Ann Romney: Mitt Is 'Done' With Running For President

Awww comon Ann, let him run again. Who are they going to get that's this damn funny?
Were Romney to run again he'd lose again. Americans would, once more, vote for the LESSER of liberals and go for Hillary or Fauxahontas to slow the leftward train wreck.

Hmmm. Of course I understand the strategy, but in our "If one is good, two must be better" societal mindset there is a tendency to go overboard the other way when we are merely trying to find the right way.

And so, like tuning a radio, we go too far to the left and then we tune too far to the Right until we finally zero in on the exact right one tha we all want.

Well, that is what we COULD have had in 2012.

Not the over reaction to the excesses of the left but the right one.

Not too hot.

Not too cold.

Just Right.

Mitt is who we need.

Who we should have hired to do the job of POTUS-ing this huge organization called the federal government.

And when you look at the resumes of all the contenders, who actually has a history of success in turning around huge organizations and making them run properly?

If we were hiring someone to do the job and needed to create a job description, much of it could be describing what Mitt has already DONE and achieved outstanding results.

If you hire a company to build your house and you could get the company with the most professional and courteous crews and the most experience and the best references and the most accolades in the industry or would you hire the company that was LESS?

And they would both be willing to work for the exact same salary and compensation.

What in the fuck has Romney done to piss so many people off that they would be opposed to his fixing the country they say they love???

I don't get it.

He's a Republican and that's bad enough for some, and being a Mormon hurt him with the Christians, don't ask me why but it did.

Too many Americans know too little about the two.

Muslims and Mormons.

They think Mormons are worse and more of a threat than they really are.

And I believe most Americans perceive Muslims to be LESS of a threat than they really are.
Awww comon Ann, let him run again. Who are they going to get that's this damn funny?

How about over the hill, low information voters and racist trailer trash who still think Debbie Harry is cool. And those on the Looney Left who suck eboma's ass?

That's pretty funny.

I read at least a dozen pieces today say the GOP "establishment" to trying to talk him into running again.

I hope he doesn't.

Perhaps now we can finally put Mittmentum to rest. According to his wife, Mitt Romney is "done" with running for president.

"Completely. Not only Mitt and I are done, but the kids are done," Ann Romney toldthe Los Angeles Times in an interview published Monday. "Done. Done. Done."

The former governor of Massachusetts himself has stoked speculation with less-than Shermanesque answers to the million-dollar question such as "circumstances can change" and "we'll see what happens."

More: Ann Romney: Mitt Is 'Done' With Running For President

Well, will he or won't he? Queen Ann says no. Mitt says...?
As if she has any say in that all male all the time Mormon household. I never did like her, she's such a doormat.

Perhaps now we can finally put Mittmentum to rest. According to his wife, Mitt Romney is "done" with running for president.

"Completely. Not only Mitt and I are done, but the kids are done," Ann Romney toldthe Los Angeles Times in an interview published Monday. "Done. Done. Done."

The former governor of Massachusetts himself has stoked speculation with less-than Shermanesque answers to the million-dollar question such as "circumstances can change" and "we'll see what happens."

More: Ann Romney: Mitt Is 'Done' With Running For President

Well, will he or won't he? Queen Ann says no. Mitt says...?
As if she has any say in that all male all the time Mormon household. I never did like her, she's such a doormat.

You clearly have absolutely not idea of the formation of a Mormon family or the role women play in it. When it comes to matters of home and family, the ladies rule!

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