If we were hiring someone to do the job and needed to create a job description, much of it could be describing what Mitt has already DONE and achieved outstanding results.

If you hire a company to build your house and you could get the company with the most professional and courteous crews and the most experience and the best references and the most accolades in the industry or would you hire the company that was LESS?

And they would both be willing to work for the exact same salary and compensation.

What in the fuck has Romney done to piss so many people off that they would be opposed to his fixing the country they say they love???

I don't get it.

He's a Republican and that's bad enough for some, and being a Mormon hurt him with the Christians, don't ask me why but it did.

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